"fr_FR","en_US"=>"en_US"); // Create or update a locale.php file if it is outdated. update_locale(); if (!(isset($lang))) { // Use the browser first preferred language $lang=strtolower(substr(trim($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]),0,5)); } if (!$locales[$lang]) { // Requested language not found in locales // treat special cases such as en_AU or fr_BF : use the language only, not the country. $ll=substr($lang,0,2); foreach($locales as $l) { if (substr($l,0,2)==$ll) { $lang=$l; break; } } } if (!isset($locales[$lang])) $lang=$locales[0]; if (isset($setlang) && isset($lang)) { setcookie("lang",$lang); } // User chose a non existent language, select the first available one if ($lang == NULL) { $lang = "en_US"; } /* Language ok, set the locale environment */ putenv("LC_MESSAGES=".$lang); putenv("LANG=".$lang); putenv("LANGUAGE=".$lang); // this locale MUST be selected in "dpkg-reconfigure locales" setlocale(LC_ALL,$lang); textdomain("alternc"); ?>