"SET NAMES UTF8;") ); // Current User ID = the user whose commands are made on behalf of. $cuid=0; $classes=array(); /* CLASSES PHP : automatic include : */ $c=opendir($root."class/"); while ($di=readdir($c)) { if (preg_match("#^m_(.*)\\.php$#",$di,$match)) { // $ $name1="m_".$match[1]; $name2=$match[1]; $classes[]=$name2; require_once($root."class/".$name1.".php"); } } closedir($c); /* THE DEFAULT CLASSES ARE : dom, ftp, mail, quota, bro, admin, mem, mysql, err */ /* Language */ //include_once("../../class/lang_env.php"); // Adaptation to BOTH version of the variables managed by AlternC 1/3/4 if (is_file($root."/class/variables.php")) { require_once($root."/class/variables.php"); } else { $variables=new m_variables(); } $mem=new m_mem(); $err=new m_err(); $authip=new m_authip(); $hooks=new m_hooks(); for($i=0;$i