#!/usr/bin/php -q $row['mid'], 'log_files'=>array( $row['folder'].'/'.$row['hostname'].$LOGS_SUFIX =>'' ) ); //A log line with host.test.com should go to the test.com's log file too, if the member want logs for host.test.com and test.com. $parent_host = $row['hostname']; while ($pos = strpos($parent_host, '.')) { $parent_host = substr($parent_host, $pos+1); if (!isset($hosts[$parent_host])) { continue; } //link the parent-hostnames's log-files in this host $parent_log_files = array_keys($hosts[$parent_host]['log_files']); foreach($parent_log_files as $parent_log_file) { $hosts[$row['hostname']]['log_files'][$parent_log_file] = &$hosts[$parent_host]['log_files'][$parent_log_file]; } break; } } //Open apache log file //Open apache log file if (!$apache_log_file = @fopen($APACHE_LOG, 'r')) { if (!$apache_log_file = @fopen($APACHE2_LOG, 'r')) { return 1; } } //Parsing log file while ($line = fgets($apache_log_file)) { //Get the hostname in this log line //assume that hostname is at end of line and separated with a space $host = substr($line, strrpos($line, ' ')+1, -1); if (is_null($hosts[$host])) { unset($hosts[$host]); $nolog_hosts[$host]=''; continue; } if (isset($nolog_hosts[$host])) { continue; } //If hostname is not listed in hostnames to log, link it to a listed parent if exists. //Processed only one time by not listed hostname if (!isset($hosts[$host])) { $parent_host = $host; while ($pos = strpos($parent_host, '.')) { $parent_host = substr($parent_host, $pos+1); if (isset($nolog_hosts[$parent_host])) { $pos = false; break; } if (is_null($hosts[$parent_host])) { unset($hosts[$parent_host]); $nolog_hosts[$parent_host]=''; $pos = false; break; } if (isset($hosts[$parent_host])) { //link this host to the parent hostname $hosts[$host] = &$hosts[$parent_host]; break; } } if ($pos === false) { //We will not have to search again for this host $nolog_hosts[$host]=''; continue; } } $log_files = array_keys($hosts[$host]['log_files']); if (count($log_files) < 1) { $hosts[$host] = null; unset($hosts[$host]); $nolog_hosts[$host]=''; continue; } foreach($log_files as $log_file) { if (is_null($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file])) { // has been set to null throught a reference for a future unset unset($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file]); continue; } //file isn't opened yet if (!is_resource($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file])) { //Log file doesn't exists, we create an empty one with good owner and perms if (!file_exists($log_file)) { if (!touch($log_file)) { $hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file] = null; unset($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file]); continue; } if (!chgrp($log_file, (int)$hosts[$host]['mid'])) { unlink($log_file); $hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file] = null; unset($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file]); continue; } if (!chown($log_file, (int)$FILES_OWNER)) { unlink($log_file); $hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file] = null; unset($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file]); continue; } } //Open the log file if (!$hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file] = fopen($log_file, 'a')) { $hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file] = null; unset($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file]); continue; } } //Write the log line if (!fwrite($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file], $line)) { fclose($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file]); $hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file] = null; unset($hosts[$host]['log_files'][$log_file]); } } } //Close all opened files $hostnames = array_keys($hosts); while ($host = array_pop($hostnames)) { if (is_null($hosts[$hostname]['log_files'])) { unset($hosts[$hostname]['log_files'][$log_file]); continue; } $log_files = array_keys($hosts[$hostname]['log_files']); while ($log_file = array_pop($log_files)) { if (is_null($hosts[$hostname]['log_files'][$log_file])) { unset($hosts[$hostname]['log_files'][$log_file]); continue; } if (is_resource($hosts[$hostname]['log_files'][$log_file])) { fclose($hosts[$hostname]['log_files'][$log_file]); $hosts[$hostname]['log_files'][$log_file] = null; unset($hosts[$hostname]['log_files'][$log_file]); } } $hosts[$hostname] = null; unset($hosts[$hostname]); } fclose($apache_log_file); return 0; ?>