<?php /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AlternC - Web Hosting System Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by the AlternC Development Team. https://alternc.org/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of file: Manage user quota ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Class for hosting quotas management * * This class manages services' quotas for each user of AlternC. * The available quotas for each service is stored in the system.quotas * mysql table. The used value is computed by the class using a * callback function <code>alternc_quota_check($uid)</code> that * may by exported by each service class.<br> * each class may also export a function <code>alternc_quota_names()</code> * that returns an array with the quotas names managed by this class. * */ class m_quota { var $disk = Array(); /* disk resource for which we will manage quotas */ var $disk_quota_enable; var $quotas; var $clquota; // Which class manage which quota. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Constructor */ function m_quota() { $this->disk_quota_enable = variable_get('disk_quota_enable', 1, 'Are disk quota enabled for this server', array('desc' => 'Enabled', 'type' => 'boolean')); if ($this->disk_quota_enable) { $this->disk = Array("web" => "web"); } } private function dummy_for_translation() { _("quota_web"); } function hook_menu() { $obj = array( 'title' => _("Show my quotas"), 'ico' => 'images/quota.png', 'link' => 'toggle', 'pos' => 110, 'divclass' => 'menu-quota', 'links' => array(), ); $q = $this->getquota(); foreach ($q as $key=>$value) if (($key=="web")||(isset($value['in_menu'])&&$value['in_menu'])) { if (!isset($q[$key]["u"]) || empty($q[$key]["t"])) { continue; } $usage_percent = (int) ($q[$key]["u"] / $q[$key]["t"] * 100); $obj['links'][] = array('txt' => _("quota_" . $key) . " " . sprintf(_("%s%% of %s"), $usage_percent, format_size($q[$key]["t"] * 1024)), 'url' => 'quota_show.php'); $obj['links'][] = array('txt' => 'progressbar', 'total' => $q[$key]["t"], 'used' => $q[$key]["u"]); } // do not return menu item if there is no quota if (!count($obj['links'])) return false; return $obj; } function hook_homepageblock() { return (object)Array( 'pos' => 20, 'call'=> function() { define("QUOTASONE","1"); }, 'include' => "quotas_oneuser.php" ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Check if a user can use a ressource. * @param string $ressource the ressource name (a named quota) * @Return TRUE if the user can create a ressource (= is there any quota left ?) * @return boolean */ function cancreate($ressource = "") { $t = $this->getquota($ressource); return $t["u"] < $t["t"]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** List the quota-managed services in the server * @Return array the quota names and description (translated) */ function qlist() { $qlist = array(); reset($this->disk); while (list($key, $val) = each($this->disk)) { $qlist[$key] = _("quota_" . $key); // those are specific disks quotas. } foreach ($this->getquota() as $qq) { if (isset($qq['name'])) { $qlist[$qq['name']] = $qq['description']; } } return $qlist; } /** * Synchronise the quotas of the users with the quota of the * user's profile. * If the user have a greater quota than the profile, no change. * If the quota entry doesn't exist for the user, create it with * the defaults value. */ function synchronise_user_profile() { global $db, $err; $err->log("quota", "synchronise_user_profile"); $q = "insert into quotas select m.uid as uid, d.quota as name, d.value as total from membres m, defquotas d left join quotas q on q.name=d.quota where m.type=d.type ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE total = greatest(d.value, quotas.total);"; if (!$db->query($q)) { return false; } return true; } /* * Create default quota in the profile * when a new quota appear * */ function create_missing_quota_profile() { global $db, $quota, $err; $err->log("quota", "create_missing_quota_profile"); $qt = $quota->getquota('', true); $type = $quota->listtype(); foreach ($type as $t) { foreach ($qt as $q => $vv) { $db->query("INSERT IGNORE defquotas (value,quota,type) VALUES (0, ?, ?);", array($q, $t)); } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Return a ressource usage (u) and total quota (t) * @param string $ressource ressource to get quota of * @Return array the quota used and total for this ressource (or for all ressource if unspecified) */ function getquota($ressource = "", $recheck = false) { global $db, $err, $cuid, $get_quota_cache, $hooks, $mem; $err->log("quota", "getquota", $ressource); if ($recheck) { // rebuilding quota $get_quota_cache = null; $this->quotas = array(); } if (!empty($get_quota_cache[$cuid])) { // This function is called many time each webpage, so I cache the result $this->quotas = $get_quota_cache[$cuid]; } else { $res = $hooks->invoke("hook_quota_get"); foreach ($res as $r) { $this->quotas[$r['name']] = $r; $this->quotas[$r['name']]['u'] = $r['used']; // retrocompatibilité $this->quotas[$r['name']]['t'] = 0; // Default quota = 0 } reset($this->disk); if (!empty($this->disk)) { // Check if there are some disk quota to check // Look if there are some cached value $disk_cached = $mem->session_tempo_params_get('quota_cache_disk'); while (list($key, $val) = each($this->disk)) { $a = array(); if ( isset($disk_cached[$val]) && !empty($disk_cached[$val]) && $disk_cached[$val]['uid'] == $cuid && $disk_cached[$val]['timestamp'] > ( time() - (90) ) // Cache, en seconde ) { // If there is a cached value $a = $disk_cached[$val]; } else { exec("/usr/lib/alternc/quota_get " . intval($cuid), $ak); $a['u'] = intval($ak[0]); $a['t'] = @intval($ak[1]); $a['timestamp'] = time(); $a['uid'] = $cuid; $disk_cached = $mem->session_tempo_params_set('quota_cache_disk', array($val => $a)); } $this->quotas[$val] = array("name" => "$val", 'description' => _("quota_" . $val), "t" => $a['t'], "u" => $a['u']); } } // Get the allowed quota from database. $db->query("select name, total from quotas where uid= ? ;", array($cuid)); while ($db->next_record()) { $this->quotas[$db->f('name')]['t'] = $db->f('total'); } $get_quota_cache[$cuid] = $this->quotas; } if ($ressource) { if (isset($this->quotas[$ressource])) { return $this->quotas[$ressource]; } else { return 0; } } else { return $this->quotas; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Set the quota for a user (and for a ressource) * @param string $ressource ressource to set quota of * @param integer size of the quota (available or used) */ function setquota($ressource, $size) { global $err, $db, $cuid; $err->log("quota", "setquota", $ressource . "/" . $size); if (floatval($size) == 0) { $size = "0"; } if (isset($this->disk[$ressource])) { // It's a disk resource, update it with shell command exec("sudo /usr/lib/alternc/quota_edit " . intval($cuid) . " " . intval($size) . " &> /dev/null &"); // Now we check that the value has been written properly : $a = array(); exec("sudo /usr/lib/alternc/quota_get " . intval($cuid) . " &> /dev/null &", $a); if (!isset($a[1]) || $size != $a[1]) { $err->raise("quota", _("Error writing the quota entry!")); return false; } } // We check that this ressource exists for this client : $db->query("SELECT * FROM quotas WHERE uid= ? AND name= ? ", array($cuid, $ressource)); if ($db->num_rows()) { $db->query("UPDATE quotas SET total= ? WHERE uid= ? AND name= ?;", array($size, $cuid, $ressource)); } else { $db->query("INSERT INTO quotas (uid,name,total) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", array($cuid, $ressource, $size)); } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Erase all quota information about the user. */ function delquotas() { global $db, $err, $cuid; $err->log("quota", "delquota"); $db->query("DELETE FROM quotas WHERE uid= ?;", array($cuid)); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Get the default quotas as an associative array * @return array the array of the default quotas */ function getdefaults() { global $db; $c = array(); $db->query("SELECT type,quota FROM defquotas WHERE type='default'"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $this->addtype('default'); } $db->query("SELECT value,quota,type FROM defquotas ORDER BY type,quota"); while ($db->next_record()) { $type = $db->f("type"); $c[$type][$db->f("quota")] = $db->f("value"); } return $c; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Set the default quotas * @param array associative array of quota (key=>val) */ function setdefaults($newq) { global $db; $qlist = $this->qlist(); foreach ($newq as $type => $quotas) { foreach ($quotas as $qname => $value) { if (array_key_exists($qname, $qlist)) { if (!$db->query("REPLACE INTO defquotas (value,quota,type) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?); ", array($value, $qname, $type))) { return false; } } } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Add an account type for quotas * @param string $type account type to be added * @return boolean true if all went ok */ function addtype($type) { global $db, $err; $qlist = $this->qlist(); if (empty($type)) { return false; } $type = strtolower($type); if (!preg_match("#^[a-z0-9]*$#", $type)) { $err->raise("quota", "Type can only contains characters a-z and 0-9"); return false; } while (list($key, $val) = each($qlist)) { if (!$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO defquotas (quota,type) VALUES(?, ?);", array($key, $type)) || $db->affected_rows() == 0) { return false; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** List for quotas * @return array */ function listtype() { global $db; $db->query("SELECT distinct(type) FROM defquotas ORDER by type"); $t = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $t[] = $db->f("type"); } return $t; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Delete an account type for quotas * @param string $type account type to be deleted * @return boolean true if all went ok */ function deltype($type) { global $db; if ($db->query("UPDATE membres SET type='default' WHERE type= ? ;", array($type)) && $db->query("DELETE FROM defquotas WHERE type= ?;", array($type))) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Create default quotas entries for a new user. * The user we are talking about is in the global $cuid. */ function addquotas() { global $db, $err, $cuid; $err->log("quota", "addquota"); $ql = $this->qlist(); reset($ql); $db->query("SELECT type,quota FROM defquotas WHERE type='default'"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $this->addtype('default'); } $db->query("SELECT type FROM membres WHERE uid= ?;", array($cuid)); $db->next_record(); $t = $db->f("type"); foreach ($ql as $res => $val) { $db->query("SELECT value FROM defquotas WHERE quota= ? AND type= ? ;", array($res, $t)); $q = $db->next_record() ? $db->f("value") : 0; $this->setquota($res, $q); } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Return a quota value with its unit (when it is a space quota) * in MB, GB, TB ... * @param string $type The quota type * @param integer $value The quota value * @return string a quota value with its unit. */ function display_val($type, $value) { switch ($type) { case 'bw_web': return format_size($value); case 'web': return format_size($value * 1024); default: return $value; } } /* get size_xx function (filled by spoolsize.php) */ function _get_sum_sql($sql) { global $db; $db->query($sql); if ($db->num_rows() == 0) { return -1; } else { $db->next_record(); $r = $db->Record; return $r['sum']; } } function _get_count_sql($sql) { global $db; $db->query($sql); if ($db->num_rows() == 0) { return 0; } else { $db->next_record(); $r = $db->Record; return $r['count']; } } function _get_size_and_record_sql($sql) { global $db; $db->query($sql); if ($db->num_rows() == 0) { return array(); } else { $ret = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $ret[] = $db->Record; } return $ret; } } /* sum of websites sizes from all users */ function get_size_web_sum_all() { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(size) AS sum FROM size_web;"); } /* sum of websites sizes from one user */ function get_size_web_sum_user($u) { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(size) AS sum FROM size_web WHERE uid='$u';"); } /* sum of mailbox sizes from all domains */ function get_size_mail_sum_all() { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(bytes) AS sum FROM mailbox WHERE delivery = 'dovecot';;"); } /* sum of mailbox sizes for one domain */ function get_size_mail_sum_domain($dom) { global $mail; return $mail->get_total_size_for_domain($dom); } /* count of mailbox sizes from all domains */ function get_size_mail_count_all() { return $this->_get_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM mailbox WHERE delivery = 'dovecot';"); } /* count of mailbox for one domain */ function get_size_mail_count_domain($dom) { return $this->_get_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM dovecot_view WHERE user LIKE '%@{$dom}'"); } /* get list of mailbox alias and size for one domain */ function get_size_mail_details_domain($dom) { return $this->_get_size_and_record_sql("SELECT user as alias,quota_dovecot as size FROM dovecot_view WHERE user LIKE '%@{$dom}' ORDER BY alias;"); } /* sum of mailman lists sizes from all domains */ function get_size_mailman_sum_all() { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(size) AS sum FROM size_mailman;"); } /* sum of mailman lists sizes for one domain */ function get_size_mailman_sum_domain($dom) { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(size) AS sum FROM size_mailman WHERE list LIKE '%@{$dom}'"); } /* sum of mailman lists for one user */ function get_size_mailman_sum_user($u) { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(size) AS sum FROM size_mailman WHERE uid = '{$u}'"); } /* count of mailman lists sizes from all domains */ function get_size_mailman_count_all() { return $this->_get_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM size_mailman;"); } /* count of mailman lists for one user */ function get_size_mailman_count_user($u) { return $this->_get_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM size_mailman WHERE uid = '{$u}'"); } /* get list of mailman list and size for one user */ function get_size_mailman_details_user($u) { return $this->_get_size_and_record_sql("SELECT s.size,CONCAT(m.list,'@',m.domain) as list FROM size_mailman s LEFT JOIN mailman m ON s.list=m.name WHERE s.uid='{$u}' ORDER BY s.list ASC"); } /* sum of databases sizes from all users */ function get_size_db_sum_all() { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(size) AS sum FROM size_db;"); } /* sum of databases sizes for one user */ function get_size_db_sum_user($u) { return $this->_get_sum_sql("SELECT SUM(size) AS sum FROM size_db WHERE db = '{$u}' OR db LIKE '{$u}\_%'"); } /* count of databases from all users */ function get_size_db_count_all() { return $this->_get_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM size_db;"); } /* count of databases for one user */ function get_size_db_count_user($u) { return $this->_get_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM size_db WHERE db = '{$u}' OR db LIKE '{$u}\_%'"); } /* get list of databases name and size for one user */ function get_size_db_details_user($u) { return $this->_get_size_and_record_sql("SELECT db,size FROM size_db WHERE db='{$u}' OR db LIKE '{$u}\_%';"); } /* Return appropriate value and unit of a size given in Bytes (e.g. 1024 Bytes -> return 1 KB) */ function get_size_unit($size) { $units = array(1073741824 => _("GB"), 1048576 => _("MB"), 1024 => _("KB"), 0 => _("B")); foreach ($units as $value => $unit) { if ($size >= $value) { $size=$size/($value?$value:1); return array('size' => $size, 'unit' => $unit); } } } // Affiche des barres de progression // color_type : // 0 = Pas de changement de couleur // 1 = Progression du vert vers le rouge en fonction du porcentage // 2 = Progression du rouge vers le vert en fonction du porcentage function quota_displaybar($usage, $color_type = 1) { if ($color_type == 1) { $csscolor = " background-color:" . PercentToColor($usage); } elseif ($color_type == 2) { $csscolor = " background-color:" . PercentToColor(100 - $usage); } else { $csscolor = ""; } echo '<div class="progress-bar">'; echo '<div class="barre" style="width:' . $usage . '%;' . $csscolor . '" ></div>'; echo '<div class="txt">' . $usage . '%</div>'; echo '</div>'; } /* ==== Hook functions ==== */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Hook function call when a user is deleted * AlternC's standard function called when a user is deleted * globals $cuid is the appropriate user */ function hook_admin_del_member() { $this->delquotas(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Hook function called when a user is created * This function initialize the user's quotas. * globals $cuid is the appropriate user */ function hook_admin_add_member() { global $err; $err->log("quota", "hook_admin_add_member"); $this->addquotas(); $this->getquota('', true); // actualise quota } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Exports all the quota related information for an account. * @access private * EXPERIMENTAL function ;) */ function alternc_export_conf() { global $err; $err->log("quota", "export"); $str = " <quota>"; $q = $this->getquota(); foreach ($q as $k => $v) { $str.=" <$k>\n"; $str.=" <used>" . ($v["u"]) . "</used>\n"; $str.=" <total>" . ($v["t"]) . "</total>\n"; $str.=" </$k>\n"; } $str.="</quota>\n"; return $str; } } /* Class m_quota */