query("SELECT password FROM mail_users WHERE alias='".addslashes($username)."'"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $errstr=_("Your account has not been found, please try again later or ask an administrator."); } else { if ($db->f("password")!=_md5cr($_POST['acp_oldpass'],$db->f("password"))) { $errstr=_("Your current password is incorrect, please try again."); } else { // If available, check the password policy : if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy")) && !$admin->checkPolicy("pop",$username,$_POST['acp_newpass'])) { $errstr=_("This password is not strong enough for your policy, set a stronger password or call your administrator"); } else { // ok, let's change the password $m=explode("@",$username,2); $acp_newpass=$_POST['acp_newpass']; $newp=_md5cr($acp_newpass); $un1=str_replace("@","_",$username); // version login_domain.tld $un2=substr($un1,0,strlen($un1)-strlen(strrchr($un1,"_")))."@".substr(strrchr($un1,"_"),1); // version login@domain.tld $db->query("UPDATE mail_users SET password='$newp' WHERE alias='$un1' or alias='$un2';"); $errstr=_("Your password has been successfully changed. Don't forget to change it in your mail software if you are using one (Outlook, Mozilla, Thunderbird, Eudora ...)"); // Write new cookies for the password $onetimepad = OneTimePadCreate(strlen($acp_newpass)); sqsession_register($onetimepad,'onetimepad'); $key = OneTimePadEncrypt($acp_newpass, $onetimepad); setcookie("key", $key, 0, $base_uri); } } } } } textdomain("squirrelmail"); displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); textdomain("changepass"); } if ($errstr) echo "
"; ?>