<?php /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AlternC - Web Hosting System Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by the AlternC Development Team. https://alternc.org/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of file: Manage piwik Statistics set ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * This class manage piwik statistics management through AlternC, using piwik's "API". */ class m_piwik { var $piwik_server_uri; var $piwik_admin_token; function hook_menu() { global $quota; if ( empty($this->piwik_server_uri) || empty($this->piwik_admin_token)) return false; $obj = array( 'title' => _("Piwik statistics"), 'ico' => 'images/stat.png', 'link' => 'toggle', 'pos' => 115, 'links' => array( array( 'txt' => _("Piwik Users"), 'url' => 'piwik_userlist.php'), array( 'txt' => _("Piwik Sites"), 'url' => 'piwik_sitelist.php'), ), ) ; return $obj; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Constructor */ function m_piwik() { $this->piwik_server_uri=variable_get('piwik_server_uri',null,'Remote Piwik server uri'); $this->piwik_admin_token=variable_get('piwik_admin_token',null,'Remote Piwik super-admin token'); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** hook called when an AlternC account is deleted */ function hook_admin_del_member() { //FIXME : implement the hook_admin_del_member for piwik return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Returns the used quota for the $name service for the current user. * @param $name string name of the quota * @return integer the number of service used or false if an error occured * @access private */ function hook_quota_get() { global $db, $cuid; $db->query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb FROM piwik_users WHERE uid='$cuid'"); $q=Array("name"=>"piwik", "description"=>_("Statistics through Piwik accounts"), "used"=>0); if ($db->next_record()) { $q['used']=$db->f('nb'); } return $q; } function url() { return $this->piwik_server_uri; } /***********************/ /* User-related tasks */ /***********************/ function user_add($user_login, $user_mail = null) { global $db, $mem, $cuid, $err; $user_login = $this->clean_user_name($user_login); $user_pass = create_pass(); $user_mail = $user_mail ? $user_mail : $mem->user['mail']; $user_mail = create_pass(4) . $user_mail; $user_alias = $user_login; $api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.addUser', array('userLogin' => $user_login, 'password' => $user_pass, 'email' => $user_mail, 'alias' => $user_alias), 'JSON'); if ($api_data) { if ($api_data->result === 'success') { $user = $this->get_user($user_login); $user_creation_date = $user->date_registered; $db->query("INSERT INTO piwik_users (uid, login, created_date) VALUES ('$cuid', '$user_login', '$user_creation_date')"); } } else { // api_data = false -> error is already filled return FALSE; } } // Edite un user function user_edit() { //FIXME return true; } function get_user($user_login) { $api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUser', array('userLogin' => $user_login)); if ($api_data) return $api_data[0]; else return FALSE; } // Supprime l'utilisateur Piwik passé en parametre // Ne le supprime pas localement tant que pas supprimé en remote function user_delete($piwik_user_login) { global $db, $cuid, $err; $db->query("SELECT created_date, COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM piwik_users WHERE uid='$cuid' AND login='$piwik_user_login'"); $db->next_record(); if ($db->f('cnt') == 1) { $api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUser', array('userLogin' => $piwik_user_login)); printvar($api_data); if ($api_data[0]->date_registered == $db->f('created_date')) echo "equals"; else echo "non equals"; // $api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.deleteUser', array('idSite' => $site_id)); } else { $err->raise("piwik", _("You are not allowed to delete the statistics of this website")); return FALSE; } //SitesManager.deleteSite (idSite) //FIXME return true; } function users_list() { global $db, $cuid; $db->query("SELECT login FROM piwik_users WHERE uid = '$cuid'"); if ($db->num_rows() == 0) return array(); $users = ''; while ($db->next_record()) $users .= ($users !== '') ? ',' . $db->f('login') : $db->f('login'); return $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUsers', array('userLogins' => $users)); } // Verifie que l'utilisateur existe bien dans piwik function user_checkremote($puser_id) { //FIXME return true; } // Récupére un token pour le SSO avec piwik pour l'user function user_remoteauth() { //FIXME return true; } // Montre la liste des site pour lesques un user à accés function user_access() { // FIXME return true; } /***********************/ /* Site-related tasks */ /***********************/ function site_list() { $api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.getAllSites'); $data = array(); if($api_data) { foreach ($api_data AS $site) { $item = new stdClass(); $item->id = $site->idsite; $item->name = $site->name; $item->main_url = $site->main_url; $user_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'UsersManager.getUsersAccessFromSite', array('idSite' => $site->idsite)); if (is_array($user_data)) { printvar($user_data); } else if(is_object($user_data)) { $item->rights = json_decode($user_data[0]); } $data[] = $item; } return $data; } else return FALSE; } // Ajoute un site à Piwik // can't figure out how to pass multiple url through the API function site_add($siteName, $urls, $ecommerce = FALSE) { $urls = is_array($urls) ? implode(',', $urls) : $urls; $api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.addSite', array('siteName' => $siteName, 'urls' => $urls)); printvar($api_data); return TRUE; } // Supprime un site de Piwik function site_delete($site_id) { global $db, $cuid, $err; $db->query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM piwik_sites WHERE uid='$cuid' AND piwik_id='$site_id'"); $db->next_record(); if ($db->f('cnt') == 1) { $api_data = $this->call_privileged_page('API', 'SitesManager.deleteSite', array('idSite' => $site_id)); printvar($api_data); } else { $err->raise("piwik", _("You are not allowed to delete the statistics of this website")); return FALSE; } //SitesManager.deleteSite (idSite) //FIXME return true; } // Ajoute un alias sur un site existant function site_alias_add() { // FIXME return true; } /* Helper code FIXME: rename those function using "private" + "_" prefix */ function clean_user_name($username) { return mysql_real_escape_string(trim($username)); } function dev() { // $this->call_page('module', 'method', array('user' => 'fser', 'pass' => 'toto')); // return $this->users_list(); } function call_page($module, $method, $arguments=array(), $output = 'JSON') { global $err; $url = sprintf('%s/?module=%s&method=%s&format=%s', $this->piwik_server_uri, $module, $method, $output); foreach ($arguments AS $k=>$v) $url .= sprintf('&%s=%s', urlencode($k), $v); // urlencode($v)); echo $url; $page_content = file_get_contents($url); if ($page_content === FALSE) { $err->raise("piwik", _("Unable to reach the API")); return FALSE; } if ($output == 'JSON') { $api_data = json_decode($page_content); if ($api_data == FALSE) { $err->raise("piwik", _("Error while decoding response from the API")); return FALSE; } return $api_data; } else { $err->raise("piwik", _("Other format than JSON is not implemented yet")); return FALSE; } } function call_privileged_page($module, $method, $arguments=array(), $output = 'JSON') { $arguments['token_auth'] = $this->piwik_admin_token; return $this->call_page($module, $method, $arguments, $output); } } /* Class piwik */