/* Intelligent Web NameSpace */ var IW = IW || {}; /** * Password validator logic */ (function(IW) { var secondsInADay = 86400; function PasswordValidator() { } /** * How long a password can be expected to last */ PasswordValidator.prototype.passwordLifeTimeInDays = 365; /** * An estimate of how many attempts could be made per second to guess a password */ PasswordValidator.prototype.passwordAttemptsPerSecond = 500; /** * An array of regular expressions to match against the password. Each is associated * with the number of unique characters that each expression can match. * @param password */ PasswordValidator.prototype.expressions = [ { regex : /[A-Z]+/, uniqueChars : 26 }, { regex : /[a-z]+/, uniqueChars : 26 }, { regex : /[0-9]+/, uniqueChars : 10 }, { regex : /[!\?.;,\\@$£#*()%~<>{}\[\]]+/, uniqueChars : 17 } ]; /** * Checks the supplied password * @param {String} password * @return The predicted lifetime of the password, as a percentage of the defined password lifetime. */ PasswordValidator.prototype.checkPassword = function(password) { if (password == null) password="0" var expressions = this.expressions, i, l = expressions.length, expression, possibilitiesPerLetterInPassword = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { expression = expressions[i]; if (expression.regex.exec(password)) { possibilitiesPerLetterInPassword += expression.uniqueChars; } } var totalCombinations = Math.pow(possibilitiesPerLetterInPassword, password.length), // how long, on average, it would take to crack this (@ 200 attempts per second) crackTime = ((totalCombinations / this.passwordAttemptsPerSecond) / 2) / secondsInADay, // how close is the time to the projected time? percentage = crackTime / this.passwordLifeTimeInDays; return Math.min(Math.max(password.length * 5, percentage * 100), 100); }; IW.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator(); })(IW); /** * jQuery plugin which allows you to add password validation to any * form element. */ (function(IW, jQuery) { function updatePassword() { var percentage = IW.PasswordValidator.checkPassword(this.val()), progressBar = this.parent().find(".passwordStrengthBar div"); progressBar .removeClass("strong medium weak useless") .stop() .animate({"width": percentage + "%"}); if (percentage > 90) { progressBar.addClass("strong"); } else if (percentage > 50) { progressBar.addClass("medium") } else if (percentage > 10) { progressBar.addClass("weak"); } else { progressBar.addClass("useless"); } } jQuery.fn.passwordValidate = function() { this .bind('keyup', jQuery.proxy(updatePassword, this)) .after("<div class='passwordStrengthBar'>" + "<div></div>" + "</div>"); updatePassword.apply(this); return this; // for chaining } })(IW, jQuery); /* Have all the password elements on the page validate */ jQuery("input[type='password']").passwordValidate();