#!/bin/bash # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AlternC - Web Hosting System # Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by the AlternC Development Team. # https://alternc.org/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LICENSE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Purpose of file: Main install script, launch it anytime ;) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Somes check before start operations if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then echo "must be launched as root" exit 1 fi usage(){ declare -a out [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && out+=("\e[31mWarning: $@ \e[0m") out+=(" Usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} [options] -n|--no-fixperms Skip the -often long- fixperms action -f|--force Force the execution even if some files changed -s|--slave Mandatory on instances runnning the alternc-slave module -h|--help This help ") echo -e "${out[@]}" exit 2 } for i in $*; do case "$i" in -h|--help) usage; shift;; -n|--no-fixperms) export nofixperms=1; shift;; -f|--force) export force=1; shift;; -s|--slave) export slave=1; shift;; --) break;; *) usage "unknown option '$i'!"; esac done . /usr/lib/alternc/functions.sh # Lock the jobs ! lock_jobs # hook run-parts --arg=startup /usr/lib/alternc/install.d ####################################################################### # Script configuration # # Configuration template location TEMPLATE_DIR="/etc/alternc/templates" # Find needed configuration files (without the initial '/') # replace this one unconditionnally CONFIG_FILES="etc/alternc/bureau.conf etc/apache2/envvars etc/alternc/apache2.conf etc/alternc/apache_logformat.conf etc/alternc/phpmyadmin.inc.php" if [ -e /etc/bind/named.conf ]; then CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES etc/bind/named.conf.options" fi if [ -d /etc/postfix ]; then CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES etc/postfix/master.cf etc/postfix/myalias.cf etc/postfix/myrelay.cf etc/postfix/mydomain.cf etc/postfix/myrelay-domain.cf etc/postfix/mymail2mail.cf etc/postfix/mygid.cf etc/postfix/myquota.cf etc/postfix/myvirtual.cf etc/postfix/mytransport.cf etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf etc/alternc/postfix/postfix.cf etc/alternc/postfix/postfix-slave.cf etc/opendkim.conf etc/default/opendkim" fi if [ -e /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf ]; then CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf etc/proftpd/welcome.msg etc/proftpd/modules.conf" fi if [ -e /etc/default/saslauthd ]; then CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES etc/default/saslauthd" fi if [ -e /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf ]; then CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES etc/dovecot/alternc-sql.conf etc/dovecot/alternc-dict-quota.conf etc/dovecot/conf.d/95_alternc.conf" fi INSTALLED_CONFIG_TAR="/var/lib/alternc/backups/etc-installed.tar.gz" ####################################################################### # Look for modified configuration files # if [ -f "$INSTALLED_CONFIG_TAR" ]; then CHANGED="`env LANG=C tar -zdf "$INSTALLED_CONFIG_TAR" -C / 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'postfix/main.cf' | grep -v 'Uid differs'|grep -v 'Gid differs' |grep -v 'Mode differs' | sed -e 's#^\([^:]*\).*# /\1#' | sort -u`" if [ ! -z "$CHANGED" ]; then echo "The following configuration files has changed since last AlternC" echo "installation :" echo "$CHANGED" echo "" if [ "$force" = "1" ]; then echo "Replacing them as you requested." else echo "These configuration files should normally be modified by" echo "changing the template in $TEMPLATE_DIR and then calling" echo "$0 to perform the update." echo "" echo "Please examine the situation closely and call '$0 -f'" echo "if you still want to actually overwrite these files." exit 1 fi fi fi # Upgrade the DATA and DB SCHEMA /usr/share/alternc/install/upgrade_check.sh # Launch upgrade of alternc modules run-parts --arg=upgrade /usr/lib/alternc/install.d ####################################################################### # Prepare template expansions # chown :alterncpanel /etc/alternc/local.sh . /etc/alternc/local.sh # May be missing test -d /var/run/alternc || ( mkdir -p /var/run/alternc && chown alterncpanel:alterncpanel /var/run/alternc ) # Create the target directory for i in "$ALTERNC_HTML" "$ALTERNC_MAIL" "$ALTERNC_LOGS" ; do test -d "$i" || mkdir -p "$i" done for i in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z _ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do test -d "$ALTERNC_HTML/$i" || ( mkdir -p "$ALTERNC_HTML/$i" && chown alterncpanel:alterncpanel "$ALTERNC_HTML/$i" && chmod 775 "$ALTERNC_HTML/$i" ) test -d "$ALTERNC_MAIL/$i" || ( mkdir -p "$ALTERNC_MAIL/$i" && chown vmail:vmail "$ALTERNC_MAIL/$i" && chmod 775 "$ALTERNC_MAIL/$i" ) done find $ALTERNC_LOGS -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec chown alterncpanel:adm {} \; find $ALTERNC_HTML -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec chown alterncpanel:alterncpanel {} \; find $ALTERNC_MAIL -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec chown vmail:vmail {} \; # Check ACL aclcheckfile="$ALTERNC_HTML/test-acl" touch "$aclcheckfile" setfacl -m u:root:rwx "$aclcheckfile" 2>/dev/null || ( echo "Error : ACL aren't activated on $ALTERNC_HTML . AlternC can't work without it." ; test -e "$aclcheckfile" && rm -f "$aclcheckfile" ; exit 2) test -e "$aclcheckfile" && rm -f "$aclcheckfile" # XXX: copy-paste from debian/config if [ -r /etc/alternc/my.cnf ]; then # make mysql configuration available as shell variables # to convert from .cnf to shell syntax, we: # * match only lines with "equal" in them (/=/) # * remove whitespace around the = and add a left quote operator ' (;s) # * add a right quote operator at the end of line (;s) # * convert mysql variables into our MYSQL_ naming convention (;s) # * print the result (;p) eval `sed -n -e "/=/{s/ *= *\"\?/='/;s/\"\?\$/'/;s/host/MYSQL_HOST/;s/user/MYSQL_USER/;s/password/MYSQL_PASS/;s/database/MYSQL_DATABASE/;p}" /etc/alternc/my.cnf` chown root:alterncpanel /etc/alternc/my.cnf chmod 640 /etc/alternc/my.cnf fi if [ -r /etc/alternc/my_mail.cnf ]; then # make mysql configuration available as shell variables # to convert from .cnf to shell syntax, we: # * match only lines with "equal" in them (/=/) # * remove whitespace around the = and add a left quote operator ' (;s) # * add a right quote operator at the end of line (;s) # * convert mysql variables into our MYSQL_ naming convention (;s) # * print the result (;p) eval `sed -n -e "/=/{s/ *= *\"\?/='/;s/\"\?\$/'/;s/host/MYSQL_HOST/;s/user/MYSQL_MAIL_USER/;s/password/MYSQL_MAIL_PASS/;s/database/MYSQL_DATABASE/;p}" /etc/alternc/my_mail.cnf` chown root:alterncpanel /etc/alternc/my_mail.cnf chmod 640 /etc/alternc/my_mail.cnf fi WARNING="WARNING: Do not edit this file, edit the one in /etc/alternc/templates and launch alternc.install again." if [ "$slave" = "1" ]; then VERSION="`dpkg -s alternc-slave | sed -n -e 's/^Version: \(.*\)/\1/p'`" else VERSION="`dpkg -s alternc | sed -n -e 's/^Version: \(.*\)/\1/p'`" fi # /var/ alternc/dns/d/www.example.com FQDN_LETTER="`echo $FQDN | sed -e 's/.*\.\([^\.]\)[^\.]*\.[^\.]*$/\1/'`" if [ "$FQDN_LETTER" = "$FQDN" ] then FQDN_LETTER="_" fi NS2_IP=`perl -e "\\$h = (gethostbyname(\"$NS2_HOSTNAME\"))[4]; @ip = unpack('C4', \\$h); print join (\".\", @ip);"` if [ -z "$MONITOR_IP" ]; then MONITOR_IP="" fi PUBLIC_IP_BEGIN=$(echo $PUBLIC_IP|cut -c 1) # Secret for PhpMyAdmin sessions PHPMYADMIN_BLOWFISH="$(generate_string 24)" # XXX: I assume this is secure if /tmp is sticky (+t) # we should have a better way to deal with templating, of course. SED_SCRIPT="/tmp/alternc.install.sedscript" cat > $SED_SCRIPT < $DB_BACKUP || echo "backup of the main database failed" ####################################################################### # Backup configuration files # BACKUP_FILE="/var/lib/alternc/backups/etc-original-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`.tar.gz" # Only backup what we are really going to replace BACKUPS="" for file in $CONFIG_FILES; do TEMPLATE="$TEMPLATE_DIR/${file##etc/}" if [ -f "$TEMPLATE" ]; then BACKUPS="$BACKUPS $file" fi done # also backup main.cf since we're doing major changes to it BACKUPS="$BACKUPS etc/postfix/main.cf" tar -zcf "$BACKUP_FILE" -C / $BACKUPS 2>/dev/null || true chmod 600 "$BACKUP_FILE" ####################################################################### # Expand templates in the right place # echo -n "Expanding variables in configuration files:" for file in $CONFIG_FILES; do TEMPLATE="$TEMPLATE_DIR/${file##etc/}" echo -n " $file" if [ -f "$TEMPLATE" ]; then sed -f "$SED_SCRIPT" < $TEMPLATE > /$file fi done echo "." rm -f $SED_SCRIPT ######################################################################## # Ad-hoc fixes # php="`ls /usr/lib/apache*/*/*php*.so | sed -e 's/^.*libphp\(.*\)\.so$/\1/' | tail -1`" if [ "$php" = "7.0" ] then ln -fs /etc/alternc/alternc.ini /etc/php/$php/apache2/conf.d/alternc.ini || true ln -fs /etc/alternc/alternc.ini /etc/php/$php/cli/conf.d/alternc.ini || true else ln -fs /etc/alternc/alternc.ini /etc/php$php/apache2/conf.d/alternc.ini || true ln -fs /etc/alternc/alternc.ini /etc/php$php/cli/conf.d/alternc.ini || true fi if [ -x /usr/sbin/apache2 ]; then # hook run-parts --arg=apache2 /usr/lib/alternc/install.d a2enmod mpm_itk s="" # unused from AlternC 1.0, FIXME: remove it later if [ -L /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/vhost_alias.load ] then a2dismod vhost_alias s="apache2" fi if ! [ -L /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php$php.load ] then a2enmod php$php fi if ! [ -L /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load ] then a2enmod rewrite fi if [ -e /etc/alternc/apache.pem ]; then # We enable proftpd tls module cat /etc/proftpd/modules.conf | sed -e 's/^#LoadModule mod_tls.c/LoadModule mod_tls.c/' > /etc/proftpd/modules.conf.alternc-new mv /etc/proftpd/modules.conf.alternc-new /etc/proftpd/modules.conf cp /etc/proftpd/modules.conf /etc/alternc/templates/proftpd/ # We enable apache2 SSL : if [ ! -L /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.load ] ; then a2enmod ssl s="apache2" fi if [ ! -h /etc/apache2/conf-available/alternc-ssl.conf ] && [ -e /etc/apache2/conf-available/ ]; then ln -sf /etc/alternc/apache2-ssl.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/alternc-ssl.conf a2enconf alternc-ssl s="apache2" fi # We enable dovecot SSL certificate instructions: (on wheezy we should use a new file in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/ ) ( echo "# Don't change this file, it will be overwriten by alternc.install. Change ssl parameters in a file named 99_ssl.conf instead" ; echo "ssl_cert = /etc/dovecot/conf.d/96_ssl.conf else # We disable proftpd tls module cat /etc/proftpd/modules.conf | sed -e 's/^LoadModule mod_tls.c/#LoadModule mod_tls.c/' > /etc/proftpd/modules.conf.alternc-new mv /etc/proftpd/modules.conf.alternc-new /etc/proftpd/modules.conf cp /etc/proftpd/modules.conf /etc/alternc/templates/proftpd/ # We disable dovecot SSL certificate instructions: (on wheezy we should remove a file in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/ ) ( echo "# Don't change this file, it will be overwriten by alternc.install. Change ssl parameters in a file named 99_ssl.conf instead" ; echo "ssl_cert = /etc/dovecot/conf.d/96_ssl.conf echo "SSL not configured" echo "create a certificate in /etc/alternc/apache.pem and rerun alternc.install" fi if [ ! -h /etc/apache2/conf-available/alternc.conf ] && [ -e /etc/apache2/conf-available/ ]; then ln -sf /etc/alternc/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/alternc.conf a2enconf alternc.conf s="apache2" fi if [ -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf ]; then a2dissite 000-default s="apache2" fi SERVICES="$SERVICES $s" fi # Manage sudoers.d include appearing in Squeeze: # if the "includedir" is not here, we add it ONLY IF visudo -c is happy. if ! grep -q "#includedir */etc/sudoers.d" /etc/sudoers ; then if ! cat /etc/sudoers.d/* | visudo -c -f - >/dev/null ; then echo -e "\033[31m**********************************************" echo "* *" echo "* ALTERNC ACTION REQUESTED *" echo "* *" echo "* SUDO is NOT configured properly *" echo "* check your files in /etc/sudoers.d ! *" echo "* then launch alternc.install again *" echo "* *" echo "**********************************************" echo -e "\033[0m" exit 1 else echo "#includedir */etc/sudoers.d" >>/etc/sudoers fi fi # Copy postfix *_checks if they do not exist for file in body_checks header_checks; do if [ ! -e "/etc/postfix/$file" ]; then cp /usr/share/alternc/install/$file /etc/postfix fi done # Attribute the correct rights to critical postfix files if [ -e /etc/postfix/myalias.cf -o -e /etc/postfix/mydomain.cf -o -e /etc/postfix/mygid.cf -o -e /etc/postfix/myrelay-domain.sh -o -e /etc/postfix/myvirtual.cf -o -e /etc/postfix/myrelay.cf -o -e /etc/postfix/myquota.cf ]; then chown root:postfix /etc/postfix/my* chmod 640 /etc/postfix/my* fi if [ ! -f /etc/postfix/main.cf ] then echo -e "\033[31m**********************************************" echo "* *" echo "* ALTERNC ACTION REQUESTED *" echo "* *" echo "* POSTFIX is NOT configured properly *" echo "* launch dpkg-reconfigure -plow postfix *" echo "* and choose 'Internet Site' *" echo "* then launch alternc.install again *" echo "* *" echo "**********************************************" echo -e "\033[0m" exit 1 fi # configure Postfix appropriatly for our needs if [ "$slave" = "1" ]; then postfix_conf=/etc/alternc/postfix/postfix-slave.cf else postfix_conf=/etc/alternc/postfix/postfix.cf fi grep -v '^\ *#' $postfix_conf |while read line ; do if echo "$line" | grep -qi '^smtpd_tls_dcert_file' ;then line_strip=`echo "$line"|tr -d '[:blank:]'` pattern="*=" cert_file=${line_strip#$pattern} echo $cert_file echo $line echo $line_strip if [ -e $cert_file ];then postconf -e "$line" else echo -e "\033[31m*****************************************************" echo "* The certificate file : $cert_file does not exists *" echo "* If you want to be able to use SSL/TLS *" echo "* please go to https://alternc.com/SSL *" echo "* to get information on how to create a certificate *" echo "* Finally relaunch alternc.install *" echo "*****************************************************" echo -e "\033[0m" fi else postconf -e "$line" fi done # Conviguring delivery used by Postfix /usr/lib/alternc/alternc_add_policy_dovecot # Bug #1215: configure mydestination when $FQDN is not in OLDDESTINATION=`postconf mydestination | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'` echo "$OLDDESTINATION" | grep -q -v "$FQDN" && postconf -e "mydestination = $FQDN, $OLDDESTINATION" # Remove phpmyadmin apache2 configuration a2disconf phpmyadmin # Configure PHPMyAdmin include_str='include("/etc/alternc/phpmyadmin.inc.php")' pma_config='/etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php' # Sur une configuration vierge, inclure la configuration alternc if ! grep -e "${include_str/\"/\\\"}" $pma_config > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$include_str;" >> $pma_config fi # Le template de /etc/alternc/phpmyadmin.inc.php viens d'être réappliqué, on # regénére la liste des serveurs MySQL disponible dedans. mysql_query "select id,host,name from db_servers;" | while read id host name ; do echo " // Server #$id in db_servers \$i++; \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp'; // How to connect to MySQL server ('tcp' or 'socket') \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)? \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['hide_db'] = 'information_schema'; \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['verbose'] = '$name'; // human name \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['host'] = '$host'; // MySQL hostname or IP address " >> '/etc/alternc/phpmyadmin.inc.php' done # Reload incron. Useless, but who know? SERVICES="$SERVICES incron" if [ -e /etc/proftpd.conf ] ; then chmod 640 /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf fi if [ -x /usr/sbin/locale-gen ] ; then touch /etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED="" # Add de_DE ISO-8859-1, en_US ISO-8859-1, es_ES ISO-8859-1, fr_FR ISO-8859-1 to the locales : if ! grep -q "^de_DE ISO-8859-1$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "de_DE ISO-8859-1" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^en_US ISO-8859-1$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "en_US ISO-8859-1" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^es_ES ISO-8859-1$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "es_ES ISO-8859-1" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^fr_FR ISO-8859-1$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "fr_FR ISO-8859-1" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if ! grep -q "^nl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8$" /etc/locale.gen ; then echo "nl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8" >>/etc/locale.gen LOCALECHANGED=1 fi if [ "$LOCALECHANGED" ] ; then locale-gen fi fi # remaining steps are only for the master if [ "$slave" = "1" ]; then exit 0 fi ####################################################################### # populate alternc database with the mailname used by postfix to send mail for each vhost # # If mailname does not exist, create it. Fix #1495 test -e "/etc/mailname" || hostname -f > "/etc/mailname" # Allow for all the users to view /etc/mailname chmod +r "/etc/mailname" ####################################################################### # Save installed files to check them during next install # tar -zcf "$INSTALLED_CONFIG_TAR" -C / $CONFIG_FILES ####################################################################### # Last touches # find $ALTERNC_HTML -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec setfacl -b -k -m d:g:alterncpanel:-wx -m d:u:alterncpanel:-wx -m u:alterncpanel:-wx -m g:alterncpanel:-wx {} \; #creating log file if [ ! -e "/var/log/alternc/bureau.log" ]; then test -d "/var/log/alternc/" || mkdir -p "/var/log/alternc/" touch "/var/log/alternc/bureau.log" fi if [ ! -e "/var/log/alternc/update_domains.log" ]; then test -d "/var/log/alternc/" || mkdir -p "/var/log/alternc/" touch "/var/log/alternc/update_domains.log" fi # Be sure of the owner of the logs files chmod 640 /var/log/alternc/bureau.log /var/log/alternc/update_domains.log chown alterncpanel:adm /var/log/alternc/bureau.log /var/log/alternc/update_domains.log # Creating admin user if needed HAS_ROOT=`mysql --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM membres WHERE login = 'admin' OR login = 'root' and su = 1" | tail -1` if [ "$HAS_ROOT" != "1" ]; then echo "Creating admin user..." echo "" if su - alterncpanel -s /bin/bash -c /usr/share/alternc/install/newone.php then echo "*******************************************" echo "* *" echo "* Admin account *" echo "* ------------ *" echo "* *" echo "* user: admin password: admin *" echo "* *" echo "* Please change this as soon as possible! *" echo "* *" echo "*******************************************" else echo "Unable to create the first AlternC account (named 'admin'). newone.php returned $?. Check your MySQL database, PHP, and the /etc/alternc/local.sh file. Also check for any error above during install." fi else ##UPDATE default db_server following /etc/alternc/my.cnf values if [ "$MYSQL_HOST" == "localhost" ]; then MYSQL_HOST_CLIENT="localhost" else MYSQL_HOST_CLIENT="%" fi mysql --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf -e "UPDATE db_servers SET host='$MYSQL_HOST', login='$MYSQL_USER', password='$MYSQL_PASS', client='$MYSQL_HOST_CLIENT' WHERE name='Default';" fi # giving vmail user read access on dovecot sql file chgrp vmail /etc/dovecot/alternc-sql.conf chmod g+r /etc/dovecot/alternc-sql.conf # Override some dovecot 2.0 configuration that may have happened during dovecot postinst: sed -i -e 's/^ *!include/#!include/' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf # Changing owner of web panel's files chown -R alterncpanel:alterncpanel "/usr/share/alternc/panel/" # We force the re-computing of the DNS zones, since we may have changed the IP address (see #460) /usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file="/etc/alternc/my.cnf" -B -e "update domaines set dns_action='UPDATE' WHERE gesdns=1;" # We ensure localhost is trusted to opendkim mkdir -p "/etc/opendkim/keys" touch /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts /etc/opendkim/SigningTable /etc/opendkim/KeyTable grep -q "^\$" /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts || echo "" >>/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts grep -q "^localhost\$" /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts || echo "localhost" >>/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts grep -q "^$PUBLIC_IP\$" /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts || echo "$PUBLIC_IP" >>/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts # Add opendkim to service to restart SERVICES="$SERVICES opendkim bind9" # hook run-parts --arg=before-reload /usr/lib/alternc/install.d ####################################################################### # Reload services # for service in postfix dovecot cron proftpd ; do invoke-rc.d $service force-reload || true done # We should restart apaches after all configuration stuff ... for service in $SERVICES; do test -x /etc/init.d/$service && invoke-rc.d $service stop || true done # on Jessie, apache2 does not stop/start properly due to "service" and "apache2ctl" having different behavior pid-file-wise killall apache2 for service in $SERVICES; do test -x /etc/init.d/$service && invoke-rc.d $service start || true done if [[ $nofixperms -ne 1 ]] ; then echo "Fix all the permission. May be quite long..." echo "YOU CAN INTERUPT THIS BY USING Ctrl-c THEN y TO BYPASS THE ERROR." /usr/lib/alternc/fixperms.sh echo "Compile PO files" else echo -e "\nSkipping fixperms as requested\n" fi # TODO : includes the .MO in debian package ;) find /usr/share/alternc/panel/locales -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -name "*_*" | while read A do B="$A/LC_MESSAGES" cd $B rm -f alternc.mo alternc.po msgcat --use-first *.po alternc >alternc.po msgfmt alternc.po -o alternc.mo done # Fix some perms # Fix phpmyadmin import trac#1557 test -d "/var/lib/phpmyadmin/tmp" && dpkg-statoverride --update --add www-data alterncpanel 0775 "/var/lib/phpmyadmin/tmp" 2>/dev/null || true test -f "/etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php" && dpkg-statoverride --update --add www-data alterncpanel 0644 "/etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php" 2>/dev/null || true # hook run-parts --arg=end /usr/lib/alternc/install.d # Unlock jobs ! unlock_jobs # Rebuild all web configuration /usr/lib/alternc/rebuild_all_webconf.sh --force