   $Id: bro_main.php,v 1.11 2004/09/06 18:14:36 anonymous Exp $
   AlternC - Web Hosting System
   Copyright (C) 2002 by the AlternC Development Team.
   Based on:
   Valentin Lacambre's web hosting softwares: http://altern.org/

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
   Original Author of file: Benjamin Sonntag, Remi
   Purpose of file: Online file Browser of AlternC
   TODO : Voir ??? + D�placer / Copier 
include_once ("head.php");

$fields = array (
    "R"           => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "o"           => array ("request", "array", ""),
    "d"           => array ("request", "array", ""),
    "perm"        => array ("post",    "array", array()),
    "formu"       => array ("request", "integer", ""),
    "actextract"  => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "fileextract" => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "actperms"    => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "actdel"      => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "actcopy"     => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "actrename"   => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "actmove"     => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "actmoveto"   => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "nomfich"     => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "del_confirm" => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "cancel"      => array ("request", "string", ""),
    "showdirsize" => array ("request", "integer", "0"),
    "nomfich"     => array ("request", "string", ""),

if (! isset($R)) $R='';
if (!$R && $p["golastdir"]) {
// on fait ?
if (!empty($formu) && $formu) {
  switch ($formu) {
    case 1:  // Cr�er le r�pertoire $R.$nomfich
      if (!$bro->CreateDir($R,$nomfich)) {
        $error = $err->errstr();
    case 6: // Cr�er le fichier $R.$nomfich
      if (!$bro->CreateFile($R,$nomfich)) {
        $error = $err->errstr();
      if ($p["createfile"]==1) {
    case 2:  // act vaut Supprimer Copier ou Renommer.
      if ($actdel) {
        if (!empty($del_confirm) ) { 
          if (!$bro->DeleteFile($d,$R)) {
            $error = $err->errstr();
        } elseif (empty($cancel) && is_array($d)) {
            <h3><?php printf(_("Deleting files and/or directories")); ?> : </h3>
            <form action="bro_main.php" method="post" name="main" id="main">  
            <input type="hidden" name="formu" value="2" />
            <input type="hidden" name="actdel" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" name="R" value="<?php echo ehe($R)?>" />
            <p class="error"><?php __("WARNING: Confirm the deletion of this files"); ?></p>
            <?php foreach($d as $editfile){ ?>
              <p><?php echo stripslashes($editfile); ?></p>
                <input type="hidden" name="d[]" value="<?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes($editfile)); ?>" />
                <?php } ?>
                <input type="submit" class="inb" name="del_confirm" value="<?php __("Yes"); ?>" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
          <input type="submit" class="inb" name="cancel" value="<?php __("No"); ?>" />
      if ($actcopy) {
        if (!$bro->CopyFile($d,$R,$actmoveto)) {
          $error = $err->errstr();
      if ($actmove) {
        if (!$bro->MoveFile($d,$R,$actmoveto)) {
          $error = $err->errstr();
    case 4:  // Renommage Effectif...
      if (!$bro->RenameFile($R,$o,$d)) { // Rename $R (directory) $o (old) $d (new) names
        $error = $err->errstr();
    case 3:  // Upload de fichier...
      if (!$bro->UploadFile($R)) {
        $error = $err->errstr();
    case 7:  // Changement de permissions [ML]
      if (!@$bro->ChangePermissions($R, $d, $perm)) {
        $error = $err->errstr();

if (isset($actextract) && $actextract) {
  print _("extracting...")."<br />\n"; flush();
  if ($bro->ExtractFile($R. '/' . $fileextract, $R)) {
    echo "<p class=\"error\">";
    print $err->errstr();
    print _("failed")."<br />\n";
    echo "</p>";
  } else {
    print _("done")."<br />\n";

<h3><?php __("File browser"); ?></h3>
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0">

<hr />

<p class="breadcrumb">
<?php __("Path"); ?> / <a href="bro_main.php?R=/"><?php echo $mem->user["login"]; ?></a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<?php echo $bro->PathList($R,"bro_main.php") ?>

/* Creation de la liste des fichiers courants */
$c=$bro->filelist($R, $showdirsize );
if ($c===false) {
  echo "<p class=\"error\">".$err->errstr()."</p>";

if (isset($error) && $error) echo "<p class=\"error\">$error</p>"; 

<td class="formcell">

<form action="bro_main.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="R" value="<?php echo $R; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="formu" value="3" />

<?php __("Send one file:"); ?><br />
<input class="int" name="userfile" type="file" />
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000" />
<br />
<input type="submit" id="sendthisfile" class="ina" value="<?php __("Send this file"); ?>" />


<td style="width: 20px">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="formcell">

<?php __("New file or folder:"); ?><br />
<form action="bro_main.php" method="post" name="nn" id="nn">
<input type="hidden" name="R" value="<?php echo $R; ?>" />
<td><input type="text" class="int" name="nomfich" id="nomfich" size="22" maxlength="255" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" class="ina" value="<?php __("Create"); ?>" /></td>
<input type="radio" class="inc" id="nfile" onclick="document.nn.nomfich.focus();" name="formu" value="6" <?php if (!$p["crff"]) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /><label for="nfile">&nbsp;<?php __("File"); ?></label>
<input type="radio" class="inc" id="nfold" onclick="document.nn.nomfich.focus();" name="formu" value="1" <?php if ($p["crff"]) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /><label for="nfold">&nbsp;<?php __("Folder"); ?></label>

<tr><td valign="top">

/* Renommer / Copier / D�placer les fichiers : */
if (isset($formu) && $formu==2 && isset($actrename) && $actrename && count($d)) {
  echo "<table cellpadding=\"6\">\n";
  echo "<form action=\"bro_main.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
  echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"R\" value=\"$R\" />\n";
  echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formu\" value=\"4\" />\n";
  echo "<tr><th colspan=\"2\">"._("Rename")."</th></tr>";
  for ($i=0;$i<count($d);$i++) {
    echo "<tr><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"o[$i]\" value=\"".$d[$i]."\" />".$d[$i]."</td>";
    echo "<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"int\" name=\"d[$i]\" value=\"".$d[$i]."\" /></td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"inb\" name=\"submit\" value=\""._("Rename")."\" /></td></tr>";
  echo "</table></form>\n";
  echo "<hr />\n";

/* [ML] Changer les permissions : */
if ($formu==2 && ! (empty($actperms)) && count($d)) {
  echo "<form action=\"bro_main.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
  echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"R\" value=\"$R\" />\n";
  echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formu\" value=\"7\" />\n";
  echo "<p>"._("Permissions")."</p>";

  $tmp_absdir = $bro->convertabsolute($R,0);

  echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<th>" . _("File") . "</th><th>"._("Permissions")."</th>"; 
  echo "</tr>";

  for ($i=0;$i<count($d);$i++) {
    $stats = stat($tmp_absdir . '/' . $d[$i]);
    $modes = $stats[2];

    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>".$d[$i]."</td>";

    // Owner
    echo "<td>";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"d[$i]\" value=\"".$d[$i]."\" />";
    echo "<label for=\"permw$i\">"._("write")."</label> <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"permw$i\" name=\"perm[$i][w]\" value=\"1\" ". (($modes & 0000200) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') ." />";
    echo "</td>";

    echo "</tr>";

  echo "</table>";

  echo "<p><input type=\"submit\" class=\"inb\" name=\"submit\" value=\""._("Change permissions")."\" /></p>";
  echo "</form>\n";
  echo "<hr />\n";

/* We draw the file list and button bar only if there is files here ! */
if (count($c)) {

    <form action="bro_main.php" method="post" name="main" id="main">
    <input type="hidden" name="R" value="<?php echo $R; ?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="formu" value="2" />

    <br />

    <table width="100%" style="border: 0px">
    <tr><td class="" style="padding: 4px 4px 8px 4px">

    <input type="submit" class="ina" name="actdel" value="<?php __("Delete"); ?>" />
    <input type="submit" class="ina" name="actrename" value="<?php __("Rename"); ?>" />
    <input type="submit" class="ina" name="actperms" value="<?php __("Permissions"); ?>" /> 
    &nbsp; |&nbsp;
  <input type="submit" class="ina" name="actcopy" value="<?php __("Copy"); ?>" onClick=" return actmoveto_not_empty();"/>
    <input type="submit" class="ina" name="actmove" value="<?php __("Move"); ?>" onClick=" return actmoveto_not_empty();"/>
    <?php __("To"); ?> 
    <input type="text" class="int" id='actmoveto' name="actmoveto" value="" />
    <?php display_browser( "" , "main.actmoveto" ); ?>



<script type="text/javascript">
function actmoveto_not_empty() {
  if ( $('#actmoveto').val() =='' ) {
    alert("<?php __("Please select a destination folder");?>");
    return false;
  return true;

    switch ($p["listmode"]) {
      case 0:
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"tlist\" style=\"border: 0px\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
          <script type="text/javascript">
          document.write("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkall\" value=\"1\" class=\"inb\" onclick=\"CheckAll();\" />");
        //  -->
          <?php if ($p["showicons"]) { ?>
              <?php } ?>
              <th><?php __("Filename"); ?></th>
              <th><?php __("Size"); ?></th>
              <th><?php __("Last modification"); ?></th>
              <?php if ($p["showtype"]) { ?>
                <th><?php __("File Type"); ?></th>
                  <?php } ?>

        for($i=0;$i<count($c);$i++) {
          echo "<tr class=\"lst$col\">\n";
          if ($c[$i]["type"]) {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."\" /></td>";
            if ($p["showicons"]) {
              echo "<td width=\"28\"><img src=\"icon/".$bro->icon($c[$i]["name"])."\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" /></td>";
            echo "<td><a href=\"";
            $canedit = $bro->can_edit($R,$c[$i]["name"]);
            if ($canedit) {
              echo "bro_editor.php?editfile=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"])."&amp;R=".urlencode($R);
            } else {
              echo "bro_downloadfile.php?dir=".urlencode($R)."&amp;file=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"]);
            echo "\">"; ehe($c[$i]["name"]); echo"</a></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td>";
            echo "<td>".format_date(_('%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d'),date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$c[$i]["date"]))."<br /></td>";
            if ($p["showtype"]) {
              echo "<td>"._($bro->mime($c[$i]["name"]))."</td>";
            if ($vu) {
              echo "<td><a href=\"$vu\">"._("View")."</a>";
            } else {
              echo "<td>&nbsp;";
            $e = $bro->is_extractable($R,$c[$i]["name"]);
            if ($e) {
              echo " <a href=\"bro_main.php?actextract=1&amp;fileextract=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"])."&amp;R=".urlencode($R)."\">";
              echo _("Extract");
              echo "</a>";
            $ez = $bro->is_sqlfile($R,$c[$i]["name"]);
            if ($ez) {
              echo " <a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"$('#rest_db_$i').toggle();\">";
              echo _("Restore SQL");
              echo "</a>";
              echo "<div id='rest_db_$i' style='display:none;'><fieldset><legend>"._("Restore SQL")."</legend>"._("In which database to you want to restore this dump?");
              echo "<br/>";
              echo "<input type='hidden' name ='filename' value='".htmlentities($R."/".$c[$i]["name"])."' />";
              $dbl=array(); foreach ($mysql->get_dblist() as $v) { $dbl[]=$v['db'];}
              echo "<select id='db_name_$i'>"; eoption($dbl,'',true); echo "</select>" ;
              echo "<a href='javascript:;' onClick='window.location=\"sql_restore.php?filename=".urlencode($R."/".$c[$i]["name"])."&id=\"+encodeURIComponent($(\"#db_name_$i\").val()) ;'>"._("Restore it")."</a>";
              echo "</form>";
              echo "</fieldset></div>";

            echo "</td>\n";
          } else {           // DOSSIER :
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."\" /></td>";
            if ($p["showicons"]) {
              echo "<td width=\"28\"><img src=\"icon/folder.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" /></td>";
            echo "<td><b><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_main.php?R=".urlencode($R."/".$c[$i]["name"]);
            echo "\">"; ehe($c[$i]["name"]) ;"/</a></b></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td>";
            echo "<td>".format_date(_('%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d'),date("Y-m-d h:i:s",$c[$i]["date"]))."<br /></td>";
            if ($p["showtype"]) {
              echo "<td>"._("Folder")."</td>";
            echo "<td>&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";

          echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
      case 1:
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"50%\">";
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        for($i=0;$i<round(count($c)/2);$i++) {
          echo "<tr class=\"lst$col\">\n";
          if ($c[$i]["type"]) {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\" /></td><td><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_editor.php?editfile=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"])."&amp;R=".urlencode($R);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."</a></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            if ($vu) {
              echo "<td><a href=\"$vu\">"._("V")."</a>";
            } else {
              echo "<td>&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";
          } else {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><b><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_main.php?R=".urlencode($R."/".$c[$i]["name"]);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."/</a></b></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            echo "&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";

          echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "</td><td valign=\"top\" width=\"50%\">";
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        for($i=round(count($c)/2);$i<count($c);$i++) {
          echo "<tr class=\"lst$col\">\n";
          if ($c[$i]["type"]) {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_editor.php?editfile=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"])."&amp;R=".urlencode($R);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."</a></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            if ($vu) {
              echo "<td><a href=\"$vu\">"._("V")."</a>";
            } else {
              echo "<td>&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";
          } else {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><b><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_main.php?R=".urlencode($R."/".$c[$i]["name"]);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."/</a></b></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            echo "&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";

          echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
      case 2:
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"33%\">";
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        for($i=0;$i<round(count($c)/3);$i++) {
          echo "<tr class=\"lst$col\">\n";
          if ($c[$i]["type"]) {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_editor.php?editfile=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"])."&amp;R=".urlencode($R);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."</a></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            if ($vu) {
              echo "<td><a href=\"$vu\">"._("V")."</a>";
            } else {
              echo "<td>&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";
          } else {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><b><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_main.php?R=".urlencode($R."/".$c[$i]["name"]);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."/</a></b></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            echo "&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";

          echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "</td><td valign=\"top\" width=\"33%\">";
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        for($i=round(count($c)/3);$i<round(2*count($c)/3);$i++) {
          echo "<tr class=\"lst$col\">\n";
          if ($c[$i]["type"]) {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_editor.php?editfile=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"])."&amp;R=".urlencode($R);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."</a></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            if ($vu) {
              echo "<td><a href=\"$vu\">"._("V")."</a>";
            } else {
              echo "<td>&nbsp;";

            echo "</td>\n";
          } else {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><b><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_main.php?R=".urlencode($R."/".$c[$i]["name"]);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."/</a></b></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            echo "&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";

          echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "</td><td valign=\"top\" width=\"33%\">";
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        for($i=round(2*count($c)/3);$i<count($c);$i++) {
          echo "<tr class=\"lst$col\">\n";
          if ($c[$i]["type"]) {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\" name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_editor.php?editfile=".urlencode($c[$i]["name"])."&amp;R=".urlencode($R);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."</a></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            if ($vu) {
              echo "<td><a href=\"$vu\">"._("View")."</a>";
            } else {
              echo "<td>&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";
          } else {
            echo "  <td width=\"28\"><input TYPE=checkbox class=\"inc\"  name=\"d[]\" value=\"".$c[$i]["name"]."\"></td><td><b><a href=\"";
            echo "bro_main.php?R=".urlencode($R."/".$c[$i]["name"]);
            echo "\">".htmlentities($c[$i]["name"])."/</a></b></td>\n";
            echo "  <td>".format_size($c[$i]["size"])."</td><td>";
            echo "&nbsp;";
            echo "</td>\n";

          echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
} // is there any files here ?
else {
  echo "<p class=\"error\">"._("No files in this folder")."</p>";

<tr><td colspan="2" style="">


<span class="ina"><a href="bro_main.php?R=<?php echo $R; ?>&showdirsize=1"><?php __("Show size of directories"); ?></a></span> <?php __("(slow)"); ?>
<span class="ina"><?php
if ($hta->is_protected($R)) {
  echo "<a href=\"hta_edit.php?dir=".(($R)?$R:"/")."\">"._("Edit this folder's protection")."</a>";
else {
  echo "<a href=\"hta_add.php?dir=".(($R)?$R:"/")."\">"._("Protect this folder")."</a>";
?></span> <?php __("with a login and a password"); ?>
<span class="ina">
<a href="bro_tgzdown.php?dir=<?php echo $R; ?>"><?php __("Download this folder"); ?></a>
</span> &nbsp; 
<?php printf(_("as a %s file"),$bro->l_tgz[$p["downfmt"]]); ?>

if ($id=$ftp->is_ftp($R)) {
    <span class="ina">
    <a href="ftp_edit.php?id=<?php ehe($id); ?>"><?php __("Edit the ftp account"); ?></a> 
    </span> &nbsp; <?php __("that exists in this folder"); ?>
else {
    <span class="ina">
    <a href="ftp_edit.php?create=1&dir=<?php ehe($R); ?>"><?php __("Create an ftp account in this folder"); ?></a>
    </span> &nbsp;

<span class="ina">
<a href="bro_pref.php"><?php __("Configure the file editor"); ?></a>
<?php include_once("foot.php"); ?>