user["login"]; ?>

get_size_web_sum_user($mem->user["uid"]); // $totalweb is in KB, so we call get_size_unit() with it in Bytes $t=$quota->get_size_unit($totalweb * 1024); echo "

"._("Web Space:")." "; echo sprintf("%.1f", $t['size'])." ".$t['unit']; echo "

"; ?> enum_domains($mem->user["uid"]); $totalmail=0; foreach ($domaines_user as $domaine) { $mstmp = $quota->get_size_mail_sum_domain($domaine); $totalmail+=$mstmp; } $t=$quota->get_size_unit($totalmail); echo "

"._("Mailboxes size:")." "; echo sprintf("%.1f", $t['size'])." ".$t['unit']; echo "

"; foreach ($domaines_user as $domaine) { $alias_sizes = $quota->get_size_mail_details_domain($domaine); $domsize = 0; foreach ($alias_sizes as $e) { if($e['size'] > 0) { $domsize += $e['size']; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $ms = $quota->get_size_unit($e['size']); if ($totalmail) { $pc=intval(100*($ms['size']/$totalmail)); } else { $pc=0; } if ($mode==0) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $ms['size'])." ".$ms['unit']; } elseif ($mode==1) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $pc)." %"; } else { echo "\"".$pc."%\""; } echo ""; } } $d = $quota->get_size_unit($domsize); if ($totalmail) { $tpc = intval(100 * $domsize / $totalmail); } else { $tpc = 0; } if (count($alias_sizes) > 0) { echo ""; echo ""; if ($mode==0) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $d['size'])." ".$d['unit']; } elseif ($mode==1) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $tpc)." %"; } else { echo "\"".$tpc."%\""; } echo ""; } } ?>
". _('Total'). " {$domaine}
get_size_db_sum_user($mem->user["login"]); $t = $quota->get_size_unit($totaldb); echo "

"._("Databases:")." "; echo sprintf("%.1f", $t['size'])." ".$t['unit']; echo "

"; ?> get_size_db_details_user($mem->user["login"]); foreach ($db_sizes as $d) { echo ""; $ds = $quota->get_size_unit($d["size"]); if ($totaldb) { $pc=intval(100*$ds['size']/$totaldb); } else { $pc=0; } if (isset($mode) && $mode==0) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $ds['size'])." ".$ds['unit']; } elseif (isset($mode) &&$mode==1) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $pc)." %"; } else { echo "\"".$pc."%\""; } echo ""; } ?>
get_size_mailman_sum_user($c["uid"]); if ($totallist) { // $totalweb is in KB, so we call get_size_unit() with it in Bytes $t=$quota->get_size_unit($totallist * 1024); echo "

"._("Mailman lists:")." "; echo sprintf("%.1f", $t['size'])." ".$t['unit']; echo "

"; ?> get_size_mailman_details_user($mem->user["uid"]); foreach ($mailman_size as $d) { echo ""; $ds = $quota->get_size_unit($d["size"] * 1024); if ($totallist) { $pc=intval(100*$ds['size']/$totallist); } else { $pc=0; } if ($mode==0) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $ds['size'])." ".$ds['unit']; } elseif ($mode==1) { echo sprintf("%.1f", $pc)." %"; } else { echo "\"".$pc."%\""; } echo ""; } ?>