Host = $host; $this->User = $user; $this->Password = $password; $this->Client = $GLOBALS['L_MYSQL_CLIENT']; // TODO BUG BUG BUG // c'est pas étanche : $db se retrouve avec Database de $sql->dbu . Danger, faut comprendre pourquoi // Si on veux que ca marche, il faut Database=alternc. //$this->Database = "mysql"; $this->Database = "alternc"; $this->HumanHostname = $human_hostname; } } class m_mysql { var $dbus; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Constructor * m_mysql([$mid]) Constructeur de la classe m_mysql, initialise le membre concerne */ function m_mysql() { $this->dbus = new DB_users(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Password kind used in this class (hook for admin class) */ function alternc_password_policy() { return array("mysql"=>"MySQL users"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Get the list of the database for the current user. * @return array returns an associative array as follow :
* "db" => database name "bck" => backup mode for this db * "dir" => Backup folder. * Returns an array (empty) if no databases */ function get_dblist() { global $db,$err,$bro,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","get_dblist"); $db->free(); $db->query("SELECT login,pass,db, bck_mode, bck_dir FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' ORDER BY db;"); $c=array(); while ($db->next_record()) { list($dbu,$dbn)=split_mysql_database_name($db->f("db")); $c[]=array("db"=>$db->f("db"), "name"=>$dbn,"bck"=>$db->f("bck_mode"), "dir"=>$db->f("bck_dir"), "login"=>$db->f("login"), "pass"=>$db->f("pass")); } return $c; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Get the login and password of the special user able to connect to phpmyadmin * @return array returns an associative array with login and password * Returns FALSE if error */ function php_myadmin_connect(){ global $db,$cuid,$err; $err->log("mysql","php_myadmin_connect"); $db->query("SELECT name,password FROM dbusers WHERE uid='$cuid' and enable='ADMIN';"); if (!$db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Cannot connect to PhpMyadmin")); return false; } $db->next_record(); $info=array(); $info[]=array( "login"=>$db->f("name"), "pass"=>$db->f("password") ); return $info; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Returns the details of a user's database. * $dbn is the name of the database (after the _) or nothing for the database "$user" * @return array returns an associative array as follow : * "db" => Name of the database * "bck" => Current bckup mode * "dir" => Backup directory * "size" => Size of the database (in bytes) * "pass" => Password of the user * "history" => Number of backup we keep * "gzip" => Does we compress the dumps ? * Returns FALSE if the user has no database of if the database does not exist. */ function get_mysql_details($dbn) { global $db,$err,$bro,$mem,$cuid; $root=getuserpath(); $err->log("mysql","get_mysql_details"); $dbname=$mem->user["login"].($dbn?"_":"").$dbn; $size=$this->get_db_size($dbname); $db->query("SELECT login,pass,db, bck_mode, bck_gzip, bck_dir, bck_history FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';"); if (!$db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The database %s not found"),$dbn); return array("enabled"=>false); } $c=array(); $db->next_record(); list($dbu,$dbn)=split_mysql_database_name($db->f("db")); return array("enabled"=>true,"login"=>$db->f("login"),"db"=>$db->f("db"), "name"=>$dbn,"bck"=>$db->f("bck_mode"), "dir"=>substr($db->f("bck_dir"),strlen($root)), "size"=>$size, "pass"=>$db->f("pass"), "history"=>$db->f("bck_history"), "gzip"=>$db->f("bck_gzip")); } function test_get_param($dbname){ global $db,$err,$cuid; $db->query("SELECT "); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Create a new database for the current user. * @param $dbn string Database name ($user_$dbn is the mysql db name) * @return TRUE if the database $user_$db has been successfully created, or FALSE if * an error occured, such as over quota user. */ function add_db($dbn) { global $db,$err,$quota,$mem,$cuid,$admin; $err->log("mysql","add_db",$dbn); $password_user=""; if (!$quota->cancreate("mysql")) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Your databases quota is over. You cannot create more databases.")); return false; } $pos=strpos($dbn,'_'); if($pos === false){ $dbname=$dbn; }else{ $dbncomp=explode('_',$dbn); $dbname=$dbn; $dbn=$dbncomp[1]; } if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]*$#",$dbn)) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Database name can only only letters and numbers.")); return false; } if (strlen($dbname) > 64) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Database name cannot exceed 64 characters.")); return false; } $db->query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE db='$dbname';"); if ($db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Database %s already exists."),$dbn); return false; } $db->query("SELECT name from dbusers where name='".$dbname."' and enable='ACTIVATED' ;"); if(!$db->num_rows()){ $password_user=create_pass(8); if(!$this->add_user($dbn,$password_user,$password_user)){ } } //checking for the phpmyadmin user $db->query("SELECT * FROM dbusers WHERE uid=$cuid AND enable='ADMIN';"); if ($db->num_rows()) { $db->next_record(); $myadm=$db->f("name"); $password=$db->f("password"); }else{ $err->raise("mysql",_("There is a problem with the special PhpMyadmin user. Contact the administrator."));//FIXME error code return false; } //Grant the special user every rights. if ($this->dbus->query("CREATE DATABASE `$dbname`;")) { $err->log("mysql","add_db_succes",$dbn); // Ok, database does not exist, quota is ok and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed $db->query("INSERT INTO db (uid,login,pass,db,bck_mode) VALUES ('$cuid','$myadm','$password','$dbname',0);"); $dbuser=$dbname; $dbname=str_replace('_','\_',$dbname); $this->grant($dbname,$myadm,"ALL PRIVILEGES",$password); if(!empty($password_user)){ $this->grant($dbname,$dbuser,"ALL PRIVILEGES",$password_user); } $this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"); return true; } else { $err->log("mysql","add_db",$dbn); $err->raise("mysql",_("An error occured. The database could not be created.")); return false; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Delete a database for the current user. * @param $dbn string Name of the database to delete. The db name is $user_$dbn * @return TRUE if the database $user_$db has been successfully deleted, or FALSE if * an error occured, such as db does not exist. */ function del_db($dbn) { global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","del_db",$dbn); $dbname=addslashes($dbn); $db->query("SELECT uid FROM db WHERE db='$dbname';"); if (!$db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The database was not found. Suppression failed.")); return false; } $db->next_record(); // Ok, database exists and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed $db->query("DELETE FROM size_db WHERE db='$dbname';"); $db->query("DELETE FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';"); $this->dbus->query("DROP DATABASE `$dbname`;"); $db_esc=str_replace('_','\_',$dbname); $db->query("select User from mysql.db where User='".$dbname."' and Db!='".$db_esc."' and (Select_priv='Y' or Insert_priv='Y' or Update_priv='Y' or Delete_priv='Y' or Create_priv='Y' or Drop_priv='Y' or References_priv='Y' or Index_priv='Y' or Alter_priv='Y' or Create_tmp_table_priv='Y' or Lock_tables_priv='Y');"); if(!$db->num_rows()){ $this->del_user($dbname); } return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Set the backup parameters for the database $db * @param $db string database name * @param $bck_mode integer Backup mode (0 = none 1 = daily 2 = weekly) * @param $bck_history integer How many backup should we keep ? * @param $bck_gzip boolean shall we compress the backup ? * @param $bck_dir string Directory relative to the user account where the backup will be stored * @return boolean true if the backup parameters has been successfully changed, false if not. */ function put_mysql_backup($dbn,$bck_mode,$bck_history,$bck_gzip,$bck_dir) { global $db,$err,$mem,$bro,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","put_mysql_backup"); if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]*$#",$dbn)) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Database name can contain only letters and numbers.")); return false; } $dbname=$mem->user["login"].($dbn?"_":"").$dbn; $db->query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';"); if (!$db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Database %s not found."),$dbn); return false; } $db->next_record(); $bck_mode=intval($bck_mode); $bck_history=intval($bck_history); if ($bck_gzip) $bck_gzip="1"; else $bck_gzip="0"; if (!$bck_mode) $bck_mode="0"; if (!$bck_history) { $err->raise("mysql",_("You have to choose how many backups you want to keep.")); return false; } if (($bck_dir=$bro->convertabsolute($bck_dir,0))===false) { // return a full path or FALSE $err->raise("mysql",_("Directory does not exists.")); return false; } $db->query("UPDATE db SET bck_mode='$bck_mode', bck_history='$bck_history', bck_gzip='$bck_gzip', bck_dir='$bck_dir' WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';"); return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Change the password of the user in MySQL * @param $password string new password (cleartext) * @return boolean TRUE if the password has been successfully changed, FALSE else. */ function put_mysql_details($password) { global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid,$admin; $err->log("mysql","put_mysql_details"); $db->query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid';"); if (!$db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Database not found.")); return false; } $db->next_record(); $login=$db->f("login"); if (!$password) { $err->raise("mysql",_("You have to set a new password.")); return false; } if (strlen($password)>16) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Mysql password cannot exceed 16 characters.")); return false; } // Check this password against the password policy using common API : if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) { if (!$admin->checkPolicy("mysql",$login,$password)) { return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy() } } // Update all the "pass" fields for this user : $db->query("UPDATE db SET pass='$password' WHERE uid='$cuid';"); $this->dbus->query("SET PASSWORD FOR ".$login."@".$this->dbus->Client." = PASSWORD('$password');"); return true; } /** * Function used to grant SQL rights to users: * @base :database * @user : database user * @rights : rights to apply ( optional, every rights apply given if missing * @pass : user password ( optional, if not given the pass stays the same, else it takes the new value ) * @table : sql tables to apply rights **/ function grant($base,$user,$rights=null,$pass=null,$table='*'){ global $err,$db; $err->log("mysql","grant",$base."-".$user); if(!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z_\\*\\\\]*$#",$base)){ $err->raise("mysql",_("Database name can only contain letters and numbers.")); return false; }elseif(!$db->query("select db from db where db='$base';")){ $err->raise("mysql","query base fail"); return false; } if($rights==null){ $rights='ALL PRIVILEGES'; }elseif(!preg_match("#^[a-zA-Z,\s]*$#",$rights)){ $err->raise("mysql",_("Databases rights are not correct.")); return false; } if(!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z_]*$#",$user)) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Database username can contain only letters numbers and underscores")); return false; } $db->query("select name from dbusers where name='".$user."' ;"); if(!$db->num_rows()){ $err->raise("mysql","Database user not found."); return false; } if($rights == "FILE"){ $grant="grant ".$rights." on ".$base.".".$table." to '".$user."'@'".$this->dbus->Client."'" ; }else{ $grant="grant ".$rights." on `".$base."`.".$table." to '".$user."'@'".$this->dbus->Client."'" ; } if($pass){ $grant .= " identified by '".$pass."';"; }else{ $grant .= ";"; } if(!$this->dbus->query($grant)){ $err->raise("mysql",_("Could not grant rights.")); return false; } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Restore a sql database. * @param $file string The filename, relative to the user root dir, which contains a sql dump * @param $stdout boolean shall-we dump the error to stdout ? * @param $id integer The ID of the database to dump to. * @return boolean TRUE if the database has been restored, or FALSE if an error occurred */ function restore($file,$stdout,$id) { // TODO don't work with the separated sql serveur for dbusers global $err,$bro,$mem,$L_MYSQL_HOST; if (!$r=$this->get_mysql_details($id)) { return false; } if (!($fi=$bro->convertabsolute($file,0))) { $err->raise("mysql",_("File not found.")); return false; } if (substr($fi,-3)==".gz") { $exe="/bin/gzip -d -c <".escapeshellarg($fi)." | /usr/bin/mysql -h".escapeshellarg($L_MYSQL_HOST)." -u".escapeshellarg($r["login"])." -p".escapeshellarg($r["pass"])." ".escapeshellarg($r["db"]); } elseif (substr($fi,-4)==".bz2") { $exe="/usr/bin/bunzip2 -d -c <".escapeshellarg($fi)." | /usr/bin/mysql -h".escapeshellarg($L_MYSQL_HOST)." -u".escapeshellarg($r["login"])." -p".escapeshellarg($r["pass"])." ".escapeshellarg($r["db"]); } else { $exe="/usr/bin/mysql -h".escapeshellarg($L_MYSQL_HOST)." -u".escapeshellarg($r["login"])." -p".escapeshellarg($r["pass"])." ".escapeshellarg($r["db"])." <".escapeshellarg($fi); } $exe .= " 2>&1"; echo "
" ;
    if ($stdout) {
    } else {
      exec ($exe,$ret);
    echo "
" ; if ($ret != 0) { return false ; } else { return true ; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Get the size of a database * @param $dbname name of the database * @return integer database size * @access private */ function get_db_size($dbname) { global $db,$err; $this->dbus->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `$dbname`;"); $size = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { $size += $db->f('Data_length') + $db->f('Index_length'); if ( $db->f('Engine') != 'InnoDB') $size += $db->f('Data_free'); } return $size; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Returns the list of database users of an account **/ function get_userslist() { global $db,$err,$bro,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","get_userslist"); $c=array(); $db->query("SELECT name FROM dbusers WHERE uid='$cuid' and enable not in ('ADMIN','HIDDEN') ORDER BY name;"); while ($db->next_record()) { $pos=strpos($db->f("name"),"_"); if($pos === false){ $c[]=array("name"=>($db->f("name"))); }else{ $c[]=array("name"=>($db->f("name"))); //$c[]=array("name"=>substr($db->f("name"),strpos($db->f("name"),"_")+1)); } } return $c; } function get_defaultsparam($dbn){ global $db,$err,$bro,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","getdefaults"); $dbu=$dbn; $r=array(); $dbn=str_replace('_','\_',$dbn); $q=$db->query("Select * from mysql.db where Db='".$dbn."' and User!='".$cuid."_myadm';"); if(!$db->num_rows()){ return $r; } while ($db->next_record()) { $variable = $db->Record; if($variable['User'] == $dbu){ $r['Host']=$db->f('Host'); if($db->f('Select_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Insert_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Update_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Delete_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Create_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Drop_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('References_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Index_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Alter_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Create_tmp_table_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Lock_tables_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Create_view_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Show_view_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Create_routine_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Alter_routine_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Execute_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Event_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } if($db->f('Trigger_priv') !== "Y"){ return $r; } } }//endwhile if(!$db->query("SELECT name,password from dbusers where name='".$dbu."';")){ return $r; } if(!$db->num_rows()){ return $r; } $db->next_record(); $r['user']=$db->f('name'); $r['password']=$db->f('password'); return $r; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Create a new user in MySQL rights tables * @param $usern the username (we will add _[alternc-account] to it) * @param $password The password for this username * @param $passconf The password confirmation * @return TRUE if the user has been created in MySQL or FALSE if an error occurred **/ function add_user($usern,$password,$passconf) { global $db,$err,$quota,$mem,$cuid,$admin; $err->log("mysql","add_user",$usern); $usern=trim($usern); $login=$mem->user["login"]; if($login != $usern){ $user=addslashes($login."_".$usern); }else{ $user=$usern; } $pass=addslashes($password); if (!$usern) { $err->raise("mysql",_("You have to input a username.")); return false; } if (!$pass) { $err->raise("mysql",_("You have to input a password.")); return false; } if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]#",$usern)) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The username can contain only letters and numbers.")); return false; } // We check the length of the COMPLETE username, not only the part after _ if (strlen($user) > 16) { $err->raise("mysql",_("Mysql username cannot exceed 16 characters.")); return false; } $db->query("SELECT * FROM dbusers WHERE name='$user';"); if ($db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The database user was not found.")); return false; } if ($password != $passconf || !$password) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The passwords do not match.")); return false; } // Check this password against the password policy using common API : if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) { if (!$admin->checkPolicy("mysql",$user,$password)) { return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy() } } // We add him to the user table $db->query("INSERT INTO dbusers (uid,name,password,enable) VALUES($cuid,'$user','$password','ACTIVATED');"); // We create the user account (the "file" right is the only one we need globally to be able to use load data into outfile) $this->grant("*",$user,"FILE",$pass); return true; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Change a user's MySQL password * @param $usern the username * @param $password The password for this username * @param $passconf The password confirmation * @return TRUE if the password has been changed in MySQL or FALSE if an error occurred **/ function change_user_password($usern,$password,$passconf) { global $db,$err,$quota,$mem,$cuid,$admin; $err->log("mysql","change_user_pass",$usern); $usern=trim($usern); $user=addslashes($usern); $pass=addslashes($password); if ($password != $passconf || !$password) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The passwords do not match.")); return false; } // Check this password against the password policy using common API : if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) { if (!$admin->checkPolicy("mysql",$user,$password)) { return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy() } } $db->query("SET PASSWORD FOR '".$user."'@'".$this->dbus->Client."' = PASSWORD('".$pass."');"); $db->query("UPDATE dbusers set password='".$pass."' where name='".$usern."' and uid=$cuid ;"); return true; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Delete a user in MySQL rights tables * @param $user the username (we will add "[alternc-account]_" to it) to delete * @return TRUE if the user has been deleted in MySQL or FALSE if an error occurred **/ function del_user($user) { global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid,$L_MYSQL_DATABASE; $err->log("mysql","del_user",$user); if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]#",$user)) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The username can contain only letters and numbers.")); return false; } $db->query("SELECT name FROM dbusers WHERE name='".$user."' and enable not in ('ADMIN','HIDDEN');"); if (!$db->num_rows()) { $err->raise("mysql",_("The username was not found.")); return false; } $db->next_record(); $login=$db->f("name"); // Ok, database exists and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed $db->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM '".$user."'@'".$this->dbus->Client."';"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."';"); $db->query("DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."';"); $db->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES"); $db->query("DELETE FROM dbusers WHERE uid='$cuid' AND name='".$user."';"); return true; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Return the list of the database rights of user $user * @param $user the username * @return array An array of database name and rights **/ function get_user_dblist($user){ global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid; $r=array(); $db->free(); $dblist=$this->get_dblist(); foreach($dblist as $tab){ $pos=strpos($tab['db'],"_"); if($pos === false){ $this->dbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."' AND Db='".$tab["db"]."';"); }else{ $dbname=str_replace('_','\_',$tab['db']); $this->dbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."' AND Db='".$dbname."';"); } if ($this->dbus->next_record()){ $r[]=array("db"=>$tab["db"], "select"=>$this->dbus->f("Select_priv"), "insert"=>$this->dbus->f("Insert_priv"), "update"=>$this->dbus->f("Update_priv"), "delete"=>$this->dbus->f("Delete_priv"), "create"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_priv"), "drop"=>$this->dbus->f("Drop_priv"), "references"=>$this->dbus->f("References_priv"), "index"=>$this->dbus->f("Index_priv"), "alter"=>$this->dbus->f("Alter_priv"), "create_tmp"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_tmp_table_priv"), "lock"=>$this->dbus->f("Lock_tables_priv"), "create_view"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_view_priv"), "show_view"=>$this->dbus->f("Show_view_priv"), "create_routine"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_routine_priv"), "alter_routine"=>$this->dbus->f("Alter_routine_priv"), "execute"=>$this->dbus->f("Execute_priv"), "event"=>$this->dbus->f("Event_priv"), "trigger"=>$this->dbus->f("Trigger_priv") ); }else{ $r[]=array("db"=>$tab['db'], "select"=>"N", "insert"=>"N", "update"=>"N", "delete"=>"N", "create"=>"N", "drop"=>"N", "references"=>"N", "index"=>"N", "alter"=>"N", "Create_tmp"=>"N", "lock"=>"N","create_view"=>"N","show_view"=>"N","create_routine"=>"N","alter_routine"=>"N","execute"=>"N","event"=>"N","trigger"=>"N"); } } return $r; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Set the access rights of user $user to database $dbn to be rights $rights * @param $user the username to give rights to * @param $dbn The database to give rights to * @param $rights The rights as an array of MySQL keywords (insert, select ...) * @return boolean TRUE if the rights has been applied or FALSE if an error occurred * **/ function set_user_rights($user,$dbn,$rights) { global $mem,$err,$db; $err->log("mysql","set_user_rights"); $usern=addslashes($user); $dbname=addslashes($dbn); $dbname=str_replace('_','\_',$dbname); // On génère les droits en fonction du tableau de droits $strrights=""; for( $i=0 ; $idbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE User = '$usern' AND Db = '$dbname';"); if($this->dbus->num_rows()) $this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `$dbname`.* FROM '$usern'@'".$this->dbus->Client."';"); if( $strrights ){ $strrights=substr($strrights,0,strlen($strrights)-1); $this->grant($dbname,$usern,$strrights); } $this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES"); return TRUE; } function available_sql_rights(){ return Array('select','insert','update','delete','create','drop','references','index','alter','create_tmp','lock','create_view','show_view','create_routine','alter_routine','execute','event','trigger'); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Hook function called by the quota class to compute user used quota * Returns the used quota for the $name service for the current user. * @param $name string name of the quota * @return integer the number of service used or false if an error occured * @access private */ function hook_quota_get() { global $err,$db,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","alternc_get_quota"); $q=Array("name"=>"mysql", "description"=>_("MySQL Databases"), "used"=>0); $c=$this->get_dblist(); if (is_array($c)) { $q['used']=count($c); } return $q; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Hook function called when a user is created. * AlternC's standard function that create a member * @access private */ function alternc_add_member() { global $db,$err,$cuid,$mem; $err->log("mysql","alternc_add_member"); //checking for the phpmyadmin user $db->query("SELECT name,password FROM dbusers WHERE uid=$cuid AND Type='ADMIN';"); if ($db->num_rows()) { $myadm=$db->f("name"); $password=$db->f("password"); }else{ $myadm=$cuid."_myadm"; $password=create_pass(8); } $db->query("INSERT INTO dbusers (uid,name,password,enable) VALUES ('$cuid','$myadm','$password','ADMIN');"); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Hook function called when a user is deleted. * AlternC's standard function that delete a member * @access private */ function alternc_del_member() { global $db,$err,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","alternc_del_member"); $c=$this->get_dblist(); if (is_array($c)) { for($i=0;$idel_db($c[$i]["name"]); } } $d=$this->get_userslist(); if (!empty($d)) { for($i=0;$idel_user($d[$i]["name"]); } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Hook function called when a user is logged out. * We just remove the cookie created in admin/sql_admin.php a @access private */ function alternc_del_session() { setcookie("REMOTE_USER",""); setcookie("REMOTE_PASSWORD",""); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Exporte all the mysql information of an account * @access private * EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;) */ function alternc_export_conf() { //TODO don't work with separated sql server for dbusers global $db,$err,$cuid; $err->log("mysql","export"); $db->query("SELECT login, pass, db, bck_mode, bck_dir, bck_history, bck_gzip FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid';"); if ($db->next_record()) { $str.=" \n"; $str.=" ".$db->Record["login"]."\n"; $str.=" ".$db->Record["pass"]."\n"; do { $filename=$tmpdir."/mysql.".$db->Record["db"].".sql.gz"; $str.=" ".($db->Record["db"])."\n"; $str.=" ".($db->Record["pass"])."\n"; if ($s["bck_mode"]!=0) { $str.=" ".($db->Record["bck_mode"])."\n"; $str.=" ".($db->Record["bck_dir"])."\n"; $str.=" ".($db->Record["bck_history"])."\n"; $str.=" ".($db->Record["bck_gzip"])."\n"; } } while ($db->next_record()); $str.=" \n"; } return $str; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Exporte all the mysql databases a of give account to $dir directory * @access private * EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;) */ function alternc_export_data ($dir){ global $db, $err, $cuid,$mem; $err->log("mysql","export_data"); $db->query("SELECT db.login, db.pass, db.db, FROM db,dbusers WHERE db.uid='$cuid' AND dbusers.uid=db.uid;"); $dir.="sql/"; if(!is_dir($dir)){ if(!mkdir($dir)){ $err->raise('mysql',_("The directory could not be created")); } } // on exporte toutes les bases utilisateur. while($db->next_record()){ $filename=$dir."mysql.".$db->Record["db"].".".date("H:i:s").".sql.gz"; exec ("/usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -Q -f -q -a -e ".escapeshellarg($db->Record["db"])." |/bin/gzip >".escapeshellarg($filename)); } } } /* Class m_mysql */ ?>