"; __("Last Login: "); if ($mem->user["lastlogin"]=="0000-00-00 00:00:00") { __("Never"); } else { echo format_date(_('the %3$d-%2$d-%1$d at %4$d:%5$02d'),$mem->user["lastlogin"]); printf(" "._('from: %1$s ')."
",$mem->user["lastip"]); } echo "

"; if ($mem->user["lastfail"]) { printf(_("%1\$d login failed since last login")."
",$mem->user["lastfail"]); } if (!empty($error) ) { echo "


";$error=''; } $feed_url = variable_get('rss_feed'); if (!empty($feed_url)) { $cache_time = 60*5; // 5 minutes $cache_file = "/tmp/alterncpanel_cache_main.rss"; $timedif = @(time() - filemtime($cache_file)); if (file_exists($cache_file) && $timedif < $cache_time) { $string = file_get_contents($cache_file); } else { $string = file_get_contents("$feed_url"); file_put_contents($cache_file,$string); } $xml = @simplexml_load_string($string); if ( ! $xml === FALSE ) { echo '
'; echo ""; //echo ''; $count = 0; $max = 5; foreach ($xml->channel->item as $val) { if ($count < $max) { echo "\n'; if (!empty($val->pubDate)) { echo ''; } echo ''; } $count++; } //foreach echo "
pubDate)?'colpan=2':'').'>'.$val->title.''.strftime("%d/%m/%Y" , strtotime($val->pubDate)).'
\n"; echo "
"; } // $xml === FALSE } // empty feed_url if($admin->enabled) { $expiring = $admin->renew_get_expiring_accounts(); if(!empty($expiring) ) { echo "

" . _("Expired or about to expire accounts") . "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (is_array($expiring)) { foreach($expiring as $account) { echo ""; if($admin->checkcreator($account['uid'])) { echo ""; }else{ echo ""; } echo "\n"; } } echo "
"._("uid").""._("Last name, surname").""._("Expiry")."
{$account['uid']}{$account['nom']}, {$account['prenom']}{$account['nom']}, {$account['prenom']}{$account['expiry']}
\n"; } echo "

"; __("You are using the AlternC Panel. You can contact the AlternC community for information or feedback by joining the mailing-list"); echo " users@alternc.org"; echo "

"; } // if $admin->enabled $c = $admin->get($cuid); define("QUOTASONE","1"); echo "
"; require_once("quotas_oneuser.php"); ?>