# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Jacob . <tn20160417@telenet.be>, 2017
# Kevin Morssink, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: AlternC, hosting control panel\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: alternc@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-24 17:17+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-27 19:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Sonntag <benjamin@sonntag.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (Netherlands) (http://www.transifex.com/octopuce/alternc/language/nl_NL/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: nl_NL\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:1001
msgid "AlternC need ACL on filesystem"
msgstr "AlternC heeft ACL nodig op het bestandssyteem"

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:1001
msgid ""
"AlternC can't work without ACL activated on its filesystem. ACL are "
"currently not enabled."
msgstr "AlternC kan niet werken zonder dat ACL aktief is on zijn bestandssysteem. ACL's zijn nu niet actief."

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:1001
msgid ""
"Also, you need to activate group quota (grpquota) to be able to use disk "
"quota (but that's not mandatory)."
msgstr "U moet ook groepsquota (grpquota) aanschakelen om schijfquota te kunnen gebruiken (maar dit is niet verplicht)."

#. Type: error
#. Description
#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:1001 ../alternc.templates:36001
msgid "This is a fatal error and will cause the package installation to fail."
msgstr "Dit is een fatale fout, de package installatie zal niet lukken."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:2001
msgid "AlternC QUOTA not enabled"
msgstr "AlternC QUOTA's zijn niet aangeschakeld."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:2001
msgid "As a result, the QUOTA assigned to each user will be infinite."
msgstr "Dit heeft tot gevolg dat aan iedere gebruiker een ongelimiteerde QUOTA toegewezen zal worden."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:2001
msgid ""
"To be able to use space quota in AlternC, enable grpquota in your partition."
msgstr "Om schijfquota te kunnen gebruiken in AlternC moet U grpquota activeren in uw partitie."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:3001
msgid "Fully qualified name of the desktop:"
msgstr "Volledig gekwalificeerde naam van de desktop:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:3001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your server. This will be the "
"domain part of the url you will use to access the virtual managment desktop."
" This (sub)domain MUST point to your server."
msgstr "Gelieve de volledig gekwalificeerde naam van uw server in te voeren. Dit zal het domein gedeelte van de URL worden die U zal gebruiken om het virtuele beheersbureaublad te bereiken. Dit (sub)domein MOET naar uw server verwijzen."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:3001
msgid "The default should be ok if your machine is correctly configured."
msgstr "De standaardwaarde zou OK moeten zijn indien uw computer correct ingesteld is"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:4001
msgid "Name of your hosting service:"
msgstr "Naam van uw hostingverlener:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:4001
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of your hosting service. It may be your company's name"
" or your personnal name or whatever you want to ..."
msgstr "Vul de naam van uw hostingdienst. Het mag uw bedrijfsnaam of uw eigen naam of wat U ook maar wenst..."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:5001
msgid "Name of the primary domain name server:"
msgstr "Naam van primaire domeinnaamserver:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:5001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your primary dns server. It can be "
"this server since bind is installed and configured by AlternC. Anyway, if "
"your hosting service is quite big, you may have an external primary name "
"server that keep in sync with your alternc's server(s). . The default value "
"should be good in most case."
msgstr "Database gebruiker niet gevonden"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:6001
msgid "Name of the secondary domain name server:"
msgstr "Naam van secondaire domeinnaamserver:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:6001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your secondary dns server. It can "
"be this server since bind is installed and configured by AlternC. Anyway, "
"you should have 2 separate DNS servers if you want to provide a high quality"
" hosting service."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:6001
msgid ""
"AlternC's team is providing any user of AlternC with free DNS service. go to"
" http://alternc.net/ to create an account and use it."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:7001
msgid "Path where AlternC's users html files will be located:"
msgstr "Pad waar de AlternC's gebruikers html bestanden zullen worden opgeslagen:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the directory name where you want html user files to be put. "
"The default value should be good in most cases."
msgstr "Vul de foldernaam waar U uw gebruikers maildirs wilt opslaan. De standaardwaarde zou in de meeste gevallen goed moeten zijn."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:7001
msgid "This directory will contain every AlternC users personal directories."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:8001
msgid "Path where AlternC's users mails will be located:"
msgstr "Pad waar de AlternC's gebruikers mails zullen worden opgeslagen:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Please enter the directory name where you want to put your users maildirs. "
"The default value should be good in most cases."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:9001
msgid "Path where alternc's logs files will be located:"
msgstr "Pad waar de AlternC's log bestanden zullen worden opgeslagen:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the directory name where you want to put your log files. The "
"default value should be good in most cases."
msgstr "Vul de foldernaam waar U uw log bestanden wilt opslaan. De standaardwaarde zou in de meeste gevallen goed moeten zijn."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:10001
msgid "Name of the mysql server:"
msgstr "naam van de mysql server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your mysql server host. This server"
" MUST be able to access the remote server at standard port (3306). It is "
"recommended to use \"\" instead of \"localhost\" if your postfix "
"installation is configured in a chroot (which is the case, by default)."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:11001
msgid "AlternC's mysql system database:"
msgstr "AlternC's mysql systeem database:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:11001
msgid ""
"AlternC will create a mysql database to store it's system data. Please "
"choose the name of this database here. The default value should be good in "
"most case."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:12001 ../alternc.templates:16001
msgid "AlternC's mysql account:"
msgstr "AlternC's mysql account:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:12001 ../alternc.templates:16001
msgid ""
"AlternC will create a mysql administrator account. Please choose it's "
"username here. The default value should be good in most case."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:13001
msgid "Remote root mysql user account:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:13001
msgid ""
"Using a remote mysql installation requires root access to the remote "
"database. A root user is required to create the alternc user with grant "
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:13001
msgid ""
"The alternc sql user is responsible for granting access to user generated "
"databases, that is why it needs root access on the mysql installation."
msgstr ""

#. Type: password
#. Description
#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:14001 ../alternc.templates:17001
msgid "Password of AlternC's mysql account:"
msgstr "Wachtwoordv an AlternC's mysql account:"

#. Type: password
#. Description
#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:14001 ../alternc.templates:17001
msgid ""
"AlternC requires an administrator account on the mysql server. It will be "
"created automatically during the install process. Please choose a password "
"for this account."
msgstr ""

#. Type: password
#. Description
#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:14001 ../alternc.templates:15001
msgid ""
"Please choose a quite complex password since it will have full access to the"
" system database! If you enter nothing, a random password will be created."
msgstr ""

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:15001
msgid "Password of the remote root mysql user account:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:15001
msgid "Specify the remote mysql user password"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:18001
msgid "The server to GRANT permissions to:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:18001
msgid ""
"AlternC and MySQL can be installed on different servers. In order to have "
"GRANT table properly created and manipulated, this parameter must be set to "
"the hostname or IP the Apache server will appear as connecting from to the "
"MySQL server."
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:19001
msgid "The way backup rotation is executed"
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:19001
msgid ""
"AlternC enables users to configure their own backups, on demand, with "
"automatic rotation. This option determines how the backups are rotated."
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:19001
msgid ""
"rotate - backup.sql, backup.sql.0, backup.sql.1 date - backup.sql, "
"backup.sql.20080709, backup.sql.20080708"
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:20001
msgid "Behavior of the backup script when it encounters a unmanaged file"
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:20001
msgid ""
"The SQL backups can rename or overwrite existing files it doesn't know about"
" when doing backups. The default behavior is to skip those files and ignore "
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:21001
msgid "The primary IP of this server:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:21001
msgid ""
"AlternC will default the A records for domains it hosts to this address. In "
"other words, this is the address everyone can reach to server at."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:22001
msgid "The internal IP of this server:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:22001
msgid ""
"AlternC will configure Apache and other services to listen to this address. "
"This is usually the same as the primary IP of the server, unless the server "
"is sitting behind a NAT router."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:22001
msgid "In other words, this is the IP address of eth0."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:23001
msgid "The default MX to assign to new domains:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:23001
msgid ""
"AlternC will assign this hostname as the MX record for all the domains it "
"hosts. It is usually better be left alone."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:24001
msgid "The default Backup MX to assign to new domains:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:24001
msgid ""
"AlternC will assign this hostname as the Backup MX record for all the "
"domains it hosts. Don't set it if you don't know what it is about."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:25001
msgid "The path where AlternC is installed:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:25001
msgid ""
"Please enter the partition name where alternc is installed. This is used "
"mainly for disk quotas."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:25001
msgid "Warning: Be careful! It can generate some problems."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:26001
msgid "The monitoring server:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:26001
msgid ""
"The IP address (or ip/prefix) of the server(s) which must be authorized to  "
"ping the server and access apache status pages. Completely optional."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:27001
msgid "Should AlternC remove all databases (/var/lib/mysql/)?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:27001
msgid "All users databases will be trashed"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:28001
msgid "Should AlternC remove users datas?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:28001
msgid "The files and apache redirections created by users will be trashed"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:29001
msgid "Should AlternC remove bind zones?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:29001
msgid "It will delete all bind zones created by AlternC"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:30001
msgid "Should AlternC remove mailboxes?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:30001
msgid "If you accept all users e-mails will be deleted"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:31001
msgid "Slave servers:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:31001
msgid ""
"This is a space-separated list of servers that are \"slaves\" to the master "
"server (this server). When writing Apache configuration files, the master "
"server will attempt to reload Apache on those remote servers. The alternc-"
"slave package correctly configures those machines to allow login and reload."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:32001
msgid "Use locally found MySQL server?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:32001
msgid ""
"A local MySQL connection was established on the server. Please tell if you "
"want to use it. If not remote MySQL server connection parameters will be "
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:33001
msgid "Use a remote MySQL server?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:33001
msgid ""
"Please confirm you want to use a remote Mysql Server. If not, AlternC cannot"
" be installed."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:34001
msgid "MySQL connection error. Try again?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:34001
msgid ""
"Remote connection to the MySQL server failed. Please confirm to try again."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:35001
msgid "Private IP detected, use it anyway?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:35001
msgid ""
"The IP address of the machine appears to be private, please confirm that "
"this is an expected situation, since the server might not be reachable from "
"outside your network."
msgstr ""

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:36001
msgid "Remote mysql: connection error"
msgstr ""

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:36001
msgid "Connection to the remote MySQL server failed."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:1001
msgid "Default quota value for awstats stats:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:1001
msgid ""
"You are installing the alternc-awstats package. This package allows any user"
" to ask for statistics about his web site. Users can ask for a limited "
"number of statistic set. Please specify the default quota they will have for"
" this service."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid "Do you want to patch mailman for virtual support?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"The AlternC mailman plugin can optionally patch mailman to make it support "
"same-name lists on different domains (ie. allow test@example.com and "
"test@example.org to coexist). Mailman 2.x, by default, doesn't support that "
"functionality but Koumbit.org has developped patches to make it."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"The plugin only supports patching, no way to unpatch right now. Please "
"understand that this process will modify core Mailman code and might break "
"some functionality. It is running in production on Koumbit.org."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"Also, note that everytime the mailman package is upgraded or reinstalled, "
"the patches will need to be reapplied manually. This can be done by "
"reconfiguring the alternc-mailman package.  ."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"The patches are in /usr/share/alternc-mailman/patches. More information "
"about the patch at http://wiki.koumbit.net/VirtualMailman."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:33
msgid "You cannot add any new statistics, your quota is over."
msgstr "U kunt geen nieuwe statistieken toevoegen, uw quotum is bereikt."

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:38
msgid "Edit Statistics"
msgstr "Statistieken bewerken"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:38
msgid "New Statistics"
msgstr "Nieuwe Statistieken"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:41
msgid ""
"Awstats will analyze every logs availables for this domain (since its "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:51 ../admin/aws_list.php:65
msgid "Domain name"
msgstr "Domein naam"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:58
msgid "Hostaliases"
msgstr "Host aliassen"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:72 ../admin/aws_list.php:65
msgid "Allowed Users"
msgstr "Toegestane Gebruikers"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:88
msgid ""
"No users currently defined, you must create login with the 'Manage allowed "
"users' accounts' menu."
msgstr "Nog geen gebruikers gedefinieerd, u moet de login naam aanmaken met het 'Beheer toegestane gebruikersaccounts' menu."

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:93
msgid "Create those statistics"
msgstr "Maak deze statistieken aan"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:93
msgid "Edit those statistics"
msgstr "Bewerk die statistieken"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:94 ../admin/aws_pass.php:78 ../admin/aws_users.php:58
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleer"

#: ../admin/aws_del.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "The statistics %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "De statistieken %s zijn succesvol verwijderd"

#: ../admin/aws_del.php:42
msgid "Please check the statistics set you want to delete"
msgstr "Verifieer aub de statistieken die u wilt verwijderen"

#: ../admin/aws_doadd.php:40
msgid "The statistics has been successfully created"
msgstr "De Statistieken zijn succesvol aangemaakt"

#: ../admin/aws_doedit.php:36 ../admin/aws_edit.php:33
msgid "No Statistics selected!"
msgstr "Geen statistieken geselekteerd!"

#: ../admin/aws_doedit.php:47
msgid "The Statistics has been successfully changed"
msgstr "De Statistieken zijn succesvol aangepast"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:30
msgid "No statistics currently defined"
msgstr "Er zijn op het moment geen statistieken gespecificeerd"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:36 ../class/m_aws.php:386
msgid "Your stat quota is over..."
msgstr "Uw quota voor stat is bereikt..."

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:41
msgid "Statistics List"
msgstr "Lijst van statistieken"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:52
msgid "Manage allowed users' accounts"
msgstr "Beheer accounts van toegestane gebruikers"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:56 ../admin/aws_users.php:44
msgid "Create new Statistics"
msgstr "Kreëer nieuwe Statistieken"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:65 ../admin/aws_users.php:73
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Aktie"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:65 ../admin/aws_list.php:77
msgid "View the statistics"
msgstr "Bekijk de statistieken"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:74
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bewerk"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:81
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected statistics?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:81
msgid "Delete the checked Statistics"
msgstr "Verwijder de gemarkeerde Statistieken"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:43
msgid "Please enter a password"
msgstr "Aub, toets een wachtwoord in"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:45 ../admin/aws_useradd.php:36
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Wachtwoorden stemmen niet overeen"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:48
msgid "Password successfuly updated"
msgstr "Wachtwoorden met succes bijgewerkt."

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:61
msgid "Change a user's password"
msgstr "Verander wachtwoord van een gebruiker"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:71 ../admin/aws_users.php:51
#: ../admin/aws_users.php:73
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:74
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:75 ../admin/aws_users.php:55
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Bevestig wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:77
msgid "Change this user's password"
msgstr "Verander het wachtwoord van deze gebruiker"

#: ../admin/aws_useradd.php:41
msgid "The Awstat account has been successfully created"
msgstr "Het Awstat account is succesvol aangemaakt"

#: ../admin/aws_userdel.php:34
#, php-format
msgid "The awstat account %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "Het awstat account %s is succesvol verwijderd"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:29
msgid "Awstats allowed user list"
msgstr "Awstats lijst van toegestane gebruikers"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:54
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:57
msgid "Create this new Awstats user"
msgstr "Maak deze nieuwe Awstats gebruiker aan"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:81
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Verander wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:87
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected accounts?"
msgstr "Bent U zeker dat U de geselecteerde accounts wilt verwijderen?"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:87
msgid "Delete checked accounts"
msgstr "Verwijder gemarkeerde accounts"

#: ../admin/menu_aws.php:39 ../class/m_aws.php:59
msgid "Web Statistics"
msgstr "Web Statistieken"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:82
msgid ""
"The stats module allows any user to ask for statistics about his web site. "
"Statistics are web pages generated daily based on the visits of the day "
"before. Awstats is the soft used to produce those stats. The statistics are "
"then protected by a login and a password."
msgstr "De module 'stats' staat iedere gebruiker toe om statistieken over deze web site op te vragen.Statistieken zijn web pagina's die dagelijks gegenereerd worden over de bezoeken van de vorige dagAwstats is het programma dat deze statistieken produceert. De statistieken worden dan beschermd door een loginnaam en wachtwoord."

#: ../class/m_aws.php:161 ../class/m_aws.php:324 ../class/m_aws.php:720
msgid "This statistic does not exist"
msgstr "Deze statistiek bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:261
msgid "Host already managed by awstats!"
msgstr "Host wordt al beheerd door awstats!"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:358
msgid "This hostname does not exist (Domain name)"
msgstr "Deze hostnaam bestaat niet (Domein naam)"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:366
msgid "This hostname does not exist (Hostaliases)"
msgstr "Deze hostnaam bestaat niet (Host aliassen)"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:399
msgid "No user currently defined"
msgstr "Er is op dit moment geen gebruiker gedefinieerd"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:457 ../class/m_aws.php:527
msgid "Login does not exist"
msgstr "Login bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:476
msgid "Login already exist"
msgstr "Deze login bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:498 ../class/m_aws.php:523 ../class/m_aws.php:578
msgid "Login incorrect"
msgstr "Login naam niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:502 ../class/m_aws.php:582
msgid "Login does not exists"
msgstr "Login naam bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:532 ../class/m_aws.php:560 ../class/m_aws.php:587
msgid "The requested statistic does not exist."
msgstr "De opgevraagde statistiek bestaat niet."

#: ../class/m_aws.php:537
msgid "This login is already allowed for this statistics."
msgstr "Deze login naam is al geaccepteerd voor deze statistieken."

#: ../class/m_aws.php:592
msgid "This login is already denied for this statistics."
msgstr "Deze login naam wordt al geweigerd voor deze statistieken."

#: ../class/m_aws.php:655
msgid "Awstats"
msgstr "Awstats"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:677
msgid "prefix not allowed."
msgstr "voorvoegsel niet toegestaan."

#: ../class/m_aws.php:681
msgid ""
"There are forbidden characters in the login (only A-Z 0-9 _ and - are "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:695
msgid "Hostname is incorrect"
msgstr "Host naam is niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:711
msgid "Problem to create the configuration"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:770
#, php-format
msgid "Problem to edit file %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/menu_mailman.php:33 ../admin/mman_add.php:35
#: ../admin/mman_list.php:40 ../admin/mman_list.php:59
#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:35 ../admin/mman_passwd.php:43
#: ../admin/mman_url.php:36 ../admin/mman_url.php:45 ../admin/mman_url.php:54
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:80 ../class/m_mailman.php:619
msgid "Mailing lists"
msgstr "Verzendlijsten (mailman)"

#: ../admin/menu_mailman.php:35
msgid "(with mailman)"
msgstr "(met mailman)"

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:46
msgid "List's email address"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:49
msgid "Email of the list's administrator"
msgstr "Email van de beheerder van de lijst"

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:52
msgid "List password"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:56
msgid "List password (confirm)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:60
msgid "Create the list."
msgstr "Maak deze lijst aan"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:49
msgid "Deleting mailman lists"
msgstr "Verwijder mailman lijsten"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:52
msgid "Please confirm the deletion of the following mailman lists:"
msgstr "Bevestigig aub de verwijdering van de volgende mailman lijsten:"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:63
msgid "Delete the selected mailman lists"
msgstr "Verwijder de geselekteerde mailman lijsten"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:63
msgid "Don't delete lists and go back to the mailman list"
msgstr "Verwijder de lijsten niet en ga terug naar de mailman lijst"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:68 ../admin/mman_edit.php:70
msgid ""
"Warning: Deleting a mailman list will destroy all the subscribed users, "
"preferences and archives it contains! You will <b>NOT</b> be able to get "
"your data back!"
msgstr "Waarschuwing: Verwijdering van een mailman lijst veroorzaakt de vernietigingvan all ingeschreven gebruikers, voorkeuren en archieven die het bevat! U kunt uw data <b>NIET</b> meer terugkrijgen!"

#: ../admin/mman_doadd.php:38
msgid "Invalid list name (only letters, digits and underscore)."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_doadd.php:48
msgid "The mailing list has been successfully created."
msgstr "De verzendlijst is succesvol aangemaakt."

#: ../admin/mman_dodel.php:52 ../admin/mman_doedit.php:55
#: ../admin/mman_doedit.php:63
#, php-format
msgid "The list %s has been successfully deleted."
msgstr "De lijst %s is succesvol verwijderd."

#: ../admin/mman_dopasswd.php:40
msgid "The mailing list password will be changed in a few minutes."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_dourl.php:38
msgid "The mailing list management url has been successfully changed."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_edit.php:50
msgid "Editing mailman lists"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:30
msgid "Password change pending"
msgstr "Verandering wachtwoord is in behandeling"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:31
msgid "Url change pending"
msgstr "Url verandering is in behandeling"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:32
msgid "List creation pending"
msgstr "Aanmaken van de lijst is in behandeling"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:38
msgid ""
"No domain is installed on your account, you cannot create any mailing list!"
msgstr "Uw verzendlijst quota is bereikt, uw kunt niet meer verzendlijsten aanmaken"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:68
msgid "Create a list"
msgstr "Huidige url van de lijst"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:78
msgid "List Status"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:78
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Naam van de lijst"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:78
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Kies"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:91
msgid "List is pending deletion, you can't do anything on it"
msgstr "Verwijdering van de lijst is in behandeling, u kunt de list niet veranderen"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:102
msgid "List admin"
msgstr "Beheerder van de lijst"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:103
msgid "Pending messages"
msgstr "Boodschappen in behandeling"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:107
msgid "Change url"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:116
msgid "-- Choose an action --"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:120
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Valideren"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "Changing password of list %s"
msgstr "Verander beheers url van lijst %s"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:54
msgid "New list password"
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord lijst"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:58
msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr "Bevestig wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:62
msgid "Change the password."
msgstr "Verander de url"

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:60
msgid ""
"This is the current url to access administration and public pages for this "
"list. If you want to change it, select another url in the list and submit "
"this form. <br />If you don't know what you are doing, don't change anything"
" here."
msgstr "Dit is het huidige url voor toegang tot beheer en openbare pagina'svoor deze lijst. Als u het wilt veranderen, kies een ander url in de lijst en verzend dit formulier. <br />Als u niet weet wat u aan het doen bent, verander hier niets"

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "Changing management url of list %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:69
msgid "Current list url"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:73
msgid "New list management url"
msgstr "Nieuwe beheers url van de lijst"

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:86
msgid "Change the url."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:42
msgid "This list already exist"
msgstr "Deze lijst bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:43 ../class/m_mailman.php:152
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:362 ../class/m_mailman.php:410
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:527 ../class/m_mailman.php:552
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:572
msgid "This list does not exist"
msgstr "Deze lijst bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:44
msgid "A fatal error happened when creating the list"
msgstr "Een fatale fout vond plaats tijdens aanmaken lijst"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:45
msgid "A fatal error happened when deleting the list"
msgstr "Een fatale fout vond plaats tijdens verwijderen lijst"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:46
msgid "A fatal error happened when changing the list password"
msgstr "Een fatale fout vond plaats tijdens veranderen van wachtwoord lijst"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:47
msgid "A fatal error happened when getting the list url"
msgstr "Een fatale fout vond plaats tijdens ophalen url van de lijst"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:68 ../class/m_mailman.php:472
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:503
msgid "No list defined yet"
msgstr "Nog geen lijst gedefiniëerd"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:173
msgid ""
"Special mail address for Mailman mailing-lists. <a "
"href='mman_list.php'>Click here to manage it.</a>"
msgstr "Bijzonder email adres voor Mailman verzendlijsten. <ahref='mman_list.php'>Klik hier om het te beheren.</a>"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:224
#, php-format
msgid "The mailman address %s does not exist"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:249
msgid "Your mailing-list quota is over, you cannot create more mailing-lists."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:256
msgid "The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect"
msgstr "Het ingevoerde email heeft geen korrekte syntax"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:271
msgid "The login (left part of the @) is mandatory"
msgstr "De login naam (deel links van  de @) is verplicht"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:275
msgid "The owner email and the password are mandatory"
msgstr "Email en wachtwoord van de eigenaar zijn verplicht"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:279
msgid "This email is incorrect"
msgstr "Dit email is niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:283 ../class/m_mailman.php:531
msgid "The passwords are differents, please try again"
msgstr "De wachtwoorden zijn verschillend, probeer het opnieuw aub"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:288
msgid "This domain does not exist."
msgstr "Dit domein bestaat niet."

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:294
msgid ""
"A list with the same name already exist on the server. Please choose another"
" name."
msgstr "Een lijst met dezelfde naam betaat al op de server. Kies aub een andere"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:327
msgid ""
"This email address (or one of the list-subscribe, list-unsubscribe etc.) are"
" already used."
msgstr "Dit email adres (of een van de lijst-inschrijven, lijst-opzeggen etc.) is al in gebruik."

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:366 ../class/m_mailman.php:414
msgid "This list has pending action, you cannot delete it"
msgstr "Akties voor deze lijst zijn in behandeling, u kunt de lijst nu niet verwijderen"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:586
msgid "Mailing lists (mailman)"
msgstr ""

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:39
msgid "Can't connect to MySQL server on AlternC!"
msgstr "Kan geen verbinding maken met de MySQL server op AlernC!"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:66
msgid "Your new passwords are differents, pleasy try again."
msgstr "Uw nieuwe wachtwoorden zijn verschillend, probeer het opnieuw aub."

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:72
msgid ""
"Your account has not been found, please try again later or ask an "
msgstr "Uw account is niet gevonden, probeer het later nogmaals ofraadpleeg een beheerder."

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:75
msgid "Your current password is incorrect, please try again."
msgstr "Uw huidige wachtwoord is niet korrekt, probeer het opnieuw aub."

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:88
msgid ""
"Your password has been successfully changed. Don't forget to change it in "
"your mail software if you are using one (Outlook, Mozilla, Thunderbird, "
"Eudora ...)"
msgstr "Uw wachtwoord is succesvol veranderd. Vergeet niet om het ook aan te passen in uw email programma - als u er een gebruikt - (outlook, Mozilla, Thunderbird, Eudora...)"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:111
msgid "Changing your mail password"
msgstr "Veranderen van uw email wachtwoord"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:115
msgid "Old Password:"
msgstr "Oud Wachtwoord:"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:120
msgid "New Password:"
msgstr "Nieuw Wachtwoord:"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:124
msgid "Verify New Password:"
msgstr "Verifieer Nieuw Wachtwoord:"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:129
msgid "Change my mail password"
msgstr "Verander mijn email wachtwoord"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/setup.php:21
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Verander Wachtwoord"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/setup.php:23
msgid "Change the password of your email account."
msgstr "Verander het wachtwoord van uw email account"

#: ../admin/about.php:32
msgid "About AlternC"
msgstr "Over AlternC"

#: ../admin/about.php:33
msgid "Hosting control panel"
msgstr "Hosting beheers paneel"

#: ../admin/about.php:37
msgid ""
"AlternC is an automatic hosting software suite. It features a PHP-based "
"administration interface and scripts that manage server configuration. "
"<br/>It manages, among others, email, Web, Web statistics, and mailing list "
"services. It is available in many languages. It is a free software "
"distributed under GPL license."
msgstr "AlternC is een groep van geautomatiseerde hosting programma's. Het heeft een beheersinterface gebaseerd op PHP en scripts die voor de server configuratie zorgdragen.<br/> Het beheert, onder andere, email, Web, Web statistieken, en verzendlijsten. Het is beschikbaar in vele talen. Het is 'free software', verspreidonder GPL licensie. "

#: ../admin/about.php:43
msgid "Official website: "
msgstr "Officiële website:"

#: ../admin/about.php:44
msgid "Developer website: "
msgstr "Ontwikkelaars website:"

#: ../admin/about.php:45
msgid "Help: "
msgstr "Hulp"

#: ../admin/about.php:53
msgid "You are currently using AlternC "
msgstr "U maakt op dit moment gebruik van AlternC "

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:30 ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:31
#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:32 ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:51
#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:29 ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:29
#: ../admin/adm_doadd.php:29 ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:29
#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:30 ../admin/adm_dodel.php:44
#: ../admin/adm_doedit.php:29 ../admin/adm_doedit.php:54
#: ../admin/adm_domlock.php:30 ../admin/adm_doms.php:29
#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:31 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:29
#: ../admin/adm_domstypedoedit.php:28 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:28
#: ../admin/adm_domstyperegenerate.php:28 ../admin/adm_donosu.php:29
#: ../admin/adm_dorenew.php:29 ../admin/adm_dorenew.php:41
#: ../admin/adm_dosu.php:29 ../admin/adm_edit.php:30 ../admin/adm_edit.php:43
#: ../admin/adm_email.php:31 ../admin/adm_list.php:31 ../admin/adm_list.php:58
#: ../admin/adm_lockpanel.php:29 ../admin/adm_login.php:74
#: ../admin/adm_login.php:82 ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:31
#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:29 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:29
#: ../admin/adm_quotadoedit.php:29 ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:30
#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:30 ../admin/adm_tld.php:30
#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:30 ../admin/adm_tlddoadd.php:30
#: ../admin/adm_tlddoedit.php:35 ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:30
#: ../admin/adm_update_domains.php:30 ../admin/adm_variables.php:29
#: ../admin/dom_defdel.php:36 ../admin/dom_subdel.php:40
#: ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:40 ../admin/dom_subdoedit.php:52
#: ../admin/dom_subedit.php:54 ../admin/quotas_users.php:37
#: ../admin/ssl_share.php:30 ../class/reset_stats_conf.php:6
msgid "This page is restricted to authorized staff"
msgstr "Deze pagina is alleen toegankelijk voor geauthoriseerde medewerkers"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:52
msgid "New AlternC account"
msgstr "Nieuw AlternC account"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:66
msgid "Initial password"
msgstr "Initiëel wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:74
msgid "Can he change its password"
msgstr "Kan hij zijn wachtwoord veranderen"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:76 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:78
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:79 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:80
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:81 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:82
#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:75 ../admin/adm_edit.php:92
#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:110 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:154
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:297 ../admin/dom_edit.php:320
#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:76 ../admin/mail_edit.php:97
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:157 ../admin/sql_bck.php:87 ../class/m_bro.php:63
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nee"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:77 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:78
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:79 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:80
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:81 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:82
#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:76 ../admin/adm_edit.php:93
#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:111 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:154
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:296 ../admin/dom_edit.php:319
#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:75 ../admin/mail_edit.php:98
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:203 ../admin/mail_list.php:216
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:229 ../admin/mail_list.php:248
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:259 ../admin/mail_list.php:270
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:281 ../admin/sql_bck.php:88 ../class/m_bro.php:63
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:81 ../admin/adm_edit.php:97
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Opmerkingen"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:85 ../admin/adm_edit.php:101
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Voornaam"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:85 ../admin/adm_edit.php:101
msgid "Surname"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:89 ../admin/adm_edit.php:105
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Email adres van de lijst"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:93 ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:43
#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:45 ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:52
#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:54 ../admin/adm_edit.php:109
msgid "Account type"
msgstr "Soort account"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:103
msgid "Associate this new user to this database server:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:105
msgid "Warning: you can't change it after the creation of the user."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "Install the domain"
msgstr "Installeer het domein"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:138
msgid "Create this AlternC account"
msgstr "Maak dit AlternC account aan"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:42 ../admin/ip_main.php:54
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:60
msgid "Error during deletion"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:48 ../admin/ip_main.php:66
msgid "Error during recording"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:55
msgid "Access security"
msgstr "Toegangsbeveiliging"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:62
msgid ""
"The IP and subnet you have here are allowed for ALL users and ALL usages"
msgstr "Het IP en subnet dat u hier heeft, is toegankelijk voor ALLE gebruikers en ALLE soorten van gebruik"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:62
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Waarschuwing"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:67
msgid "Add an IP"
msgstr "Voeg een IP toe"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:67 ../admin/ip_main.php:202
msgid "Add my current IP"
msgstr "Voeg mijn huidige IP toe"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:71 ../admin/ip_main.php:206
msgid "Cancel edit"
msgstr "Annuleer bewerken"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:74
msgid ""
"Enter here the IP address you want. <br/> <i>IPv4, IPv6 and subnet "
msgstr "Type hier het IP adres dat u wilt. <br/> <i>IPv4, IPv6 en subnet toegestaan</i>"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:78
msgid "Add a comment"
msgstr "Voeg een commentaar toe"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:81 ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:110
#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:123 ../admin/ftp_edit.php:97
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:161 ../admin/ip_main.php:215
#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:131 ../admin/ssl_new.php:118
#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:153 ../admin/ssl_view.php:83
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Bewaar"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:88
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:88
msgid "Informations"
msgstr "Inlichtingen"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:88 ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:71
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:145 ../admin/dom_edit.php:159
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:172
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:109 ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:81
#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:84 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:100
#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:145 ../admin/bro_main.php:314
#: ../admin/cron.php:76 ../admin/dom_edit.php:126 ../admin/dom_edit.php:181
#: ../admin/ftp_del.php:75 ../admin/hta_dodeluser.php:64
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:104 ../admin/ip_main.php:193
#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:64 ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:151
#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:63 ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:100
#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:86 ../admin/ssl_view.php:217
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijder"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:37
msgid "List of the databases servers"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:44
msgid "Here the list of the available databases servers."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:51
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:52 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:53
#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:68 ../admin/ip_main.php:172
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:210 ../admin/logs_list.php:50
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:53 ../admin/vm.php:78
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:54 ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:79
#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:101 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:140
#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:163 ../admin/sql_getparam.php:75
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:55
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:56
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Gebruikers"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:73
msgid "To add a database server, do an INSERT into the db_servers table"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:76
msgid ""
"To update the list of the server on the PhpMyAdmin login page, launch "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:44 ../class/m_admin.php:250
#: ../class/m_admin.php:282 ../class/m_admin.php:795 ../class/m_admin.php:822
#: ../class/m_admin.php:850 ../class/m_admin.php:902 ../class/m_admin.php:930
#: ../class/m_admin.php:959 ../class/m_admin.php:1039
#: ../class/m_admin.php:1063
msgid "Account not found"
msgstr "Account niet gevonden"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:58
msgid "User does not exist"
msgstr "Gebruiker bestaat niet"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:64 ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:76
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Bevestig"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:68
msgid "WARNING: experimental feature, use at your own risk"
msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: experimentele funktie, gebruik het op eigen risico"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:69
msgid ""
"The following domains will be deactivated and redirected to the URL entered "
"in the following box. A backup of the domain configuration will be displayed"
" as a serie of SQL request that you can run to restore the current "
"configuration if you want. Click confirm if you are sure you want to "
"deactivate all this user's domains."
msgstr "De volgende domeinen zullen gedeaktiveerd worden en omgeleid naar de URL, in te geven in de volgende box. Een backup van ded domein configuratie zal getoond worden als een serie SQL opdrachten die u kunt uitvoeren om de huidige configuratie weer terug te zetten als u dat wilt. Klik 'confirm' als u zeker weet dat u alle domeins van deze gebruiker wilt deaktiveren"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:75
msgid "Redirection URL:"
msgstr "Omleiding URL"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:80
msgid "Domains of user: "
msgstr "Domeinen van gebruiker"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:83
msgid "Missing redirect url."
msgstr "Ontbrekende omleidings URL"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:102
#, php-format
msgid "-- Redirecting all domains and subdomains of the user %s to %s\n"
msgstr "--- Alle domeinen en subdomeinen van de gebruiker %s worden omgeleid naar %s\n"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:41 ../admin/adm_panel.php:47
msgid "Change the default quotas"
msgstr "Verander de standaard quota's"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:47
msgid "User's quotas synchronised"
msgstr "Gebruikers quota's gesynchroniseerd"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:59
msgid "Add account type"
msgstr "Voeg account type toe"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:78
msgid "Delete account type"
msgstr "Verwijder account type"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:83
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the quotas on the server for the new accounts. If you "
"want to change them, enter new values"
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van quota's op de server voor de nieuwe accounts.Als u deze wilt veranderen, toets nieuwe waarden in"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:85
msgid "Synchronise user's quota (only to upper value)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:98
msgid "Accounts of type"
msgstr "Type account"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:101
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Standaard waarde"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:101 ../admin/adm_list.php:171
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:214 ../admin/adm_list.php:239
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:272
msgid "Quotas"
msgstr "Quota's"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:126
msgid "Edit the default quotas"
msgstr "Bewerk de standaard quota's"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:37
msgid "Domains and Websites having errors"
msgstr "Domeinen en Websites die fouten hebben"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:44
msgid "List of the websites having errors in the domain database."
msgstr "Lijst van websites die fouten hebben in de domein database"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:47 ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:77
msgid "Uid"
msgstr "Uid"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:48 ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:78
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:167 ../admin/adm_list.php:249
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:250 ../admin/adm_list.php:251
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:206
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Account"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:50
msgid "FQDN"
msgstr "FQDN"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:51 ../admin/adm_variables.php:55
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Waarde"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:52 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:54
#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:72
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:53
msgid "Web Result field"
msgstr "Web Resultaat-veld"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:74
msgid "List of the domain names having errors in the domain database."
msgstr "Lijst van domeinnamen die fouten hebben in de domein database"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:80
msgid "DNS Result field"
msgstr "DNS Resultaat-veld"

#: ../admin/adm_doadd.php:68
msgid "The new member has been successfully created"
msgstr "De nieuwe gebruiker is succesvol aangemaakt"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:43
msgid "added"
msgstr "toegevoegd"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:45
msgid "could not be added"
msgstr "kon niet toegevoegd worden"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:52
msgid "deleted"
msgstr "verwijderd"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:54
msgid "could not be deleted"
msgstr "kon niet verwijderd worden"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:61
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting quota %s"
msgstr "Quota %s wordt verwijderd"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:68
msgid "WARNING: Confirm the deletion of the quota"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:71
msgid "Yes, delete this default quota"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:72
msgid "No, don't delete this default quota"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:90
msgid "Default quotas successfully changed"
msgstr "Standaard quota's succesvol veranderd"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:92
msgid "Default quotas could not be set."
msgstr "Standaard waarden konden niet geaktiveerd worden"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:49
#, php-format
msgid "Member '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "Gebruiker %s bestaat niet"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "Member %s successfully deleted"
msgstr "Gebruiker %s succesvol verwijderd"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:58
msgid "Please check the accounts you want to delete"
msgstr "Verifieer aub de accounts die u wilt verwijderen"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting users"
msgstr "Bezig gebruikers te verwijderen"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:71
msgid "WARNING : Confirm the deletion of the users"
msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: Bevestig de verwijdering van de gebruikers"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:83
msgid "Yes, delete those accounts"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:84
msgid "No, don't delete those accounts"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_doedit.php:72
msgid "The member has been successfully edited"
msgstr "De gebruiker is succesvol angepast"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:37 ../admin/adm_panel.php:46
msgid "Manage installed domains"
msgstr "Beheer geïnstalleerde domeinen"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:54
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the domains installed on this server. You can remove a "
"domain if it does not exist or does not point to our server anymore. You can"
" also set the 'Lock' flag on a domain so that the user will not be able to "
"change any DNS parameter or delete this domain from his account."
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van de domeinen, geïnstalleerd op de server. U kunt een domein verwijderen als het niet bestaat of niet meer verwijst naar onze server.U kunt ook de 'Lock'vlag zetten op een domein zodat de gebruiker geen DNS parameter meer kan veranderen of dit domein van zijn account kan verwijderen."

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:57
msgid ""
"The domain OK column are green when the domain exists in the worldwide "
"registry and has a proper NS,MX and IP depending on its configuration. It is"
" red if we have serious doubts about its NS, MX or IP configuration. Contact"
" the user of this domain or a system administrator."
msgstr "De domein-kolom is groen als het domein bestaat in het wereldwijde register en een korrekt NS,MX of IP heeft, afhankelijk van zijn configuratie. Het is rood als we serieuse twijfels hebben betreffende zijn NS,MX of IP configuratie. Neem kontakt op met de gebruiker van dit domein of met een systeem administrateur"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:60
msgid ""
"If you want to force the check of NS, MX, IP on domains, click the link"
msgstr "Als u nu NS, MX, IP op domeinen wilt laten controleren, klik op de link"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:60
msgid "Show domain list with refreshed checked NS, MX, IP information"
msgstr "Toon domein lijst met opnieuw gekontroleerde NS, MX, IP informatie"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:66 ../admin/adm_doms.php:84 ../admin/adm_list.php:207
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:237 ../admin/adm_list.php:269
#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:160
msgid "Connect as"
msgstr "Verbind als"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:66
msgid "Creator"
msgstr "Aanmaker"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:66
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domein"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:66
msgid "OK?"
msgstr "OK?"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:66 ../admin/dom_edit.php:145
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:159 ../admin/ssl_list.php:85
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:75
msgid "Locked Domain"
msgstr "Gelocked Domein"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:78
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Lock"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:78
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Unlock"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:38 ../admin/adm_panel.php:59
msgid "Manage defaults domains type"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:40 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:39
msgid ""
"If you don't know what this page is about, don't touch anything, and read "
"AlternC documentation about domain types"
msgstr "Als u niet weet waar deze pagina over gaat, verander niets en lees de AlternC dokumentatie over domein types "

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:41
msgid ""
"The Type column contains a type of available VirtualHost config on The "
msgstr "De Type kolom bevat een type van beschikbare VirtualHost config op De server."

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:42
msgid ""
"The Setting column contains the variables to be expanded in the defaults "
"configuration. Available values are:  "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:44
#, php-format
msgid "%%DOMAIN%% : the Domain name"
msgstr "%%DOMEIN%% : de Domeinnaam"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "%%TARGETDOM%%: The destination domain"
msgstr "%%TARGETDOM%%: Het doel domein"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:46
#, php-format
msgid "%%SUB%% : The subdomain name"
msgstr "%%SUB%% : de subdomeinnaam"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:47
#, php-format
msgid "%%DOMAINDIR%%: the domain directory on the file system"
msgstr "%%DOMEINDIR%%: de domein map in het bestands systeem"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:59
msgid "There was an error during the record."
msgstr "Er trad een fout op tijdens 'the record'"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:61 ../admin/cron.php:36
msgid "Save done."
msgstr "Veiligstelling gedaan"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:71
msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Aktivering"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:71
msgid "Concerned"
msgstr "Concerned"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:71
msgid "Sub"
msgstr "Sub"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:71
msgid "settings"
msgstr "instellingen"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:37 ../admin/adm_panel.php:60
msgid "Manage domains type"
msgstr "Beheer domeintype"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:46
msgid "Here is the list of domain types."
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van domein types."

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:48
msgid "Create a domain type"
msgstr "Maak domein type aan"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:55
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Doel"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:56 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:86
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Entry"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:57
msgid "Compatible with"
msgstr "Verenigbaar met"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:57 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:90
msgid "Enter comma-separated name of other types"
msgstr "Toets komma-gescheiden naam van andere types"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:58
msgid "Enabled?"
msgstr "Toegestaan?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:59
msgid "Only DNS?"
msgstr "Alleen DNS?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:60
msgid "Need to be DNS?"
msgstr "Moet dit DNS zijn?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:61
msgid "Advanced?"
msgstr "Geavanceerd?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:62 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:117
msgid "Create tmp directory ?"
msgstr "Maak tmp map aan?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:63
msgid "create www directory ?"
msgstr "maak www map aan ?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:71
msgid "Regenerate"
msgstr "Regenereer"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypedoedit.php:51
msgid "Domain type is updated"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:54
msgid "Edit a domain type"
msgstr "Bewerk een domein type"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:76
msgid "Target type"
msgstr "Doel type"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:90
msgid "Compatibility"
msgstr "Verenigbaarheid"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:94 ../admin/dom_edit.php:223
#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:65 ../admin/ftp_list.php:76
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:118 ../admin/mail_list.php:145
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Toegestaan"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:104
msgid "Do only a DNS entry"
msgstr "Maak alleen een DNS entry"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:108
msgid "Domain must have our DNS"
msgstr "Domein moet ons DNS hebben"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:112
msgid "Is it an advanced option?"
msgstr "Is dit een geavanceerde optie?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:122
msgid "Create target directory ?"
msgstr "Maak doel map?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:127
msgid "Change this domain type"
msgstr "Verander dit domein type"

#: ../admin/adm_domstyperegenerate.php:40
msgid "Regenerate pending"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_donosu.php:40
msgid "This account is now a normal account"
msgstr "Dit account is nu een normaal account"

#: ../admin/adm_dorenew.php:49
msgid "The member has been successfully renewed"
msgstr "Het lid is succesvol hernieuwd"

#: ../admin/adm_dosu.php:40
msgid "This account is now an administrator account"
msgstr "Dit account is nu een administrateur account"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:54
msgid "Member Edition"
msgstr "Lid Editie"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:70
msgid "Account Enabled?"
msgstr "Account toegestaan?"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:73
msgid "You cannot disable your own account."
msgstr "U kunt niet uw eigen account onbruikbaar maken"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:90
msgid "Password change allowed?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:113
msgid "Reset quotas to default?"
msgstr "Quota naar standaard waarde terugzetten?"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:116
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Periode"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:120
msgid "Edit this account"
msgstr "Bewerk dit account"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:135
msgid "Renew for"
msgstr "Hernieuw voor"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:136
msgid "period(s)"
msgstr "periode(s)"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:139
msgid "Renew"
msgstr "Hernieuw"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:151
msgid "This account is a super-admin account"
msgstr "Dit account is een super-admin account"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:155
msgid ""
"There is only one administrator account, you cannot turn this account back "
"to normal"
msgstr "Er is slechts één administrateur account, u kunt dit account niet een normaal account terug zetten"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:158
msgid "Turn this account back to normal"
msgstr "Zet dit account terug tot een normaal account"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:161
msgid "Make this account a super admin one"
msgstr "Maak van dit account een super admin account"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:168
#, php-format
msgid "Account created by %s"
msgstr "Account aangemaakt door %s"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:45 ../admin/adm_panel.php:49
msgid "Send an email to all members"
msgstr "Zend een email naar alle leden"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:50
msgid "The email was successfully sent"
msgstr "De email is succesvol verzonden"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:52
msgid "There was an error"
msgstr "Er trad een fout op"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:62
msgid "From"
msgstr "Van"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:66
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Onderwerp"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:70 ../admin/mem_param.php:55
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Mail"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:74
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Versturen"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:74
msgid "AlternC account list"
msgstr "AlternC account lijst"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:81
msgid "Minimal view"
msgstr "Minimaal overzicht"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:85
msgid "Complete view"
msgstr "Kompleet overzicht"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:91
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filters"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:97
msgid "Search for a Login"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:101
msgid "Search for a Domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:104 ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:207
msgid "submit"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:114
msgid "List all AlternC accounts"
msgstr "Toon alle AlternC accounts"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:117
msgid "List only my accounts"
msgstr "Toon alleen mijn accounts"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:127
msgid "Or only the accounts of:"
msgstr "Of alleen accounts van:"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:139
#, php-format
msgid "%s accounts"
msgstr "%s accounts"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:139
msgid "Here is the list of hosted AlternC accounts"
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van 'hosted' AlternC accounts"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:142
msgid "Create a new AlternC account"
msgstr "Maak een nieuw AlternC account aan"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:146
msgid "No account defined for now"
msgstr "Tot nu toe nog geen account gedefinieerd"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:168
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Beheerder"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:169
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Aangemaakt door"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:170
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Aangemaakt op"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:172
msgid "Last login"
msgstr "Laatste login"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:173
msgid "Last ip"
msgstr "Laatste ip"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:174
msgid "Fails"
msgstr "Mislukkingen"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:175 ../admin/main.php:91
msgid "Expiry"
msgstr "Expiry"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:192
msgid "Send an email"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:194 ../admin/mail_list.php:160
#, php-format
msgid "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d"
msgstr "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:203
msgid "DB:"
msgstr "DB:"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:218 ../admin/dom_edit.php:224
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Maak onbruikbaar"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:237 ../admin/adm_list.php:269
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:238 ../admin/adm_list.php:270
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:239 ../admin/adm_list.php:272
msgid "Q"
msgstr "Q"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:274
msgid "himself"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:277
#, php-format
msgid "Creator: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_login.php:45 ../admin/adm_login.php:52
msgid "Your authentication information are incorrect"
msgstr "Uw authenticatie informatie is niet korrekt"

#: ../admin/adm_login.php:105
msgid "Member login"
msgstr "Lid login"

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:46 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:49
msgid "The requested account has been deleted. It is now denied."
msgstr "Het gevraagde account is verwijderd. Het is nu niet toegestaan"

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:52 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:55
msgid "The requested account address has been created. It is now allowed."
msgstr "Het gevraagde account adres is aangemaakt. Het is nu toegestaan."

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:63 ../admin/adm_panel.php:57
msgid "Manage allowed accounts for secondary mx"
msgstr "Beheer toegestane accounts voor secundaire mx"

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:75
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the allowed accounts for secondary mx management. You "
"can configure the alternc-secondarymx package on your secondary mx server "
"and give him the login/pass that will grant him access to your server's mx-"
"hosted domain list. "
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van toegestane accounts voor secundair mx beheer. U kunt het pakket alternc-secundarymx configureren op uw secundaire mx server en hem het login/wachtwoord geven dat hem toegang zal verlenen tot uw servers mx-hosted domein lijst. "

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:93
msgid ""
"If you want to allow a new server to access your mx-hosted domain list, give"
" him an account."
msgstr "Als u een nieuwe gebruiker toegang wilt geven tot uw mx-hosted domein lijst,  moet u hem een account geven"

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:107 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:168
msgid "Add this account to the allowed list"
msgstr "Voeg dit account toe aan de toegestane-lijst"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:37 ../class/m_admin.php:103
msgid "Admin Control Panel"
msgstr "Admin Beheerspaneel"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:44 ../admin/adm_tld.php:54
#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:44 ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:49
msgid "Manage allowed domains (TLD)"
msgstr "Behher toegestane domeinen (TLD)"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:45
msgid "Password Policies"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:48
msgid "Manage IP whitelist"
msgstr "Beheer IP witte-lijst"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:53
msgid "Advanced features"
msgstr "Geavanceerde eigenschappen"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:56
msgid "Manage slave DNS"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:58 ../admin/adm_variables.php:44
msgid "Configure AlternC variables"
msgstr "Configureer AlternC variabelen"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:61
msgid "DNS and website having errors"
msgstr "DNS en website die fouten hebben"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:62
msgid "Manage databases servers"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:63
msgid "Account creation statistics"
msgstr "Statistieken van aanmaken accounts"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:88
msgid "Click here to unlock the panel and allow user to login."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:90
msgid "Are you sure you want to kick everyone?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:90
msgid "Click here to lock the panel and force logout of all the user."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:49
msgid "Manage Password Policy"
msgstr "Beheer wachtwoord instellingen"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:57 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:73
msgid "Policy not found"
msgstr "Instelling niet gevonden"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:61
msgid "Policy changed"
msgstr "Instelling veranderd"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:65
msgid "Cannot edit the policy, an error occurred"
msgstr "Kan de instelling niet bewerken, een fout trad op"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:78
msgid "Please choose which policy you want to apply to this password kind:"
msgstr "Kies aub welke instelling u op dit wachtwoord van toepassing wilt zijn:"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:87
msgid "Minimum Password Size:"
msgstr "Minimum wachtwoord lengte"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:94
msgid "Maximum Password Size:"
msgstr "Maximum wachtwoord lengte"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:101
msgid "In how many classes of characters must be the password (at least):"
msgstr "Hoeveel verschillende teken soorten moet het wachtwoord (minimaal) bevatten:"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:108
msgid "Do we allow the password to be like the login?"
msgstr "Staan we toe dat het wachtwoord op de login lijkt?"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:114
msgid "Apply this password policy"
msgstr "Pas deze wachtwoord instelling toe"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:115
msgid "Cancel and go back to the policy list"
msgstr "Annuleer en ga terug naar de instellingen lijst"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:118
msgid ""
"The classes of characters are : <br />1. Low-case letters (a-z)<br />2. "
"Upper-case letters (A-Z)<br />3. Figures (0-9)<br />4. Ascii symbols "
"(!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`)<br />5. Non-Ascii symbols (accents...)"
msgstr "De soorten tekens zijn : <br />1. Kleine letters (a-z)<br />2. Hoofddletters (A-Z)<br />3. Cijfers (0-9)<br />4. Ascii symbolen (!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`)<br />5. Non-Ascii symbolen (accenten...)"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:131
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the password policies for each place a password may be "
"needed in AlternC's services. For each of those password kind, you can "
"choose which policy will be applied to passwords. A policy is a minimum and "
"maximum password size, and how many classes of characters must appear in the"
" password. You can also forbid (or not) to use the login or part of it as a "
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van de wachtwoord instellingen voor iedere plaats waar een wachtwoord nodig kan zijn voor AlternC's diensten. Voor ieder van deze wachtwoord soorten kunt u kiezen welke instellingen van toepassing zal zijn. Een instelling is een minimum en maximum lengte, en hoeveel soorten tekens het moet bevatten. U kunt eveneens verbieden (of niet) om de login als (onderdeel) van het wachtwoord te gebruiken. "

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:135
msgid "Password Kind"
msgstr "Wachtwoord soort"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:135
msgid "Password Policy"
msgstr "Wachtwoord instelling"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:137
msgid "Min Size"
msgstr "Min. Lengte"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:138
msgid "Max Size"
msgstr "Max. lengte"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:139
msgid "Complexity"
msgstr "Complexiteit"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:140
msgid "Allow Password=Login?"
msgstr "Wachtwoord=login toegestaan?"

#: ../admin/adm_quotadoedit.php:51
msgid "The quotas has been successfully edited"
msgstr "De quota's zijn succesvol bewerkt"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:48
msgid "Editing the quotas of a member"
msgstr "Bewerk de quota's van een lid"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:59 ../admin/quota_show.php:42
msgid "Quota"
msgstr "Quota"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:59 ../admin/quota_show.php:42
#: ../admin/quota_show.php:68 ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:122
#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:184 ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:237
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:177 ../admin/quotas_users.php:215
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Totaal"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:59 ../admin/quota_show.php:42
msgid "Used"
msgstr "Gebruikt"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:77
msgid "Edit the quotas"
msgstr "Bewerk de quota's"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:63
msgid ""
"The requested ip address has been deleted. It will be denied in one hour."
msgstr "Het gevraagde ip adres is verwijderd. Het zal over een uur geen toegang meer hebben."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:69
msgid ""
"The requested ip address has been added to the list. It will be allowed in "
"one hour."
msgstr "Het gevraagde ip adres is aan de lijst toegevoegd. Het zal over een toegang verleend hebben."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:80
msgid "Manage allowed ip for slave zone transfers"
msgstr "Beheer toegestane ip voor slave zone transfers"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:90
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the allowed ip or ip class for slave dns zone transfer "
"requests (AXFR). You must add the ip address of all the slave DNS you have "
"so that those slaves will be allowed to transfer the zone files. There is "
"also some defaults ip from DNS checks made by some third-party technical "
"offices such as afnic (for .fr domains)"
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van de toegestane ip of ip klasse voor slave dns zone transfer  verzoeken (AXFR). U moet de ip adressen toevoegen van al de slave DNS die u heeft zodat het die slaves toegestaan is de zone bestanden te verplaatsen. Er zijn ook sommige standaard ip van DNS controles die door sommige third-party bureaus zoals afnic (voor .fr domeinen) worden uitgevoerd."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:94 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:114
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP adres"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:109
msgid ""
"If you want to allow an ip address or class to connect to your dns server, "
"enter it here. Choose 32 as a prefix for single ip address."
msgstr "Als u een ip adres of klasse toegang wilt geven tot uw dns server, geef die dan hier in. Kies 32 als een voorvoegsel voor een enkel ip adres."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:114
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Voorvoegsel"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:120
msgid "Add this ip to the slave list"
msgstr "Voeg dit IP toe aan de slave list"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:129
msgid "Manage allowed accounts for slave zone transfers"
msgstr "Beheer toegestane accounts voor slave zone transfers"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:137
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the allowed accounts for slave dns synchronization. You "
"can configure the alternc-slavedns package on your slave server and give him"
" the login/pass that will grant him access to your server's domain list. "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:154
msgid ""
"If you want to allow a new server to access your domain list, give him an "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:198
msgid "Need open DNS Slave servers?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:200
msgid "We offer free of charge DNS servers for alternc users."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:201
msgid "How does it work?"
msgstr "Hoe werkt het?"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:203
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>Give access to the alternc.net servers.</strong> Follow the "
"instructions on <a href='%s' target='blank'>this page</a>. They will help "
"you to configure this page and configure your alternc.net account."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>Subscribe to alternc.net.</strong> Go to <a href='%s' "
"target='_blank' class='btn btn-inline btn-link'>the alternc.net site</a> to "
"use the DNS servers provided for free by the AlternC association and enter "
"the required informations for each server you want to connect to the "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:207
msgid ""
"The alternc.net servers will take care of transfering and distributing to "
"the world your domains zones."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:44
msgid "Some TLD cannot be deleted..."
msgstr "Sommige TLD's kunnen niet verwijderd worden"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:48
msgid "The requested TLD has been deleted"
msgstr "Het gevraagde TLD is verwijderd"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:64
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the TLD allowed on this server. Each TLD can be allowed "
"or denied after some checks (whois, ns, domain exists...)"
msgstr "Hier is de lijst van toegestane TLD's op deze server. Iedere TLD kantoegelaten of geweigerd worden na enkele kontroles (whois, ns, domais exists...)"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:66 ../admin/adm_tld.php:88 ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:50
#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:64
msgid "Add a new TLD"
msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe TLD toe"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:70 ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:60
#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:61
msgid "Allowed Mode"
msgstr "Toegestaan-Mode"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:70 ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:59
#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:60
msgid "TLD"
msgstr "TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:84
msgid "Delete the checked TLD"
msgstr "Verwijder de gemerkte TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:52
msgid ""
"Enter the new TLD (without the first dot) and choose what check should be "
msgstr "Toets de nieuwe TLD in (zonder de eerste punt) en kies welke kontrolesuitgevoerd moeten worden."

#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:53
msgid ""
"Warning : only some final tld are known in the whois function of AlternC, "
"please check m_dom.php accordingly."
msgstr "Waarschuwing : slechts enkele final TLD zijn bekend in de whois funktie van AlernC,kontroleer dit in m_dom.php."

#: ../admin/adm_tlddoadd.php:46
msgid "The TLD has been successfully added"
msgstr "Het TLD is succesvol toegevoegd"

#: ../admin/adm_tlddoedit.php:44
msgid "The TLD has been successfully edited"
msgstr "Het TLD is succesvol aangepast"

#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:55
msgid "Edit a TLD"
msgstr "Bewerk een TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:65
msgid "Edit this TLD"
msgstr "Bewerk dit TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_update_domains.php:37
msgid "Missing INOTIFY_UPDATE_DOMAIN var in /etc/alternc/local.sh . Fix it!"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:49
msgid "Here are the internal AlternC variables that are currently being used."
msgstr "Hier zijn de interne AlternC variabelen die nu van toepassing zijn"

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:55
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Kommentaar"

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:55
msgid "Names"
msgstr "Namen"

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:67
msgid "Save variables"
msgstr "Bewaar variabelen"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:67 ../admin/bro_editor.php:74
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:388 ../admin/bro_main.php:428
#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:102 ../admin/ssl_list.php:106
#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:112 ../admin/ssl_view.php:66
#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:118 ../admin/ssl_view.php:132
#, php-format
msgid "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d"
msgstr "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:67 ../admin/bro_editor.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "Your file %s has been saved"
msgstr "Uw bestand %s is veilig gesteld"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:87
msgid "File editing"
msgstr "Bestandsbewerking"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:98 ../admin/bro_main.php:394
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:606 ../admin/dom_edit.php:124
msgid "View"
msgstr "Bekijk"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:111
msgid "This file is empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:124
msgid "Save &amp; Quit"
msgstr "Bewaar &amp; Beëindig"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:125
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Beëindig"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:73
#, php-format
msgid "The folder '%s' was successfully created"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:79
#, php-format
msgid "The file '%s' was successfully created"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:94
#, php-format
msgid "The folder '%s' was successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:96
#, php-format
msgid "The file '%s' was successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:102
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting files and/or directories"
msgstr "Bezig bestanden en/of mappen te verwijderen"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:108
msgid "WARNING: Confirm the deletion of this files"
msgstr "Waarschuwing: Bevestig de verwijdering van dit bestand"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:117
msgid "Yes, delete those files/folders"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:118
msgid "No, don't delete those files/folders"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:130
#, php-format
msgid "The folder '%s' was successfully copied to '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:132
#, php-format
msgid "The file '%s' was successfully copied to '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:134
msgid "The files / folders were successfully copied"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "The folder '%s' was successfully moved to '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:143
#, php-format
msgid "The file '%s' was successfully moved to '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:145
msgid "The files / folders were successfully moved"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:153
#, php-format
msgid "The folder '%s' was successfully renamed to '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:155
#, php-format
msgid "The file '%s' was successfully renamed to '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:157
msgid "The files / folders were successfully renamed"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:162
#, php-format
msgid "The file '%s' was successfully uploaded"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:167
msgid "The permissions were successfully set"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:175
#, php-format
msgid "The extraction of the file '%s' succeeded"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:180 ../class/m_bro.php:74
msgid "File browser"
msgstr "Bestandsbrowser"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:187
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pad"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:210
msgid "Send one file:"
msgstr "Verstuur één bestand"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:213
msgid "Send this file"
msgstr "Verstuur dit bestand"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:214
#, php-format
msgid "Warning: max size: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:215
msgid ""
"(If you upload a compressed file, <br />you will be able to uncompress it "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:221
msgid "New file or folder:"
msgstr "Nieuw bestand of map:"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:227 ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:54
#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:51
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Maak aan"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:229 ../admin/bro_main.php:272
msgid "File"
msgstr "Bestand"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:230 ../admin/bro_main.php:430
#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:75 ../admin/ftp_list.php:65 ../admin/hta_add.php:51
#: ../admin/hta_adduser.php:49 ../admin/hta_edit.php:102
#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:58 ../admin/hta_list.php:61
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Map"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:249 ../admin/bro_main.php:255
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:315
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Hernoem"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:266 ../admin/bro_main.php:272
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:316
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Rechten"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:286
msgid "write"
msgstr "schrijf"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:294
msgid "Change permissions"
msgstr "Verander de rechten"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:318
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopieer"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:319
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verplaats"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:320
msgid "To"
msgstr "Naar"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:331
msgid "Please select a destination folder"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:357
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Bestandsnaam"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:358 ../admin/logs_list.php:50
#: ../admin/sql_list.php:53
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Omvang"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:359
msgid "Last modification"
msgstr "Laatste wijziging"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:361
msgid "File Type"
msgstr "Bestandstype"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:384
msgid "protected"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:401
msgid "Extract"
msgstr "Extraheer"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:407 ../admin/bro_main.php:409
msgid "Restore SQL"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:409
msgid "In which database to you want to restore this dump?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:414
msgid "Restore it"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:462 ../admin/bro_main.php:496
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:537 ../admin/bro_main.php:571
msgid "V"
msgstr "V"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:632
msgid "No files in this folder"
msgstr "Geen bestanden in deze map"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:642
msgid "(slow)"
msgstr "(langzaam)"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:642
msgid "Show size of directories"
msgstr "Laat de omvang van de mappen zien"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:646
msgid "Edit this folder's protection"
msgstr "Bewerk de bescherming van deze map"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:649 ../admin/hta_add.php:59
msgid "Protect this folder"
msgstr "Bescherm deze map"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:651
msgid "with a login and a password"
msgstr "met een login en een wachtwword"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:654
msgid "Download this folder"
msgstr "Download deze map"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:656
#, php-format
msgid "as a %s file"
msgstr "als een %s bestand"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:663
msgid "Edit the ftp account"
msgstr "Bewerk het ftp account"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:664
msgid "that exists in this folder"
msgstr "dat bestaat in deze map"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:670
msgid "Create an ftp account in this folder"
msgstr "Maak een ftp account aan in deze map"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:679
msgid "Configure the file editor"
msgstr "Konfigureer de bestandsbewerker"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:45
msgid "Your preferences have been updated."
msgstr "Uw voorkeurinstellingen zijn toegepast"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:55
msgid "File browser preferences"
msgstr "Voorkeurinstellingen bestandsbrowser"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:62
msgid "Horizontal window size"
msgstr "Horizontale afmeting venster"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:70
msgid "Vertical window size"
msgstr "Vertikale afmeting venster"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:78
msgid "File editor font name"
msgstr "Font-naam bestandsbewerker "

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:86
msgid "File editor font size"
msgstr "Font-grootte bestandsbewerker"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:94
msgid "File list view"
msgstr "Bestands lijst representatie"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:102
msgid "Downloading file format"
msgstr "Downloading bestandsformaat"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:110
msgid "What to do after creating a file"
msgstr "Wat te doen na aanmaken van een bestand"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:118
msgid "Show icons?"
msgstr "Icons laten zien?"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:126
msgid "Show file types?"
msgstr "Bestandstypen laten zien?"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:134
msgid "Remember last visited directory?"
msgstr "Laatst bezochte map herinneren?"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:145
msgid "Change my settings"
msgstr "Pas mijn instellingen aam"

#: ../admin/browseforfolder2.php:120
msgid "Searching for a folder"
msgstr "Bezig een folder te zoeken"

#: ../admin/browseforfolder2.php:126
msgid "Error, cannot find this folder"
msgstr "Fout, kan deze map niet vinden"

#: ../admin/browseforfolder2.php:128
msgid "Back to the root folder"
msgstr "Terug naar de basis map"

#: ../admin/cron.php:43 ../class/m_cron.php:72 ../class/m_cron.php:195
msgid "Scheduled tasks"
msgstr "Geplande taken"

#: ../admin/cron.php:58
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: ../admin/cron.php:59
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Inplannen"

#: ../admin/cron.php:60 ../admin/hta_edituser.php:62
#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:44
msgid "User"
msgstr "Gebruiker"

#: ../admin/cron.php:62
msgid "Email report"
msgstr "Email verslag"

#: ../admin/cron.php:79
msgid "Called URL"
msgstr "Opgeroepen URL"

#: ../admin/cron.php:82
msgid "Period:"
msgstr "Periode:"

#: ../admin/cron.php:94
msgid "Next execution: "
msgstr "Eerst volgende uitvoering:"

#: ../admin/cron.php:97
msgid "HTTP user (optional)"
msgstr "HTTP gebruiker (optioneel)"

#: ../admin/cron.php:98
msgid "HTTP password (optional)"
msgstr "HTTP wachtwoord (optioneel)"

#: ../admin/cron.php:99
msgid "Mail address (optional)"
msgstr "Mail adres (optioneel)"

#: ../admin/cron.php:103
msgid "Apply the modifications"
msgstr "Pas de veranderingen aan"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:41
msgid "Domain hosting"
msgstr "Domain hosting"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:45
msgid "Contact your administrator for more information."
msgstr "Neem kontakt met uw administrateur op voor meer informatie "

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:45
msgid "You cannot add any new domain, your quota is over."
msgstr "U kunt geen nieuwe domeinen toevoegen, uw quota is bereikt"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:54
msgid "Advanced import"
msgstr "Geavanceerde import"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:57
msgid "host my dns here"
msgstr "host mijn dns hier"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:66
msgid ""
"Do you want to point this domain to another domain already installed in your"
" account?"
msgstr "Wilt u dat dit domein verwijst naar een ander domein dat al geïnstalleerdis op uw accoount?"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:69
msgid "No: This domain will have its own folder."
msgstr "Nee, Dit domein zal zijn eigen map hebben"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:71
msgid "Yes, redirect this new domain to this one:"
msgstr "Ja, leidt dit nieuwe domein om naar deze:"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:83
msgid "Add this domain"
msgstr "Voeg dit domein toe"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:87
msgid ""
"If you don't want to host in our server the DNS of your domain, don't check "
"the box 'host my dns here'. If you don't know what it mean, leave it "
msgstr "Als u de DNS van uw domein niet op onze server wilt installeren,verwijder het vinkje bij 'host my dns here'. Als u niet weet wat dit inhoudt,laat het staan"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:92 ../admin/dom_doadd.php:58
msgid "Whois result on the domain"
msgstr "Resultaat van van 'whois' voor dit domein"

#: ../admin/dom_dnsdump.php:33
msgid "Error: no domain"
msgstr "Fout: geen domein"

#: ../admin/dom_doadd.php:43
#, php-format
msgid "Your new domain %s has been successfully installed"
msgstr "Uw nieuwe domein %s is succesvol geïnstalleerd"

#: ../admin/dom_doadd.php:48 ../class/m_dom.php:133
msgid "Add a domain"
msgstr "Voeg een domein toe"

#: ../admin/dom_doadd.php:53 ../admin/dom_dodel.php:53
#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:87 ../admin/dom_import.php:83
#: ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:67 ../admin/mem_admin.php:43
#: ../admin/mem_chgmail.php:43 ../admin/mem_chgmail.php:51
#: ../admin/mem_cm.php:41 ../admin/mem_cm2.php:46 ../admin/mem_passwd.php:47
msgid "Click here to continue"
msgstr "Klik hier om door te gaan"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:49
msgid "Deletion have been successfully cancelled"
msgstr "Verwijdering is succesvol geannuleerd"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:61 ../admin/dom_dodel.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Confirm the deletion of domain %s"
msgstr "Bevestig de verwijdering van domein %s"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:64 ../admin/sql_del.php:67
#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:52
msgid "WARNING"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:66
msgid "This will delete the related sub-domains too."
msgstr "Dit zal de gerelateerde subdomeinen ook verwijderen"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:72
msgid "Yes, delete this domain name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:73
msgid "No, don't delete this domain name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:79
#, php-format
msgid "Domain %s deleted"
msgstr "Domein %s verwijderd"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:83
#, php-format
msgid "The domain %s has been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Het domein %s is succesvol verwijderd"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:61
msgid "Edit a subdomain:"
msgstr "Bewerk een subdomein"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:63
msgid "Create a subdomain:"
msgstr "Maak een subdomein aan"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:85
msgid "Show advanced options"
msgstr "Laat geavanceerde opties zien"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:86
msgid "Hide advanced options"
msgstr "Verberg geavanceerde opties"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:105
msgid "(enter an URL here)"
msgstr "(toets hier een URL in)"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:109
msgid "(enter an IPv4 address, for example"
msgstr "(toets een IPv4 adres in, bv"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:113
msgid "(enter an IPv6 address, for example 2001:0910::0)"
msgstr "(toets een IPv6 adres in, bv 2001:0910::0)"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:117
msgid "(enter a TXT content for this domain)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:121
msgid "(enter a domain name or subdomain)"
msgstr "(toets een domein of subdomein naam in)"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:132
msgid "HTTP Only (redirect HTTPS to HTTP)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:133
msgid "HTTPS Only (redirect HTTP to HTTPS)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:134
msgid "Both HTTP and HTTPS hosted at the same place"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:144
msgid "Edit this subdomain"
msgstr "Bewerk dit subdomein"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:146
msgid "Add this subdomain"
msgstr "Voeg dit subdomein toe"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:169
msgid "Missing value for this sub-domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:175
msgid "Please select a type for this sub-domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:48
#, php-format
msgid "Manage %s"
msgstr "Beheer %s"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:80
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to do this? This will DELETE ALL the mailboxes, "
"messages and aliases on this domain ?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:94
msgid "This domain have some DNS change pending. Please wait."
msgstr "Er zijn nog DNS aanpassing voor dit domein uit te voeren. Wacht aub."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "You requested deletion of domain %s."
msgstr "U heeft de verwijdering van domein %s aangevraagd."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:110
msgid "DNS zone is locked, changes will be ignored"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:120
msgid "Edit subdomains"
msgstr "Subdomeinen bewerken"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:121
msgid "Add subdomains"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:122 ../class/m_mem.php:58
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:131
msgid "Main subdomains"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:145 ../admin/dom_edit.php:159
msgid "HTTPS"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:145 ../admin/dom_edit.php:159
#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:82
msgid "Subdomain"
msgstr "Subdomein"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:155
msgid "Advanced subdomains"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:156
msgid "The following entries are advanced ones, edit them at your own risks."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:172
msgid "Forbidden"
msgstr "Verboden"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:191
msgid "HTTP only"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:194
msgid "HTTPS only"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:197
msgid "HTTP and HTTPS"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:200
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:206
msgid "ERROR, please check your server setup"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:213 ../admin/ftp_list.php:89
msgid "Directory not found"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:227
msgid "Activation pending"
msgstr "Activering is in afwachting"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:230 ../admin/ftp_list.php:79
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:137 ../admin/mail_list.php:147
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Te niet gedaan"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:231
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Aktiveer"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:234
msgid "Desactivation pending"
msgstr "Deaktivering in afwachting"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:242
msgid "Update pending"
msgstr "Aanpassing in afwachting"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:245
msgid "Deletion pending"
msgstr "Verwijdering in afwachting"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:265
msgid "HTTPS Preferences for this domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Add a subdomain to %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:289
msgid "DNS &amp; Email parameters"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:294
msgid "Manage the DNS on the server ?"
msgstr "Beheer de DNS op de server ?"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:305
msgid "Define TTL for the zone records"
msgstr "TTL definiëren voor de zonerecords"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:307
msgid ""
"Warning: a low TTL can be problematic. It is recommended not to use a lower "
"TTL than 3600 seconds."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:307
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "seconden"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:316
msgid "Manage the Emails Addresses of this domain on the server?"
msgstr "Beheer de emailadressen van dit domein op de server?"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:324
msgid ""
"Warning: If you set this to 'no', all your email accounts and aliases on "
"this domain will be immediately deleted."
msgstr "Waarschuwing: Als u dit op 'nee' zet, worden al uw emailadressenen aliassen direkt verwijderd."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:325
msgid "Submit the changes"
msgstr "Verstuur de veranderingen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:331 ../admin/dom_edit.php:370
msgid "This domain is locked, only a server administrator can unlock it."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:338
msgid ""
"Here is the actual DNS zone running on the AlternC server. If you just made "
"some changes, you have to wait for it."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:343
msgid "Click here to view the dump"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:349
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:358
msgid "Domain removal"
msgstr "Domein verwijdering"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:359
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you want to destroy the domain %s, click on the button below. Warning: "
"this also deletes all FTP accounts, email, mailing lists associated with the"
" domain and subdomains."
msgstr "help_domain_del %s"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:363
#, php-format
msgid "Delete %s from this server"
msgstr "Verwijder %s van deze server"

#: ../admin/dom_editdns.php:41 ../class/m_dom.php:1615
msgid "No change has been requested..."
msgstr "Geen verandering is aangevraagd..."

#: ../admin/dom_editdns.php:43
#, php-format
msgid "The domain %s has been changed."
msgstr "Het domein %s is veranderd"

#: ../admin/dom_editdns.php:46 ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:63
#, php-format
msgid "The modifications will take effect at %s.  Server time is %s."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:39
msgid "Import a DNS zone"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:45
msgid "The domain field seems to be empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:53
msgid ""
"Here is my proposition. Modify your zone until my proposition seems good to "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Working on %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:57
msgid "Generated entry"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:57
msgid "Result"
msgstr "Uitkomst"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:57
msgid "Zone"
msgstr "Zone"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:70
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "FOUT"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:70 ../admin/mem_cm.php:53
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:93
msgid "Enter the domain name you want to import"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:101
msgid "Do you want to detect the redirection?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:112
msgid "Paste your existing DNS zone here."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:114
msgid "If you don't know what it is, don't submit this form."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:119
msgid "Do you want to import the zone as it?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:123
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:60
msgid "Your HTTPS preferences have been set"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:68
#, php-format
msgid "Manage %s HTTPS preferences"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:70
msgid ""
"These parameters are for advanced user who want to choose specific "
"certificate provider. <br />Usually you'd want to click 'edit' in front of a"
" subdomain to choose between HTTP and HTTPS by default."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:72
msgid ""
"For each subdomain that may be available through HTTPS, please choose which "
"certificate provider you want to use."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:74
msgid ""
"please note that you only see a provider if you have a valid certificate for"
" this domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:82
msgid "HTTPS Preference"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:96
msgid "-- no HTTPS certificate provider preference --"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:103
msgid "Provider:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_sslpref.php:116
msgid "Set my HTTPS certificate preferences"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:46
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting subdomain %s"
msgstr "Bezig subdomein %s te verwijderen"

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:60
msgid "WARNING : You are going to delete a sub-domain."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:62
msgid "Informations about the subdomain you're going to delete:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:64
msgid "Entry:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:65
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Type:"

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:67
msgid "Value:"
msgstr "Waarde:"

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:71
msgid "Do you really want to delete it?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting the subdomain %s:"
msgstr "Bezig het subdomein %s te verwijderen"

#: ../admin/dom_subdoedit.php:75 ../admin/dom_substatus.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "The modifications will take effect at %s. Server time is %s."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subedit.php:68
msgid "Editing subdomain"
msgstr "Bezig het subdomein te bewerken"

#: ../admin/ftp_del.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "The FTP account %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_del.php:60
msgid "Confirm the FTP accounts deletion"
msgstr "Bevestig de verwijdering van dit FTP account"

#: ../admin/ftp_del.php:63
msgid "Do you really want to delete those accounts?"
msgstr "Wilt u werkelijk deze accounts verwijderen?"

#: ../admin/ftp_doedit.php:39
msgid "Error: neither a creation nor an edition"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_doedit.php:59
msgid "The FTP account has been successfully created"
msgstr "Het FTP account is succesvol aangemaakt"

#: ../admin/ftp_doedit.php:61
msgid "The FTP account has been successfully saved"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:39
msgid "Neither a creation nor a edition"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:40 ../admin/ftp_edit.php:47
msgid "Create a FTP account"
msgstr "Creeër een FTP account"

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:51
msgid "Editing a FTP account"
msgstr "Bewerk een FTP account"

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:79
msgid ""
"This is the root folder for this FTP user. i.e. this FTP user can access to "
"this folder and all its sub-folders."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:93
msgid "Click here if you want to edit password"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:113
msgid "Password do not match"
msgstr "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:40 ../class/m_ftp.php:73
msgid "FTP accounts list"
msgstr "lijst van FTP accounts"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:49
msgid "Create a new FTP account"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:74
msgid "Are you sure you want to change his status?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:102
msgid "FTP configuration information"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:104
msgid ""
"Here are some configuration information you will need to configure your FTP "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:107
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Server:"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:108
msgid "FTP mode for data transfer:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:108
msgid "passive"
msgstr "passief"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:109
msgid "User/password:"
msgstr "Gebruiker/wachtwoord:"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:109
msgid ""
"the one you specified when you created the account. You can edit them in the"
" panel."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_switch_enable.php:37
msgid "The FTP account is enabled"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ftp_switch_enable.php:39
msgid "The FTP account is disabled"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/head.php:36
msgid ""
"Administrator session. you may <a href='adm_login.php'>return to your "
"account</a> or <a href='adm_cancel.php'>cancel this feature</a>."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/head.php:37
msgid "You can also <a href='adm_update_domains.php'>apply changes</a>."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/head.php:42
msgid "Panel is locked! No one can login!"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_add.php:37 ../admin/hta_list.php:41 ../admin/hta_list.php:80
msgid "Protect a folder"
msgstr "Bescherm een map"

#: ../admin/hta_add.php:41
msgid ""
"Enter the name of the folder you want to protect. It must already exists."
msgstr "Toets de naam in van de map die u wilt beschermen. Het moet al bestaan."

#: ../admin/hta_add.php:59
msgid "Can't have empty directory."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_adduser.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Adding a username in %s"
msgstr "Voeg een gebruikersnaam toe aan %s"

#: ../admin/hta_adduser.php:66 ../admin/hta_edit.php:120
msgid "Add this user"
msgstr "Voeg deze gebruiker toe"

#: ../admin/hta_del.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "The protected folder %s has been successfully unprotected"
msgstr "De beschermde map %s is nu succesvol onbeschermd gemaakt"

#: ../admin/hta_doadd.php:34
msgid "No directory specified"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_doadd.php:40
#, php-format
msgid "Folder %s is protected"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_doadduser.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "The user %s was added to the protected folder %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_dodeluser.php:39
#, php-format
msgid "The user '%s' was successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_dodeluser.php:48
msgid "Authorized user deletion confirm"
msgstr "Bevestig verwijdering geauthoriseerde gebruiker"

#: ../admin/hta_dodeluser.php:51
msgid "Do you really want to delete those users ?"
msgstr "Wilt u werkelijk deze gebruikers verwijderen?"

#: ../admin/hta_doedituser.php:44
#, php-format
msgid "The password of the user %s has been successfully changed"
msgstr "Het wachtwoord van de gebruiker %s is succesvol gewijzigd"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:37
msgid "No folder selected!"
msgstr "Geen map geselekteerd!"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:48
#, php-format
msgid "List of authorized user in folder %s"
msgstr "List van geauthoriseerde gebruikers in map %s"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:53
#, php-format
msgid "No authorized user in %s"
msgstr "Geen geauthoriseerde gebruiker in %s"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:81 ../admin/sql_users_list.php:66
msgid "Delete the checked users"
msgstr "Verwijder de gemarkeerde gebruikers"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:86
msgid "Show this folder's content in the File Browser"
msgstr "Laat de inhoud van deze map zien inde bestandsbrowser"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:92
msgid "Adding an authorized user"
msgstr "Bezig een geauthoriseerde gebruiker toe te voegen"

#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:39
#, php-format
msgid "Editing user %s in the protected folder %s"
msgstr "Bezig gebruiker %s aan te passen in de beschermde map %s"

#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:66 ../admin/mem_param.php:85
#: ../admin/mem_param.php:86
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:75
msgid "Change the password"
msgstr "Verander het wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:34
msgid "Protected folders list"
msgstr "Lijst van beschermde mappen"

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:52
msgid ""
"You can set passwords to protect some of your folders.<br/>This will create "
".htaccess and .htpasswd files that restrict access to these directory and to"
" any sub-elements."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:70
msgid "Edit login and passwords"
msgstr "Bewerk login en wachtwoorden"

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:79
msgid "Unprotect the checked folders"
msgstr "Hef de bescherming op van de gemarkeerde mappen"

#: ../admin/html-head.php:32
msgid "AlternC Control Panel"
msgstr "AlternC Beheers Paneel"

#: ../admin/index.php:59
msgid "Web Hosting Control Panel"
msgstr "Web Hosting Beheers Paneel"

#: ../admin/index.php:67
#, php-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: you are trying to access the control panel insecurely, click <a "
"href=\"https://%s\">here</a> to go to secure mode"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/index.php:72
msgid ""
"To connect to the hosting control panel, enter your AlternC's login and "
"password in the following form and click 'Enter'"
msgstr "Om het Hosting Beheers Paneel te gebruiken, toets uw AlternC login en wachtwoord in in het volgende formulier en klik 'Enter'"

#: ../admin/index.php:76
msgid "You are attemping to connect without IP restriction."
msgstr "U tracht aan te loggen zonder IP restrictie"

#: ../admin/index.php:77
msgid "AlternC access"
msgstr "AlternC toegang"

#: ../admin/index.php:83
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Enter"

#: ../admin/index.php:91
msgid "You must accept the session cookie to log-in"
msgstr "U moet de sessie cookie aksepteren om aan te loggen"

#: ../admin/index.php:93
msgid "If you want to use a different language, choose it in the list below"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/index.php:118
msgid ""
"To read your mail in a browser, click here to go to your server's Webmail"
msgstr "Om uw mail in een broser te zien, klik hier om naar de servers webmail te gaan"

#: ../admin/index.php:133
msgid "Need a login and a password"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:48
msgid "Error during ip_affected_save"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:75 ../class/m_authip.php:50
msgid "FTP Access Security"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:83
msgid ""
"Here you can add rules to restrict access to AlternC's services, filtered by"
" IP. First, add trusted IPs in the 'Known IP and networks' list. Then, add "
"rules to grant access on services to the chosen IPs from this list."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:85
msgid "Enabled rules"
msgstr "Toegepaste regelingen"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:89
msgid "Authorised IP address or network"
msgstr "Geoorloofd IP adres of netwerk"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:90 ../admin/ip_main.php:121
msgid "Access type"
msgstr "Toegangstype"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:101
msgid "for"
msgstr "voor"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:111
msgid "Add a new rule"
msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe regeling toe"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:114
msgid ""
"You need to have some 'Known IP and networks' defined below to define a new "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:145
msgid "Authorized IP address or network"
msgstr "Geoorloofd IP adres of netwerk"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:170
msgid "Known IP and networks"
msgstr "Bekende IP en netwerken"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:172
msgid "IP or network"
msgstr "IP of netwerk"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:177
msgid "Address IPv4"
msgstr "IPv4 adres"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:179
msgid "Subnet IPv4"
msgstr "IPv4 subnet"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:183
msgid "Address IPv6"
msgstr "IPv6 adres"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:185
msgid "Subnet IPv6"
msgstr "IPv6 subnet"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:188
msgid "Error with this IP"
msgstr "Fout met deze IP"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:200
msgid "Add an IP or a networks"
msgstr "Voeg een IP of een netwerk toe"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:210
msgid "IP or network. <i>IPv4, IPv6 and subnet allowed</i>"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:243
msgid "Please select an access type"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:32
msgid "Logs Listing"
msgstr "Lijst van de logs"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:39
msgid "You have no web logs to list at the moment."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:46
msgid ""
"Here are web logs of your account.<br/>You can download them to do specific "
"extract and statistics."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:50
msgid "Creation Date"
msgstr "Aanmaak datum"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:50
msgid "Download link"
msgstr "Download link"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:62 ../admin/logs_tail.php:64
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Download"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:64
msgid "Follow"
msgstr "Volg"

#: ../admin/logs_tail.php:40
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "onbekend"

#: ../admin/logs_tail.php:43
msgid "Follow a recent log"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_tail.php:44
#, php-format
msgid "Please find below the last lines of file <b>%s</b>"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_tail.php:50
msgid "Stop Auto Reload"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_tail.php:54
msgid "Auto Reload"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_tail.php:62
msgid "Last lines shown"
msgstr "Laatste lijnen getoond"

#: ../admin/logs_tail.php:65
msgid "Back to the logs list"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:53
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s has been marked for deletion"
msgstr "De email %s is gemarkeerd voor verwijdering"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "De email %s is succesvol verwijderd"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:64
msgid "Deleting mail accounts"
msgstr "Bezig email accounts te verwijderen"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:67
msgid "Please confirm the deletion of the following mail accounts:"
msgstr "Bevestig aub de verwijdering van de volgende email accounts"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:85
msgid "Confirm the deletion"
msgstr "Bevestig de verwijdering"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:85
msgid "Don't delete anything and go back to the email list"
msgstr "Verwijder niets en ga terug naar de email lijst"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:89
msgid ""
"Warning: Deleting an email address will destroy all the messages it "
"contains! You will <b>NOT</b> be able to get it back!"
msgstr "Waarschuwing: Verwijdering van een email adres betekent dat al deemails erin ook vernietigd worden. U kunt ze <br>NIET</br> meer terug krijgen!"

#: ../admin/mail_doedit.php:116
msgid "Your email has been created successfully"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_doedit.php:118
msgid "Your email has been edited successfully"
msgstr "Uw email is succesvol aangepast"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:53
#, php-format
msgid "Editing the email %s"
msgstr "Bewerk de email %s"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:74
msgid "Is this email enabled?"
msgstr "Is dit email adres geaktiveerd?"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:76
msgid ""
"You can enable or disable this email anytime. This will bounce any mail "
"received on this address, but will not delete the stored email, or the "
"redirections or password."
msgstr "Op ieder moment kunt deze email aktiveren of de-aktiveren. Dit zal iedereemail naar dit adres terugkaatsen, maar zal niet de opgeslagen email, de omleidingof wachtwoord verwijderen"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:80
msgid "No (email disabled)"
msgstr "Nee (email gedeaktiveerd)"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:81
msgid "Yes (email enabled)"
msgstr "Ja (email geaktiveerd)"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:85
msgid "Is it a POP/IMAP account?"
msgstr "Is het een POP/IMAP account?"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:86
msgid ""
"POP/IMAP accounts are receiving emails in the server. To read those emails, "
"you can use a Webmail, or a mail client such as Thunderbird. If you don't "
"use POP/IMAP, you can configure your email to be a redirection to other "
"existing emails. The maximum size is in megabytes, use 0 to make it "
msgstr "POP/IMAP accounts ontvangen emails op de server. Om deze emails te lezenkunt u Webmail gebruiken of een mail client zoals Thunderbird. Als u geen POP/IMAP gebruikt, kunt u uw mail zo configureren dat zij omgeleid worden naar bestaandeemails. De maximum grootte is in megabytes, gebruik 0 om het onbeperkt te maken"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:89
#, php-format
msgid "This mailbox is currently using %1$s / %2$s"
msgstr "Deze mailbox gebruikt op dit moment %1s / %2s"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:92
msgid ""
"This mailbox is pending deletion. You can recover its mails by setting it to"
" 'Yes' NOW!"
msgstr "Deze mailbox is in afwachting van verwijdering. U kunt zijn emails terugkrijgendoor het NU! op 'Ja' te zetten"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:102
msgid "Click here to edit the existing password"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:103
msgid "Enter a POP/IMAP password"
msgstr "Tik een POP/IMAP wachtwoord in"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:105 ../class/m_quota.php:595
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:105
msgid "Maximum allowed size of this Mailbox"
msgstr "Maximum toegestane grootte van deze Mailbox"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:110
msgid ""
"WARNING: turning POP/IMAP off will DELETE the stored messages in this email "
msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: POP/IMAP uitzetten VERWIJDERD de opgeslagen boodschappen van dit email adres"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:112
msgid "Is it a redirection to other email addresses?"
msgstr "Is dit een omleiding naar andere email adressen?"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:114
msgid ""
"If you want to send emails received on this address to other addresses, even"
" outside this server, enter those recipients here."
msgstr "Als u emails, ontvangen op dit adres, wilt doorsturen naar andere adressen,zelfs buiten deze server, geef die ontvangers hier op."

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:114
msgid "one recipient per line"
msgstr "één ontvanger per regel"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:122
msgid "Change this email address"
msgstr "Verander dit email adres"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:57
msgid "Create a new mail account"
msgstr "Maak een nieuw mail adres aan"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:59
msgid "Manage Catch-all"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:73
msgid "Can't have empty mail."
msgstr "U kunt geen lege mail hebben"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:73
msgid "Create this email address"
msgstr "Maak dit email adres aan"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:78
msgid "Manage Catch-all for this domain"
msgstr "Beheer Catch-all voor dit domein"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "Email addresses of the domain %s"
msgstr "Email adressen van het domein %s "

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:88
msgid "No mails for this domain."
msgstr "Geen emails voor dit domein"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:98
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Zoek"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:103
msgid "Show system emails"
msgstr "Toon system emails"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:110
msgid "Items per page:"
msgstr "Posten per pagina"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:118
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:118
msgid "Last login time"
msgstr "Tijd laatste login"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:118
msgid "Other recipients"
msgstr "Andere ontvangers"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:118
msgid "Pop/Imap"
msgstr "Pop/Imap"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:129
msgid "Deleting..."
msgstr "Bezig te verwijderen..."

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:134
msgid ""
"This email will be deleted soon. You may still be able to undelete it by "
"clicking here"
msgstr "Deze email zal weldra verwijderd worden. Misschien kunt u dit tenietdoen door hier te klikken"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:134
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Ongedaan maken"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:160 ../admin/main.php:36
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nooit"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:171
msgid "Delete the checked email addresses"
msgstr "Verwijder de gemerkte email adressen"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:179
msgid "Mails configuration information"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:181
msgid ""
"Here are some configuration information you will need to configure your mail"
" application."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:188
msgid "Outgoing mail (SMTP)"
msgstr "Uitgaande mail (SMTP)"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:189
msgid "Incoming mail"
msgstr "Binnenkomend mail"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:194 ../admin/mail_list.php:241
msgid "Which protocol shall you use?"
msgstr "Welk protocol gaat U gebruiken?"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:197
msgid "Submission"
msgstr "Submissie"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:200 ../admin/mail_list.php:213
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:226 ../admin/mail_list.php:246
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:257 ../admin/mail_list.php:268
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:279
msgid "Server name: "
msgstr "Server naam: "

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:201 ../admin/mail_list.php:214
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:227
msgid ""
"The mail address you want to access <i>(example : myuser@example.tld)</i>"
msgstr "Het email adres waar u toegang tot wilt hebben <i>(voorbeeld : myuser@exemple.tld)</i>"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:201 ../admin/mail_list.php:214
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:227
msgid "Username: "
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam: "

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:202 ../admin/mail_list.php:215
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:228 ../admin/mail_list.php:247
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:258 ../admin/mail_list.php:269
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:280
msgid "Port: "
msgstr "Poort: "

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:203 ../admin/mail_list.php:216
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:229 ../admin/mail_list.php:248
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:259 ../admin/mail_list.php:270
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:281
msgid "Authentication: "
msgstr "Authentisering: "

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:204 ../admin/mail_list.php:217
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:230 ../admin/mail_list.php:249
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:260 ../admin/mail_list.php:271
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:282
msgid "Authentication method: "
msgstr "Methode authentisering: "

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:204 ../admin/mail_list.php:249
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:260 ../admin/mail_list.php:271
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:282
msgid "Normal password"
msgstr "Normaal wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:205 ../admin/mail_list.php:218
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:231 ../admin/mail_list.php:250
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:261 ../admin/mail_list.php:272
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:283
msgid "Connection security:"
msgstr "Verbinding met beveiliging:"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:210
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:217 ../admin/mail_list.php:230
msgid "Normal Password"
msgstr "Normaal wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:223
msgid "SMTPS"
msgstr "SMTPS"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:243
msgid "IMAP"
msgstr "IMAP"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:254
msgid "IMAPS"
msgstr "IMAPS"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:265
msgid "POP3"
msgstr "POP3"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:276
msgid "POP3S"
msgstr "POP3S"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:38
msgid "Problem with the domain"
msgstr "Probleem met het domein"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:47
msgid "Catchall successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:54 ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:61
msgid "Catchall successfully updated"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:67
msgid "Unknown target type"
msgstr "Onbekend doel type"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "Manage catch-all configuration of %s"
msgstr "Beheer catch-all configuratie van %s"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:81
msgid ""
"You can choose what to do with emails sent to unexisting address of this "
msgstr "U kunt kiezen wat te doen met emails, gezonden naar een niet-bestaand adress op dit domein"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:90
msgid "No catch-all"
msgstr "Geen catch-all"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:94
msgid "No catch-all for this domain."
msgstr "Geen catch-all voor dit domein"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:98
msgid "Redirect to same address on a different domain"
msgstr "Leid dit om naar hetzelfde adres op een ander domein"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:102
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Mails sent to john.doe@%s will be redirect to john.doe@anotherdomain.tld"
msgstr "Mails gezonden naar john.doe@%s worden omgeleid naar john.doe@anotherdomain.tld"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:105
msgid "Enter the 'target' domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:106
msgid "example.tld"
msgstr "example.tld"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:108
msgid "Or choose one of your own"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:116
msgid "Redirect to a specific email"
msgstr "Leid om naar een specifiek email"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:120
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Mails sent to an unexisting email on '@%s' will be redirect to "
msgstr "Mails gestuurd naar een niet-bestaand emailadres op %s worden omgeleid naar user@exemple.tld."

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:123
msgid "john.doe@example.tld"
msgstr "gebruiker@example.com"

#: ../admin/mail_undelete.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s has been undeleted"
msgstr "De verwijdering van email %s is ongedaan gemaakt"

#: ../admin/mailautoconfig_outlook.php:43
msgid "Missing POST of the mail address"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mailautoconfig_thunderbird.php:36
msgid "Error: Missing GET of emailaddress"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mailautoconfig_thunderbird.php:39
msgid "Error: Empty $emailDomain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/main.php:33
msgid "Last Login: "
msgstr "Laatste login: "

#: ../admin/main.php:38
#, php-format
msgid "the %3$d-%2$d-%1$d at %4$d:%5$02d"
msgstr "de %3$d-%2$d-%1$d op %4$d:%5$02d"

#: ../admin/main.php:39
#, php-format
msgid "from: <code> %1$s </code>"
msgstr "van: <code> %1$s </code>"

#: ../admin/main.php:44
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d login failed since last login"
msgstr "%1$d mislukte login sinds laatste login"

#: ../admin/main.php:89
msgid "Expired or about to expire accounts"
msgstr "Verlopen of binnenkort te verlopen accounts"

#: ../admin/main.php:91
msgid "Last name, surname"
msgstr "Achternaam, voornaam"

#: ../admin/main.php:91
msgid "uid"
msgstr "uid"

#: ../admin/main.php:107
msgid ""
"You are using the AlternC Panel. You can contact the AlternC community for "
"information or feedback by joining the mailing-list"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mem_admin.php:34
msgid "Your administrator preferences has been successfully changed."
msgstr "Uw administrateur-voorkeursinstellingen zijn succesvol gewijzigd"

#: ../admin/mem_admin.php:40 ../admin/mem_param.php:120
msgid "Admin preferences"
msgstr "Admin voorkeursinstellingen"

#: ../admin/mem_chgmail.php:34
msgid "The mail was successfully changed"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mem_chgmail.php:39 ../admin/mem_cm.php:37 ../admin/mem_cm.php:50
#: ../admin/mem_cm2.php:42 ../admin/mem_param.php:94
msgid "Change the email of the account"
msgstr "Verander de email van het account"

#: ../admin/mem_chgmail.php:48
#, php-format
msgid "help_mem_chgmail %s"
msgstr "help_mem_chgmail %s"

#: ../admin/mem_cm.php:51
msgid ""
"Enter the key you got when you requested the mailbox change, then click the "
"OK button."
msgstr "Voer de sleutel in die u gekregen heeft tijdens de aanvraag voor verandering van de mailbox, klik vervolgens op de OK knop"

#: ../admin/mem_cm.php:52
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Sleutel"

#: ../admin/mem_cm2.php:36
msgid "The mailbox has been successfully changed."
msgstr "De mailbox is succesvol veranderd."

#: ../admin/mem_logout.php:37 ../admin/mem_logout.php:45
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Verbinding verbroken"

#: ../admin/mem_logout.php:47
msgid "You have been logged out of your administration desktop."
msgstr "U bent uitgelogged van uw beheers scherm."

#: ../admin/mem_logout.php:48
msgid "Click here to log in"
msgstr "Klik hier om in te loggen"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:39
msgid "Your help setting has been updated."
msgstr "Uw hulp -instelling is vernieuwd."

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:43
msgid "Settings of your account"
msgstr "Instellingen van uw account"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:56 ../class/m_mem.php:597
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hulp"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:59
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Beheerder"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:65 ../admin/mem_passwd.php:44
#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:55
msgid "Password change"
msgstr "Wachtwoord wijziging"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:69
msgid "You cannot change your password"
msgstr "U kunt uw wachtwoord niet wijzigen"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:74
msgid "help_chg_passwd"
msgstr "help_chg_passwd"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:84
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Oude wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:87
msgid "Change my password"
msgstr "Verander mijn wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:98
msgid "help_chg_mail"
msgstr "help_chg_mail"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:99
msgid "Current mailbox"
msgstr "Huidige mailbox"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:100
msgid "New mailbox"
msgstr "Nieuwe mailbox"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:101
msgid "Change my email address"
msgstr "Verander mijn email adres"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:106
msgid "Online help settings"
msgstr "Online hulp instellingen"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:110
msgid "help_help_settings"
msgstr "help_help_settings"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:111
msgid "Do you want to see the help texts and links on each page?"
msgstr "Wilt u de hulp teksten en links op iedere pagina zien?"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:112
msgid "Change these settings"
msgstr "Verander deze instellingen"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:124
msgid "Members list view"
msgstr "Leden lijst afbeelding"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:125
msgid "Large view"
msgstr "Lange lijst"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:126
msgid "Short view"
msgstr "Korte lijst"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:128
msgid "Change my admin preferences"
msgstr "Verander mijn admin voorkeursinstellingen"

#: ../admin/mem_passwd.php:38
msgid "Your password has been successfully changed."
msgstr "Uw wachtwoord is succesvol veranderd"

#: ../admin/menu.php:38
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome %s"
msgstr "Welkom %s"

#: ../admin/menu.php:94
msgid "About"
msgstr "Over"

#: ../admin/nowebmail.php:22
msgid ""
"There is currently no webmail configured. If you need one, contact your "
"server administrator"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_addaccount.php:32
msgid "Max. 3 accounts"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_addaccount.php:32 ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:63
msgid "You cannot add any new Piwik account, your quota is over."
msgstr "U kunt geen nieuw Piwik account toevoegen, uw quota is bereikt."

#: ../admin/piwik_addaccount.php:42
msgid "Successfully added piwik account"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_addsites.php:38 ../class/m_piwik.php:102
msgid "All fields are mandatory"
msgstr "Alle velden zijn verplicht"

#: ../admin/piwik_addsites.php:40
msgid "Website added Successfully"
msgstr "Website succesvol toegevoegd"

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:35
msgid "Missing site parameters"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:43
msgid "Site successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:54
msgid "Piwik site deletion confirm"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:57
msgid "Do you really want to delete this Piwik website ?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:47
msgid "Add a new website"
msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe website toe"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:53
msgid "URL of the website"
msgstr "URL van de website"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:62
msgid "You cannot add any new Piwik sites, your quota is over."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:76
msgid "Existing Piwik monitored websites"
msgstr "Bestaande websites die door Piwik gecontroleerd worden"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:86
msgid "You don't own this piwik site!"
msgstr "U bent niet de eigenaar van deze Piwik website!"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:98
msgid "You dont own user"
msgstr "U bent geen eigenaar van gebruiker"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:108
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' has been given '%s' rights on '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:122
msgid "No existing Piwik websites"
msgstr "Geen bestaande Piwik websites"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:128
msgid "Site name"
msgstr "Naam site"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:128
msgid "Site url"
msgstr "url site"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:183
msgid "Credentials management"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:213
msgid "No user may access this site"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:33
msgid "Missing login parameters"
msgstr "Ontbrekende login gegevens"

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:41
msgid ""
"To be able to delete the last user account, you must first remove all the "
"piwik sites"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:43
#, php-format
msgid "Account %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:53
msgid "Piwik accounts deletion confirm"
msgstr "Bevestig Piwik accounts verwijdering"

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:56
#, php-format
msgid "Do you really want to delete the Piwik account %s ?"
msgstr "Wilt u werkelijk het Piwik account %s verwijderen?"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:37
msgid "No piwik user specified"
msgstr "Geen Piwik gebruiker aangewezen"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:47
msgid "You don't own this piwik website"
msgstr "U bent niet eigenaar van deze Piwik website"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:55
msgid "You don't own this piwik user"
msgstr "U ben niet eigenaar van deze Piwik gebruiker"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:67
msgid "success"
msgstr "success"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:71
msgid "This right does not exist"
msgstr "Dit recht bestaat niet"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:96
msgid "Rights for user"
msgstr "Rechten voor gebruiker"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:121
msgid "Add rights to user"
msgstr "Voeg rechten toe voor gebruiker"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:133
msgid "admin"
msgstr "admin"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:133
msgid "noacces"
msgstr "geen toegang"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:133
msgid "view"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:35
msgid "Create a new piwik account"
msgstr "Maak nieuw Piwik account aan"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:43
msgid "Account Name"
msgstr "Accountnaam"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:47
msgid "Linked Account Email"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:67
msgid "Existing Piwik accounts"
msgstr "Bestaande Piwik accounts"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:73
msgid "No existing Piwik accounts"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:79 ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:105
#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:110
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbind"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:125
msgid ""
"An error occurred. It was not possible to retrieve the access information to"
" the Piwik interface"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/quota_show.php:30
msgid "Account's quotas"
msgstr "Accounts quota's"

#: ../admin/quota_show.php:36
msgid "No quotas for this account, or quotas currently unavailable!"
msgstr "Geen quota voor dit account, of quota momenteel niet beschikbaar!"

#: ../admin/quota_show.php:42
msgid "Size on disk"
msgstr "Grootte op schijf"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:47
#, php-format
msgid "<b>%s</b> account"
msgstr "<b>%s</b> account"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:58 ../class/m_quota.php:57
msgid "quota_web"
msgstr "quota_web"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:66 ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:72
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "Emails"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:71 ../admin/quotas_users.php:155
#: ../class/m_dom.php:125
msgid "Domains"
msgstr "Domeinen"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:73 ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:156
#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:209 ../admin/quotas_users.php:151
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:206
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Ruimte"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:148 ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:184
msgid "Databases:"
msgstr "Databases:"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:155 ../admin/quotas_users.php:214
msgid "DB"
msgstr "DB"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:201 ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:237
msgid "Mailman lists:"
msgstr "Mailman lijsten:"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:208 ../admin/quotas_users.php:210
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:213
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Lijsten"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:45
msgid "Quotas status"
msgstr "Status quota's"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:52
msgid ""
"This page shows the space and service count of your AlternC server and each "
"AlternC accounts."
msgstr "Deze pagina toont de ruimte en 'service count' van uw AlternC server en ieder AlternC account"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:53
#, php-format
msgid "Administration -> Manage the Alternc accounts"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:53
#, php-format
msgid "If you want to manage them, go to"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:56
#, php-format
msgid "% of the total."
msgstr "% o van het totaal"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:56
msgid "MB."
msgstr "MB"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:56
#, php-format
msgid "Sizes are shown as %s"
msgstr "Groottes worden getoond als %s"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:59
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Globaal"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:59
msgid "Server-side view:"
msgstr "Server-side view:"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:60
msgid "Detailed view:"
msgstr "Gedetaillerd overzicht"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:61
msgid "In MB"
msgstr "In MB"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:62
msgid "Percentage"
msgstr "Percentage"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:63
msgid "Graphical"
msgstr "Grafisch"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:66
msgid "Show the domain names"
msgstr "Toon de domein namen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:68
msgid "Hide the domain names"
msgstr "Verberg de domein namen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:71
msgid "All accounts"
msgstr "Alle accounts"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:151 ../admin/quotas_users.php:206
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Count"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:160 ../class/m_mail.php:195
msgid "Email addresses"
msgstr "Email adressen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:166
msgid "Mailman lists"
msgstr "Mailman lijsten"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:172 ../admin/sql_del.php:64
#: ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:36 ../admin/sql_list.php:33
#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:38 ../class/m_mysql.php:936
msgid "MySQL Databases"
msgstr "MySQL Databases"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:208
msgid "Dom"
msgstr "Dom"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:209 ../admin/quotas_users.php:212
msgid "Mails"
msgstr "Mails"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:211
msgid "Web"
msgstr "Web"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:30
msgid "MySQL Databases - Configure backups"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:36 ../admin/sql_dobck.php:31
msgid ""
"You aren't allowed to access this page. Contact your administrator if you "
"want to."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:57
#, php-format
msgid "Manage the SQL backup for database %s"
msgstr "Beheer de SQL backup voor database %s"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:63
msgid "Do MySQL backup?"
msgstr "Maak MySQL backup?"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:66
msgid "No backup"
msgstr "Geen backup"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:67
msgid "Weekly backup"
msgstr "Wekelijkse backup"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:68
msgid "Daily backup"
msgstr "Dagelijkse backup"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:72
msgid "How many backups should be kept?"
msgstr "Hoeveel backups moeten bewaard blijven"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:84
msgid "Compress the backups? (gzip)"
msgstr "Backups comprimeren? (gzip)"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:93
msgid "In which folder do you want to store the backups?"
msgstr "In welke map wilt u de backups opslaan?"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:100
msgid "Change the MySQL backup parameters"
msgstr "Verander de MySQL backup instellingen"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:109 ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:45
#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:45
msgid "You currently have no database defined"
msgstr "U heeft momenteel geen database gedefiniëerd"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:42
#, php-format
msgid "The database '%s' has been successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:58
msgid "Please check which databases you want to delete"
msgstr "Verifieer welke databases u wilt verwijderen"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:67
msgid "Confirm the deletion of the following SQL databases"
msgstr "Bevestig de verwijdering van de volgende SQL databases"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:68
msgid "This will delete all the tables currently in those db."
msgstr "Hiermee zullen alle huidige tabellen in die databases verwijderd worden"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:83
msgid "No, don't delete the database"
msgstr "Neen, verwijder de database niet"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:83
msgid "Yes, delete the database"
msgstr "Ja, verwijder de database"

#: ../admin/sql_doadd.php:35
msgid "Can't create a database: your quota is over"
msgstr "Kan geen database aanmaken: uw quota is bereikt "

#: ../admin/sql_doadd.php:49
#, php-format
msgid "The database '%s' has been created."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_dobck.php:54
msgid "Your backup parameters has been successfully changed."
msgstr "Uw backup instellingen zijn succesvol aangepast"

#: ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:51
msgid "Restore a SQL backup"
msgstr "Zet een SQL backup terug"

#: ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:56
msgid ""
"Your database have been restored, check out the previous text for error "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:41
#, php-format
msgid "MySQL settings for database '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:52
msgid "Your current connection settings are"
msgstr "Uw huidige connectie instellingen zijn "

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:61
msgid "Database Settings"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:64
msgid "Mysql Server"
msgstr "MySQL Server"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:68 ../admin/sql_list.php:53
#: ../admin/sql_users_rights.php:54
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:83
msgid "User Rights"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:88
msgid "All permissions"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:90
msgid "Specific permissions"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:96 ../admin/sql_users_list.php:54
msgid "Manage the rights"
msgstr "Beheer de rechten"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:105
msgid "Access PhpMyAdmin interface"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:112
msgid ""
"You changed the MySQL User base configuration. Please refer to your "
msgstr "U veranderde de MySQL gebruikers basis configuratie. Verifieer aub uw configuratie"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:119
msgid "Back to the MySQL database list"
msgstr "Terug naar de MySQL database lijst"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:39
msgid "You have no database at the moment."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:41 ../admin/sql_users_list.php:72
msgid "You have no sql user at the moment."
msgstr "U hebt momenteel geen sql gebruiker."

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:53 ../admin/sql_list.php:64
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Backup"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:53 ../admin/sql_list.php:66
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Terugzetten"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:53 ../admin/sql_list.php:67
msgid "Show Settings"
msgstr "Toon instellingen"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:76
msgid "Delete the checked databases"
msgstr "Verwijder de gemarkeerde databases"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:89
msgid "Create a new MySQL database"
msgstr "Maak een nieuwe MySQL database aan"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:96
msgid "MySQL Database"
msgstr "MySQL Database"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:107
msgid "Can't have empty MySQL suffix"
msgstr "Het MySQL achtervoegsel (suffix) ontbreekt "

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:107
msgid "Create this new MySQL database."
msgstr "Maak deze nieuwe MySQL database aan."

#: ../admin/sql_pma_sso.php:58
msgid "SQL Admin"
msgstr "SQL Admin"

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:50
#, php-format
msgid "Restore a MySQL backup for database %s"
msgstr "Zet een MySQL backup terug voor database %s"

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:53
msgid ""
"Warning: Write the complete path and the filename. <br />For example if your"
" backups are in the directory /Backups,<br />write /Backups/file.sql.gz "
"(where file.sql.gz is the filename)."
msgstr "Waarschuwing: Toets volledige pad en bestandsnaam in. <br />Als bv uw backups in de map /Backups zijn,<br />toets in /Backups/file.sql.gz (als file.sql.gz de bestandsnaam is "

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:59
msgid ""
"Please enter the path and the filename containing SQL data to be restored."
msgstr "Toets het pad en naam in van het bestand dat de SQL data bevat dieu wilt terugzetten "

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:60
msgid "Restore my database"
msgstr "Zet de data van mijn database terug"

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:61
msgid "Tip: you can restore a file directly in the File Browser"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:66
msgid "Please the complete path of the filename"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:75
msgid "Note: If the filename ends with .gz, it will be uncompressed before."
msgstr "Opmerking: als de bestandsnaam eindigt met .gz, zal het eerst gedecomprimeerd worden "

#: ../admin/sql_users_add.php:40 ../admin/sql_users_list.php:77
msgid "Create a new MySQL user"
msgstr "Maak een nieuwe MySQL gebruiker aan "

#: ../admin/sql_users_add.php:74
msgid "Create this new MySQL user"
msgstr "Maak deze nieuwe MySQl gebruiker aan "

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:38 ../class/m_mysql.php:770
#, php-format
msgid "The user '%s' has been successfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:49
msgid "MySQL users"
msgstr "MySQl gebruikers"

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:52
msgid "Confirm the deletion of the following MySQL users"
msgstr "Bevestig de verwijdering van de volgende MySQL gebruikers aan"

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:69
msgid "No, don't delete the MySQL user"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:69
msgid "Yes, delete the MySQL user"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_users_doadd.php:41 ../admin/sql_users_doadd.php:50
#, php-format
msgid "The user '%s' has been successfully created."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_users_dopassword.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Password changed for user '%s'."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_users_dorights.php:49
msgid "The rights has been successfully applied to the user"
msgstr "De rechten zijn succesvol toegepast op deze gebruiker"

#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:33 ../class/m_mysql.php:109
msgid "MySQL Users"
msgstr "MySQL Gebruikers"

#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:44
msgid "Rights"
msgstr "Rechten"

#: ../admin/sql_users_password.php:63
msgid "Change user password"
msgstr "Verander gebruikers wachtwoord"

#: ../admin/sql_users_rights.php:34
#, php-format
msgid "Manage MySQL rights for user '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_users_rights.php:82
msgid "Reverse selection"
msgstr "Keer de selectie om"

#: ../admin/sql_users_rights.php:96
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Pas toe"

#: ../admin/ssl_delete.php:43
msgid "Your SSL Certificate has been deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_doimport.php:39
msgid "Please enter an ssl key and a certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_donew.php:38
msgid "Please enter a proper domain name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_finalize.php:49
msgid "Your ssl certificate has been imported successfully"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:51 ../admin/ssl_view.php:50
msgid "Pending Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:52
msgid "Valid"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:53
msgid "Expired"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:59
msgid ""
"Some of your hosting are using a <b>self-signed</b> certificate. <br>Your "
"browser will not let you surf those domains properly<br>To fix this, buy a "
"properly signed certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:71
msgid "Your Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:73
msgid ""
"Please find below your SSL Certificates. Some may be provided by the "
"administrator of the server, some may be Expired or Pending (waiting for a "
"CRT from your Certificate Provider)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:75
msgid "Only show the following certificates:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:76
msgid "Pending Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:77
msgid "Valid Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:78
msgid "Expired Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:80
msgid "Certificates Shared by the Administrator"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:82
msgid "Filter"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:85
msgid "Domain Name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:85
msgid "Used by"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:85
msgid "Validity period"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:91
msgid "Details"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:97
msgid "(shared)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:111
msgid "Requested on: "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:129
msgid "Create one"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:130
msgid ""
"This hosting has no valid certificate<br>a self-signed one has been created"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_list.php:140
msgid "Create or Import a new SSL Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:42
msgid "New SSL Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:50
msgid ""
"An SSL certificate is a file which must be obtained from a Certificate "
"Authority, and allow you to enable HTTPS encryption on a domain name."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:53
msgid ""
"To obtain one, you need to generate a <i>Certificate Request</i> (CSR) and a"
" <i>RSA Key</i> (KEY) here, then give the CSR to the Certificate Authority, "
"which will give you a certificate (CRT) and also often a chained certificate"
" (CHAIN)."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:56
msgid ""
"If you already know what it is and already have all those files "
"(CRT/KEY/CHAIN) You can import them here too."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:64
msgid "Create a CSR/KEY"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:65
msgid "Import existing files"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:69
msgid "Create a CSR/KEY for a given domain name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:71
msgid ""
"Use this form to generate a <i>Certificate Request file</i> (CSR) and a "
"<i>RSA Key file</i> (KEY) for a given domain name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:99
msgid ""
"Please choose the domain name for which you want a SSL Certificate, or enter"
" it manually"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:102 ../admin/ssl_view.php:61
msgid "Fully Qualified Domain Name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:105
msgid "--- Choose here ---"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:111
msgid "... or click here to enter it manually"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:124
msgid ""
"<i>(If you want to get a valid certificate for all the subdomains of a "
"domain, use a wildcard notation (eg: *.example.com). Please note that a "
"wildcard certificate is usually more expensive than normal one.)</i>"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:124
msgid ""
"Please note that a SSL Certificate is only valid for one fully qualified "
"domain name. As a result, a certificate for <code>www.example.com</code> is "
"NOT valid for <code>intranet.example.com</code> or "
"<code>intranet.www.example.com</code> !"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:131
msgid "Import existing Private Key, Certificate and Chain files"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:133
msgid ""
"If you already have a RSA Private Key file, a Certificate for this key and "
"(maybe) a Chained certificate, please paste their content here."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:134
msgid ""
"We will verify the content of those files and add them in your certificate "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:140
msgid "RSA Private Key"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:144 ../admin/ssl_view.php:74 ../admin/ssl_view.php:158
msgid "SSL Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_new.php:148 ../admin/ssl_view.php:78 ../admin/ssl_view.php:163
msgid "Chained Certificate<br />(not mandatory)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:52
msgid ""
"Your <i>Certificate Request File</i> (CSR) has been created, along with its "
"<i>private RSA Key</i> (KEY). Please find below the CSR you must send to "
"your SSL Certificate provider."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:54
msgid ""
"Once you'll have your <i>Certificate File</i> (CRT) and a <i>Chained "
"Certificate File</i> (CHAIN), please paste them here to finish the "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:65
msgid "Date of the request"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:69 ../admin/ssl_view.php:153
msgid "Certificate Request File"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:87
msgid ""
"Please confirm that you want to delete this certificate request AND ITS "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:98
msgid "Valid Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:99
msgid "Please find below your valid certificate data."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:105
msgid "EXPIRED Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:106
msgid ""
"Your certificate is EXPIRED. You should not use it for any purpose. Please "
"find below its data."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:112
msgid "Back to my SSL Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:116
msgid "Valid From:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "(%d days ago)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:125
#, php-format
msgid "(%d month ago)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:130
msgid "Valid Until:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:136
#, php-format
msgid "(%d days from now)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:139
#, php-format
msgid "(%d month from now)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:144
msgid "FQDN:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:148
msgid "Other Valid FQDN:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:172
msgid ""
"As an administrator you can allow any account on this server to use this "
"certificate to host his services. <br />(This is only useful for wildcard or"
" multi-domain certificates)."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:176
msgid "This certificate is currently <b>shared</b>"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:184
msgid "Click here to stop sharing this certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:189 ../admin/ssl_view.php:206
msgid ""
"You are not the owner of this certificate, only its owner can share/unshare "
"this certificate."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:193
msgid "This certificate is currently <b>NOT shared</b>"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:201
msgid "Click here to share this certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ssl_view.php:218
msgid ""
"Please confirm that you want to delete this certificate AND ITS PRIVATE KEY!"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:28
msgid ""
"Image_Graph not installed. use 'aptitude install php-pear' then 'pear "
"install --alldeps Image_Graph-devel' to see the graph."
msgstr "Image_Graph niet geïnstalleerd. Geef volgende commando: 'aptitude install php-pear' en dan 'pear install --alldeps Image_Graph-devel' om de grafiek te zien."

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:37
msgid "Account creation per month"
msgstr "Aanmaak accounts per maand"

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:50
msgid "before the month"
msgstr "vóór de maand"

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:52
msgid "during the month"
msgstr "gedurende de maand"

#: ../admin/vm.php:58 ../class/m_lxc.php:57
msgid "Console access"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:69
msgid "You can start a virtual machine."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:73
msgid "Click here to start a virtual machine."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:79
msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:80
msgid "SSH Fingerprint"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:81
msgid "Useful command"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:87
msgid "You can stop your virtual machine."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:91
msgid "Click here to stop your running virtual machine."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:101
msgid "Tips"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:106
msgid "Available softwares"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:107
msgid "Remotely start/stop a VM"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:112
msgid ""
"You can script the launch the console access in command line by using this "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:114
msgid "You can halt the vm by using:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:116
msgid ""
"And you can see existing vm information (if the vm is running) by using:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:118
msgid ""
"Warning: if you do not use HTTPS, your password will be transfered without "
"any protection"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:122
msgid "To access a remote console with SSH, you can use Putty."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/vm.php:124
msgid "To transfer files, you can use Filezilla in SFTP mode."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/class_system_bind.php:520
msgid "The zone file of this domain is locked. Contact your administrator."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/config.php:44
msgid ""
"SAFE MODE IS ENABLED for the web panel ! It's a bug in your php or apache "
"configuration, please fix it !!"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/functions.php:439
msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Bytes"

#: ../class/functions.php:441
msgid "Byte"
msgstr "Byte"

#: ../class/functions.php:446
msgid "Kb"
msgstr "Kb"

#: ../class/functions.php:450
msgid "Mb"
msgstr "Mb"

#: ../class/functions.php:454
msgid "Gb"
msgstr "Gb"

#: ../class/functions.php:456
msgid "Tb"
msgstr "Tb"

#: ../class/functions.php:573
msgid "year"
msgstr "jaar"

#: ../class/functions.php:573
msgid "years"
msgstr "jaren"

#: ../class/functions.php:575
msgid "month"
msgstr "maand"

#: ../class/functions.php:575
msgid "months"
msgstr "maanden"

#: ../class/functions.php:598
msgid "Not managed"
msgstr "Niet beheerd"

#: ../class/functions.php:801 ../class/functions.php:803
msgid "Previous Page"
msgstr "Vorige Pagina"

#: ../class/functions.php:861 ../class/functions.php:863
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr "Volgende Pagina"

#: ../class/functions.php:925
msgid "Click here to generate a password"
msgstr "Klik hier op een wachtwoord te genereren"

#: ../class/functions.php:971 ../class/functions.php:972
msgid "Choose a folder..."
msgstr "Kies een map..."

#: ../class/functions.php:1188
msgid "The posted form token is incorrect. Maybe you need to allow cookies"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/functions.php:1193
msgid "Your cookie or token is invalid"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/functions.php:1198 ../class/functions.php:1202
msgid "You can't post twice the same form, please retry."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_action.php:212
msgid "Error setting actions"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_action.php:232
msgid "Error selecting  old actions"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_action.php:255
msgid "Error purging old actions"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:57
msgid "This TLD is forbidden"
msgstr "Deze TLD is verboden"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:58
msgid "primary DNS is checked in WHOIS db"
msgstr "primaire DNS is gecontroleerd in WHOIS db"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:59
msgid "primary & secondary DNS are checked in WHOIS db"
msgstr "primaire & secundaire DNS zijn gecontroleerd in WHOIS db"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:60
msgid "Domain must exist, but don't do any DNS check"
msgstr "Domein moet bestaan, maar doe geen DNS controle"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:61
msgid "Domain can be installed, no check at all"
msgstr "Domein kan geïnstalleerd worden, zonder controle"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:62
msgid "Domain can be installed, force NO DNS hosting"
msgstr "Domein kan geïnstalleerd worden, met verplichte NO DNS hosting"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:82
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Beheer"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:89
msgid "Manage AlternC accounts"
msgstr "Beheer AlternC accounts"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:94
msgid "User Quotas"
msgstr "Gebruikers quota's"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:108 ../class/m_mysql.php:114
msgid "PhpMyAdmin"
msgstr "PhpMyAdmin"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:114
msgid "Switch debug Off"
msgstr "Zet debugging uit"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:114
msgid "Switch debug On"
msgstr "Zet debugging aan"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:120
msgid "Applying..."
msgstr "Toepassen..."

#: ../class/m_admin.php:121
msgid "Domain changes are already applying"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:126
msgid "Apply changes"
msgstr "Verandering toepassen"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:129
msgid ""
"Server configuration changes are applied every 5 minutes. Do you want to do "
"it right now?"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:216 ../class/m_admin.php:272 ../class/m_admin.php:347
#: ../class/m_admin.php:429 ../class/m_admin.php:475 ../class/m_admin.php:512
#: ../class/m_admin.php:597 ../class/m_admin.php:768 ../class/m_admin.php:815
#: ../class/m_admin.php:843 ../class/m_admin.php:876
msgid "-- Only administrators can access this page! --"
msgstr "-- Alleen administrateurs hebben toegang tot deze pagina! --"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:385
msgid ""
"Invalid pattern type provided. Are you even performing a legitimate action?"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:437
msgid "Subject, message and sender are mandatory"
msgstr "Onderwerp, bericht en afzender zijn verplicht"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:442
msgid "Sender is syntaxically incorrect"
msgstr "Syntax afzender is niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:536
msgid "-- Only administrators can do that! --"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:542
msgid "You don't seem to be allowed to delegate this domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:601
msgid "Missing db_server field"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:605 ../class/m_admin.php:610
msgid "Please fill all mandatory fields"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:615
msgid "Please enter a valid email address"
msgstr "Geef aub een valide email adres in"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:621
msgid "Login can only contains characters a-z and 0-9"
msgstr "Login zijn alleen de tekens a-z en 0-9  bevatten"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:628
msgid "The login is too long (14 chars max)"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:633
msgid "Login can only contains characters a-z, 0-9 and -"
msgstr "In de login kunnen alleen gebruikt worden a-z, 0-9 en -"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:672
msgid "This login already exists"
msgstr "Deze login bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "query failed: %s "
msgstr "query mislukt: %s"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:723
#, php-format
msgid "New account %s from %s on %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:728
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot send email to %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:732
#, php-format
msgid "Query failed: %s"
msgstr "Query mislukt: %s"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1043
msgid "This account is ALREADY an administrator account"
msgstr "Dit account is AL een administrateurs account"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1067
msgid "This account is NOT an administrator account!"
msgstr "Dit account is GEEN administrateurs account!"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1190
#, php-format
msgid "NS for this domain are not %s and %s BUT %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1206
#, php-format
msgid "MX is not %s BUT %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1220
msgid "Fail to get the DNS information. Try again."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1223
#, php-format
msgid "subdomain '%s' doesn't point to %s but to '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1232
msgid "Domain doesn't exist anymore !"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1257
#, php-format
msgid "Domain '%s' not found."
msgstr "Domein '%s' niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1277 ../class/m_admin.php:1315
#: ../class/m_admin.php:1376
msgid "This TLD does not exist"
msgstr "Deze TLD bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1339
msgid "The TLD name is mandatory"
msgstr "De TLD naam is verplicht"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1346
msgid "This TLD already exist"
msgstr "Deze TLD bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1489
msgid "Please enter a login"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1499
msgid "-- Program error -- The requested password policy does not exist!"
msgstr "-- Programma fout --De gevraagde wachtwoord regeling bestaat niet!"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1507
msgid "The password length is too short according to the password policy"
msgstr "De lengte van het wachtwoord is te kort volgens de wachtwoord regeling"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1512
msgid "The password is too long according to the password policy"
msgstr "De lengte van het wachtwoord is te lang volgens de wachtwoord regeling"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1525
msgid ""
"The password policy prevents you to use your login name inside your password"
" or the other way around"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1549
msgid ""
"Your password contains not enough different classes of character, between "
"low-case, up-case, figures and special characters."
msgstr "Uw wachtwoord bevat niet genoeg verschillende soorten tekens, kleine letters, hoofdletters, cijfers en speciale tekens."

#: ../class/m_authip.php:114 ../class/m_authip.php:133
#: ../class/m_authip.php:153 ../class/m_authip.php:259
#: ../class/m_authip.php:267 ../class/m_authip.php:332
#: ../class/m_authip.php:338 ../class/m_authip.php:364
msgid "query failed: "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_authip.php:233
msgid "Failed : not an IP address"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_authip.php:387
msgid "Object not available"
msgstr "Voorwerp niet beschikbaar"

#: ../class/m_authip.php:396
#, php-format
msgid "Can't identified class for the protocole %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:61
msgid "1 column, detailed"
msgstr "1 kolom, gedetailleerd"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:61
msgid "2 columns, short"
msgstr "2 kolommen, kort"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:61
msgid "3 columns, short"
msgstr "3 kolommen, kort"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:62
msgid "tar.Z (Unix)"
msgstr "tar.Z (Unix)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:62
msgid "tar.bz2 (Linux)"
msgstr "tar.bz2 (Linux)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:62
msgid "tgz (Linux)"
msgstr "tgz (Linux)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:62
msgid "zip (Windows/Dos)"
msgstr "zip (Windows/Dos)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:64
msgid "Edit the newly created file"
msgstr "Bewerk het nieuw aangemaakte bestand"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:64
msgid "Go back to the file manager"
msgstr "Ga terug naar de bestandsbeheerder"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:194
msgid "This directory does not exist."
msgstr "Deze map bestaat niet."

#: ../class/m_bro.php:198
msgid "This directory is not readable."
msgstr "Deze map is niet leesbaar."

#: ../class/m_bro.php:400 ../class/m_bro.php:1202
msgid "Cannot create the requested directory. Please check the permissions"
msgstr "Kan de gevraagde map niet aanmaken. Controleer aub de bestandsrechten"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:406 ../class/m_bro.php:427 ../class/m_bro.php:455
#: ../class/m_bro.php:481 ../class/m_bro.php:515 ../class/m_bro.php:525
#: ../class/m_bro.php:557 ../class/m_bro.php:605 ../class/m_bro.php:666
#: ../class/m_bro.php:718 ../class/m_bro.php:723 ../class/m_bro.php:820
#: ../class/m_bro.php:997 ../class/m_bro.php:1027
msgid "File or folder name is incorrect"
msgstr "Bestands- of mapnaam is niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:432 ../class/m_bro.php:617
msgid "Cannot create the requested file. Please check the permissions"
msgstr "Kan het gevraagde bestand niet aanmaken. Controleer aub de bestandsrechten"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:529 ../class/m_bro.php:727
msgid "You cannot move or copy a file to the same folder"
msgstr "U kunt niet het bestand verplaatsen of kopiëren naar dezelfde map"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:625
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the max file size allowed"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:634
msgid "Undefined error "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:637
msgid "Error during the upload of the file: "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:673
msgid "Uncompressing through TAR"
msgstr "Bezig met uitpakken via TAR"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:678
msgid "Uncompressing through UNZIP"
msgstr "Bezig met uitpakken via UNZIP"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:683
msgid "Uncompressing through GUNZIP"
msgstr "Bezig met uitpakken via GUNZIP"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:688
msgid "Uncompressing through bunzip2"
msgstr "Bezig met uitpakken via bunzip2"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:698
#, php-format
msgid ""
"I cannot find a way to extract the file %s, it is an unsupported compressed "
msgstr "I kan het bestand %s niet uitpakken, het is geen ondersteund compressie formaat"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:816
msgid "Cannot read the requested file. Please check the permissions"
msgstr "Kan het gevraagde bestand niet lezen. Controleer aub de bestandsrechten"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:899
msgid "File not in authorized directory"
msgstr "Bestand niet in een geauthoriseerde map"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:1022
msgid "Cannot edit the requested file. Please check the permissions"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_cron.php:37
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Dagelijks"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:38
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Uur"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:39
msgid "Half Hour"
msgstr "Half uur"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:129
msgid "URL not valid"
msgstr "Ongeldig URL"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:141
msgid "Email address is not valid"
msgstr "Email adres niet geldig"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:152
msgid "You quota of cron entries is over. You cannot create more cron entries"
msgstr "U quota voor cron opdrachten is bereikt. U kunt niet meer cron opdrachten aanmaken"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:161
msgid "Identity problem"
msgstr "Identiteits probleem"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:218
msgid "Err: failed to prepare the zone"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:248
msgid "Missing domain name"
msgstr "Ontbrekende domeinnaam"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:558
msgid "The name MUST contain only letter and digits"
msgstr "De naam MOET alleen maar letters en cijfers bevatten"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:583 ../class/m_dom.php:1471 ../class/m_dom.php:1481
msgid ""
"The parameters for this subdomain and domain type are invalid. Please check "
"for subdomain entries incompatibility"
msgstr "De parameters voor dit subdomein en domein type zijn ongeldig.Kontroleer aub voor de onverenigbaarheid voor subdomeinen"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:698 ../class/m_dom.php:1170 ../class/m_dom.php:1232
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1395 ../class/m_dom.php:1443 ../class/m_dom.php:1528
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1575 ../class/m_dom.php:1915
msgid "--- Program error --- No lock on the domains!"
msgstr "--- Programma fout --- Geen lock op het domein"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:705 ../class/m_dom.php:1175 ../class/m_dom.php:1466
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1602
msgid "The domain name is syntaxically incorrect"
msgstr "De syntax van de domeinnaam is niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:711 ../class/m_dom.php:757 ../class/m_dom.php:1682
msgid ""
"The requested domain is forbidden in this server, please contact the "
msgstr "Het gevraagde domein is verboden in deze server, neem aub kontakt op met de administrateur"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:715
msgid ""
"This domain is the server's domain! You cannot host it on your account!"
msgstr "Dit domein is het serverdomein! U kunt dit niet in uw account installeren!"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:720 ../class/m_dom.php:725
msgid "The domain already exist"
msgstr "Het domein bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:732 ../class/m_dom.php:1582
msgid ""
"The last member of the domain name is incorrect or cannot be hosted in that "
msgstr "Het laatste deel van de domeinnaam is niet korrekt of kan niet in die server geïnstalleerd worden"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:736 ../class/m_dom.php:740
msgid "The domain cannot be found in the whois database"
msgstr "Het domein is niet te vinden in de WHOIS database"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:764
msgid "Your domain quota is over, you cannot create more domain names"
msgstr "Uw domein quota is bereikt, u kunt niet meer domeinnamen aanmaken"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:779
msgid "An unexpected error occured when creating the domain"
msgstr "Een onverwachte fout trad op tijdens het aanmaken van het domein"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:788 ../class/m_dom.php:1182
#, php-format
msgid "Domain '%s' not found"
msgstr "Domein '%s' niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:916
msgid "Could not delete default type"
msgstr "Kan het standaard type niet verwijderen"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1086
msgid "The Whois database is unavailable, please try again later"
msgstr "De WHOIS database is niet beschikbaar, probeer het aub later nog eens"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1093 ../class/m_dom.php:1586
msgid "The domain cannot be found in the Whois database"
msgstr "Het domein kan niet gevonden worden in de WHOIS database"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1237 ../class/m_dom.php:1532
msgid "The sub-domain does not exist"
msgstr "Het subdomein bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1290
msgid "invalid url"
msgstr "ongeldige url"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1300
msgid "The folder you entered is incorrect or does not exist"
msgstr "De map die u ingegeven heeft is niet korrekt of bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1308 ../class/m_dom.php:1316
msgid "The ip address is invalid"
msgstr "Het IP adres is ongeldig"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1324
msgid ""
"The name you entered is incorrect or not fully qualified (it must end with a"
" DOT, like example.com<b>.</b>)"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1332
msgid "The TXT value you entered is incorrect"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1337
msgid "Invalid domain type selected, please check"
msgstr "Ongeldig domein type geselekteerd, kontroleer aub"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1400
msgid "Subdomain not found"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1414
msgid "No certificate found for this provider and this subdomain"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1454
msgid ""
"There is some forbidden characters in the sub domain (only A-Z 0-9 and - are"
" allowed)"
msgstr "Er zijn niet toegestane tekens in het subdomein (alleen A-Z 0-9 en - zijn toegestaan"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1493 ../class/m_dom.php:1504
msgid "Cannot write to the destination folder"
msgstr "Kan niet schrijven in de doel map"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1590
msgid ""
"The DNS of this domain do not match the server's DNS. Please change your "
"domain's DNS before you install it again"
msgstr "De DNS van dit domein komt niet overeen met de DNS van de server. Verander aub de DNS van het domein alvorens het weer te installeren"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1607
#, php-format
msgid "The domain name %s does not exist"
msgstr "De domeinnaam %s bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1623 ../class/m_dom.php:1628
msgid ""
"There is no MX record pointing to this server, and you are asking us to host"
" the mail here. Make sure to update your MX entries or no mail will be "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1673 ../class/m_dom.php:1699
msgid "The IP address you entered is incorrect"
msgstr "Het IP adres dat u ingegeven heeft is niet korrekt."

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1795 ../class/m_dom.php:1801 ../class/m_dom.php:1818
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1824
msgid "This domain is not installed in your account"
msgstr "Dit domein is niet in uw account geïnstalleerd"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1868
msgid "The specified slave account already exists"
msgstr "Het gespecificeerde slave-account bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1896
msgid "--- Program error --- Lock already obtained!"
msgstr "--- Pragramma fout ---Is al gelocked!"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2253
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Problem on %s: there is more than 1 web configuration going to be generated "
"for this sub-domain."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2262
#, php-format
msgid "Problem on %s: we do not know domain's type <b>%s</b>."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2274
msgid "Locally hosted"
msgstr "Lokaal gehost"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2275
msgid "URL redirection"
msgstr "URL omleiding"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2276
msgid "IPv4 redirect"
msgstr "IPv4 omleiding"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2277
msgid "Webmail access"
msgstr "Webmail toegang"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2278
msgid "Squirrelmail Webmail access"
msgstr "Squirrelmail Webmail toegang"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2279
msgid "Roundcube Webmail access"
msgstr "Roundcube Webmail toegang"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2280
msgid "IPv6 redirect"
msgstr "IPv6 omleiding"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2281
msgid "CNAME DNS entry"
msgstr "CNAME DNS entry"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2282
msgid "TXT DNS entry"
msgstr "TXT DNS entry"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2283
msgid "MX DNS entry"
msgstr "MX DNS entry"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2284
msgid "secondary MX DNS entry"
msgstr "secundaire MX DNS entry"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2285
msgid "Default mail server"
msgstr "Standaard mail server"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2286
msgid "Default backup mail server"
msgstr "Standaard backup mail server"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2287
msgid "AlternC panel access"
msgstr "AlternC paneel toegang"

#: ../class/m_err.php:71 ../class/m_err.php:103
msgid "err_"
msgstr "err_"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:57 ../class/m_ftp.php:472
msgid "FTP accounts"
msgstr "FTP accounts"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:65
msgid "Create a new ftp account"
msgstr "Maak een nieuw ftp account aan"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:110
msgid "This account do not exist or is not of this account"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:124
msgid "Error during update"
msgstr "Fout tijdens update"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:158
msgid "No FTP account found"
msgstr "Geen FTP accunt gevonden"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:196 ../class/m_ftp.php:280 ../class/m_ftp.php:343
msgid "This FTP account does not exist"
msgstr "Dit FTP account bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:230
#, php-format
msgid "FTP login is incorrect: too many '%s'"
msgstr "De FTP login is niet correct: te veel '%s'"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:236
msgid "FTP login is incorrect"
msgstr "De FTP login is niet correct"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:289 ../class/m_ftp.php:372
msgid "The chosen prefix is not allowed"
msgstr "Het gekozen voorvoegsel is niet toegestaan"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:303 ../class/m_ftp.php:385
msgid "This FTP account already exists"
msgstr "Dit FTP account bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:311 ../class/m_ftp.php:395
msgid "The directory cannot be created"
msgstr "De map kan niet aangemaakt worden"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:368
msgid "Password can't be empty"
msgstr "Wachtwoord kan niet leeg zijn"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:411
msgid "Your FTP account quota is over. You cannot create more FTP accounts"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_hta.php:46
msgid "Protected folders"
msgstr "Beschermde mappen"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:71 ../class/m_hta.php:272 ../class/m_hta.php:326
#: ../class/m_hta.php:366
#, php-format
msgid "The folder '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "De map '%s' bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:77
msgid "Error creating .htaccess file: "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_hta.php:81
msgid "Restricted area"
msgstr "Afgeschermd gebied"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:87
msgid "Error creating .htpasswd file: "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_hta.php:110
msgid "No protected folder"
msgstr "Geen beschermde map"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:204 ../class/m_hta.php:236
#, php-format
msgid "I cannot read the file '%s'"
msgstr "Ik kan het bestand '%s' niet lezen"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:224
#, php-format
msgid "Unexpected: No changes made to '%s'"
msgstr "Onverwacht: Geen verandering aangebracht op '%s'"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:229
#, php-format
msgid "I could not delete the file '%s'"
msgstr "Ik kon het bestand '%s' niet verwijderen"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:238
#, php-format
msgid "I cannot delete the file '%s/.htpasswd'"
msgstr "Ik kan het bestand '%s/.htpasswd' niet verwijderen"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:263
msgid "Please enter a user"
msgstr "Gelieve een gebruiker in te brengen"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:286 ../class/m_hta.php:333 ../class/m_hta.php:381
msgid "File already exist"
msgstr "Bestand bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:294
#, php-format
msgid "The user '%s' already exist for this folder"
msgstr "De gebruiker '%s' bestaat al voor deze map"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:306
msgid "Please enter a valid username"
msgstr "Geef een geldige gebruikersnaam in, aub"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:437
msgid "An incompatible .htaccess file exists in this folder"
msgstr "Er is een onverenigbaar .htaccess bestand in deze map"

#: ../class/m_log.php:71
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Logs"

#: ../class/m_lxc.php:129
msgid "VM already started"
msgstr "De VM is al opgestart"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:85
msgid "Email Addresses"
msgstr "Email adressen"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:210
msgid "Email account password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord email account"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:314
msgid "No email found for this query"
msgstr "Geen email gevonden voor deze zoekopdracht"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:374
msgid "You cannot create email addresses: your quota is over"
msgstr "U kunt geen email adressen aanmaken: uw quota is bereikt"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:381
msgid "This email address already exists in mailman"
msgstr "Dit email adres bestaat al in mailman"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:383
msgid "This email address already exists"
msgstr "Dit email adres bestaat al "

#: ../class/m_mail.php:390
msgid "An unexpected error occured when creating the email"
msgstr "Een onverwachte fout trad op tijdens aanmaken van de mail "

#: ../class/m_mail.php:447
msgid "This email is not yours, you can't change anything on it"
msgstr "Deze email is niet van u, u kunt er niets in wijzigen"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:521
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s does not exist, it can't be deleted"
msgstr "De email %s bestaat niet, het kan niet verwijderd worden"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:525
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s is already marked for deletion, it can't be deleted"
msgstr "De email %s is al gemarkeerd voor verwijdering, het kan niet verwijderd worden"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:559
msgid "The email you entered does not exist"
msgstr "De door U ingevoerde email bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:570
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s does not exist, it can't be undeleted"
msgstr "De email %s bestaat niet, verwijdering kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:574
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s is special, it can't be undeleted"
msgstr "De email %s is speciaal, verwijdering kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:578
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Sorry, deletion of email %s is already in progress, or not marked for "
"deletion, it can't be undeleted"
msgstr "Sorry, verwijdering van email %s is al aan de gang, of het is niet aangemerkt voor verwijdering, verwijdering kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:589
#, php-format
msgid "-- Program Error -- The email %s can't be undeleted"
msgstr "-- Programma fout --- De verwijdering van email %s kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:687
msgid ""
"There is forbidden characters in your email address. You can't make it a "
"POP/IMAP account, you can only use it as redirection to other emails"
msgstr "Er zijn niet toegestane tekens in uw email adres. U kunt er geen POP/IMAP account voor aanmaken, u kunt het alleen gebruiken als een omleiding naar andere emails"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:706
msgid ""
"You set a quota smaller than the current mailbox size. Since it's not "
"allowed, we set the quota to the current mailbox size"
msgstr "U heeft een quota ingegeven dat kleiner is dan groote van de huidige mailbox. Aangezien dat niet toegestaan is, maken we de quota  gelijk aan de grootte van de huidige mailbox"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:726
msgid ""
"Warning: you created an email which is not an alias, and not a POP/IMAP "
"mailbox. This is certainly NOT what you want to do. To fix this, edit the "
"email address and check 'Yes' in POP/IMAP account, or set some recipients in"
" the redirection field."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:896
msgid "The slave MX account was not found"
msgstr "Het slave MX account is niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:945
msgid "Problem: can't create default bounce mail"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mem.php:91 ../class/m_mem.php:97 ../class/m_mem.php:180
#: ../class/m_mem.php:328
msgid "User or password incorrect"
msgstr "Gebruiker of wachtwoord niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:101 ../class/m_mem.php:455 ../class/m_mem.php:499
msgid "This account is locked, contact the administrator."
msgstr "Dit account is vergrendeld, contacteer de beheerder."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:114 ../class/m_mem.php:298
msgid ""
"This website is currently under maintenance, login is currently disabled."
msgstr "Deze website is op dit moment in onderhoud, het aanmelden is momenteel uitgeschakeld."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:133
msgid "Your IP isn't allowed to connect"
msgstr "Uw IP staat geen verbinding toe"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:271
msgid "Missing password"
msgstr "Ontbrekend wachtwoord"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:283 ../class/m_mem.php:291
msgid "Identity lost or unknown, please login"
msgstr "Verloren of ontbrekende identiteit, gelieve aan te melden."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:401
msgid "You are not allowed to change your password."
msgstr "U heeft niet het recht uw wachtwoord te veranderen."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:405
msgid "The old password is incorrect"
msgstr "Het oude wachtwoord is niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:409 ../class/m_mem.php:460
msgid "The new passwords are differents, please retry"
msgstr "De nieuwe wachtwoorden zijn verschillend, probeer het nogmaals"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:434
msgid "You must be a system administrator to do this."
msgstr "U moet een systeembeheerder zijn om dit te doen."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:463
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You requested the modification of your password for your\n"
"account %s on %s\n"
"Here are your username and password to access the panel :\n"
"Username : %s\n"
"Password : %s\n"
"Note : if you didn't requested that modification, it means that\n"
"someone did it instead of you. You can choose to ignore this message.\n"
"If it happens again, please contact your server's Administrator. \n"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mem.php:509
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Someone (maybe you) requested an email's address modification of the account\n"
"%s on %s\n"
"To confirm your request, go to this url :\n"
"(Warning : if this address is displayed on 2 lines, don't forgot to\n"
"take it on one line).\n"
"The panel will ask you the key given when the email address\n"
"modification was requested.\n"
"If you didn't asked for this modification, it means that someone\n"
"did it instead of you. You can choose to ignore this message. If it happens\n"
"again, please contact your server's administrator.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mem.php:551
msgid "The information you entered is incorrect."
msgstr "De informatie die u ingegeven heeft is niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_menu.php:111
msgid "Home / Information"
msgstr "Home / Informatie"

#: ../class/m_menu.php:117
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Log uit"

#: ../class/m_menu.php:123
msgid "Online help"
msgstr "Online help"

#: ../class/m_menu.php:130
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Talen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:40
msgid ""
"There are no databases in db_servers for this user. Please contact your "
msgstr "Er zijn geen databases in db_servers voor deze gebruiker. Contacteer A.U.B. uw administrator."

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:97
msgid "MySQL"
msgstr "MySQL"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:105
msgid "Databases"
msgstr "Databases"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:162
msgid "Cannot connect to PhpMyAdmin"
msgstr "Kan geen verbinding maken met PhpMyAdmin"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:203 ../class/m_mysql.php:371
#, php-format
msgid "Database %s not found"
msgstr "Database %s niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:223
msgid "Your databases quota is over. You cannot create more databases"
msgstr "Uw database quota is bereikt. U kunt niet meer databases aanmaken"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:234
msgid "Database can't have empty suffix"
msgstr "Databases kunnen geen leeg achtervoegsel hebben"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:239 ../class/m_mysql.php:366 ../class/m_mysql.php:452
msgid "Database name can contain only letters and numbers"
msgstr "Database naam kan alleen letters en cijfers bevatten"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:245
#, php-format
msgid "Database name cannot exceed %d characters"
msgstr "De databasenaam kan niet meer dan %d tekens lang zijn"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:250
#, php-format
msgid "Database %s already exists"
msgstr "Database %s bestaat al"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:281
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the special PhpMyAdmin user. Contact the "
msgstr "Er is een probleem met de speciale PhpMyAdmin gebruiker. Neem kontakt op met de administrateur"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:300
msgid "An error occured. The database could not be created"
msgstr "Er trad een fout op. De database kon niet aangemaakt worden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:317
msgid "The database was not found. I can't delete it"
msgstr "De database is niet gevonden. Ik kan het niet verwijderen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:353
msgid "User aren't allowed to configure their backups"
msgstr "Gebruikers mogen niet hun back-ups instellen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:386
msgid "You have to choose how many backups you want to keep"
msgstr "U met kiezen hoeveel backups u wilt bewaren"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:390
msgid "Directory does not exist"
msgstr "Map bestaat niet"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:408 ../class/m_mysql.php:455 ../class/m_mysql.php:598
#: ../class/m_mysql.php:622 ../class/m_mysql.php:627
msgid "Database not found"
msgstr "Database niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:415 ../class/m_mysql.php:665
msgid "The password is mandatory"
msgstr "Het wachtwoord is verplicht"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:421
#, php-format
msgid "MySQL password cannot exceed %d characters"
msgstr "Het MySQL wachtwoord kan niet meer dan %d tekens lang zijn"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:462
msgid "Databases rights are not correct"
msgstr "Database rechten zijn niet korrekt"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:467
msgid "The username can contain only letters and numbers."
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam mag alleen letters en cijfers bevatten."

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:473
msgid "Database user not found"
msgstr "Database gebruiker niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:486
msgid "Could not grant rights"
msgstr "Kon de rechten niet toestaan"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:503
msgid "No file specified"
msgstr "Geen bestand opgegeven"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:510 ../class/m_mysql.php:514
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "Bestand niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:661
msgid "The username is mandatory"
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam is verplicht"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:669 ../class/m_mysql.php:743
msgid "The username can contain only letters and numbers"
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam mag alleen letters en cijfers bevatten"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:676
#, php-format
msgid "MySQL username cannot exceed %d characters"
msgstr "De MySQL gebruikersnaam kan niet meer dan %d tekens lang zijn"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:681
msgid "The database user already exists"
msgstr "De database gebruiker bestaat reeds"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:685 ../class/m_mysql.php:717
msgid "The passwords do not match"
msgstr "De wachtwoorden stemmen niet overeen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:754
msgid "The username was not found"
msgstr "De gebruiersnaam werd niet gevonden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:786
msgid "This user does not exist in the MySQL/User database"
msgstr "Deze gebruiker bestaat niet in de MySQL/User database"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:1050
msgid "The directory could not be created"
msgstr "De map kon niet aangemaakt worden"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:37
msgid "Piwik statistics"
msgstr "Piwik statistieken"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:41
msgid "Piwik Users"
msgstr "Piwik gebruikers"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:42
msgid "Piwik Sites"
msgstr "Piwik Sites"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:79
msgid "Statistics through Piwik accounts"
msgstr "Statistiekn over Piwik accounts"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:277 ../class/m_piwik.php:419
msgid "You are not allowed to delete the statistics of this website"
msgstr "U mag de statistieken van deze website niet verwijderen"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:484
msgid "Unable to reach the API"
msgstr "Niet in staat de API te bereiken"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:491
msgid "Error while decoding response from the API"
msgstr "Fout tijdens ontcijferen antwoord van de API"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:497
msgid "Other format than JSON is not implemented yet"
msgstr "Ander formaat dan JSON is nog niet geïmplementeerd"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:65
msgid "Show my quotas"
msgstr "Toon mijn quota's"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:83
#, php-format
msgid "%s%% of %s"
msgstr "%s%% van %s"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:83 ../class/m_quota.php:122
msgid "quota_"
msgstr "quota_"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:220
msgid "Web disk space"
msgstr "Web schijfruimte"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:262
msgid "Error writing the quota entry!"
msgstr "Fout tijdens schrijven van de quota entry"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:343
msgid "Type can only contains characters a-z and 0-9"
msgstr "Type kan alleen de tekens  a-z en 0-9 bevatten"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:595
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:595
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:595
msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:99
msgid "FATAL: no certificates in certificates table, even the SnakeOil one??"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:132
#, php-format
msgid "Reloading domain %s as we have new certificate %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:187
msgid "Can't put file into /etc/ssl/certs/"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:194
msgid "Can't put file into /etc/ssl/private/"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:300
msgid "No SSL certificates available"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:324
msgid "Bad FQDN domain name"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:330
msgid "Can't generate a private key (1)"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:335
msgid "Can't generate a private key (2)"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:346
msgid "Can't generate a CSR"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:369
msgid "Can't find this Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:470
msgid "Certificate already exists in database"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:492
msgid "Can't save the Key/Crt/Chain now. Please try later."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:532
msgid "Can't save the Crt/Chain now. Please try later."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:733
msgid ""
"Can't find the private key in the certificate table, please check your form."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:742
msgid ""
"The certificate must begin by BEGIN CERTIFICATE and end by END CERTIFICATE "
"lines. Please check you pasted it in PEM form."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:747
msgid ""
"The chained certificate must begin by BEGIN CERTIFICATE and end by END "
"CERTIFICATE lines. Please check you pasted it in PEM form."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:753
msgid ""
"The private key must begin by BEGIN (RSA )PRIVATE KEY and end by END (RSA "
")PRIVATE KEY lines. Please check you pasted it in PEM form."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:789
#, php-format
msgid "The %d-th certificate in the chain is invalid"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:797
msgid "The certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:802
msgid "The private key is invalid."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:807
msgid "The private key is not the one signed inside the certificate."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:813
msgid "Can't export your certificate as a string, please check its syntax."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:818
msgid ""
"Can't export one of your chained certificates as a string, please check its "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ssl.php:824
msgid "Can't export your private key as a string, please check its syntax."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/mime.php:115
msgid "CSS Stylesheet"
msgstr "CSS Stylesheet"

#: ../class/mime.php:116
msgid "Comma Separated Values data"
msgstr "Door Komma Gescheiden Waarden data"

#: ../class/mime.php:117
msgid "DIA Diagram"
msgstr "DIA Diagram"

#: ../class/mime.php:118
msgid "Word Document"
msgstr "Word Document"

#: ../class/mime.php:119
msgid "Word Document Template"
msgstr "Word Document Skelet"

#: ../class/mime.php:120
msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
msgstr "Encapsulated Postscript"

#: ../class/mime.php:121
msgid "GIF Image"
msgstr "GIF beeld"

#: ../class/mime.php:122
msgid "Macintosh Executable"
msgstr "Macintosh Executable"

#: ../class/mime.php:123 ../class/mime.php:124
msgid "HTML Document"
msgstr "HTML Document"

#: ../class/mime.php:125 ../class/mime.php:126
msgid "JPEG Image"
msgstr "JPEG beeld"

#: ../class/mime.php:127
msgid "Music Playlist"
msgstr "Music Playlist"

#: ../class/mime.php:128
msgid "MP3 Music File"
msgstr "MP3 Muziek bestand"

#: ../class/mime.php:129
msgid "Ogg Music File"
msgstr "Ogg muziek bestand"

#: ../class/mime.php:130
msgid "Acrobat PDF"
msgstr "Acrobat PDF"

#: ../class/mime.php:131
msgid "PHP Source"
msgstr "PHP broncode"

#: ../class/mime.php:132
msgid "PNG Image"
msgstr "PNG beeld"

#: ../class/mime.php:133 ../class/mime.php:134
msgid "Powerpoint Slideshow"
msgstr "Powerpoint Slideshow"

#: ../class/mime.php:135
msgid "Postscript Document"
msgstr "Postscript Document"

#: ../class/mime.php:136
msgid "Photoshop Image"
msgstr "Photoshop beeld"

#: ../class/mime.php:137
msgid "Rar Compressed Files"
msgstr "Rar gecomprimeerde bestanden"

#: ../class/mime.php:138
msgid "Rich Text Document"
msgstr "Rich Text Document"

#: ../class/mime.php:139
msgid "OpenOffice Spreadsheet"
msgstr "OpenOffice Spreadsheet"

#: ../class/mime.php:140
msgid "OpenOffice Drawing"
msgstr "OpenOffice Drawing"

#: ../class/mime.php:141
msgid "OpenOffice Presentation"
msgstr "OpenOffice presentatie"

#: ../class/mime.php:142
msgid "OpenOffice Writer"
msgstr "OpenOffice Writer"

#: ../class/mime.php:143 ../class/mime.php:144
msgid "TIFF Image"
msgstr "TIFF beeld"

#: ../class/mime.php:145
msgid "Text Document"
msgstr "Tekst Document"

#: ../class/mime.php:146 ../class/mime.php:147
msgid "Virtual Card"
msgstr "Virtual Card"

#: ../class/mime.php:148
msgid "Gimp Image"
msgstr "Gimp Beeld"

#: ../class/mime.php:149
msgid "Excel Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Excel Spreadsheet"

#: ../class/mime.php:150
msgid "Zip Compressed Files"
msgstr "Zip gecomprimeerde bestanden"

#: ../class/mime.php:151
msgid "Flash Animation"
msgstr "Flash Animatie"

#: ../class/mime.php:152 ../class/mime.php:153 ../class/mime.php:154
msgid "Real Media File"
msgstr "Real Media Bestand"

#~ msgid "Wich database server for this user ?"
#~ msgstr "Which database server for this user ?"