invoke in the code. */ class m_mail { /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** domain list for this account * @access private */ var $domains; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Number of results for a pager display * @access public */ var $total; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Quota list (hook for quota class) */ function alternc_quota_names() { return "mail"; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** get_quota (hook for quota class), returns the number of used * service for a quota-bound service * @param $name string the named quota we want * @return the number of used service for the specified quota, * or false if I'm not the one for the named quota */ function alternc_get_quota($name) { global $db,$err,$cuid; if ($name=="mail") { $err->log("mail","getquota"); $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM address WHERE domain_id in (select id from domaines where compte=$cuid);"); $db->next_record(); return $db->f("cnt"); } return false; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Password policy kind used in this class (hook for admin class) * @return array an array of policykey => "policy name (for humans)" */ function alternc_password_policy() { return array("pop"=>_("Email account password")); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Returns the list of mail-hosting domains for a user * @return array indexed array of hosted domains */ function enum_domains() { global $db,$err,$cuid; $err->log("mail","enum_domains"); $db->query("select, d.domaine, count( as nb_mail FROM domaines d left join address a on where d.compte = $cuid group by order by d.domaine asc;"); $this->enum_domains=array(); while($db->next_record()){ $this->enum_domains[]=$db->Record; } return $this->enum_domains; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* function used to list every mail address hosted on a domain. * @param $dom_id integer the domain id. * @param $search string search that string in recipients or address. * @param $offset integer skip THAT much emails in the result. * @param $count integer return no more than THAT much emails. * @result an array of each mail hosted under the domain. */ function enum_domain_mails($dom_id = null, $search="", $offset=0, $count=30){ global $db,$err,$cuid,$hooks; $err->log("mail","enum_domains_mail"); $search=trim($search); $where="a.domain_id=$dom_id"; if ($search) $where.=" AND (a.address LIKE '%".addslashes($search)."%' OR r.recipients LIKE '%".addslashes($search)."%')"; $db->query("SELECT count( AS total FROM address a LEFT JOIN recipient r ON WHERE $where;"); $db->next_record(); $this->total=$db->f("total"); $db->query("SELECT, a.address, a.password, a.enabled, d.domaine AS domain, m.quota*1024*1024 AS quota, m.bytes AS used, NOT ISNULL( AS islocal, a.type, r.recipients, m.lastlogin FROM (address a LEFT JOIN mailbox m ON LEFT JOIN recipient r ON, domaines d WHERE $where AND LIMIT $offset,$count;"); if (! $db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",_("No mail found for this query")); return false; } $res=array(); do { $details=$db->Record; // if necessary, fill the typedata with data from hooks ... if ($details["type"]) { $result=$hooks->invoke("mail_get_details",array($details["id"])); // Will fill typedata if necessary $details["typedata"]=implode("
",$result); } $res[]=$details; } while ($db->next_record()); return $res; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Function used to insert a new mail into de the db * should be used by the web interface, not by third-party programs. * * This function calls the hook "hooks_mail_cancreate" * which must return FALSE if the user can't create this email, and raise and error accordingly * * @param $dom_id integer A domain_id (owned by the user) * (will be the part at the right of the @ in the email) * @param $mail string the left part of the email to create (something@dom_id) * @return an hashtable containing the database id of the newly created mail, * or false if an error occured ($err is filled accordingly) */ function create($dom_id, $mail){ global $err,$db,$cuid,$quota,$dom; $err->log("mail","create"); // Validate the domain id if (!($domain=$dom->get_domain_byid($dom_id))) { return false; } // Validate the email syntax: $m=$mail."@".$domain; if (!filter_var($m,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $err->raise("mail",_("The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect")); return false; } // Call other classes to check we can create it: $cancreate=$hooks->invoke('hooks_mail_cancreate',array($dom_id,$domain,$mail)); if (in_array(false,$cancreate,true)) { return false; } // Check the quota: if (!$quota->cancreate("mail")) { $err->raise("mail",_("You cannot create email addresses: your quota is over.")); return false; } // Already exists? $db->query("SELECT * FROM address WHERE domain_id=".$dom_id." AND address='".addslashes($mail)."';"); if ($db->next_record()) { $err->raise("mail",_("This email address already exists")); return false; } // Create it now $db->query("INSERT INTO address (domain_id, address) VALUES ($dom_id, '".addslashes($mail)."');"); if (!($id=$db->lastid())) { $err->raise("mail",_("An unexpected error occured when creating the email")); return false; } return $id; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** function used to get every information we can on a mail * @param $mail_id integer * @return array a hashtable with all the informations for that email */ function get_details($mail_id) { global $db, $err, $cuid; $err->log("mail","get_details"); $mail_id=intval($mail_id); // We fetch all the informations for that email: these will fill the hastable : $db->query("SELECT a.address, a.password, a.enabled, d.domaine AS domain, m.quota, m.bytes/1024/1024 AS used, NOT ISNULL( AS islocal, a.type FROM address a LEFT JOIN mailbox m ON, domaines d WHERE$mail_id AND;"); if (! $db->next_record()) return false; $details=$db->Record; // if necessary, fill the typedata with data from hooks ... if ($details["type"]) { $result=$hooks->invoke("mail_get_details",array($mail_id)); // Will fill typedata if necessary $details["typedata"]=implode("
",$result); } return $details; } /* ############################################################ */ /* ############################################################ */ /* After that line, to be deleted / checked & co. */ /* ############################################################ */ /* ############################################################ */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** function used to list the first letter used in the list of the emails hosted in a specific domain * @param $domain_id integer the domain id. * @result an array of each letter used in mail hosted under the domain. */ function enum_doms_mails_letters($domain_id) { global $err,$cuid,$db; $err->log("mail","enum_doms_mails_letters"); $domain_id=intval($domain_id); $db->query("select distinct left(ad.address,1) as letter from address ad,where ad.domain_id = $domain_id ;"); $res=array(); while($db->next_record()) { $res[]=$db->f("letter"); } return $res; } /* FIXME: check who is using that function and delete it when unused */ function cancreate($dom_id, $email){ return true; } /* FIXME: check who is using that function and delete it when unused */ function form($mail_id) { } /* FIXME: check who is using that function and delete it when unused */ function hooks_mail_cancreate($dom_id, $domain, $mail_arg) { global $db,$err; return true; } /** * @param : mail_id * fonction used to invoque the "hooks" corresponding to each mail relative classes * the two foreach are used to format the array the way we want. */ function list_properties($mail_id) { global $err,$hooks; $err->log("mail","list_properties"); $prop = $hooks->invoke("hooks_mail_properties_list",array($mail_id)); $final=Array(); /* Ici on : - trie/fait du ménage - prend en premier les properties non avancées - prend en second les properties avancées (donc en bas) - on pense a avoir un trie par label, histoire d'avoir une cohérence d'affichage */ $f_simple=Array(); $f_adv=Array(); foreach ($prop as $k => $v ) { if ( empty($v) ) continue; // on continue si le tableau était vide if ( isset($v['label'] ) ) { // si c'est directement le tableau qu'on souhaite if ( isset($v['advanced']) && $v['advanced']) { $f_adv[] = $v; } else { // option simple $f_simple[] = $v; } } else { foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2 ) { // sinon on joue avec les sous-tableau if ( isset($v2['advanced']) && $v2['advanced']) { $f_adv[] = $v2; } else { // option simple $f_simple[]=$v2; } } } } $v_simple=usort($f_simple,'list_properties_order'); $v_adv=usort($f_adv,'list_properties_order'); $final=array_merge($f_simple,$f_adv); return $final; } /** * activate a mail address. * @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier */ function enable($mail_id){ global $db,$err; $err->log("mail","enable"); if( !$db->query("UPDATE address SET enabled=1 where id=$mail_id;"))return false; } /** * disable a mail address. * @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier */ function disable($mail_id){ global $db,$err; $err->log("mail","enable"); if( !$db->query("UPDATE address SET enabled=0 where id=$mail_id;")) return false; } /** * setpasswd a mail address. * @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier */ function setpasswd($mail_id,$pass,$passwd_type){ global $db,$err,$admin; $err->log("mail","setpasswd"); if(!$admin->checkPolicy("pop",$mail_full,$pass)) return false; if(!$db->query("UPDATE address SET password='"._md5cr($pass)."' where id=$mail_id;")) return false; } /** * mail_delete a mail address. * @param integer mail_id: unique mail identifier TODO: mail del */ function mail_delete($mail_id){ global $db,$err,$admin; $err->log("mail","mail_delete"); // $db->query(" /*supprimer de la table address supprimer la mailbox si il yen a une. supprimer alias et redirection. supprimer les alias associé si il ne sont relié a aucunes autre addresses. */ } /** * Export the mail information of an account * @return: str, chaine de caractere containing every usefull mail informations. * */ function alternc_export_conf() { global $db,$err,$mail_localbox; $err->log("mail","export"); $domain=$this->enum_domains(); $str="\n"; $onepop=false; foreach ($domain as $d) { $str.=" \n ".xml_entities($d["domaine"])."\n"; $s=$this->enum_domain_mails($d["id"]); if (count($s)) { while (list($key,$val)=each($s)){ $test=$this->mail_get_details($val['id']); $str.="
\n"; $str.=" ".xml_entities($val["address"])."\n"; $str.=" ".xml_entities($val["enabled"])."\n"; if(is_array($test["is_local"])){ $str.=" oui\n"; $str.=" ".$test["is_local"]["path"]."\n"; $str.=" ".$test["is_local"]["quota"]."\n"; }else{ $str.=" non\n"; } if(!empty($test["recipients"])){ foreach($test["recipients"] as $recip){ $str.=" ".$recip."\n"; } } if(!empty($test["alias"])){ foreach($test["alias"] as $alias){ $str.=" ".$alias."\n"; } } $str.="
\n"; } } $str.="
\n"; } $str.="
\n"; return $str; } } /* Class m_mail */ ?>