IP = variable_get('lxc_ip', '', "IP address of the Alternc's LXC server. If empty, no LXC server.", array('desc'=>'IP address','type'=>'ip')); $this->PORT = variable_get('lxc_port', '6504', "Port of the Alternc's LXC server", array('desc'=>'Port','type'=>'integer')); $this->KEY = variable_get('lxc_key', '', "Shared key with the Alternc's LXC server", array('desc'=>'Shared key','type'=>'string')); $this->maxtime = variable_get('lxc_maxtime', '4', "How many hours do we allow to have a server before shutting it down", array('desc'=>'Max time','type'=>'integer')); } /** * HOOK: add the "Console Access" to AlternC's main menu */ /** function hook_menu() { if ( empty($this->IP)) return ; // No menu if no server $obj = array( 'title' => _("Console access"), 'ico' => 'images/ssh.png', 'link' => 'vm.php', 'pos' => 95, ) ; return $obj; } /** * HOOK: remove VM history for AlternC account */ /** function hook_admin_del_member() { global $db,$err,$cuid; $err->log("lxc","alternc_del_member"); $db->query("DELETE FROM vm_history WHERE uid='$cuid'"); return true; } /** * Send a message to a remote VM manager instance * $params are the parameters to send as serialized data * to the listening server. * Return the unserialized response data, if the message has been sent successfully * or FALSE if an error occurred. In that case $error[] is set. */ private function sendMessage($params) { global $L_FQDN,$hooks; $fp = @fsockopen($this->IP, $this->PORT, $errno, $errstr, $this->TIMEOUT); if (!$fp) { $this->error[] = 'Unable to connect'; return FALSE; } // Authenticate: $params['server']=$L_FQDN; $params['key']=$this->KEY; // MySQL Host for this user ? $moreparams=$hooks->invoke("lxc_params",array($params)); foreach($moreparams as $p) { foreach($p as $k=>$v) $params[$k]=$v; } $msg = serialize($params); if (fwrite ($fp, $msg."\n") < 0) { $this->error[] = 'Unable to send data'; return FALSE; } $resp = fgets($fp, 8192); fclose ($fp); $data = @unserialize($resp); if (isset($data['error']) && $data['error']>0) { $this->error[] = $data['msg']; return FALSE; } else { return $resp; } } /** * START a Virtual Machine on the remote VM manager * for user $login having hashed password $pass and uid $uid */ public function start($login = FALSE, $pass = FALSE, $uid = FALSE) { global $mem, $db, $err, $mysql; if ($this->getvm() !== FALSE) { $err->raise('lxc', _('VM already started')); return FALSE; } unset($this->error); $login = $login ? $login : $mem->user['login']; $pass = $pass ? $pass : $mem->user['pass']; $uid = $uid ? $uid : $mem->user['uid']; $msgg = array('action'=>'start', 'login'=>$login, 'pass' => $pass, 'uid'=> $uid); $msgg['mysql_host'] = $mysql->dbus->Host; $res = $this->sendMessage($msgg); if ($res === FALSE) { return $this->error; } else { $data = unserialize($res); $error = (int)$data['error']; $hostname = $data['hostname']; $msg = $data['msg']; $date_start = 'NOW()'; $uid = $mem->user['uid']; if ($error != 0) { $err->raise('lxc', _($msg)); return FALSE; } $db->query("INSERT INTO vm_history (ip,date_start,uid,serialized_object) VALUES ('$hostname', $date_start, '$uid', '$res')"); return $res; } } /** * */ public function getvm($login = FALSE) { global $db, $mem, $cuid; $login = $login ? $login : $mem->user['login']; $msgg = array('action'=>'get', 'login'=>$login); $res = $this->sendMessage($msgg); if (!$res) return FALSE; return unserialize($res); } /** * Stop the currently running VM */ public function stop() { global $db, $mem; $vm = $this->getvm(); if ($vm === FALSE) return FALSE; if ($this->sendMessage(array('action' => 'stop', 'vm' => $vm['vm'])) === FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } // class m_lxc