<?php /* LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author of file: Lerider Steven Purpose of file: Manage generic actions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * * @copyright AlternC-Team 2002-2013 http://alternc.org/ */ class m_action { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Constructor */ function m_action() { } /* * function to set the cration of a file */ function create_file($file,$content="",$user="root") { return $this->set('create_file',$user, array('file'=>$file,'content'=>$content)); } /* * function to set the cration of a file */ function create_dir($dir,$user="root") { return $this->set('create_dir',$user, array('dir'=>$dir)); } /* * function to delete file / folder */ function del($dir) { return $this->set('delete',$user, array('dir'=>$dir)); } /* * function returning the first not locked line of the action table */ function move($src,$dst,$user="root") { return $this->set('move',$user, array('src'=>$src, 'dst'=>$dst)); } /* * function archiving a directory ( upon account deletion ) */ function archive($archive,$dir) { global $cuid,$db,$err; $db->query("select login from membres where uid=$cuid;"); $db->next_record(); if (!$db->Record["login"]) { $err->raise("action",_("Login corresponding to $cuid not found")); return false; } $uidlogin=$cuid."-".$db->Record["login"]; $BACKUP_DIR="/tmp/backup/"; //utiliser la function move après avoir construit le chemin $today=getdate(); $dest=$BACKUP_DIR.'/'.$today["year"].'-'.$today["mon"].'/'.$uidlogin.'/'.$dir; $this->move($archive,$dest); } /* *function inserting the action in the sql table */ function set($type,$user,$parameters) { global $db,$err; $serialized=serialize($parameters); switch($type){ case 'create_file': //do some shit $query="insert into actions values ('','CREATE_FILE','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; break; case 'create_dir': //do more shit $query="insert into actions values ('','CREATE_DIR','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; break; case 'move': //do more shit $query="insert into actions values ('','MOVE','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; break; case 'delete': //do more shit $query="insert into actions values ('','DELETE','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; break; default: return false; } if(!$db->query($query)){ $err->raise("action",_("Error setting actions")); return false; } $purge="delete from actions where HOUR(now()) - HOUR(creation) > 1;"; if(!$db->query($purge)){ $err->raise("action",_("Error purging old actions")); return false; } return true; } /* * function returning the first not locked line of the action table */ function get_action() { global $db,$err; $tab=array(); $db->query('select * from actions where end =0 and begin = 0 order by id limit 1;'); if ($db->next_record()){ $tab[]=$db->Record; return $tab; }else{ $err->raise("action",_("Error selecting new action")); return false; } } /* * function locking an entry while it is being executed by the action script */ function begin($id) { global $db,$err; if($db->query("update actions set begin=now() where id=$id ")){ $err->raise("action",_("Error in setting locking the action : $id")); return false; } return true; } /* * function locking an entry while it is being executed by the action script */ function finish($id,$return=0) { global $db,$err; $return=intval($return); if($db->query("update actions set end=now(),status=$return where id=$id")){ $err->raise("action",_("Error unlocking the action : $id")); return false; } return true; } /* * function locking an entry while it is being executed by the action script */ function cancel($id) { global $db; $this->finish($id, 666); return true; } } /* Class action */ ?>