shouldreload=false; $this->shouldreconfig=false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Hook launched for each ZONE for which we want a zone update (or create) * update the zone, create it if necessary, * and ask for reload or reconfig of bind9 depending on what happened * @NOTE launched as ROOT */ function hook_updatedomains_dns_add($dominfo) { global $L_FQDN,$L_NS1_HOSTNAME,$L_NS2_HOSTNAME,$L_DEFAULT_MX,$L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX,$L_PUBLIC_IP,$L_PUBLIC_IPV6; $domain = $dominfo["domaine"]; $ttl = $dominfo["zonettl"]; // does it already exist? if (file_exists($this->zone_file_directory."/".$domain)) { list($islocked,$serial,$more)=$this->read_zone($domain); $serial++; // only increment serial for new zones } else { $more=""; $serial=date("Ymd")."00"; $islocked=false; } if ($islocked) return; // Prepare a new zonefile from a template $zone = file_get_contents($this->ZONE_TEMPLATE); // substitute ALTERNC & domain variables $zone = strtr($zone, array( "%%fqdn%%" => "$L_FQDN", "%%ns1%%" => "$L_NS1_HOSTNAME", "%%ns2%%" => "$L_NS2_HOSTNAME", "%%DEFAULT_MX%%" => "$L_DEFAULT_MX", "%%DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX%%" => "$L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX", "@@fqdn@@" => "$L_FQDN", "@@ns1@@" => "$L_NS1_HOSTNAME", "@@ns2@@" => "$L_NS2_HOSTNAME", "@@DEFAULT_MX@@" => "$L_DEFAULT_MX", "@@DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX@@" => "$L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX", "@@DOMAINE@@" => $domain, "@@SERIAL@@" => $serial, "@@PUBLIC_IP@@" => "$L_PUBLIC_IP", "@@PUBLIC_IPV6@@" => "$L_PUBLIC_IPV6", "@@ZONETTL@@" => $ttl, )); // add the SUBDOMAIN entries $zone .= $this->conf_from_db($domain); // add the "END ALTERNC CONF line"; $zone .= ";;; END ALTERNC AUTOGENERATE CONFIGURATION\n"; // add the manually entered info: $zone .= $more; file_put_contents($this->zone_file_directory."/".$domain,$zone); // add the line into bind9 conf: if (add_line_to_file( $this->NAMED_CONF, trim(strtr( file_get_contents($this->NAMED_TEMPLATE), array( "@@DOMAIN@@" => $domain, "@@ZONE_FILE@@" => $this->zone_file_directory."/".$domain ) ))) ) { $this->shouldreconfig=true; } else { $this->shouldreload=true; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Hook launched for each ZONE for which we want a zone DELETE * remove the zone and its file, * and if any action happened, ask for bind RECONFIG at posttime * @NOTE launched as ROOT */ function hook_updatedomains_dns_del($dominfo) { $domain = $dominfo["domaine"]; if (del_line_from_file( $this->NAMED_CONF, trim(strtr( file_get_contents($this->NAMED_TEMPLATE), array( "@@DOMAIN@@" => $domain, "@@ZONE_FILE@@" => $this->zone_file_directory."/".$domain ) ))) ) { $this->shouldreconfig=true; } else { return; } @unlink($this->zone_file_directory."/".$domain); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Hook function launched at the very end of updatedomains * here, we just reload OR reconfig (or both) bind9 depending * on what happened before. * @NOTE launched as ROOT */ function hook_updatedomains_dns_post() { global $msg; if ($this->shouldreload) { $ret=0; exec($this->RNDC." reload 2>&1",$out,$ret); if ($ret!=0) { $msg->raise("ERROR","bind","Error while reloading bind, error code is $ret\n".implode("\n",$out)); } else { $msg->raise("INFO","bind","Bind reloaded"); } } if ($this->shouldreconfig) { $ret=0; exec($this->RNDC." reload 2>&1",$out,$ret); if ($ret!=0) { $msg->raise("ERROR","bind","Error while reconfiguring bind, error code is $ret\n".implode("\n",$out)); } else { $msg->raise("INFO","bind","Bind reconfigured"); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * read a zone file for $domain, * @param $domain string the domain name * @return array with 3 informations: * is the domain locked? (boolean), what's the current serial (integer), the data after alternc conf (string of lines) */ function read_zone($domain) { $f=fopen($this->zone_file_directory."/".$domain,"rb"); $islocked=false; $more=""; $serial=date("Ymd")."00"; while ($s=fgets($f,4096)) { if (preg_match("#\;\s*LOCKED:YES#i",$s)) { $islocked=true; } if (preg_match("/\s*(\d{10})\s+\;\sserial\s?/", $s,$mat)) { $serial=$mat[1]; } if (preg_match('/\;\s*END\sALTERNC\sAUTOGENERATE\sCONFIGURATION(.*)/s', $s)) { break; } } while ($s=fgets($f,4096)) { $more.=$s; } return array($islocked,$serial,$more); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Return the part of the conf we got from the sub_domaines table * @global m_mysql $db * @param string $domain * @return string a zonefile excerpt */ function conf_from_db($domain) { global $db; $db->query(" SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(dt.entry,'%TARGET%',sd.valeur), '%SUB%', if(length(sd.sub)>0,sd.sub,'@')) AS ENTRY FROM sub_domaines sd, domaines_type dt WHERE AND sd.enable IN ('ENABLE', 'ENABLED') ORDER BY ENTRY ;"); $t=""; while ($db->next_record()) { $t.= $db->f('ENTRY')."\n"; } return $t; } } // m_bind