<?php /* $Id: stats_show_per_month.php,v 1.6 2005/08/02 14:56:51 anarcat Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AlternC - Web Hosting System Copyright (C) 2002 by the AlternC Development Team. http://alternc.org/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on: Valentin Lacambre's web hosting softwares: http://altern.org/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author of file: Purpose of file: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @require_once("../class/config.php"); if ((@include_once 'Image/Graph.php') === FALSE) { echo "<p class=\"error\">". _("Image_Graph not installed. use 'aptitude install php-pear' then 'pear --alldeps install Image_Graph-devel' to see the graph.")."</p>"; exit(0); } $db->query("SELECT COUNT(login) AS count,date_format(created, '%Y-%m') as month FROM `membres` where created is NOT null GROUP BY month ORDER BY month ASC"); $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', array(800, 600)); $Graph->add( Image_Graph::vertical( Image_Graph::factory('title', array(_('Account creation per month'), 12)), Image_Graph::vertical( $Plotarea = Image_Graph::factory('plotarea'), $Legend = Image_Graph::factory('legend'), 90 ), 5 ) ); $Legend->setPlotarea($Plotarea); $total =& Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Dataset_Trivial'); $total->setName(_('before the month')); $units =& Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Dataset_Trivial'); $units->setName(_('during the month')); $i = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { $units->addPoint($db->f('month'), $db->f('count')); $total->addPoint($db->f('month'), $i); $i += $db->f('count'); } $Datasets[]= $total; $Datasets[]= $units; $Plot =& $Plotarea->addNew('bar', array($Datasets, 'stacked')); $AxisX =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X); $AxisX->setLabelOption('showoffset', 1); $AxisX->setLabelInterval(2); // set a line color $Plot->setLineColor('gray'); // create a fill array $FillArray =& Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Fill_Array'); $FillArray->addColor('blue@0.2'); $FillArray->addColor('yellow@0.2'); $FillArray->addColor('green@0.2'); // set a standard fill style $Plot->setFillStyle($FillArray); // create a Y data value marker $Marker =& $Plot->addNew('Image_Graph_Marker_Value', IMAGE_GRAPH_VALUE_Y); // and use the marker on the 1st plot $Plot->setMarker($Marker); $Plot->setDataSelector(Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_DataSelector_NoZeros')); $Graph->Done(); ?>