<?php class system_bind { var $ZONE_TEMPLATE ="/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/zone.template"; var $NAMED_TEMPLATE ="/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/named.template"; var $NAMED_CONF ="/var/lib/alternc/bind/automatic.conf"; var $RNDC ="/usr/sbin/rndc"; var $dkim_trusted_host_file = "/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts"; var $dkim_keytable_file = "/etc/opendkim/KeyTable"; var $dkim_signingtable_file = "/etc/opendkim/SigningTable"; var $cache_conf_db = array(); var $cache_get_persistent = array(); var $cache_zone_file = array(); var $cache_domain_summary = array(); var $zone_file_directory = '/var/lib/alternc/bind/zones/'; /** * */ function system_bind() { // Constructeur } /** * Return the part of the conf we got from the database * * @global m_mysql $db * @param string $domain * @return array $this->cache_conf_db */ function conf_from_db($domain=false) { global $db; // Use cache, fill cache if empty if (empty($this->cache_conf_db)) { $db->query(" select sd.domaine, replace(replace(dt.entry,'%TARGET%',sd.valeur), '%SUB%', if(length(sd.sub)>0,sd.sub,'@')) as entry from sub_domaines sd, domaines_type dt where sd.type=dt.name and sd.enable in ('ENABLE', 'ENABLED') order by entry ;"); $t=array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $t[$db->f('domaine')][] = $db->f('entry'); } $this->cache_conf_db = $t; } if ($domain) { if (isset($this->cache_conf_db[$domain])) { return $this->cache_conf_db[$domain]; } else { return array(); } } // if domain return $this->cache_conf_db; } /** * Return full path of the zone configuration file * * @param string $domain * @return string */ function get_zone_file_uri($domain) { return $this->zone_file_directory.$domain; } /** * * @param string $domain * @return string zone file path */ function get_zone_file($domain) { // Use cache, fill cache if empty if (!isset($this->cache_zone_file[$domain]) ) { if (file_exists($this->get_zone_file_uri($domain))) { $this->cache_zone_file[$domain] = @file_get_contents($this->get_zone_file_uri($domain)); } else { $this->cache_zone_file[$domain] = false; } } return $this->cache_zone_file[$domain] ; } /** * * @param string $domain * @return string */ function get_serial($domain) { // Return the next serial the domain must have. // Choose between a generated and an incremented. // Calculated : $calc = date('Ymd').'00'."\n"; // Old one : $old=$calc; // default value $file = $this->get_zone_file($domain); preg_match_all("/\s*(\d{10})\s+\;\sserial\s?/", $file, $output_array); if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) { $old = $output_array[1][0]; } // Return max between newly calculated, and old one incremented return max(array($calc,$old)) + 1 ; } /** * Return lines that are after ;;;END ALTERNC AUTOGENERATE CONFIGURATION * * @param string $domain * @return string */ function get_persistent($domain) { if ( ! isset($this->cache_get_persistent[$domain] )) { preg_match_all('/\;\s*END\sALTERNC\sAUTOGENERATE\sCONFIGURATION(.*)/s', $this->get_zone_file($domain), $output_array); if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) { $this->cache_get_persistent[$domain] = $output_array[1][0]; } else { $this->cache_get_persistent[$domain] = false; } } // isset return $this->cache_get_persistent[$domain]; } /** * * @return string */ function get_zone_header() { return file_get_contents($this->ZONE_TEMPLATE); } /** * * @global m_dom $dom * @param string $domain * @return array Retourne un tableau */ function get_domain_summary($domain=false) { global $dom; // Use cache if is filled, if not, fill it if (empty($this->cache_domain_summary)) { $this->cache_domain_summary = $dom->get_domain_all_summary(); } if ($domain) return $this->cache_domain_summary[$domain]; else return $this->cache_domain_summary; } /** * * @param string $domain * @return boolean */ function dkim_delete($domain) { $target_dir = "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain"; if (file_exists($target_dir)) { @unlink("$target_dir/alternc_private"); @unlink("$target_dir/alternc.txt"); @rmdir($target_dir); } return true; } /** * Generate the domain DKIM key * * @param string $domain * @return null|boolean */ function dkim_generate_key($domain) { // Stop here if we do not manage the mail $domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain); if ( ! $domainInfo['gesmx'] ) return; $target_dir = "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain"; if (file_exists($target_dir.'/alternc.txt')) return; // Do not generate if exist if (! is_dir($target_dir)) mkdir($target_dir); // create dir // Generate the key $old_dir=getcwd(); chdir($target_dir); exec('opendkim-genkey -r -d "'.escapeshellarg($domain).'" -s "alternc" '); chdir($old_dir); // opendkim must be owner of the key chown("$target_dir/alternc.private", 'opendkim'); chgrp("$target_dir/alternc.private", 'opendkim'); return true; // FIXME handle error } /** * Refresh DKIM configuration: be sure to list the domain having a private key (and only them) */ function dkim_refresh_list() { // so ugly... but there is only 1 pass, not 3. Still ugly. $trusted_host_new = "# WARNING: this file is auto generated by AlternC.\n# Add your changes after the last line\n"; $keytable_new = "# WARNING: this file is auto generated by AlternC.\n# Add your changes after the last line\n"; $signingtable_new = "# WARNING: this file is auto generated by AlternC.\n# Add your changes after the last line\n"; # Generate automatic entry foreach ($this->get_domain_summary() as $domain => $ds ) { // Skip if delete in progress, or if we do not manage dns or mail if ( ! $ds['gesdns'] || ! $ds['gesmx'] || strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'DELETE' ) continue; // Skip if there is no key generated if (! file_exists("/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.txt")) continue; // Modif the files. $trusted_host_new.="$domain\n"; $keytable_new .="alternc._domainkey.$domain $domain:alternc:/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.private\n"; $signingtable_new.="$domain alternc._domainkey.$domain\n"; } $trusted_host_new.="# END AUTOMATIC FILE. ADD YOUR CHANGES AFTER THIS LINE\n"; $keytable_new .="# END AUTOMATIC FILE. ADD YOUR CHANGES AFTER THIS LINE\n"; $signingtable_new.="# END AUTOMATIC FILE. ADD YOUR CHANGES AFTER THIS LINE\n"; # Get old files $trusted_host_old=@file_get_contents($this->dkim_trusted_host_file); $keytable_old =@file_get_contents($this->dkim_keytable_file); $signingtable_old=@file_get_contents($this->dkim_signingtable_file); # Keep manuel entry preg_match_all('/\#\s*END\ AUTOMATIC\ FILE\.\ ADD\ YOUR\ CHANGES\ AFTER\ THIS\ LINE(.*)/s', $trusted_host_old, $output_array); if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) { $trusted_host_new.=$output_array[1][0]; } preg_match_all('/\#\s*END\ AUTOMATIC\ FILE\.\ ADD\ YOUR\ CHANGES\ AFTER\ THIS\ LINE(.*)/s', $keytable_old, $output_array); if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) { $keytable_new.=$output_array[1][0]; } preg_match_all('/\#\s*END\ AUTOMATIC\ FILE\.\ ADD\ YOUR\ CHANGES\ AFTER\ THIS\ LINE(.*)/s', $signingtable_old, $output_array); if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) { $signingtable_new.=$output_array[1][0]; } // Save if there are some diff if ( $trusted_host_new != $trusted_host_old ) { file_put_contents($this->dkim_trusted_host_file, $trusted_host_new); } if ( $keytable_new != $keytable_old ) { file_put_contents($this->dkim_keytable_file, $keytable_new); } if ( $signingtable_new != $signingtable_old ) { file_put_contents($this->dkim_signingtable_file, $signingtable_new); } } /** * * @param string $domain * @return string */ function dkim_entry($domain) { $keyfile="/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.txt"; $domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain); if (! file_exists($keyfile) && $domainInfo['gesmx'] ) { $this->dkim_generate_key($domain); } return @file_get_contents($keyfile); } /** * Conditionnal generation autoconfig entry for outlook / thunderbird * If entry with the same name allready exist, skip it. * * @param string $domain * @return string */ function mail_autoconfig_entry($domain) { $zone= implode("\n",$this->conf_from_db($domain))."\n".$this->get_persistent($domain); $entry=''; $domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain); if ( $domainInfo['gesmx'] ) { // If we manage the mail // Check if there is no the same entry (defined or manual) // can be toto IN A or toto.fqdn.tld. IN A if (! preg_match("/autoconfig(\s|\.".str_replace('.','\.',$domain)."\.)/", $zone )) { $entry.="autoconfig IN CNAME %%fqdn%%.\n"; } if (! preg_match("/autodiscover(\s|\.".str_replace('.','\.',$domain)."\.)/", $zone )) { $entry.="autodiscover IN CNAME %%fqdn%%.\n"; } } // if gesmx return $entry; } /** * * Return a fully generated zone * * @global string $L_FQDN * @global string $L_NS1_HOSTNAME * @global string $L_NS2_HOSTNAME * @global string $L_DEFAULT_MX * @global string $L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX * @global string $L_PUBLIC_IP * @param string $domain * @return string */ function get_zone($domain) { global $L_FQDN, $L_NS1_HOSTNAME, $L_NS2_HOSTNAME, $L_DEFAULT_MX, $L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX, $L_PUBLIC_IP; $zone =$this->get_zone_header(); $zone.=implode("\n",$this->conf_from_db($domain)); $zone.="\n;;;HOOKED ENTRY\n"; $zone.= $this->dkim_entry($domain); $zone.= $this->mail_autoconfig_entry($domain); $zone.="\n;;;END ALTERNC AUTOGENERATE CONFIGURATION\n"; $zone.=$this->get_persistent($domain); $domainInfo = $this->get_domain_summary($domain); // FIXME check those vars $zone = strtr($zone, array( "%%fqdn%%"=>"$L_FQDN", "%%ns1%%"=>"$L_NS1_HOSTNAME", "%%ns2%%"=>"$L_NS2_HOSTNAME", "%%DEFAULT_MX%%"=>"$L_DEFAULT_MX", "%%DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX%%"=>"$L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX", "@@fqdn@@"=>"$L_FQDN", "@@ns1@@"=>"$L_NS1_HOSTNAME", "@@ns2@@"=>"$L_NS2_HOSTNAME", "@@DEFAULT_MX@@"=>"$L_DEFAULT_MX", "@@DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX@@"=>"$L_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX", "@@DOMAINE@@"=>"$domain", "@@SERIAL@@"=>$this->get_serial($domain), "@@PUBLIC_IP@@"=>"$L_PUBLIC_IP", "@@ZONETTL@@"=> $domainInfo['zonettl'], )); return $zone; } /** * * @param string $domain */ function reload_zone($domain) { exec($this->RNDC." reload ".escapeshellarg($domain), $output, $return_value); if ($return_value != 0 ) { echo "ERROR: Reload zone failed for zone $domain\n"; } } /** * return true if zone is locked * * @param string $domain * @return boolean */ function is_locked($domain) { preg_match_all("/(\;\s*LOCKED:YES)/i", $this->get_zone_file($domain), $output_array); if (isset($output_array[1][0]) && !empty($output_array[1][0])) { return true; } return false; } /** * * @global m_mysql $db * @global m_dom $dom * @param string $domain * @return boolean */ function save_zone($domain) { global $db, $dom; // Do not save if the zone is LOCKED if ( $this->is_locked($domain)) { $dom->set_dns_result($domain, "The zone file of this domain is locked. Contact your administrator."); // If edit, change dummy_for_translation $dom->set_dns_action($domain, 'OK'); return false; } // Save file, and apply chmod/chown $file=$this->get_zone_file_uri($domain); file_put_contents($file, $this->get_zone($domain)); chown($file, 'bind'); chmod($file, 0640); $dom->set_dns_action($domain, 'OK'); return true; // fixme add tests } /** * Delete the zone configuration file * * @param string $domain * @return boolean */ function delete_zone($domain) { $file=$this->get_zone_file_uri($domain); if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } $this->dkim_delete($domain); return true; } /** * * @global m_hooks $hooks * @return boolean */ function reload_named() { global $hooks; // Generate the new conf file $new_named_conf="// DO NOT EDIT\n// This file is generated by Alternc.\n// Every changes you'll make will be overwrited.\n"; $tpl=file_get_contents($this->NAMED_TEMPLATE); foreach ($this->get_domain_summary() as $domain => $ds ) { if ( ! $ds['gesdns'] || strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'DELETE' ) continue; $new_named_conf.=strtr($tpl, array("@@DOMAINE@@"=>$domain, "@@ZONE_FILE@@"=>$this->get_zone_file_uri($domain))); } // Get the actual conf file $old_named_conf = @file_get_contents($this->NAMED_CONF); // Apply new configuration only if there are some differences if ($old_named_conf != $new_named_conf ) { file_put_contents($this->NAMED_CONF,$new_named_conf); chown($this->NAMED_CONF, 'bind'); chmod($this->NAMED_CONF, 0640); exec($this->RNDC." reconfig"); $hooks->invoke_scripts("/usr/lib/alternc/reload.d", array('dns_reconfig') ); } return true; } /** * Regenerate bind configuration and load it * * @global m_hooks $hooks * @param boolean $all * @return boolean */ function regenerate_conf($all=false) { global $hooks; foreach ($this->get_domain_summary() as $domain => $ds ) { if ( ! $ds['gesdns'] && strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'OK' ) continue; // Skip if we do not manage DNS and is up-to-date for this domain if ( (strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'DELETE' ) || (strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'UPDATE' && $ds['gesdns']==false ) // in case we update the zone to disable DNS management ) { $this->delete_zone($domain); continue; } if ( ( $all || strtoupper($ds['dns_action']) == 'UPDATE' ) && $ds['gesdns'] ) { $this->save_zone($domain); $this->reload_zone($domain); $hooks->invoke_scripts("/usr/lib/alternc/reload.d", array('dns_reload_zone', $domain) ); } } // end foreach domain $this->dkim_refresh_list(); $this->reload_named(); return true; } /** * */ private function dummy_for_translation() { _("The zone file of this domain is locked. Contact your administrator."); } } // class ?>