# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Benjamin Sonntag <benjamin@alternc.org>, 2004
# Bmt91 <benoit.maherault@laposte.net>, 2012
# Bruno Marmier <bruno@marmier.net>, 2004
# Facetester Testerface, 2013-2014
# poupoule2004 <poupoule2004@hotmail.com>, 2012
# stephane.treboux <stephane.treboux@gmail.com>, 2012
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: AlternC, hosting control panel\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: alternc@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 11:47+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 15:51+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Sonntag <benjamin@sonntag.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/alternc/language/de_DE/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: de_DE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:1001
msgid "AlternC need ACL on filesystem"
msgstr "AlternC braucht das ACL für dieses Dateisystem"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:1001
msgid ""
"AlternC can't work without ACL activated on its filesystem. ACL are "
"currently not enabled."
msgstr "AlternC kann nicht ohne ACL Aktivierung auf diesem Dateisystem arbeiten. ACL ist derzeit nicht eingeschaltet."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:1001
msgid ""
"Also, you need to activate group quota (grpquota) to be able to use disk "
"quota (but that's not mandatory)."
msgstr "Es muss das Gruppen Kontingent (grpquota) aktiviert sein um das Freie Kontingent zu verwalten (ist aber nicht Verpflichtent wenn kein Kontingent vergeben werden soll)."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:2001
msgid "AlternC QUOTA not enabled"
msgstr "AlternC Kontingent nicht eingeschaltet"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:2001
msgid "As a result, the QUOTA assigned to each user will be infinite."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:2001
msgid ""
"To be able to use space quota in AlternC, enable grpquota in your partition."
msgstr "Um das Freie Kontingent in AlternC zu benutzen, muss das grpquota in ihrer Partition eingeschaltet sein."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:3001
msgid "Fully qualified name of the desktop:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:3001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your server. This will be the "
"domain part of the url you will use to access the virtual managment desktop."
" This (sub)domain MUST point to your server."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:3001
msgid "The default should be ok if your machine is correctly configured."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:4001
msgid "Name of your hosting service:"
msgstr "Name ihres Hosting Service:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:4001
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of your hosting service. It may be your company's name"
" or your personnal name or whatever you want to ..."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:5001
msgid "Name of the primary domain name server:"
msgstr "Name des Primären Domain-Name-Server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:5001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your primary dns server. It can be "
"this server since bind is installed and configured by AlternC. Anyway, if "
"your hosting service is quite big, you may have an external primary name "
"server that keep in sync with your alternc's server(s). . The default value "
"should be good in most case."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:6001
msgid "Name of the secondary domain name server:"
msgstr "Name des zweiten Domain-Name-Server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:6001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your secondary dns server. It can "
"be this server since bind is installed and configured by AlternC. Anyway, "
"you should have 2 separate DNS servers if you want to provide a high quality"
" hosting service."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:6001
msgid ""
"AlternC's team is providing any user of AlternC with free DNS service. go to"
" http://alternc.net/ to create an account and use it."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:7001
msgid "Path where AlternC's users html files will be located:"
msgstr "Pfad worin die AlternC Benutzer ihre HTML Dateien abgelegt haben:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the directory name where you want html user files to be put. "
"The default value should be good in most cases."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:7001
msgid "This directory will contain every AlternC users personal directories."
msgstr "Dieses Verszeichnis beinhaltet alle von AlternC-Benutzer Persöhnliche Pfade."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:8001
msgid "Path where AlternC's users mails will be located:"
msgstr "Pfad wo alternc Benutzer Mails abgelegt werden:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Please enter the directory name where you want to put your users maildirs. "
"The default value should be good in most cases."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:9001
msgid "Path where alternc's logs files will be located:"
msgstr "Pfad wo die alternc Logdateien liegen sollen:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the directory name where you want to put your log files. The "
"default value should be good in most cases."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:10001
msgid "Name of the mysql server:"
msgstr "Name des MySQL Server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Please enter the fully qualified name of your mysql server host. This server"
" MUST be able to access the remote server at standard port (3306). It is "
"recommended to use \"\" instead of \"localhost\" if your postfix "
"installation is configured in a chroot (which is the case, by default)."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:11001
msgid "AlternC's mysql system database:"
msgstr "AlternC MySQL System Datenbank"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:11001
msgid ""
"AlternC will create a mysql database to store it's system data. Please "
"choose the name of this database here. The default value should be good in "
"most case."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:12001 ../alternc.templates:16001
msgid "AlternC's mysql account:"
msgstr "AlternC MySQL Konto:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:12001 ../alternc.templates:16001
msgid ""
"AlternC will create a mysql administrator account. Please choose it's "
"username here. The default value should be good in most case."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:13001
msgid "Remote root mysql user account:"
msgstr "Benutzeraccount -root- MySQL :"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:13001
msgid ""
"Using a remote mysql installation requires root access to the remote "
"database. A root user is required to create the alternc user with grant "
msgstr "Damit alternc sich installieren kann benötig alternc einen -root- MySQL Benutzerzugang damit alternc einen Benutzer einrichten kann mit -grant- Rechten."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:13001
msgid ""
"The alternc sql user is responsible for granting access to user generated "
"databases, that is why it needs root access on the mysql installation."
msgstr ""

#. Type: password
#. Description
#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:14001 ../alternc.templates:17001
msgid "Password of AlternC's mysql account:"
msgstr "Passwort des AlternC-Mysql Konto"

#. Type: password
#. Description
#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:14001 ../alternc.templates:17001
msgid ""
"AlternC requires an administrator account on the mysql server. It will be "
"created automatically during the install process. Please choose a password "
"for this account."
msgstr ""

#. Type: password
#. Description
#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:14001 ../alternc.templates:15001
msgid ""
"Please choose a quite complex password since it will have full access to the"
" system database! If you enter nothing, a random password will be created."
msgstr ""

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:15001
msgid "Password of the remote root mysql user account:"
msgstr "Passwort des -root- MySQL Benutzers:"

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:15001
msgid "Specify the remote mysql user password"
msgstr "Eintrag des Passwortes für den entfernten MySQL Zugang"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:18001
msgid "The server to GRANT permissions to:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:18001
msgid ""
"AlternC and MySQL can be installed on different servers. In order to have "
"GRANT table properly created and manipulated, this parameter must be set to "
"the hostname or IP the Apache server will appear as connecting from to the "
"MySQL server."
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:19001
msgid "The way backup rotation is executed"
msgstr "Die Backup 'Rotation' ist ausgeführt."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:19001
msgid ""
"AlternC enables users to configure their own backups, on demand, with "
"automatic rotation. This option determines how the backups are rotated."
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:19001
msgid ""
"rotate - backup.sql, backup.sql.0, backup.sql.1 date - backup.sql, "
"backup.sql.20080709, backup.sql.20080708"
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:20001
msgid "Behavior of the backup script when it encounters a unmanaged file"
msgstr ""

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:20001
msgid ""
"The SQL backups can rename or overwrite existing files it doesn't know about"
" when doing backups. The default behavior is to skip those files and ignore "
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:21001
msgid "The primary IP of this server:"
msgstr "Die Primäre IP-Adresse von diesem Server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:21001
msgid ""
"AlternC will default the A records for domains it hosts to this address. In "
"other words, this is the address everyone can reach to server at."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:22001
msgid "The internal IP of this server:"
msgstr "Die interne IP-Adresse von diesem Server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:22001
msgid ""
"AlternC will configure Apache and other services to listen to this address. "
"This is usually the same as the primary IP of the server, unless the server "
"is sitting behind a NAT router."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:22001
msgid "In other words, this is the IP address of eth0."
msgstr "Mit anderen Worten ist das die IP Adresse von eth0"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:23001
msgid "The default MX to assign to new domains:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:23001
msgid ""
"AlternC will assign this hostname as the MX record for all the domains it "
"hosts. It is usually better be left alone."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:24001
msgid "The default Backup MX to assign to new domains:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:24001
msgid ""
"AlternC will assign this hostname as the Backup MX record for all the "
"domains it hosts. Don't set it if you don't know what it is about."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:25001
msgid "The path where AlternC is installed:"
msgstr "Der Pfad in dem AlternC installiert wurde:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:25001
msgid ""
"Please enter the partition name where alternc is installed. This is used "
"mainly for disk quotas."
msgstr "Bitte tragen sie den Partitionsnamen ein auf der AlternC installiert ist. Es wird benötigt um Disk-Kontingente zu definieren."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:25001
msgid "Warning: Be careful! It can generate some problems."
msgstr "Hinweis: Bitte mit Vorsicht Anwenden! Es kann einige Probleme hervorrufen."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:26001
msgid "The monitoring server:"
msgstr "Der Überwachungs-Server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:26001
msgid ""
"The IP address (or ip/prefix) of the server(s) which must be authorized to  "
"ping the server and access apache status pages. Completely optional."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:27001
msgid "Should AlternC remove all databases (/var/lib/mysql/)?"
msgstr "Soll AlternC vorhandene Datenbanken löschen (/var/lib/myasql/)?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:27001
msgid "All users databases will be trashed"
msgstr "Alle Benutzer Datenbanken werden in den Mülleimer geschoben"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:28001
msgid "Should AlternC remove users datas?"
msgstr "Soll AlternC die Benutzer Daten löschen?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:28001
msgid "The files and apache redirections created by users will be trashed"
msgstr "Die Dateien und Apache Umlenkungen die von einem Benutzer erstellt wurden gehen in den Mülleimer."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:29001
msgid "Should AlternC remove bind zones?"
msgstr "Soll AlternC die BIND Zonen löschen?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:29001
msgid "It will delete all bind zones created by AlternC"
msgstr "Es werden all BIND Zonen gelöscht die von AlternC erstellt wurden."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:30001
msgid "Should AlternC remove mailboxes?"
msgstr "Soll AlternC Mailboxen löschen?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:30001
msgid "If you accept all users e-mails will be deleted"
msgstr "Wenn Bestätigt werden alle Benutzer e-Mails gelöscht"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:31001
msgid "Slave servers:"
msgstr "-Slave- Server:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:31001
msgid ""
"This is a space-separated list of servers that are \"slaves\" to the master "
"server (this server). When writing Apache configuration files, the master "
"server will attempt to reload Apache on those remote servers. The alternc-"
"slave package correctly configures those machines to allow login and reload."
msgstr "Das ist eine mit Leertaste gegliederte Liste der Server die als \"slaves\" im Hauptserver (dieser Server) laufen. Wenn die Apache Konfigurationsdateo geschrieben wird, der Haupserver wird dann versuchen den Apache auf diejenigen Servern zu -reloaden-. Die alternc-slave Addon konfiguriert diese Server so das man einen Login und reload durchführen kann."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:32001
msgid "Use locally found MySQL server?"
msgstr "Lokal gefundenen MySQL Server benutzen ?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:32001
msgid ""
"A local MySQL connection was established on the server. Please tell if you "
"want to use it. If not remote MySQL server connection parameters will be "
msgstr "Eine lokale MySQL Verbindung wurde etabliert auf dem Server. Bitte mitteilen ob Du das benutzen willst, es werden weitere Fernsteuerbefehle für diese Verbindung benötigt."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:33001
msgid "Use a remote MySQL server?"
msgstr "Eine Fernsteuerung zum MySQL benutzen?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:33001
msgid ""
"No local Mysql server was found. Please confirm you want to use a remote "
"Mysql Server. If not, AlternC cannot be installed."
msgstr "Kein Lokaler MySQL Server gefunden. Bitte Bestätigen sie wenn sie einen Entfernten MySQL Server nutzen wollen. Wenn nicht, AlternC kann nicht Installiert werden."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:34001
msgid "MySQL connection error. Try again?"
msgstr "MySQL Verbindungsproblem. Erneut Versuchen?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:34001
msgid ""
"Remote connection to the MySQL server failed. Please confirm to try again."
msgstr "Fernsteuerung zum MySQL Server fehlgeschalgen, Bitte Bestätigen und erneut versuchen."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:35001
msgid "Private IP detected, use it anyway?"
msgstr "Private IP festgestellt, trotzdem verwenden?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../alternc.templates:35001
msgid ""
"The IP address of the machine appears to be private, please confirm that "
"this is an expected situation, since the server might not be reachable from "
"outside your network."
msgstr "Diese IP Adresse gehört möglicherweise zu einer Privaten maschine, bitte bestätige das diese Situation gewollt ist, ansonsten ist dieser Server nicht von aussen zu erreichen."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:1001
msgid "Default quota value for awstats stats:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:1001
msgid ""
"You are installing the alternc-awstats package. This package allows any user"
" to ask for statistics about his web site. Users can ask for a limited "
"number of statistic set. Please specify the default quota they will have for"
" this service."
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:2001
msgid "Error installing AlternC-Awstats"
msgstr "Fehler bei der Installation des AlternC-Awstats"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:2001
msgid ""
"AlternC-Awstats requires a complete installed AlternC system to get "
"installed properly!"
msgstr "AlternC-Awstats benötigt eine komplett Installiertes AlternC System."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:2001
msgid ""
"Please install AlternC and CONFIGURE IT before installing alternc-awstats or"
" additional modules (don't forget to launch 'alternc.install')."
msgstr "Bitte Installieren sie AlternC und Konfigurieren ihn bevor soe 'alternc-awstats' oder zusätzliche Module Installieren (nicht vergessen den 'alternc.install' aus zu führen)."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../alternc-awstats.templates:2001
msgid ""
"Please check out the AlternC installation documentation before proceeding."
msgstr "Bitte lesen sie in der AlternC Installation Beschreibung bevor sie weiter machen."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid "Do you want to patch mailman for virtual support?"
msgstr "Sie möchten den MailMan Patchen für den Virtual-Support?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"The AlternC mailman plugin can optionally patch mailman to make it support "
"same-name lists on different domains (ie. allow test@example.com and "
"test@example.org to coexist). Mailman 2.x, by default, doesn't support that "
"functionality but Koumbit.org has developped patches to make it."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"The plugin only supports patching, no way to unpatch right now. Please "
"understand that this process will modify core Mailman code and might break "
"some functionality. It is running in production on Koumbit.org."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"Also, note that everytime the mailman package is upgraded or reinstalled, "
"the patches will need to be reapplied manually. This can be done by "
"reconfiguring the alternc-mailman package.  ."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"The patches are in /usr/share/alternc-mailman/patches. More information "
"about the patch at http://wiki.koumbit.net/VirtualMailman."
msgstr "Die Patches liegen in '/usr/share/alternc-mailman/patches'. Mehr Informationen über die Patches sind unter 'http://wiki.koumbit.net/VirtualMailman' nach zu lesen."

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:33
msgid "You cannot add any new statistics, your quota is over."
msgstr "Sie könne keine neue Statistik einbinden, ihr Beschränkung ist erreicht"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:38
msgid "Edit Statistics"
msgstr "Bearbeite Statistiken"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:38
msgid "New Statistics"
msgstr "Neue Statistiken"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:41
msgid ""
"Awstats will analyze every logs availables for this domain (since its "
msgstr "AWSTATS wird für diese Domain die vorhandenen Log-Dateien analysieren (seit der Einrichtung)"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:52 ../admin/aws_list.php:57
msgid "Domain name"
msgstr "Domänen Name"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:59
msgid "Hostaliases"
msgstr "Serveralias"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:73 ../admin/aws_list.php:57
msgid "Allowed Users"
msgstr "Zugelassene Anwender"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:89
msgid ""
"No users currently defined, you must create login with the 'Manage allowed "
"users' accounts' menu."
msgstr "Derzeit keine User Definiert. Sie müssen über das Menü \"Verwalte vorhandene User Konten\" jemand auswählen."

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:94
msgid "Create those statistics"
msgstr "Erstelle diese Statistiken"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:94
msgid "Edit those statistics"
msgstr "Bearbeite Statistiken"

#: ../admin/aws_add.php:95 ../admin/aws_pass.php:77 ../admin/aws_users.php:58
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"

#: ../admin/aws_del.php:39
#, php-format
msgid "The statistics %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "Die Statistik wurde erfolgreich erstellt"

#: ../admin/aws_del.php:45
msgid "Please check the statistics set you want to delete"
msgstr "Bitte prüfen Sie die Statistik, die Sie entfernen möchten"

#: ../admin/aws_doadd.php:41
msgid "The statistics has been successfully created"
msgstr "Diese Statistiken wurden erfolgreich erstellt"

#: ../admin/aws_doedit.php:36 ../admin/aws_edit.php:33
msgid "No Statistics selected!"
msgstr "Keine Statistiken ausgewählt!"

#: ../admin/aws_doedit.php:48
msgid "The Statistics has been successfully changed"
msgstr "Die Statistiken wurde erfolgreich geändert"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:29
msgid "Statistics List"
msgstr "Statistiken Liste"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:45
msgid "Manage allowed users' accounts"
msgstr "Erlaubte Benutzerkonten verwalten"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:49 ../admin/aws_users.php:45
msgid "Create new Statistics"
msgstr "Erstelle neue Statistiken"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:57 ../admin/aws_users.php:78
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Aktion"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:57 ../admin/aws_list.php:69
msgid "View the statistics"
msgstr "Diese Statistik erstellen"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:66
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:73
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected statistics?"
msgstr "Sind sie sicher die gewählten Statistiken zu löschen?"

#: ../admin/aws_list.php:73
msgid "Delete the checked Statistics"
msgstr "Lösche die gewählte Statistiken"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:43 ../admin/aws_useradd.php:36
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:50
msgid "Password successfuly updated"
msgstr "Passwort erfolgreich aktualisiert"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:60
msgid "Change a user's password"
msgstr "Benutzerpasswort ändern"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:70 ../admin/aws_users.php:51
#: ../admin/aws_users.php:78
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:73
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Neues Passwort"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:74 ../admin/aws_users.php:55
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Passwort wiederholen"

#: ../admin/aws_pass.php:76
msgid "Change this user's password"
msgstr "Passwort für diesen Benutzer ändern"

#: ../admin/aws_useradd.php:43
msgid "The Awstat account has been successfully created"
msgstr "Die Statistik wurde erfolgreich erstellt"

#: ../admin/aws_userdel.php:37
#, php-format
msgid "The awstat account %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "Die Statistik wurde erfolgreich erstellt"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:29
msgid "Awstats allowed user list"
msgstr "AWstats vorhandene User Listen"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:54
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passwört"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:57
msgid "Create this new Awstats user"
msgstr "Erstelle diesen neuen AWSTATs Kunde"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:86
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Passwort ändern"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:92
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected accounts?"
msgstr "Sie sie sicher die gewählten Konten zu löschen?"

#: ../admin/aws_users.php:92
msgid "Delete checked accounts"
msgstr "Lösche die gewählten Statistiken"

#: ../admin/menu_aws.php:39 ../class/m_aws.php:59
msgid "Web Statistics"
msgstr "WEB Statistiken"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:82
msgid ""
"The stats module allows any user to ask for statistics about his web site. "
"Statistics are web pages generated daily based on the visits of the day "
"before. Awstats is the soft used to produce those stats. The statistics are "
"then protected by a login and a password."
msgstr "Das Statistik Modul erlaubt jeden User Informationen über seine Webseite zu sehen. Statistiken über Web-Seiten Besuche werden täglich generiert. AWstats generiert aus den Server-Logfiles die Statistiken. Die Statistiken sind über ein Login abfrage gesichert."

#: ../class/m_aws.php:123
msgid "No statistics currently defined"
msgstr "Keine Statistiken derzeit vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:162 ../class/m_aws.php:325 ../class/m_aws.php:710
msgid "This statistic does not exist"
msgstr "Diese Statistik ist nicht vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:262
msgid "Host already managed by awstats!"
msgstr "HOST ist schon mit AWSTAT verbunden!"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:359
msgid "This hostname does not exist (Domain name)"
msgstr "Dieser Hostname ist nicht vorhanden (Domain Name)"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:367
msgid "This hostname does not exist (Hostaliases)"
msgstr "Dieser Hostname ist nicht vorhanden (Host-Alias)"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:387
msgid "Your stat quota is over..."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:400
msgid "No user currently defined"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:458 ../class/m_aws.php:517
msgid "Login does not exist"
msgstr "Login existiert nicht."

#: ../class/m_aws.php:474 ../class/m_aws.php:494 ../class/m_aws.php:513
#: ../class/m_aws.php:568
msgid "Login incorrect"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:478
msgid "Login already exist"
msgstr "Login existiert bereits"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:498 ../class/m_aws.php:572
msgid "Login does not exists"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:522 ../class/m_aws.php:550 ../class/m_aws.php:577
msgid "The requested statistic does not exist."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:527
msgid "This login is already allowed for this statistics."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:582
msgid "This login is already denied for this statistics."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:645
msgid "Awstats"
msgstr "AWSTATS"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:667
msgid "prefix not allowed."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:671
msgid "Forbidden caracters in the postfix."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:685
msgid "Hostname is incorrect"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_aws.php:701
msgid "Problem to create the configuration"
msgstr "Problem beim erstellen der Konfiguration"

#: ../class/m_aws.php:760
#, php-format
msgid "Problem to edit file %s"
msgstr "Problem beim Editieren der Datei %s"

#: ../admin/menu_mailman.php:33 ../admin/mman_add.php:34
#: ../admin/mman_list.php:40 ../admin/mman_list.php:59
#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:37 ../admin/mman_passwd.php:45
#: ../admin/mman_url.php:38 ../admin/mman_url.php:48 ../admin/mman_url.php:57
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:80 ../class/m_mailman.php:623
msgid "Mailing lists"
msgstr "Mailinglisten"

#: ../admin/menu_mailman.php:35
msgid "(with mailman)"
msgstr "(mit mailman)"

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:45
msgid "List's email address"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:48
msgid "Email of the list's administrator"
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse des Administrators dieser Liste"

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:51
msgid "List password"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:55
msgid "List password (confirm)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_add.php:59
msgid "Create the list."
msgstr "Liste anlegen"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:51
msgid "Deleting mailman lists"
msgstr "mailman-Listen werden gelöscht"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:54
msgid "Please confirm the deletion of the following mailman lists:"
msgstr "Bitte bestätigen Sie das Löschen folgender mailman-Listen:"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:64
msgid "Delete the selected mailman lists"
msgstr "Ausgewählte Listen löschen"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:64
msgid "Don't delete lists and go back to the mailman list"
msgstr "Zu der mailman-Liste zurückgehen, ohne Liste zu löschen"

#: ../admin/mman_del.php:69 ../admin/mman_edit.php:71
msgid ""
"Warning: Deleting a mailman list will destroy all the subscribed users, "
"preferences and archives it contains! You will <b>NOT</b> be able to get "
"your data back!"
msgstr "Warnung: Das Löschen einer mailman-Liste wird für diese Liste alle angemeldete Anwender, Einstellungen und archivierte Daten löschen! Die Daten können <b>NICHT</b> wiederhergestellt werden!"

#: ../admin/mman_doadd.php:43
msgid "The mailing list has been successfully created."
msgstr "Die Mailingliste wurde erfolgreich angelegt."

#: ../admin/mman_dodel.php:55 ../admin/mman_doedit.php:58
#: ../admin/mman_doedit.php:68
#, php-format
msgid "The list %s has been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Die Liste %s wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."

#: ../admin/mman_dopasswd.php:41
msgid "The mailing list password will be changed in a few minutes."
msgstr "Das Passwort für diese Mailingliste wird in einigen Minuten geändert sein."

#: ../admin/mman_dourl.php:39
msgid "The mailing list management url has been successfully changed."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_edit.php:52
msgid "Editing mailman lists"
msgstr "Bearbeiten der Mailman Listen."

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:30
msgid "Password change pending"
msgstr "Passwort Änderung wurde noch nicht durchgeführt"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:31
msgid "Url change pending"
msgstr "URL Änderung noch nicht durchgeführt"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:32
msgid "List creation pending"
msgstr "Erzeugen der Liste ist in Warteschlange"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:38
msgid ""
"No domain is installed on your account, you cannot create any mailing list!"
msgstr "Keine Domäne ist auf Ihrem Konto eingerichtet, Sie können keine Mailingliste anlegen!"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:68
msgid "Create a list"
msgstr "Liste anlegen"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:77
msgid "List Status"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:77
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Liste der Namen"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:77
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Auswählen"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:88
msgid "List is pending deletion, you can't do anything on it"
msgstr "Liste ist in warteschlange. Du kannst im moment nicht darauf zugreifen."

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:99
msgid "List admin"
msgstr "Listenadministrator"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:100
msgid "Pending messages"
msgstr "Neue Nachrichten"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:104
msgid "Change url"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:113
msgid "-- Choose an action --"
msgstr "-- Wähle eine Aktion --"

#: ../admin/mman_list.php:117
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Geprüft\n\n--- please explain in which case this Word to use, because we have more translation for that---"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Changing password of list %s"
msgstr "Passwort der Liste %s wird geändert"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:57
msgid "New list password"
msgstr "Neues Passwort für die Liste"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:61
msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr "Passwort wiederholen"

#: ../admin/mman_passwd.php:65
msgid "Change the password."
msgstr "Passwort ändern"

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:65
msgid ""
"This is the current url to access administration and public pages for this "
"list. If you want to change it, select another url in the list and submit "
"this form. <br />If you don't know what you are doing, don't change anything"
" here."
msgstr "Dies ist die aktuelle Adresse, um die Admin-Seite und die öffentliche Seite dieser Liste zu erreichen. Falls Sie diese Adresse ändern wollen, können Sie eine neue Adresse in der Liste aussuchen und bestätigen. <br/> Falls Sie diese Einstellung nicht verstehen, sollten Sie nicht ändern."

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:70
#, php-format
msgid "Changing management url of list %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:73
msgid "Current list url"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:77
msgid "New list management url"
msgstr "Neue Verwaltungadresse für die Liste"

#: ../admin/mman_url.php:90
msgid "Change the url."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:42
msgid "This list already exist"
msgstr "Diese liste existiert bereits"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:43 ../class/m_mailman.php:152
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:366 ../class/m_mailman.php:414
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:531 ../class/m_mailman.php:556
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:576
msgid "This list does not exist"
msgstr "Diese liste existiert nicht"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:44
msgid "A fatal error happened when creating the list"
msgstr "Ein grosser Fehler ist eingetreten beim erstellen der Liste"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:45
msgid "A fatal error happened when deleting the list"
msgstr "Ein grosser Fehler ist eingetreten beim Löschen der Liste."

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:46
msgid "A fatal error happened when changing the list password"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:47
msgid "A fatal error happened when getting the list url"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:68 ../class/m_mailman.php:476
#: ../class/m_mailman.php:507
msgid "No list defined yet"
msgstr "Derzeit keine Liste ausgewählt"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:173
msgid ""
"Special mail address for Mailman mailing-lists. <a "
"href='mman_list.php'>Click here to manage it.</a>"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "The mailman address %s does not exist"
msgstr "Diese MailMan Adresse %s existiert nicht"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:253
msgid "Your mailing-list quota is over, you cannot create more mailing-lists."
msgstr "Die Anzahl der möglichen Mailinglisten ist erreicht. Sie können keine weitere Mailing-liste erstellen"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:260
msgid "The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect"
msgstr "Die eMailadresse ist in der Schreibweise nicht richtig"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:275
msgid "The login (left part of the @) is mandatory"
msgstr "Der Login (linker eintrag vor @) ist zwingend"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:279
msgid "The owner email and the password are mandatory"
msgstr "Die Benutzer eMail und das Passwort sind zwingend notwendig"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:283
msgid "This email is incorrect"
msgstr "Diese eMail ist nicht rivhtig"

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:292
msgid "This domain does not exist."
msgstr "Diese DOMAIN ist nicht vorhanden."

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:298
msgid ""
"A list with the same name already exist on the server. Please choose another"
" name."
msgstr "Eine Liste mit dem selben Namen ist schon vorhanden. Bitte einen anderen Namen eintragen."

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:331
msgid ""
"This email address (or one of the list-subscribe, list-unsubscribe etc.) are"
" already used."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:370 ../class/m_mailman.php:418
msgid "This list has pending action, you cannot delete it"
msgstr "Die Liste ist in der Prozessschlange. Kein löschen möglich."

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:535
msgid "The passwords are differents, please try again"
msgstr "Die Passwörter sind unterschiedlich, bitte erneut versuchen."

#: ../class/m_mailman.php:590
msgid "Mailing lists (mailman)"
msgstr "Mailing-Lists (mailman)"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:39
msgid "Can't connect to MySQL server on AlternC!"
msgstr "Kann nicht den MySQL-Server erreichen auf AlternC!"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:66
msgid "Your new passwords are differents, pleasy try again."
msgstr "Ihr neues Passwort ist unterschiedlich, bitte erneut versuchen."

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:72
msgid ""
"Your account has not been found, please try again later or ask an "
msgstr "Ihr Konto ist nicht vorhanden, bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal oder fragen sie den Administrator."

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:75
msgid "Your current password is incorrect, please try again."
msgstr "Ihr jetziges Passwort ist falsch, bitte erneut versuchen."

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:88
msgid ""
"Your password has been successfully changed. Don't forget to change it in "
"your mail software if you are using one (Outlook, Mozilla, Thunderbird, "
"Eudora ...)"
msgstr "Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert. Nicht vergessen die Änderung in ihrer Mail-Software ein zu tragen.(Outlook, Mozilla, Thinderbird, Eudora ...)"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:111
msgid "Changing your mail password"
msgstr "Ändern Ihres eMail-Passwort"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:115
msgid "Old Password:"
msgstr "Altes Passwort:"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:120
msgid "New Password:"
msgstr "Neues Passwort:"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:124
msgid "Verify New Password:"
msgstr "Neues Passwort zur Kontrolle eingeben:"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/change.php:129
msgid "Change my mail password"
msgstr "Ändern meines eMail Passwortes"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/setup.php:21
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Ändere Passwort"

#: ../../squirrelmail/alternc_changepass/setup.php:23
msgid "Change the password of your email account."
msgstr "Ändere das Passwort Ihres aMail Kontos"

#: ../admin/about.php:36
msgid "About AlternC"
msgstr "Über AlternC"

#: ../admin/about.php:37
msgid "Hosting control panel"
msgstr "Hosting Kontroll--Panele"

#: ../admin/about.php:41
msgid ""
"AlternC is an automatic hosting software suite. It features a PHP-based "
"administration interface and scripts that manage server configuration. "
"<br/>It manages, among others, email, Web, Web statistics, and mailing list "
"services. It is available in many languages. It is a free software "
"distributed under GPL license."
msgstr "AlternC ist ein automatisches HOSTING Software. Es ist ein auf PHP Basierendes Administrator Interface mit Scripten zum Verwalten der Server Konfigurationen. </br> es verwaltet unter anderem, eMail, Web, Web-Statitisken und Mailinglisten Services. Es ist in mehreren Sprachen vorhanden. Es ist eine Freie Software die unter der GPL Lizenz zur Verfügung steht."

#: ../admin/about.php:47
msgid "Official website: "
msgstr "Offizielle Webseite:"

#: ../admin/about.php:48
msgid "Developer website: "
msgstr "Programmierer Webseite:"

#: ../admin/about.php:49
msgid "Help: "
msgstr "Hilfe:"

#: ../admin/about.php:57
msgid "You are currently using AlternC "
msgstr "Sie benutzen derzeit AlternC"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:36 ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:30
#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:35 ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:52
#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:35 ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_doadd.php:26 ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:35
#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:33 ../admin/adm_dodel.php:52
#: ../admin/adm_doedit.php:35 ../admin/adm_doedit.php:59
#: ../admin/adm_domlock.php:33 ../admin/adm_doms.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:5 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_domstypedoedit.php:4 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:32
#: ../admin/adm_domstyperegenerate.php:4 ../admin/adm_donosu.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_dorenew.php:34 ../admin/adm_dorenew.php:45
#: ../admin/adm_dosu.php:33 ../admin/adm_edit.php:36 ../admin/adm_edit.php:48
#: ../admin/adm_email.php:30 ../admin/adm_list.php:32 ../admin/adm_list.php:59
#: ../admin/adm_lockpanel.php:33 ../admin/adm_login.php:86
#: ../admin/adm_login.php:93 ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:33 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:30
#: ../admin/adm_quotadoedit.php:33 ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:34
#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:33 ../admin/adm_tld.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:33 ../admin/adm_tlddoadd.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_tlddoedit.php:39 ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:33
#: ../admin/adm_update_domains.php:34 ../admin/adm_variables.php:33
#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:46 ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:47
#: ../admin/dom_subdoedit.php:53 ../admin/dom_subedit.php:52
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:13 ../class/reset_stats_conf.php:6
msgid "This page is restricted to authorized staff"
msgstr "Diese Seite ist abgesichert für Autorisierte Benutzer"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:54
msgid "New AlternC account"
msgstr "Neues AlternC-Konto"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:68
msgid "Initial password"
msgstr "Initialisierungs Passwort"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:76
msgid "Can he change its password"
msgstr "Kann sein Passwort abändern"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:78 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:84
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:85 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:86
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:87 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:88
#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:78 ../admin/adm_edit.php:95
#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:113 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:157
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:257 ../admin/dom_edit.php:280
#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:80 ../admin/mail_edit.php:90
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:166 ../admin/sql_bck.php:94 ../class/m_bro.php:75
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:79 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:84
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:85 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:86
#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:87 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:88
#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:79 ../admin/adm_edit.php:96
#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:114 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:157
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:256 ../admin/dom_edit.php:279
#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:79 ../admin/mail_edit.php:91
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:211 ../admin/mail_list.php:222
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:233 ../admin/mail_list.php:251
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:262 ../admin/mail_list.php:273
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:284 ../admin/sql_bck.php:95 ../class/m_bro.php:75
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:83 ../admin/adm_edit.php:100
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notiz"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:87 ../admin/adm_edit.php:104
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Vorname"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:87 ../admin/adm_edit.php:104
msgid "Surname"
msgstr "Name"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:91 ../admin/adm_edit.php:108
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "eMail Adresse"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:95 ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:48
#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:50 ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:57
#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:59 ../admin/adm_edit.php:112
msgid "Account type"
msgstr "Kontotyp"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:105
msgid "Wich database server for this user ?"
msgstr "Welcher Datenbank Server für diesen User?"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:107
msgid "Warning: you can't change it after the creation of the user."
msgstr "Hinweis: Sie können keine Änderungen machen nachdem der User erstellt wurde."

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:124
#, php-format
msgid "Install the domain"
msgstr "Domäne einrichten"

#: ../admin/adm_add.php:140
msgid "Create this AlternC account"
msgstr "Dieses AlternC-Konto anlegen"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:31 ../admin/ip_main.php:50
#: ../class/m_authip.php:46
msgid "Access security"
msgstr "Zugriff Sicherheit"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:39
msgid ""
"The IP and subnet you have here are allowed for ALL users and ALL usages"
msgstr "Die IP und Subnetz Einstellung sind für ALLE User und ALLE Benutzungen -Zugriffe- freigegeben."

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:39
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Warnung"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:44
msgid "Add an IP"
msgstr "IP-Adresse hinzufügen"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:44 ../admin/ip_main.php:176
msgid "Add my current IP"
msgstr "Meine aktuelle IP-Adresse hinzufügen"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:47 ../admin/ip_main.php:179
msgid "Cancel edit"
msgstr "Editieren abbrechen"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:50
msgid ""
"Enter here the IP address you want. <br/> <i>IPv4, IPv6 and subnet "
msgstr "Bitte hier die gewünschte IP-Adresse eingeben. <br/> <i>IPv4, IPv6 und Subnet erlaubt</i>"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:54
msgid "Add a comment"
msgstr "Kommentar hinzufügen"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:57 ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:88
#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:110 ../admin/ftp_edit.php:98
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:135 ../admin/ip_main.php:188
#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:121
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:64
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP-Adresse"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:64
msgid "Informations"
msgstr "Informationen"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:64 ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:48
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:146 ../admin/ip_main.php:146
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"

#: ../admin/adm_authip_whitelist.php:85 ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:60
#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:83 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:101
#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:145 ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:181
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:284 ../admin/cron.php:54 ../admin/dom_edit.php:127
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:168 ../admin/ftp_del.php:82
#: ../admin/hta_dodeluser.php:64 ../admin/ip_main.php:79
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:167 ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:70
#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:128 ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:68
#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:87
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:35
msgid "List of the databases servers"
msgstr "Liste der Datenbankserver"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:42
msgid "Here the list of the available databases servers."
msgstr "Hier ist die Liste der Verfügbaren Datenbank Server."

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:49
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:50 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:59
#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:74 ../admin/ip_main.php:146
#: ../admin/ip_main.php:183 ../admin/logs_list.php:53
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:51 ../admin/vm.php:77
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Servername"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:52 ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:78
#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:95 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:140
#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:158 ../admin/sql_getparam.php:70
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:53
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Client\n\n-yes, we have same word for that-"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:54
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Benutzer"

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:71
msgid "To add a database server, do an INSERT into the db_servers table"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_db_servers.php:74
msgid ""
"To update the list of the server on the PhpMyAdmin login page, launch "
msgstr "Um die Serverliste in PhpMyAdmin zu aktualisieren, starte das alternc.install"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:46 ../class/m_admin.php:231
#: ../class/m_admin.php:263 ../class/m_admin.php:782 ../class/m_admin.php:810
#: ../class/m_admin.php:839 ../class/m_admin.php:892 ../class/m_admin.php:921
#: ../class/m_admin.php:948 ../class/m_admin.php:1028
#: ../class/m_admin.php:1052
msgid "Account not found"
msgstr "Konto nicht gefunden"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:58
msgid "User does not exist"
msgstr "Benutzer existiert nicht"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:63 ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:74
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Bestätigen"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:67
msgid "WARNING: experimental feature, use at your own risk"
msgstr "WARNUNG: Experimentelle Funktionalität, Verwendung auf eigenes Risiko"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:68
msgid ""
"The following domains will be deactivated and redirected to the URL entered "
"in the following box. A backup of the domain configuration will be displayed"
" as a serie of SQL request that you can run to restore the current "
"configuration if you want. Click confirm if you are sure you want to "
"deactivate all this user's domains."
msgstr "Die folgenden Domainnamen werden Deaktiviert und umgeleitet zu der URL aus der Auswahlbox. Eine Kopie der Domain Konfiguration wird als SQL Dump-Text angezeigt, so das eine Zurückstellung jederzeit möglich ist. Bestätigen Sie, wenn sie mit der Deaktivierung der User Domains fortfahren wollen."

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:73
msgid "Redirection URL:"
msgstr "Weiterleitungadresse"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:78
msgid "Domains of user: "
msgstr "Benutzerdomäne:"

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:81
msgid "Missing redirect url."
msgstr "Weiterleitungadresse fehlt."

#: ../admin/adm_deactivate.php:99
#, php-format
msgid "-- Redirecting all domains and subdomains of the user %s to %s\n"
msgstr "-- Weiterleitung aller Domäne und Subdomäne von Anwender %s auf %s\n"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:46 ../admin/adm_panel.php:54
msgid "Change the default quotas"
msgstr "Ändern der \"Default\" Einschränkungen"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:52
msgid "User's quotas synchronised"
msgstr "Benutzer Vorgaben synchronisiert"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:65
msgid "Add account type"
msgstr "Kontotyp hinzufügen"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:83
msgid "Delete account type"
msgstr "Kontotyp löschen"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:88
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the quotas on the server for the new accounts. If you "
"want to change them, enter new values"
msgstr "Hier ist die Liste der Quota für neue Konten. Falls Sie sie ändern wollen, bitte die neue Werte eingeben."

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:90
msgid "Synchronise user's quota (only to upper value)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:102
msgid "Accounts of type"
msgstr "Konten von Typ"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:105
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Defaultwert"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:105 ../admin/adm_list.php:159
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:202 ../admin/adm_list.php:227
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:260
msgid "Quotas"
msgstr "Quotas"

#: ../admin/adm_defquotas.php:130
msgid "Edit the default quotas"
msgstr "Defaultwerte für Quota editieren"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:40
msgid "Domains and Websites having errors"
msgstr "Domänen und Webseiten mit Fehlern"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:50
msgid "List of the websites having errors in the domain database."
msgstr "Liste der Domänen und Webseiten mit Fehlern in der Domänen-Datenbank"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:53 ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:83
msgid "Uid"
msgstr "Benutzer-ID"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:54 ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:84
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:155 ../admin/adm_list.php:237
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:238 ../admin/adm_list.php:239
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:169
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Konto"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:56
msgid "FQDN"
msgstr "Voll qualifizierte Domänennamen"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:57
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:58 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:60
#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:78 ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:117
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:59
msgid "Web Result field"
msgstr "Web Ergebnis Feld"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:80
msgid "List of the domain names having errors in the domain database."
msgstr "Liste der fehlerbehafteten Domainname in der Domaindatenbank"

#: ../admin/adm_dnsweberror.php:86
msgid "DNS Result field"
msgstr "DNS Ergebnis Feld"

#: ../admin/adm_doadd.php:65
msgid "The new member has been successfully created"
msgstr "Der neue Mitglid wurde erfolgreich erstellt"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:48
msgid "added"
msgstr "hinzugefügt"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:50
msgid "could not be added"
msgstr "konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:57
msgid "deleted"
msgstr "gelöscht"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:59
msgid "could not be deleted"
msgstr "konnte nicht gelöscht werden"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting quota %s"
msgstr "Löschen des Quota -Einschränkung- %s"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:72
msgid "WARNING: Confirm the deletion of the quota"
msgstr "Hinweis: Bestätigen der Löschung des Kontingent"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:75
msgid "Yes, delete this default quota"
msgstr "Ja, diese Hauptbegrenzung löschen."

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:76
msgid "No, don't delete this default quota"
msgstr "Nein, nicht diese Haupt-Begrenzung löschen."

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:94
msgid "Default quotas successfully changed"
msgstr "\"Default\" Einschränkungen erfolgreich geändert"

#: ../admin/adm_dodefquotas.php:96
msgid "Default quotas could not be set."
msgstr "Default-Quota konnte nicht gesetzt werden"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:57
#, php-format
msgid "Member '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "Miglied '%s' existiert nicht"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:59
#, php-format
msgid "Member %s successfully deleted"
msgstr "Mitglied %s erfolgreich gelöscht"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:66
msgid "Please check the accounts you want to delete"
msgstr "Bitte prüfen Sie die Kontos, die Sie löschen wollen"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting users"
msgstr "Benutzer werden gelöscht"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:78
msgid "WARNING : Confirm the deletion of the users"
msgstr "WARNUNG: Löschen von Benutzern bestätigen"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:88
msgid "Yes, delete those accounts"
msgstr "Ja, diesen Account löschen"

#: ../admin/adm_dodel.php:89
msgid "No, don't delete those accounts"
msgstr "Nein, nicht diesen Account löschen."

#: ../admin/adm_doedit.php:77
msgid "The member has been successfully edited"
msgstr "Das Mitglied wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:40 ../admin/adm_panel.php:53
msgid "Manage installed domains"
msgstr "Verwalten der eingetragenen Domänen"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:59
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the domains installed on this server. You can remove a "
"domain if it does not exist or does not point to our server anymore. You can"
" also set the 'Lock' flag on a domain so that the user will not be able to "
"change any DNS parameter or delete this domain from his account."
msgstr "Hier ist eine Liste der vorhandenen Domänen auf diesem Server. Sie könne hier Domänen löschen die nicht mehr Existieren oder nicht mehr auf diesem Server vorhanden sind. Sie können auch eine Domän mit einem \"Lock\" Einstellung versehen damit ein User keinen Zugriff auf weitere DNS Vorgaben hat oder um die Domäne von seinem Kunden Konto zu löschen."

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:62
msgid ""
"The domain OK column are green when the domain exists in the worldwide "
"registry and has a proper NS,MX and IP depending on its configuration. It is"
" red if we have serious doubts about its NS, MX or IP configuration. Contact"
" the user of this domain or a system administrator."
msgstr "Der grüne \"OK\" Hinweis zeigt an ob die Domäne weltweit registriert ist und alle wichtigen NS / MX und IP Abhängigkeiten -DNS / BIND Server- vorhanden sind. Ist der Hinweis rot so sind einige Abhängigkeiten nicht richtig Konfiguriert. Kontaktieren Sie den Besitzer der Domäne oder den System Administrator des Servers."

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:65
msgid ""
"If you want to force the check of NS, MX, IP on domains, click the link"
msgstr "Zum Prüfen der Abhängigkeiten -NS / MX / IP- einer Domäne. Den LINK Anklicken"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:65
msgid "Show domain list with refreshed checked NS, MX, IP information"
msgstr "Anzeigen der Domänen Liste der Überprüften Abhängigkeiten -NS / MX / IP-"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:69 ../admin/adm_doms.php:85 ../admin/adm_list.php:195
#: ../admin/adm_list.php:225 ../admin/adm_list.php:257
msgid "Connect as"
msgstr "Verbindung als"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:69
msgid "Creator"
msgstr "Anleger"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:69
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domäne"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:69
msgid "OK?"
msgstr "OK?"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:69 ../admin/dom_edit.php:146
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Zustand"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:76
msgid "Locked Domain"
msgstr "Gesperrte Domäne"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:79
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Sperren"

#: ../admin/adm_doms.php:79
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Entsperren"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:12 ../admin/adm_panel.php:66
msgid "Manage defaults domains type"
msgstr "Verwaltung der vorgegebenen Domain Typen"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:14 ../admin/adm_domstype.php:42
msgid ""
"If you don't know what this page is about, don't touch anything, and read "
"AlternC documentation about domain types"
msgstr "Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wovon diese Seite spricht, ändern Sie nichts und lesen Sie die AlternC Dokumentation über Domaintypen"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:15
msgid ""
"The Type column contains a type of available VirtualHost config on The "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:16
msgid ""
"The Setting column contains the variables to be expanded in the defaults "
"configuration. Available values are:  "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "%%DOMAIN%% : the Domain name"
msgstr "%%DOMAIN%% : der DOMAIN Name"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "%%TARGETDOM%%: The destination domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:20
#, php-format
msgid "%%SUB%% : The subdomain name"
msgstr "%%SUB%% : Der SUB-DOMAIN name"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "%%DOMAINDIR%%: the domain directory on the file system"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:38
msgid "There was an error during the record."
msgstr "Ein Fehler bei der Bearbeitung zu diesem Eintrag"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:40 ../admin/cron.php:14
msgid "Save done."
msgstr "Abspeichern fertig"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:48
msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Aktivieren"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:48
msgid "Concerned"
msgstr "Zuständig"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:48
msgid "Sub"
msgstr "Unterbereich"

#: ../admin/adm_doms_def_type.php:48
msgid "settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:40 ../admin/adm_panel.php:67
msgid "Manage domains type"
msgstr "Domänentypen verwalten"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:52
msgid "Here is the list of domain types."
msgstr "Da ist die Liste der Domaintypen"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:54
msgid "Create a domain type"
msgstr "Ein Domaintyp erzeugen"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:61
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Ziel"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:62 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:92
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Eintrag"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:63
msgid "Compatible with"
msgstr "Kompatibel mit"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:63 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:96
msgid "Enter comma-separated name of other types"
msgstr "Eingabe mittels Komma Trennung der Namen anderer Typen."

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:64
msgid "Enabled?"
msgstr "Eingeschaltet?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:65
msgid "Only DNS?"
msgstr "Nur DNS?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:66
msgid "Need to be DNS?"
msgstr "Gehört zu DNS?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:67
msgid "Advanced?"
msgstr "Erweitert ?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:68 ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:123
msgid "Create tmp directory ?"
msgstr "TEMP Verzeichnis erstellen ?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:69
msgid "create www directory ?"
msgstr "WWW Verzeichnis erstellen ?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstype.php:77
msgid "Regenerate"
msgstr "neu erstellen"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:60
msgid "Edit a domain type"
msgstr "Ein Domaintyp editieren"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:82
msgid "Target type"
msgstr "Zieltyp"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:96
msgid "Compatibility"
msgstr "Kompatibilität"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:100 ../admin/dom_edit.php:190
#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:73 ../admin/ftp_list.php:84
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:127 ../admin/mail_list.php:154
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Ein"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:110
msgid "Do only a DNS entry"
msgstr "Nur ein DNS Eintrag."

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:114
msgid "Domain must have our DNS"
msgstr "Domäne muss unseren DNS Eintrag besitzen."

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:118
msgid "Is it an advanced option?"
msgstr "Ist das eine Extra Option ?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:128
msgid "Create target directory ?"
msgstr "Ziel Verzeichnis erstellen ?"

#: ../admin/adm_domstypeedit.php:133
msgid "Change this domain type"
msgstr "Domänentyp ändern"

#: ../admin/adm_donosu.php:45
msgid "This account is now a normal account"
msgstr "Dieses Konto ist nun ein normales Konto"

#: ../admin/adm_dorenew.php:53
msgid "The member has been successfully renewed"
msgstr "Dieses Mitglied ist nun vollständig erneuert"

#: ../admin/adm_dosu.php:45
msgid "This account is now an administrator account"
msgstr "Dieses Konto ist nun ein Administrator Konto"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:57
msgid "Member Edition"
msgstr "Mitglied Bearbeiten"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:73
msgid "Account Enabled?"
msgstr "Konto freigeben ?"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:76
msgid "You cannot disable your own account."
msgstr "Sie können nicht ihr eigenes Konto abschalten."

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:93
msgid "Password change allowed?"
msgstr "Passwort Änderungen erlauben?"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:116
msgid "Reset quotas to default?"
msgstr "Einschränkungen auf -default- zurück setzen."

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:119
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Wiederholung"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:123
msgid "Edit this account"
msgstr "Bearbeite dieses Konto"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:137
msgid "Renew for"
msgstr "Erneuern für"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:138
msgid "period(s)"
msgstr "Wiederholung(en)"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:141
msgid "Renew"
msgstr "Erneuern"

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:153
msgid "This account is a super-admin account"
msgstr "Dieses Konto ist ein \"Super-Admin Konto\""

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:157
msgid ""
"There is only one administrator account, you cannot turn this account back "
"to normal"
msgstr "Das ist der ein zigste Administrator-Konto, ein umwandeln in ein normales Konto nicht möglich. "

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:160
msgid "Turn this account back to normal"
msgstr "Dieses Konto in ein normales Konto umwandeln."

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:163
msgid "Make this account a super admin one"
msgstr "Dieses Konto in ein \"Super-Admin-Konto\" umwandeln."

#: ../admin/adm_edit.php:170
#, php-format
msgid "Account created by %s"
msgstr "Konto Erstellt von %s"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:43 ../admin/adm_panel.php:56
msgid "Send an email to all members"
msgstr "Email an alle Mitglieder senden"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:48
msgid "The email was successfully sent"
msgstr "Die Email wurde erfolgreich versendet"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:50
msgid "There was an error"
msgstr "Es gibt einen Fehler"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:63
msgid "From"
msgstr "Von"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:67
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Betreff"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:71 ../admin/mem_param.php:59
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Mail"

#: ../admin/adm_email.php:75
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Senden"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:71
msgid "AlternC account list"
msgstr "AlternC Konto Liste"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:78
msgid "Minimal view"
msgstr "Minimale Anzeige"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:82
msgid "Complete view"
msgstr "Komplette Ansicht"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:88
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filter"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:91
msgid "Search for a Login"
msgstr "Suche nach einen Zugang"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:92
msgid "Search for a Domain"
msgstr "Suche nach einer Domain"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:93 ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:170
msgid "submit"
msgstr "Abschicken"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:101
msgid "List all AlternC accounts"
msgstr "Liste aller AlternC Konten"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:111
msgid "Or only the accounts of:"
msgstr "oder nur das Konto von:"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:116
msgid "List only my accounts"
msgstr "Zeige nur meine Konten an"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:129
#, php-format
msgid "%s accounts"
msgstr "%s Konten"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:129
msgid "Here is the list of hosted AlternC accounts"
msgstr "Hier ist die Liste vorhandener AlternC Konten"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:132
msgid "Create a new AlternC account"
msgstr "Erstelle ein neues AlternC Konto"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:136
msgid "No account defined for now"
msgstr "Im Moment kein Konto festgelegt"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:156
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Verwalter"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:157
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Angelegt von"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:158
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Angelegt am"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:160
msgid "Last login"
msgstr "Letztes Login"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:161
msgid "Last ip"
msgstr "Letzte IP-Adresse"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:162
msgid "Fails"
msgstr "Fehler"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:163 ../admin/main.php:88
msgid "Expiry"
msgstr "Verfällt"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:180
msgid "Send an email"
msgstr "Sende eine eMail"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:182 ../admin/mail_list.php:169
#, php-format
msgid "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d"
msgstr "%1$02d/%2$02d/%3$04d"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:191
msgid "DB:"
msgstr "DB:"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:206 ../admin/dom_edit.php:191
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Ausschalten"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:225 ../admin/adm_list.php:257
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:226 ../admin/adm_list.php:258
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:227 ../admin/adm_list.php:260
msgid "Q"
msgstr "Q"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:262
msgid "himself"
msgstr "sich selber"

#: ../admin/adm_list.php:265
#, php-format
msgid "Creator: %s"
msgstr "Ersteller: %s"

#: ../admin/adm_login.php:49 ../admin/adm_login.php:56
msgid "Your authentication information are incorrect"
msgstr "Ihre Daten sind ungültig"

#: ../admin/adm_login.php:62
msgid "Your IP is incorrect."
msgstr "Die IP ist nicht richtig"

#: ../admin/adm_login.php:118
msgid "Member login"
msgstr "Kunden Login"

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:47 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:51
msgid "The requested account has been deleted. It is now denied."
msgstr "Dieses Konto wurde gelöscht. Es ist jetzt gesperrt."

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:53 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:57
msgid "The requested account address has been created. It is now allowed."
msgstr "Die beantragte Adresse wurde für das Konto erstellt. Adresse nun verfügbar."

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:60 ../admin/adm_panel.php:64
msgid "Manage allowed accounts for secondary mx"
msgstr "Verwalte verfügbare Konten für den zweiten MX Eintrag"

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:74
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the allowed accounts for secondary mx management. You "
"can configure the alternc-secondarymx package on your secondary mx server "
"and give him the login/pass that will grant him access to your server's mx-"
"hosted domain list. "
msgstr "Hier ist die Verwaltungsliste der verfügbaren Konten des zweiten MX Eintrages. Sie können hier das alternc-zweit-MX Pakets auf ihrem zweiten MX Server verwalten und können einem externen MX-Server zugang zu ihrem MX-Domäne listen gewähren."

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:92
msgid ""
"If you want to allow a new server to access your mx-hosted domain list, give"
" him an account."
msgstr "Möchten Sie einem anderen Server zugang zu ihren MX-Domänen Liste gewähren so erstellen Sie ein Konto"

#: ../admin/adm_mxaccount.php:101 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:163
msgid "Add this account to the allowed list"
msgstr "Dieses Konto erlauben auf die Liste zu zugreifen"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:40 ../class/m_admin.php:107
msgid "Admin Control Panel"
msgstr "Admin Control Panel"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:51 ../admin/adm_tld.php:56
#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:46 ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:52
msgid "Manage allowed domains (TLD)"
msgstr "Verwalte verfügbare Domänen (TLD)"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:52
msgid "Password Policies"
msgstr "Passwort Richtlinien"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:55
msgid "Manage IP whitelist"
msgstr "Verwalte IP-Whitelist"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:60
msgid "Advanced features"
msgstr "Erweiterte Funktionen"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:63
msgid "Manage slave DNS"
msgstr "Verwalte -slave- DNS"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:65 ../admin/adm_variables.php:45
msgid "Configure AlternC variables"
msgstr "AlternC variablen Konfigurieren"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:68
msgid "DNS and website having errors"
msgstr "DNS Einträge und Webseite haben Fehler"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:69
msgid "Manage databases servers"
msgstr "Verwalte Datenbank Server"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:70
msgid "Account creation statistics"
msgstr "Statistik über Konto Erstellungen"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:95
msgid "Click here to unlock the panel and allow user to login."
msgstr "Klicke hier um das Panel freizugeben damit Benutzer sich einloggen können."

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:97
msgid "Are you sure you want to kick everyone?"
msgstr "Sind Sie sicher alle hinaus zu Kicken ?"

#: ../admin/adm_panel.php:97
msgid "Click here to lock the panel and force logout of all the user."
msgstr "Klicke hier um das Panel abzuschiessen und lasse alle Benutzer auslogen."

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:49
msgid "Manage Password Policy"
msgstr "Verwaltung von Passwort Richtlinien"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:63 ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:78
msgid "Policy not found"
msgstr "Richtlinien nicht gefunden"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:67
msgid "Policy changed"
msgstr "Richtlinie geändert"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:71
msgid "Cannot edit the policy, an error occurred"
msgstr "Richtlinie nicht Änderbar, ein Fehler liegt vor"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:82
msgid "Please choose which policy you want to apply to this password kind:"
msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie welche Richtlinien für diesen Passwort Bereich gelten sollen."

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:90
msgid "Minimum Password Size:"
msgstr "Minimale Passwort Länge"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:97
msgid "Maximum Password Size:"
msgstr "Maximale Passwort Länge"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:104
msgid "In how many classes of characters must be the password (at least):"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:111
msgid "Do we allow the password to be like the login?"
msgstr "Soll es das gleiche Passwort wie beim Login sein ?"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:117
msgid "Apply this password policy"
msgstr "Bestätige diese Passwort Richtlinie"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:118
msgid "Cancel and go back to the policy list"
msgstr "Abbruch und zurück zur Richtlinien Liste"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:121
msgid ""
"The classes of characters are : <br />1. Low-case letters (a-z)<br />2. "
"Upper-case letters (A-Z)<br />3. Figures (0-9)<br />4. Ascii symbols "
"(!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`)<br />5. Non-Ascii symbols (accents...)"
msgstr "The classes of characters are : <br />1. Klein Buchstaben (a-z)<br />2. Gross Buchstaben (A-Z)<br />3. Zahlen (0-9)<br />4. Sonderzeichen (!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`)<br />5. Nicht Zuordenbare Zeichen (accents...)"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:134
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the password policies for each place a password may be "
"needed in AlternC's services. For each of those password kind, you can "
"choose which policy will be applied to passwords. A policy is a minimum and "
"maximum password size, and how many classes of characters must appear in the"
" password. You can also forbid (or not) to use the login or part of it as a "
msgstr "Hier ist die Liste der Passwort Richtlinien für jedes Passwort Feld das für AlternC benutzt wird. Für jede Passwort Vorgaben kann hier ausgewählt werden welche Richtlinie gelten soll. Wie etwas die Minimale oder Maximale Passwort Länge oder welche Zeichen benutzt werden dürfen. Es ist auch möglich ein Verbot (oder Freigabe) zu vergeben um den Login mittels Passwort zu erhalten."

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:138
msgid "Password Kind"
msgstr "Passwort Vorgabe"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:138
msgid "Password Policy"
msgstr "Passwort Richtlinien"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:140
msgid "Min Size"
msgstr "Min. Grösse"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:141
msgid "Max Size"
msgstr "max. Grösse"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:142
msgid "Complexity"
msgstr "Komplex"

#: ../admin/adm_passpolicy.php:143
msgid "Allow Password=Login?"
msgstr "Erlaube Passwort = Login ?"

#: ../admin/adm_quotadoedit.php:52
msgid "The quotas has been successfully edited"
msgstr "Die Einschränkung wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:55
msgid "Editing the quotas of a member"
msgstr "Bearbeite die Einschränkungen von einem Mitglied"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:69 ../admin/quota_show.php:46
msgid "Quota"
msgstr "Einschränkung"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:69 ../admin/quota_show.php:46
#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:87 ../admin/quotas_users.php:154
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:178
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Gesamt"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:69 ../admin/quota_show.php:46
msgid "Used"
msgstr "Benützt"

#: ../admin/adm_quotaedit.php:87
msgid "Edit the quotas"
msgstr "Bearbeite diese Einschränkungen"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:65
msgid ""
"The requested ip address has been deleted. It will be denied in one hour."
msgstr "Die abgefragte IP-Adresse wurde gelöscht. Weitere Anfragen werden in einer Stunde abgeblockt."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:71
msgid ""
"The requested ip address has been added to the list. It will be allowed in "
"one hour."
msgstr "Die gewünschte IP-Adresse wurde in die Liste aufgenommen. Diese wird in einer Stunde freigegeben."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:83
msgid "Manage allowed ip for slave zone transfers"
msgstr "Verwalte verfügbare IP für Übertragung auf die Slave-Zone"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:91
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the allowed ip or ip class for slave dns zone transfer "
"requests (AXFR). You must add the ip address of all the slave DNS you have "
"so that those slaves will be allowed to transfer the zone files. There is "
"also some defaults ip from DNS checks made by some third-party technical "
"offices such as afnic (for .fr domains)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:95 ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:114
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP-Adresse"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:110
msgid ""
"If you want to allow an ip address or class to connect to your dns server, "
"enter it here. Choose 32 as a prefix for single ip address."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:114
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefix"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:120
msgid "Add this ip to the slave list"
msgstr "Hinzufügen dieser IP in doe SLAVE Liste"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:129
msgid "Manage allowed accounts for slave zone transfers"
msgstr "Verwalte verfügbare Konten für die Übertragung in die Slave-Zone"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:137
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the allowed accounts for slave dns synchronization. You "
"can configure the alternc-slavedns package on your slave server and give him"
" the login/pass that will grant him access to your server's domain list. "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:154
msgid ""
"If you want to allow a new server to access your domain list, give him an "
msgstr "Möchten Sie einem externen Server zugriff auf die Domänen liste gestatten, dann ein Konto dafür erstellen."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:194
msgid "Need open DNS Slave servers?"
msgstr "Brauchst man -open DNS Slave- Server?"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:196
msgid "We offer free of charge DNS servers for alternc users."
msgstr "Wir stellen freie DNS-server für AlternC-Benutzer zur Verfügung."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:197
msgid "How does it work?"
msgstr "Wie Funktioniert das?"

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:199
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>Give access to the alternc.net servers.</strong> Follow the "
"instructions on <a href='%s' target='blank'>this page</a>. They will help "
"you to configure this page and configure your alternc.net account."
msgstr "<strong>Erstelle einen Zugnag zu alternc.net Server</strong> Folge den Anweisungen <a href='%s' target='blank'>this page</a>. Diese Anleitung wird dir Helfen den Zugang ein zu richten und um den alternc.net Account zu Konfigurieren."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:200
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>Subscribe to alternc.net.</strong> Go to <a href='%s' "
"target='_blank' class='btn btn-inline btn-link'>the alternc.net site</a> to "
"use the DNS servers provided for free by the AlternC association and enter "
"the required informations for each server you want to connect to the "
msgstr "<strong>Abonniere von alternc.net.</strong>Gehe zu <a href='%s' target='_blank' class='btn btn-inline btn-link'>the alternc.net site</a> die DNS Server Server Informationen, die von der AlternC Interressenverband zur Verfügung gestellt werden und gebe alle benötigten Daten jedes Server an damit diese den DNS-Service nutzen können."

#: ../admin/adm_slavedns.php:203
msgid ""
"The alternc.net servers will take care of transfering and distributing to "
"the world your domains zones."
msgstr "Die alternc.net Server übernimmt die Übertragung und Verteilung Deiner Domain-Zones"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:47
msgid "Some TLD cannot be deleted..."
msgstr "einige TLD können nicht gelöscht werden..."

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:50
msgid "The requested TLD has been deleted"
msgstr "Die Angeforderte TLD wurde gelöscht"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:68
msgid ""
"Here is the list of the TLD allowed on this server. Each TLD can be allowed "
"or denied after some checks (whois, ns, domain exists...)"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:70 ../admin/adm_tld.php:91 ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:56
#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:70
msgid "Add a new TLD"
msgstr "Hinzufügen einer neuen TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:73 ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:66
#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:65
msgid "Allowed Mode"
msgstr "Zugelassener Modus"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:73 ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:65
#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:64
msgid "TLD"
msgstr "TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_tld.php:87
msgid "Delete the checked TLD"
msgstr "Löschen der gewählten TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:58
msgid ""
"Enter the new TLD (without the first dot) and choose what check should be "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_tldadd.php:59
msgid ""
"Warning : only some final tld are known in the whois function of AlternC, "
"please check m_dom.php accordingly."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_tlddoadd.php:49
msgid "The TLD has been successfully added"
msgstr "Die TLD wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt"

#: ../admin/adm_tlddoedit.php:48
msgid "The TLD has been successfully edited"
msgstr "Die TLD wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet"

#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:60
msgid "Edit a TLD"
msgstr "Bearbeite eine TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_tldedit.php:69
msgid "Edit this TLD"
msgstr "Bearbeite diese TLD"

#: ../admin/adm_update_domains.php:40
msgid "Missing INOTIFY_UPDATE_DOMAIN var in /etc/alternc/local.sh . Fix it!"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:81
msgid "Missing var name"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:100
#, php-format
msgid "Edition of var %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:129
msgid "Value expected: string"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:133
msgid "Value expected: integer"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:137
msgid "Value expected: IP address"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:180 ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:222
#: ../admin/sql_users_rights.php:103
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Übernehmen"

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:181
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:243 ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:260
#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:276 ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:292
#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:308
msgid "Add"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:253 ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:269
#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:285 ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:301
#, php-format
msgid "Overwritted by %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_var_edit.php:324
msgid "Back to the var list"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:50
msgid "Here are the internal AlternC variables that are currently being used."
msgstr "Hier sind einige interne AlternC Variablen die derzeit in Benutzung sind."

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:56
msgid "Names"
msgstr "Namen"

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:57
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Kommentare"

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:58
msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:59
msgid "Global value"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:60
msgid "Actual value used"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:82
msgid "Overwrited vars"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:91
msgid "See the vars for the account"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:93
msgid "logged via"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:95 ../admin/bro_editor.php:85
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:360 ../admin/bro_main.php:541
#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:125
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ansicht"

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:108
#, php-format
msgid "Here are values for members %s logged via %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:112
msgid "Var"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:116
msgid "Used value"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:139
msgid "Magical values"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/adm_variables.php:140
msgid "Those var are automatically replaced by the value indicated"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:55 ../admin/bro_editor.php:64
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:354 ../admin/bro_main.php:394
#, php-format
msgid "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d"
msgstr "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:55 ../admin/bro_editor.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Your file %s has been saved"
msgstr "Ihre Datei %s wurde gespeichert"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:75
msgid "File editing"
msgstr "Datei Bearbeitung"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:98
msgid "This file is empty"
msgstr "Diese Datei ist leer"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:111
msgid "Save &amp; Quit"
msgstr "Abspeichern &amp; Verlassen"

#: ../admin/bro_editor.php:112
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Beenden"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting files and/or directories"
msgstr "Löschen von Dateien und/oder Verzeichnissen "

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:96
msgid "WARNING: Confirm the deletion of this files"
msgstr "HINWEIS: Bestätigen der Löschung von diesen Dateien"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:105
msgid "Yes, delete those files/folders"
msgstr "Ja, lösche diese Datei/Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:106
msgid "No, don't delete those files/folders"
msgstr "Nein, nicht diese Datei/Verzeichnis löschen."

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:144
msgid "extracting..."
msgstr "Entpacker arbeitet..."

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:148
msgid "failed"
msgstr "Fehler"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:151
msgid "done"
msgstr "Fertig"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:156 ../class/m_bro.php:85
msgid "File browser"
msgstr "Dateimanager"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:163
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Verzeichnis weg"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:185
msgid "Send one file:"
msgstr "Datei verschicken:"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:188
msgid "Send this file"
msgstr "Verschicke diese Datei"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:189
#, php-format
msgid "Warning: max size: %s"
msgstr "HINWEIS: maximale grösse: %s"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:196
msgid "New file or folder:"
msgstr "Neue Datei oder Verzechnis:"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:201 ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:86
#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:44 ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:56
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Erstellen"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:203 ../admin/bro_main.php:243
msgid "File"
msgstr "Datei"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:204 ../admin/bro_main.php:396
#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:76 ../admin/ftp_list.php:73 ../admin/hta_add.php:55
#: ../admin/hta_adduser.php:50 ../admin/hta_edit.php:96
#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:51 ../admin/hta_list.php:68
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:221 ../admin/bro_main.php:227
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:285
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Umbenennen"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:237 ../admin/bro_main.php:243
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:286
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Berechtigungen"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:257
msgid "write"
msgstr "schreiben"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:265
msgid "Change permissions"
msgstr "Berechtigungen ändern"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:288
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopieren"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:289
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Bewegen"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:290
msgid "To"
msgstr "Zu"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:301
msgid "Please select a destination folder"
msgstr "Bitte wähle ein Verzeichnis aus"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:327
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Dateiname"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:328 ../admin/logs_list.php:53
#: ../admin/sql_list.php:54
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grösse"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:329
msgid "Last modification"
msgstr "Letzte Änderung"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:331
msgid "File Type"
msgstr "Datei Typ"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:367
msgid "Extract"
msgstr "Entpackt"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:373 ../admin/bro_main.php:375
msgid "Restore SQL"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen SQL"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:375
msgid "In which database to you want to restore this dump?"
msgstr "In welcher Datenbank willst Du das DUMP wiederherstellen?"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:380
msgid "Restore it"
msgstr "Es wiederherstellen"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:421 ../admin/bro_main.php:449
#: ../admin/bro_main.php:484 ../admin/bro_main.php:512
msgid "V"
msgstr "V"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:567
msgid "No files in this folder"
msgstr "Keine Dateien in diesem Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:577
msgid "(slow)"
msgstr "(langsam)"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:577
msgid "Show size of directories"
msgstr "Zeige grösse des Verzeichnisses"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:581
msgid "Edit this folder's protection"
msgstr "Bearbeite diese Verzeichnis Sicherung"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:584 ../admin/hta_add.php:63
msgid "Protect this folder"
msgstr "Verzeichnisschutz"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:586
msgid "with a login and a password"
msgstr "mit einem Login und einem Passwort"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:589
msgid "Download this folder"
msgstr "Herunterladen dieses Verzeichnisses"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:591
#, php-format
msgid "as a %s file"
msgstr "als ein %s Datei"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:598
msgid "Edit the ftp account"
msgstr "Bearbeite des FTP-Kontos"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:599
msgid "that exists in this folder"
msgstr "es ist schon vorhanden im Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:605
msgid "Create an ftp account in this folder"
msgstr "Erstelle ein FTP-Konto für dieses Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/bro_main.php:614
msgid "Configure the file editor"
msgstr "Konfiguriere den Datei EDITOR"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:49
msgid "Your preferences have been updated."
msgstr "Ihre Einstellungen wurden geändert."

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:59
msgid "File browser preferences"
msgstr "Datei-Browser Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:66
msgid "Horizontal window size"
msgstr "Horizontale Fenster Grösse"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:74
msgid "Vertical window size"
msgstr "Vertikale Fenster Grösse"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:82
msgid "File editor font name"
msgstr "Datei Bearbeiter Zeichensatz Name"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:90
msgid "File editor font size"
msgstr "Datei Bearbeiter Zeichensatz Grösse"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:98
msgid "File list view"
msgstr "Ansicht Datei Liste"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:106
msgid "Downloading file format"
msgstr "Herunterladen des Datei Formates"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:114
msgid "What to do after creating a file"
msgstr "Was soll nach dem Erstelle der Datei passieren"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:122
msgid "Show icons?"
msgstr "ICONS Anzeigen ?"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:130
msgid "Show file types?"
msgstr "Zeige Datei Format ?"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:138
msgid "Remember last visited directory?"
msgstr "Letzte Verzeichnissfolge merken?"

#: ../admin/bro_pref.php:149
msgid "Change my settings"
msgstr "Ändern der Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/browseforfolder2.php:127
msgid "Searching for a folder"
msgstr "Suche nach einem Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/browseforfolder2.php:133
msgid "Error, cannot find this folder"
msgstr "Fehler, kann Verzeichnis nicht finden"

#: ../admin/browseforfolder2.php:135
msgid "Back to the root folder"
msgstr "Zurück zum Obersten -root- Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/cron.php:21 ../class/m_cron.php:72 ../class/m_cron.php:183
msgid "Scheduled tasks"
msgstr "Zeitgesteuerte Vorgang"

#: ../admin/cron.php:36
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: ../admin/cron.php:37
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Zeitsteuerung"

#: ../admin/cron.php:38 ../admin/hta_edituser.php:55
#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:48
msgid "User"
msgstr "User"

#: ../admin/cron.php:40
msgid "Email report"
msgstr "Email ergebnise"

#: ../admin/cron.php:57
msgid "Called URL"
msgstr "Aufgerufene URL"

#: ../admin/cron.php:60
msgid "Period:"
msgstr "Zeitraum:"

#: ../admin/cron.php:72
msgid "Next execution: "
msgstr "Nächste Umsetzung"

#: ../admin/cron.php:75
msgid "HTTP user (optional)"
msgstr "HTTP Kunde (nicht zwingend)"

#: ../admin/cron.php:76
msgid "HTTP password (optional)"
msgstr "HTTP Passwort (nicht zwingend)"

#: ../admin/cron.php:77
msgid "Mail address (optional)"
msgstr "eMail Adresse (nicht zwingend)"

#: ../admin/cron.php:81
msgid "Apply the modifications"
msgstr "Modifikationen durch führen"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:45
msgid "Domain hosting"
msgstr "Dömänen Hosting"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:49
msgid "Contact your administrator for more information."
msgstr "Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator für mehr Informationen"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:49
msgid "You cannot add any new domain, your quota is over."
msgstr "Sie könne keine neue Dömäne einbinden, ihr Beschränkung ist erreicht"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:57
msgid "Advanced import"
msgstr "Erweiterter Import"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:60
msgid "host my dns here"
msgstr "Hoste mein DNS hier"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:68
msgid ""
"Do you want to point this domain to another domain already installed in your"
" account?"
msgstr "Möchten Sie diese Domäne auf eine andere Domäne in ihrem Konto weiterleiten lassen?"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:71
msgid "No: This domain will have its own folder."
msgstr "Nein: Diese Domäne wird ein eigenes Verzeichnis haben."

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:73
msgid "Yes, redirect this new domain to this one:"
msgstr "Ja: Umleitung der neuen Domäne  möglich:"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:74
msgid "-- Choose a domain --"
msgstr "-- Domäne Auswählen --"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:87
msgid "Add this domain"
msgstr "Diese Domäne hinzufügen"

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:91
msgid ""
"If you don't want to host in our server the DNS of your domain, don't check "
"the box 'host my dns here'. If you don't know what it mean, leave it "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_add.php:96 ../admin/dom_doadd.php:60
msgid "Whois result on the domain"
msgstr "WHOIS Ergebnis dieser Domäne"

#: ../admin/dom_dnsdump.php:9
msgid "Error: no domain"
msgstr "Fehler: keine Domäne"

#: ../admin/dom_doadd.php:52 ../class/m_dom.php:127
msgid "Add a domain"
msgstr "Hinzufügen einer Domäne"

#: ../admin/dom_doadd.php:54
#, php-format
msgid "Your new domain %s has been successfully installed"
msgstr "Ihre neue Domäne %s wurde erfolgreich eingebunden"

#: ../admin/dom_doadd.php:55 ../admin/dom_dodel.php:56
#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:86 ../admin/dom_editdns.php:62
#: ../admin/dom_import.php:87 ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:79
#: ../admin/hta_doedituser.php:62
msgid "Click here to continue"
msgstr "Klick hier für -weiter-"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:54
msgid "Deletion have been successfully cancelled"
msgstr "Löschung wurde erfolgreich abgebrochen"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:64 ../admin/dom_dodel.php:67
#, php-format
msgid "Confirm the deletion of domain %s"
msgstr "Bestätigen zur Löschung der Domäne %s"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:67 ../admin/sql_del.php:75
#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:61
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "ACHTUNG"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:69
msgid "This will delete the related sub-domains too."
msgstr "Das wird auch die SUBdomänen hier löschen."

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:74
msgid "Yes, delete this domain name"
msgstr "Ja, lösche diesen Domain Namen"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:75
msgid "No, don't delete this domain name"
msgstr "Nein, nicht diesen Domain Namen löschen"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:81
#, php-format
msgid "Domain %s deleted"
msgstr "Domäne %s gelöscht"

#: ../admin/dom_dodel.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "The domain %s has been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Diese Domäne %s wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:40
msgid "Edit a subdomain:"
msgstr "Bearbeite SUBdomäne:"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:42
msgid "Create a subdomain:"
msgstr "Erstelle eine SUBdomäne:"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:64
msgid "Show advanced options"
msgstr "Zeige erweiterte Optionen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:65
msgid "Hide advanced options"
msgstr "Verstecke erweiterte Optionen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:85
msgid "(enter an URL here)"
msgstr "(hier Eingabe der URL)"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:89
msgid "(enter an IPv4 address, for example"
msgstr "(Eingabe ein IPv4 Adresse, Beispiel "

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:93
msgid "(enter an IPv6 address, for example 2001:0910::0)"
msgstr "(Eingabe einer IPv6 Adresse, Beispiel 2001:0910::0)"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:97
msgid "(enter a TXT content for this domain)"
msgstr "(eingabe einer TXT Information für diese Domain)"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:101
msgid "(enter a domain name or subdomain)"
msgstr "(Eingabe Domänen Name oder SUBdomäne Name)"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:114
msgid "Edit this subdomain"
msgstr "Bearbeite diese SUBdomäne"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:116
msgid "Add this subdomain"
msgstr "Diese SUBdomäne hinzufügen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:135
msgid "Missing value for this sub-domain"
msgstr "Fehlende Einträge für diese SUBdomain"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.inc.php:141
msgid "Please select a type for this sub-domain"
msgstr "Bitte wählen sie ein Typ für diese SUB-Domain"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:80
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to do this? This will DELETE ALL the mailboxes, "
"messages and aliases on this domain ?"
msgstr "Sind sie sicher mit diesem vorgang? Es werden ALLE Inhalt der Mailbox, Nachrichten und alias Einträge der Domain GELÖSCHT."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "Manage %s"
msgstr "Verwalte %s"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:96
msgid "This domain have some DNS change pending. Please wait."
msgstr "Für Domäne werden Änderungen im DNS durch geführt. Bitte warten."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:99
#, php-format
msgid "You requested deletion of domain %s."
msgstr "Anforderung zur Löschung der Domäne %s."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:121
msgid "Edit subdomains"
msgstr "Bearbeite SUBdomains"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:122
msgid "Add subdomains"
msgstr "Hinzufügen von SUBdomains"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:123 ../class/m_mem.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:132
#, php-format
msgid "Editing subdomains of %s"
msgstr "Bearbeite SUBdomänen von %s"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:146
msgid "Subdomain"
msgstr "SUBdomäne"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:159
msgid "Forbidden"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:173
msgid "ERROR, please check your server setup"
msgstr "FEHLER, bitte prüfe die Server Einstellungen."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:180 ../admin/ftp_list.php:97
msgid "Directory not found"
msgstr "Verzeichnis nicht gefunden"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:194
msgid "Activation pending"
msgstr "Freigabe wird bearbeitet"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:197 ../admin/ftp_list.php:87
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:146 ../admin/mail_list.php:156
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Abgeschaltet"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:198
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Eingeschaltet"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:201
msgid "Desactivation pending"
msgstr "Abschaltvorgang läuft "

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:209
msgid "Update pending"
msgstr "Updatevorgang läuft"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:212
msgid "Deletion pending"
msgstr "Löschung läuft"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:232
#, php-format
msgid "Add a subdomains to %s"
msgstr "Hinzufügen einer SUBdomain zu %s"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:249
msgid "DNS &amp; Email parameters"
msgstr "DNS &amp; eMail Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:254
msgid "Manage the DNS on the server ?"
msgstr "Verwaltung der DNS auf diesen Server ?"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:265
msgid "Define TTL for the zone records"
msgstr "Definiere die TTL für diesen ZONE-Record"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:267
msgid ""
"Warning: a low TTL can be problematic. It is recommended not to use a lower "
"TTL than 3600 seconds."
msgstr "Achtung: eine zu geringe TTL -TimeToLive- ist Problematisch. Es sollte nicht eine TTL unter 3600 sekunden benutzt werden."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:267
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekunden"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:276
msgid "Manage the Emails Addresses of this domain on the server?"
msgstr "Verwaltung der Email-Adressen für diese Domäne auf diesen Server?"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:284
msgid ""
"Warning: If you set this to 'no', all your email accounts and aliases on "
"this domain will be immediately deleted."
msgstr "HINWEIS: Wenn auf \"Nein\" gestellt wird werden alle Email-Konten und ALIAS Einträge auf dieser Domäne unwiderruflich gelöscht."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:285
msgid "Submit the changes"
msgstr "Änderungen Übermitteln"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:293
msgid ""
"Here is the actual DNS zone running on the AlternC server. If you just made "
"some changes, you have to wait for it."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:297
msgid "Click here to view the dump"
msgstr "Klicke hier um den Speicherinhalt zu sehen"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:300
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:306
msgid "Domain removal"
msgstr "Domänen Löschung"

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:307
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you want to destroy the domain %s, click on the button below. Warning: "
"this also deletes all FTP accounts, email, mailing lists associated with the"
" domain and subdomains."
msgstr "Wenn du die Domain %s löschen willst. Klicke dazu auf den Knopf hier drunter. Achtung: dieser vorgang löscht auch alle FTP Account, eMail, Mailinglisten, alles was mit dieser Domain zusammen hängt."

#: ../admin/dom_edit.php:310
#, php-format
msgid "Delete %s from this server"
msgstr "Lösche %s von diesem Server"

#: ../admin/dom_editdns.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "Editing domain %s"
msgstr "Bearbeiten der Domäne %s"

#: ../admin/dom_editdns.php:57
#, php-format
msgid "The domain %s has been changed."
msgstr "Diese Domäne %s wurde geändert."

#: ../admin/dom_editdns.php:60 ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:75
msgid "The modifications will take effect at %time.  Server time is %now."
msgstr "Die Änderungen werden wirksam um %time. Serverzeit ist %now"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:43
msgid "Import a DNS zone"
msgstr "Importiere eine DNS-Zone"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:55
msgid "The domain field seems to be empty"
msgstr "Das Feld für die Domain scheint leer zu sein"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:57
msgid ""
"Here is my proposition. Modify your zone until my proposition seems good to "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:59
#, php-format
msgid "Working on %s"
msgstr "Arbeitet auf %s"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:61
msgid "Generated entry"
msgstr "Generierter Eintrag"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:61
msgid "Result"
msgstr "Ergebnis"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:61
msgid "Zone"
msgstr "Zone"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:74
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "FEHLER"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:74 ../admin/mem_cm.php:56
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:96
msgid "Enter the domain name you want to import"
msgstr "Eingabe des DOMAIN Namen das Import werden soll."

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:104
msgid "Do you want to detect the redirection?"
msgstr "Möchtest Du die -redirection- erkennen lassen?"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:115
msgid "Paste your existing DNS zone here."
msgstr "Füge Deine vorhandene DNS-Zone hier ein."

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:117
msgid "If you don't know what it is, don't submit this form."
msgstr "Wenn Du nicht weisst was es ist, so schicke das Formular nicht ab"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:122
msgid "Do you want to import the zone as it?"
msgstr "Möchtest Du die ZONE so importieren?"

#: ../admin/dom_import.php:126
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Schicken"

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting subdomain %s"
msgstr "Löschen der SUBdomäne %s"

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:64
msgid "WARNING : You are going to delete a sub-domain."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:66
msgid "Informations about the subdomain you're going to delete:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:68
msgid "Entry:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:69
msgid "Type:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:71
msgid "Value:"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdel.php:75
msgid "Do you really want to delete it?"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/dom_subdodel.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting the subdomain %s:"
msgstr "Löschung der SUBdomäne %s:"

#: ../admin/dom_subdoedit.php:72 ../admin/dom_substatus.php:29
msgid "The modifications will take effect at %time. Server time is %now."
msgstr "Die Änderungen werden wirksam um %time. Serverzeit ist %now"

#: ../admin/dom_subedit.php:59
msgid "Editing subdomain"
msgstr "Bearbeitung von SUBdomäne:"

#: ../admin/ftp_del.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "The ftp account %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "Das FTP-Konto %s wurde erfolgreich gelöscht"

#: ../admin/ftp_del.php:68
msgid "Confirm the FTP accounts deletion"
msgstr "Bestätigen zur Löschung der FTP Konten"

#: ../admin/ftp_del.php:71
msgid "Do you really want to delete those accounts?"
msgstr "Sind Sie sicher mit dem Löschen dieser Konten"

#: ../admin/ftp_doedit.php:46 ../admin/ftp_edit.php:44
#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:51
msgid "Create a FTP account"
msgstr "FTP Konto erstellen"

#: ../admin/ftp_doedit.php:52
msgid "Error: neither a creation nor an edition"
msgstr "Fehler: Weder ein Erstellen noch eine Bearbeitung"

#: ../admin/ftp_doedit.php:72
msgid "The ftp account has been successfully saved"
msgstr "Der FTP Konto wurde erfolgreich gespeichert"

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:43
msgid "Neither a creation nor a edition"
msgstr "Weder ein Erstellen noch eine Bearbeitung"

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:54
msgid "Editing a FTP account"
msgstr "FTP Konto bearbeiten"

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:80
msgid ""
"This is the root folder for this FTP user. i.e. this FTP user can access to "
"this forlder and all its sub-folders."
msgstr "Das ist das Oberste Verzeichnis -root- für den FTP-Benutzer. Der FTP-Benutzer hat Zugang zu diesem und allen Unterpfade."

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:94
msgid "Click here if you want to edit password"
msgstr "Klick hier um das Passwort zu bearbeiten"

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:115
msgid "Password do not match"
msgstr "Passwort stimmt nicht überein"

#: ../admin/ftp_edit.php:121 ../class/m_admin.php:1455 ../class/m_hta.php:234
msgid "Please enter a password"
msgstr "Bitte Eingabe des Passwortes"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:45 ../class/m_ftp.php:76
msgid "FTP accounts list"
msgstr "FTP-Konto Liste"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:57 ../class/m_ftp.php:67
msgid "Create a new ftp account"
msgstr "Erstelle ein neues FTP Konto"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:82
msgid "Are you sure you want to change his status?"
msgstr "Bist Du Dir sicher mit dem Ändern des Status?"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:110
msgid "FTP configuration information"
msgstr "FTP Konfigurationsinformationen"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:112
msgid ""
"Here are some configuration information you will need to configure your FTP "
msgstr "Hier sind einige Konfigurationsinformation die Du benutzen kannst zum Einstellen der FTP-Anwendungen."

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:115
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Server:"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:116
msgid "FTP mode for data transfer:"
msgstr "FTP Modus für die Daten Übertragung:"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:116
msgid "passive"
msgstr "untätig"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:117
msgid "User/password:"
msgstr "Benutzer / Passwort:"

#: ../admin/ftp_list.php:117
msgid ""
"the one you specified when you created the account. You can edit them in the"
" panel."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/head.php:32
msgid "AlternC Control Panel"
msgstr "AlternC Control Panel"

#: ../admin/head.php:64
msgid ""
"Administrator session. you may <a href='adm_login.php'>return to your "
"account</a> or <a href='adm_cancel.php'>cancel this feature</a>."
msgstr "Ende der Administrator Sitzung, du kannst <a href='adm_login.php'>Neu Einloggen</a> oder <a href='adm_cancel.php'>Diese Funktion abbrechen</a>."

#: ../admin/head.php:65
msgid "You can also <a href='adm_update_domains.php'>apply changes</a>."
msgstr "Du kannst die <a href='adm_update_domains.php'>Änderungen Übernehmen</a>."

#: ../admin/head.php:70
msgid "Panel is locked! No one can login!"
msgstr "Panel ist geschlossen! Kein kann sich Anmelden!"

#: ../admin/hta_add.php:39 ../admin/hta_list.php:49 ../admin/hta_list.php:87
msgid "Protect a folder"
msgstr "Ein Verzeichnis sichern"

#: ../admin/hta_add.php:43
msgid ""
"Enter the name of the folder you want to protect. It must already exists."
msgstr "Eingabe des Verzeichnisnamen das gesichert werden soll. Dieses Verzeichnis muss vorhanden sein."

#: ../admin/hta_add.php:63
msgid "Can't have empty directory."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_adduser.php:40
#, php-format
msgid "Adding a username in %s"
msgstr "Hinzufügen eines Usernamen in %s"

#: ../admin/hta_adduser.php:67 ../admin/hta_edit.php:114
msgid "Add this user"
msgstr "Hinzufügen dieses Users"

#: ../admin/hta_del.php:42
#, php-format
msgid "The protected folder %s has been successfully unprotected"
msgstr "Der Zugriffschutz von Verzeichnis %s wurde erfolgreich entfernt."

#: ../admin/hta_doadd.php:39
msgid "No directory specified"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_dodeluser.php:49
msgid "Authorized user deletion confirm"
msgstr "Löschen eines Benutzer nur mit Authorisation"

#: ../admin/hta_dodeluser.php:52
msgid "Do you really want to delete those users ?"
msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich diese User löschen ?"

#: ../admin/hta_doedituser.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "Change the user %s in the protected folder %s"
msgstr "Ändern des Users %s in diesem gesicherten Verzeichnis %s"

#: ../admin/hta_doedituser.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "The password of the user %s has been successfully changed"
msgstr "Das Passwort von diesem User %s wurde erfolgreich geändert."

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:39
msgid "No folder selected!"
msgstr "Kein Verzeichnis ausgewählt!"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:50
#, php-format
msgid "List of authorized user in folder %s"
msgstr "Liste der Authorisierten User in diesem Verzeichnis %s"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "No authorized user in %s"
msgstr "Kein Authorisierten User in %s"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:80 ../admin/sql_users_list.php:70
msgid "Delete the checked users"
msgstr "Löschen der gewählten User"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:85
msgid "Show this folder's content in the File Browser"
msgstr "Zeige Inhalt des Verzeichnisses im Datei-Browser"

#: ../admin/hta_edit.php:91
msgid "Adding an authorized user"
msgstr "Hinzufügen eines Authorisierten Users"

#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:40
#, php-format
msgid "Editing user %s in the protected folder %s"
msgstr "Bearbeite den User %s in diesem geschützten Verzeichnis %s"

#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:59 ../admin/mem_param.php:83
#: ../admin/mem_param.php:84
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Neues Passwort"

#: ../admin/hta_edituser.php:68
msgid "Change the password"
msgstr "Passwort ändern"

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:40
msgid "Protected folders list"
msgstr "Geschützte Verzeichnis Liste"

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:60
msgid ""
"You can set passwords to protect some of your folders.<br/>This will create "
".htaccess and .htpasswd files that restrict access to these directory and to"
" any sub-elements."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:77
msgid "Edit login and passwords"
msgstr "Bearbeite Login und Passwort"

#: ../admin/hta_list.php:86
msgid "Unprotect the checked folders"
msgstr "Aufheben des Zugriffschutzes für dieses Verzeichnis"

#: ../admin/index.php:70
msgid "Web Hosting Control Panel"
msgstr "Web Hosting Control Panel"

#: ../admin/index.php:86
msgid ""
"To connect to the hosting control panel, enter your AlternC's login and "
"password in the following form and click 'Enter'"
msgstr "Um das Hosting Control Panel zu erreichen ist die Eingabe der AlternC Login Daten und Passwort in das folgende Eingabefeld ein zu tragen und dann Klick 'Enter'."

#: ../admin/index.php:87
msgid "You are attemping to connect without IP restriction."
msgstr "Sie sind berechtigt ein Verbindung ohne IP Einschränkungen"

#: ../admin/index.php:91
msgid "AlternC access"
msgstr "AlternC Zugang"

#: ../admin/index.php:94
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Enter"

#: ../admin/index.php:114
msgid ""
"To read your mail in a browser, click here to go to your server's Webmail"
msgstr "Um die Email im Browser zu lesen, klicken Sie hier um den -WebMail- des Servers zu öffnen."

#: ../admin/index.php:126
msgid "You must accept the session cookie to log-in"
msgstr "Sie müssen COOKIEs akzeptieren um hier ein zu loggen"

#: ../admin/index.php:155
msgid "Need a login and a password"
msgstr "Brauche einen Login und ein Passwort"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:58
msgid ""
"Here you can add rules to restrict access to AlternC's services, filtered by"
" IP. First, add trusted IPs in the 'Known IP and networks' list. Then, add "
"rules to grant access on services to the chosen IPs from this list."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:60
msgid "Enabled rules"
msgstr "Eingeschaltete Richtlinien"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:64
msgid "Authorised IP address or network"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:65 ../admin/ip_main.php:95
msgid "Access type"
msgstr "Zugangs Typ"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:76
msgid "for"
msgstr "für"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:86
msgid "Add a new rule"
msgstr "Hinzufügen einer neuen Richtlinie"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:89
msgid ""
"You need to have some 'Known IP and networks' defined below to define a new "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:119
msgid "Authorized IP address or network"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:144
msgid "Known IP and networks"
msgstr "Bekannte IP und Netzwerk"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:146
msgid "IP or network"
msgstr "IP oder Netzwerk"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:151
msgid "Address IPv4"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:153
msgid "Subnet IPv4"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:157
msgid "Address IPv6"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:159
msgid "Subnet IPv6"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:162
msgid "Error with this IP"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:174
msgid "Add an IP or a networks"
msgstr "Hinzufügen einer IP oder Netzwerkes"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:183
msgid "IP or network. <i>IPv4, IPv6 and subnet allowed</i>"
msgstr "IP oder Netzwerk. <i>IPv4, IPv6 und Subnet erlaubt</i>"

#: ../admin/ip_main.php:216
msgid "Please select an access type"
msgstr "Bitte wählen sie einen Zugangs Typ"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:35
msgid "Logs Listing"
msgstr "Logdateien Liste"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:43
msgid "You have no web logs to list at the moment."
msgstr "Es sind im Moment keine Web Logfiles vorhanden."

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:49
msgid ""
"Here are web logs of your account.<br/>You can download them to do specific "
"extract and statistics."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:53
msgid "Creation Date"
msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:53
msgid "Download link"
msgstr "Link zum Herunterladen"

#: ../admin/logs_list.php:65
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Herunterladen"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:54
msgid "Deleting mail accounts"
msgstr "Mail Konten Löschen"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:57
msgid "Please confirm the deletion of the following mail accounts:"
msgstr "Die Löschung der folgenden Mail Konten bitte Bestätigen:"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:74
msgid "Confirm the deletion"
msgstr "Bestätigung der Löschung"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:74
msgid "Don't delete anything and go back to the email list"
msgstr "Nichts Löschen und zurück zur Email Liste"

#: ../admin/mail_del.php:78
msgid ""
"Warning: Deleting an email address will destroy all the messages it "
"contains! You will <b>NOT</b> be able to get it back!"
msgstr "HINWEIS: Das Löschen der eMail-Adresse vernichtet alle gespeicherten Nachrichten! Es ist <b>NICHT</b> mehr möglich es wiederherzustellen."

#: ../admin/mail_doedit.php:120
msgid "Your email has been edited successfully"
msgstr "Ihre Email wurde erfolgreich gelöscht"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:53
#, php-format
msgid "Editing the email %s"
msgstr "Bearbeite diese Email %s"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:67
msgid "Is this email enabled?"
msgstr "Ist diese Email freigegeben ?"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:69
msgid ""
"You can enable or disable this email anytime. This will bounce any mail "
"received on this address, but will not delete the stored email, or the "
"redirections or password."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:73
msgid "No (email disabled)"
msgstr "Nein (Email abgeschaltet)"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:74
msgid "Yes (email enabled)"
msgstr "Ja (Email eingeschaltet)"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:78
msgid "Is it a POP/IMAP account?"
msgstr "Ist es ein POP/IMAP Konto ?"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:79
msgid ""
"POP/IMAP accounts are receiving emails in the server. To read those emails, "
"you can use a Webmail, or a mail client such as Thunderbird. If you don't "
"use POP/IMAP, you can configure your email to be a redirection to other "
"existing emails. The maximum size is in megabytes, use 0 to make it "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "This mailbox is currently using %1$s / %2$s"
msgstr "Diese Mailbox benutzt %1$s / %2$s"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:85
msgid ""
"This mailbox is pending deletion. You can recover its mails by setting it to"
" 'Yes' NOW!"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:95
msgid "Click here to edit the existing password"
msgstr "Klick hier um das vorhandene Passwort zu ändern"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:96
msgid "Enter a POP/IMAP password"
msgstr "Eintgabe des POP/IMAP Passwort"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:98 ../class/m_quota.php:538
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:98
msgid "Maximum allowed size of this Mailbox"
msgstr "Maximale erlaubte grösse der Mailbox"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:103
msgid ""
"WARNING: turning POP/IMAP off will DELETE the stored messages in this email "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:105
msgid "Is it a redirection to other email addresses?"
msgstr "Ist das eine Umleitung zu anderer Email Adresse ?"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:107
msgid ""
"If you want to send emails received on this address to other addresses, even"
" outside this server, enter those recipients here."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:107
msgid "one recipient per line"
msgstr "Ein Empfänger je Zeile"

#: ../admin/mail_edit.php:115
msgid "Change this email address"
msgstr "Abändern dieser Email-Adresse"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:70
msgid "Create a new mail account"
msgstr "Erstelle ein neues Email-Konto"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:72
msgid "Manage Catch-all"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:82
msgid "Can't have empty mail."
msgstr "Darf keine leere eMail sein."

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:82
msgid "Create this email address"
msgstr "Erstellen dieser Email Adresse"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:87
msgid "Manage Catch-all for this domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:94
#, php-format
msgid "Email addresses of the domain %s"
msgstr "Email-Adresse für diese Domäne %s"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:98
msgid "No mails for this domain."
msgstr "Keim Mails für diese Domäne"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:108
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Suche"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:113
msgid "Show system emails"
msgstr "Zeige System eMails"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:120
msgid "Items per page:"
msgstr "Posten pro Seite:"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:127
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:127
msgid "Last login time"
msgstr "Letzter Login"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:127
msgid "Other recipients"
msgstr "Andere Empfänger"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:127
msgid "Pop/Imap"
msgstr "POP/IMAP"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:138
msgid "Deleting..."
msgstr "Löschung..."

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:143
msgid ""
"This email will be deleted soon. You may still be able to undelete it by "
"clicking here"
msgstr "Diese Mail wird in kürze gelöscht. Letzte möglichkeit den es Wiederherzustellen wenn Sie hier klicken."

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:143
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:169 ../admin/main.php:34
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Niemals"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:180
msgid "Delete the checked email addresses"
msgstr "Löschen der ausgewählten Email Adressen"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:188
msgid "Mails configuration information"
msgstr "Mail Konfigurationsinformationen"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:190
msgid ""
"Here are some configuration information you will need to configure your mail"
" application."
msgstr "Hier sind einige Konfigurationsinformationen die Du benutzen kannst zum Einstellen der eMail-Anwendungen."

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:197
msgid "Outgoing mail (SMTP)"
msgstr "Server Senden Adresse (SMTP)"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:198
msgid "Incoming mail"
msgstr "Eingegange eMail"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:203 ../admin/mail_list.php:244
msgid "Which protocol shall you use?"
msgstr "Welches Protokoll willst Du benutzen?"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:205
msgid "Submission"
msgstr "Einsendung"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:208 ../admin/mail_list.php:219
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:230 ../admin/mail_list.php:249
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:260 ../admin/mail_list.php:271
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:282
msgid "Server name: "
msgstr "Server Name:"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:209 ../admin/mail_list.php:220
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:231
msgid ""
"The mail address you want to access <i>(example : myuser@example.tld)</i>"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:209 ../admin/mail_list.php:220
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:231
msgid "Username: "
msgstr "Benutzername:"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:210 ../admin/mail_list.php:221
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:232 ../admin/mail_list.php:250
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:261 ../admin/mail_list.php:272
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:283
msgid "Port: "
msgstr "Port:"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:211 ../admin/mail_list.php:222
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:233 ../admin/mail_list.php:251
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:262 ../admin/mail_list.php:273
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:284
msgid "Authentication: "
msgstr "Authentifikation:"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:212 ../admin/mail_list.php:223
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:234 ../admin/mail_list.php:252
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:263 ../admin/mail_list.php:274
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:285
msgid "Authentication method: "
msgstr "Authentifikation Methode"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:212 ../admin/mail_list.php:252
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:263 ../admin/mail_list.php:274
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:285
msgid "Normal password"
msgstr "Normales Password"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:213 ../admin/mail_list.php:224
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:235 ../admin/mail_list.php:253
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:264 ../admin/mail_list.php:275
#: ../admin/mail_list.php:286
msgid "Connection security:"
msgstr "Gesicherte Verbindung:"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:216
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:223 ../admin/mail_list.php:234
msgid "Normal Password"
msgstr "Normales Passwort"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:227
msgid "SMTPS"
msgstr "SMTPS"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:246
msgid "IMAP"
msgstr "IMAP"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:257
msgid "IMAPS"
msgstr "IMAPS"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:268
msgid "POP3"
msgstr "POP3"

#: ../admin/mail_list.php:279
msgid "POP3S"
msgstr "POP3S"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:38
msgid "Problem with the domain"
msgstr "Problem mit der Domain"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:47
msgid "Catchall successfully deleted"
msgstr "Sammlung erfolgreich gelöscht"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:50 ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:53
msgid "Catchall successfully updated"
msgstr "Sammlung erfolgreich aktualisiert"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:56
msgid "Unknown target type"
msgstr "Unbekannter Ziel Typ"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:63
#, php-format
msgid "Manage catch-all configuration of %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:72
msgid ""
"You can choose what to do with emails sent to unexisting address of this "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:80
msgid "No catch-all"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:84
msgid "No catch-all for this domain."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:88
msgid "Redirect to same address on a different domain"
msgstr "Umleitung auf die selbe Adresse auf einer unterschiedlichen Domain"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:92
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Mails sent to john.doe@%s will be redirect to john.doe@anotherdomain.tld"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:95
msgid "Enter the 'target' domain"
msgstr "Eingabe der 'Ziel' Domain"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:96
msgid "example.tld"
msgstr "example.tld"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:98
msgid "Or choose one of your own"
msgstr "Oder wählen Sie eines ihrer eigenen"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:106
msgid "Redirect to a specific email"
msgstr "Umleiten auf eine eingetragene eMail"

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:110
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Mails sent to an unexisting email on '@%s' will be redirect to "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mail_manage_catchall.php:113
msgid "john.doe@example.tld"
msgstr "john.doe@example.tld"

#: ../admin/mailautoconfig_outlook.php:16
msgid "Missing POST of the mail address"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/mailautoconfig_thunderbird.php:9
msgid "Error: Missing GET of emailaddress"
msgstr "Fehler: Fehlende Antwort eMailadresse"

#: ../admin/mailautoconfig_thunderbird.php:12
msgid "Error: Empty $emailDomain"
msgstr "Fehler: Keine $emailDomain"

#: ../admin/main.php:31
msgid "Last Login: "
msgstr "Letzter Login:"

#: ../admin/main.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "the %3$d-%2$d-%1$d at %4$d:%5$02d"
msgstr "Die %3$d-%2$d-%1$d bei %4$d:%5$02d"

#: ../admin/main.php:37
#, php-format
msgid "from: <code> %1$s </code>"
msgstr "von: <code>%1$s</code>"

#: ../admin/main.php:42
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d login failed since last login"
msgstr "%1$d Login Fehler seit dem letzten Einloggen"

#: ../admin/main.php:86
msgid "Expired or about to expire accounts"
msgstr "Abgeschaltetes oder bald abgeschaltetes Konto"

#: ../admin/main.php:88
msgid "Last name, surname"
msgstr "Nachname, Vorname"

#: ../admin/main.php:88
msgid "uid"
msgstr "UID"

#: ../admin/main.php:104
msgid ""
"You are using the AlternC Panel. You can contact the AlternC community for "
"information or feedback by joining the mailing-list"
msgstr "Du benutzt die AlternC Oberfläche. Du kannst für Informationen die Community besuchen oder Resonanz über die Mailingliste erhalten."

#: ../admin/mem_admin.php:40
msgid "Your administrator preferences has been successfully changed."
msgstr "Ihre Administrations Einstellungen sind erfolgreich geändert."

#: ../admin/mem_admin.php:46 ../admin/mem_param.php:116
msgid "Admin preferences"
msgstr "Admin Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/mem_chgmail.php:44 ../admin/mem_cm.php:42 ../admin/mem_cm.php:53
#: ../admin/mem_cm2.php:47 ../admin/mem_param.php:92
msgid "Change the email of the account"
msgstr "Ändern der Email für dieses Konto"

#: ../admin/mem_chgmail.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "help_mem_chgmail %s"
msgstr "Eine Email wurde an die Adresse <big><code>%s</code></big> zur Bestätigung gesendet.<br />Diese Email beinhaltet einen LINK zur Bestätigung der Einstellungen.<br /> Auf dieser Seite wird folgend ein KEY von Ihnen abgefragt :<br />"

#: ../admin/mem_cm.php:54
msgid ""
"Enter the key you got when you requested the mailbox change, then click the "
"OK button."
msgstr "Eingabe des KEY was zur Änderung der Mailbox benötigt wird, dann auf \"OK\" Klicken"

#: ../admin/mem_cm.php:55
msgid "Key"
msgstr "KEY"

#: ../admin/mem_cm2.php:55
msgid "The mailbox has been successfully changed."
msgstr "Die Mailbox wurde erfolgreich geändert."

#: ../admin/mem_logout.php:41 ../admin/mem_logout.php:49
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Ausgelogt"

#: ../admin/mem_logout.php:51
msgid "You have been logged out of your administration desktop."
msgstr "Sie sind von der Administrator-Oberfläche ausgelogt."

#: ../admin/mem_logout.php:52
msgid "Click here to log in"
msgstr "Hier zum ein logen klicken "

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:43
msgid "Your help setting has been updated."
msgstr "Ihre Hilfe Einstellungen wurden ergänzt."

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:47
msgid "Settings of your account"
msgstr "Einstellungen Ihres Kontos"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:60 ../class/m_mem.php:579
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hilfe"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:63
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administrator"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:69 ../admin/mem_passwd.php:50
#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:59
msgid "Password change"
msgstr "Passwort Änderung"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:73
msgid "You cannot change your password"
msgstr "Sie können nicht ihr Passwort ändern"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:78
msgid "help_chg_passwd"
msgstr "Hier kann das Passwort geändert werden. Bitte das Passwort nicht vergessen! <br /> Eingabe ihres alten Passwortes dann das neue Passwort (Aus Sicherheitsgründen eine zweifache Eingabe), das Klick auf \"Ändern des Passwortes\"."

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:82
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Altes Passwort"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:85
msgid "Change my password"
msgstr "Ändern des Passwortes"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:95
msgid "help_chg_mail"
msgstr "Sie können hier ihre Email-Adresse für ihr Konto ändern.<br />Eingabe der neuen Email-Adresse. Eine Email zur Bestätigung wird an die neue Adresse gesendet."

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:96
msgid "Current mailbox"
msgstr "Jetzige Mailbox"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:97
msgid "New mailbox"
msgstr "Neue Mailbox"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:98
msgid "Change my email address"
msgstr "Ändern der Email-Adresse"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:103
msgid "Online help settings"
msgstr "Einstellung der Online-Hilfe"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:106
msgid "help_help_settings"
msgstr "Hilfe_Hilfe_Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:107
msgid "Do you want to see the help texts and links on each page?"
msgstr "Möchten Sie den Hilfe-Text und LINKS auf jeder Seite sehen ?"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:108
msgid "Change these settings"
msgstr "Ändern dieser Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:119
msgid "Members list view"
msgstr "Mitglieder Liste einsehen"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:120
msgid "Large view"
msgstr "Grosse Ansicht"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:121
msgid "Short view"
msgstr "Kleine Ansicht"

#: ../admin/mem_param.php:123
msgid "Change my admin preferences"
msgstr "Ändern der Admin Einstellungen"

#: ../admin/mem_passwd.php:44
msgid "Your password has been successfully changed."
msgstr "Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert"

#: ../admin/menu.php:40
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome %s"
msgstr "Willkommen %s"

#: ../admin/menu.php:109
msgid "About"
msgstr "Über"

#: ../admin/nowebmail.php:28
msgid ""
"There is currently no webmail configured. If you need one, contact your "
"server administrator"
msgstr "Es ist derzeit kein WebMail Konfiguriert. Wenn Du es benötigst dan Kontaktiere den Administrator dieses Servers."

#: ../admin/piwik_addaccount.php:34
msgid "You cannot add any new Piwik account, your quota is over."
msgstr "Kein weiteres erstellen von PIWIK Konten möglich. Einschränkungen wurden erreicht."

#: ../admin/piwik_addaccount.php:44
msgid "Error : missing arguments."
msgstr "FEHLER: fehlende eingaben"

#: ../admin/piwik_addaccount.php:50
#, php-format
msgid "Creation of Piwik account \"%s\""
msgstr "Erstellen von PIWIK Konto \"%s\""

#: ../admin/piwik_addaccount.php:67
msgid "Successfully added piwik user"
msgstr "Erfolgreich den PIWIK Benutzer angelegt"

#: ../admin/piwik_addsites.php:44
msgid "Error while adding website.<br/>"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_addsites.php:46
msgid "Website added Successfully"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:39
msgid "Missing site parameters"
msgstr "Keine Seiten Parameters vorhanden"

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:50
msgid "Site successfully deleted"
msgstr "Seite erfolgreich gelöscht."

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:61
msgid "Piwik site deletion confirm"
msgstr "Löschen der PIWIK Seite bestätigt"

#: ../admin/piwik_site_dodel.php:64
msgid "Do you really want to delete this Piwik website ?"
msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich diese PIWIK Webseite löschen ?"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:48
msgid "You don't own this piwik site!"
msgstr "Sie besitzen nicht diese PIWIK Seite"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:56
msgid "You dont own user"
msgstr "Sie sind nicht der Benutzer"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:83 ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:53
msgid "Add a new website"
msgstr "Hinzufügen einer neuen Webseite"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:85 ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:55
msgid "URL of the website"
msgstr "URL der Webseite"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:106
msgid "Existing Piwik monitored websites"
msgstr "Vorhandene PIWIK Überwachte Webseiten"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:114
msgid "No existing Piwik websites"
msgstr "Keine PIWIK Webseite vorhanden"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:120
msgid "Site name"
msgstr "Seiten name"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:120
msgid "Site url"
msgstr "Seiten URL"

#: ../admin/piwik_sitelist.php:147
msgid "Credentials management"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:39
msgid "Missing login parameters"
msgstr "Login Parameter fehlen"

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:59
msgid "Piwik accounts deletion confirm"
msgstr "Bestätigen des PIWIK Kontos"

#: ../admin/piwik_user_dodel.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "Do you really want to delete the Piwik account %s ?"
msgstr "Möchten Sie wirklich dieses PIWIK Konto löschen %s ?"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:42
msgid "No piwik user specified"
msgstr "Kein PIWIK Benutzer eingetragen"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:52
msgid "You don't own this piwik website"
msgstr "Sie besitzen nicht diese PIWIK Webseite"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:60
msgid "You don't own this piwik user"
msgstr "Sie sind nicht besitzer dieses PIWIK Benutzers"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:71
msgid "success"
msgstr "Erfolgreich"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:75
msgid "This right does not exist"
msgstr "Diese Berechtigung gibt es nicht"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:105
msgid "Rights for user"
msgstr "Berechtigung für Benutzer"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:128
msgid "Add rights to user"
msgstr "Berechtigung zum Benutzer hinzufügen"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:139
msgid "admin"
msgstr "Admin"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:139
msgid "noacces"
msgstr "Kein Zugang"

#: ../admin/piwik_useradmin.php:139
msgid "view"
msgstr "Zeigen"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:41
msgid "Create a new piwik account"
msgstr "Neues PIWIK Konto erstellen"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:66
msgid "Existing Piwik accounts"
msgstr "Vorhandene PIWIK Konten"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:74
msgid "No existing Piwik users"
msgstr "Kein vorhandener PIWIK Benutzer"

#: ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:79 ../admin/piwik_userlist.php:89
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"

#: ../admin/quota_show.php:34
msgid "Account's quotas"
msgstr "Konto Einschränkungen"

#: ../admin/quota_show.php:40
msgid "No quotas for this account, or quotas currently unavailable!"
msgstr "Keine Einschränkungen auf diesem Konto oder Einschränkungen derzeit vorhanden."

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:14
#, php-format
msgid "<b>%s</b> account"
msgstr "<b>%s</b> Konto"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:25 ../class/m_quota.php:60
msgid "quota_web"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:36 ../admin/quotas_users.php:132
#: ../class/m_dom.php:116
msgid "Domains"
msgstr "Domänen"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:37
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "Emails"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:38 ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:121
#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:167 ../admin/quotas_users.php:128
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:169
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Space (Platz)"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:112
msgid "Databases:"
msgstr "Datenbanken:"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:120 ../admin/quotas_users.php:177
msgid "DB"
msgstr "DB"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:158
msgid "Mailman lists:"
msgstr "Mailman Liste:"

#: ../admin/quotas_oneuser.php:166 ../admin/quotas_users.php:173
#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:176
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Listen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:20
msgid "Quotas status"
msgstr "Status Beschränkungen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:29
msgid ""
"This page shows the space and service count of your AlternC server and each "
"AlternC accounts."
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:30
#, php-format
msgid "Administration -> Manage the Alternc accounts"
msgstr "Administration => Verwalten der AlternC Konten"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:30
#, php-format
msgid "If you want to manage them, go to"
msgstr "Wenn Sie es Verwalten wollen, gehe zu"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "% of the total."
msgstr "% of von Gesamt. (cant delete \"of\", transifex wont work"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:33
msgid "MB."
msgstr "MB."

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "Sizes are shown as %s"
msgstr "Grössenangaben werden als %s angezeigt."

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:36
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Global"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:36
msgid "Server-side view:"
msgstr "Server-Side Anzeige"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:37
msgid "Detailed view:"
msgstr "Ausführliche Anzeige:"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:38
msgid "In MB"
msgstr "in MB"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:39
msgid "Percentage"
msgstr "Prozentual"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:40
msgid "Graphical"
msgstr "Grafische"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:43
msgid "Show the domain names"
msgstr "Anzeige der Domänen Namen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:45
msgid "Hide the domain names"
msgstr "Verstecke Domänen Namen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:48
msgid "All accounts"
msgstr "Alle Konten"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:128 ../admin/quotas_users.php:169
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Anzahl"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:137 ../class/m_mail.php:203
msgid "Email addresses"
msgstr "Email-Adressen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:143
msgid "Mailman lists"
msgstr "MailMan Listen"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:149 ../admin/sql_del.php:72
#: ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:40 ../admin/sql_getparam.php:44
#: ../admin/sql_list.php:37 ../admin/sql_restore.php:44
#: ../class/m_mysql.php:993
msgid "MySQL Databases"
msgstr "MySQL Datenbanken"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:171
msgid "Dom"
msgstr "Dom"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:172 ../admin/quotas_users.php:175
msgid "Mails"
msgstr "Mails"

#: ../admin/quotas_users.php:174
msgid "Web"
msgstr "Web"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:34
msgid "MySQL Databases - Configure backups"
msgstr "MySQL-Datenbanken - Konfiguriere der Sicherung"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:40 ../admin/sql_dobck.php:34
msgid ""
"You aren't allowed to access this page. Contact your administrator if you "
"want to."
msgstr "Du bist nicht Berechtigt diese Seite zu sehen. Kontaktiere den Administrator wenn Du willst."

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:65
#, php-format
msgid "Manage the SQL backup for database %s"
msgstr "Verwalte das SQL Backup für die Datenbank %s"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:70
msgid "Do MySQL backup?"
msgstr "MySQL Backup durchführen ?"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:73
msgid "No backup"
msgstr "Keine Sicherung"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:74
msgid "Weekly backup"
msgstr "Wöchentliche Sicherung"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:75
msgid "Daily backup"
msgstr "Tägliche Sicherung"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:79
msgid "How many backups should be kept?"
msgstr "Wie viele Backup Einheiten sollen behalten werden? "

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:91
msgid "Compress the backups? (gzip)"
msgstr "Komprimieren der Sicherungen? (gzip)"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:100
msgid "In which folder do you want to store the backups?"
msgstr "In welchen Verzeichnis sollen die Sicherungen abgespeichert werden?"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:107
msgid "Change the MySQL backup parameters"
msgstr "Abändern der MySQL Backup Parametern"

#: ../admin/sql_bck.php:116 ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:50
#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:53
msgid "You currently have no database defined"
msgstr "Es ist keine Datenbank definiert worden"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "The database %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "Die Datanebank %s wurde erfolgreich gelöscht"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:66
msgid "Please check which databases you want to delete"
msgstr "Bitte überprüfen welche Datenbank gelöscht wird."

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:75
msgid "Confirm the deletion of the following SQL databases"
msgstr "Bestätigung zur Löschung der folgenden SQL-Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:76
msgid "This will delete all the tables currently in those db."
msgstr "Dieser Vorgang löschet alle Tabellen  in dieser gewählten Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:90
msgid "No, don't delete the database"
msgstr "Nein, lösche nicht diese Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_del.php:90
msgid "Yes, delete the database"
msgstr "Ja, lösche die Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_doadd.php:37
msgid "Can't create a database: your quota is over"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_dobck.php:56
msgid "Your backup parameters has been successfully changed."
msgstr "Die Einstellungen zur Sicherung wurden erfolgreich geändert."

#: ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:56
msgid "Restore a SQL backup"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen einer SQL-Sicherung"

#: ../admin/sql_dorestore.php:63
msgid ""
"Your database has been restored, check out the previous text for error "
msgstr "Die Datenbank wurde wiederhergestellt. Prüfen Sie den vorherigen Text auf Fehler Meldungen."

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:53
msgid "Your current connection settings are"
msgstr "Die jetzigen Verbindung Einstellungen sind"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:59
msgid "Mysql Server"
msgstr "MySQL Server"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:63 ../admin/sql_list.php:54
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:79
msgid "Web interface PhpMyAdmin"
msgstr "Webinterface PhpMyAdmin"

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:91
msgid ""
"You changed the MySQL User base configuration. Please refer to your "
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/sql_getparam.php:94
msgid "Back to the MySQL database list"
msgstr "Zurück zur MySQL Datenbank Liste"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:45
msgid "You have no sql user at the moment."
msgstr "Sie haben derzeit keine SQL-User"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:54 ../admin/sql_list.php:65
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Sicherung"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:54 ../admin/sql_list.php:67
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:54 ../admin/sql_list.php:68
msgid "Show Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen anzeigen"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:77
msgid "Delete the checked databases"
msgstr "Löschen der gewählten Datenbanken"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:90
msgid "Create a new MySQL database"
msgstr "Erstelle eine neue MySQL Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:96
msgid "MySQL Database"
msgstr "MySQL Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:107
msgid "Can't have empty MySQL suffix"
msgstr "Keine leeren MySQL Suffix "

#: ../admin/sql_list.php:107
msgid "Create this new MySQL database."
msgstr "Erstelle diese neue MySQL Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_pma_sso.php:46
msgid "SQL Admin"
msgstr "SQL-Admin"

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:58
#, php-format
msgid "Restore a MySQL backup for database %s"
msgstr "Wiederherstellung eines MySQL Backups für Datenbank %s"

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:61
msgid ""
"Warning: Write the complete path and the filename. <br />For example if your"
" backups are in the directory /Backups,<br />write /Backups/file.sql.gz "
"(where file.sql.gz is the filename)."
msgstr "HINWEIS: Tragen Sie den kompletten Pfad und Dateinamen ein.<br />Beispiel, ist das Backup im Verzeichnis \"/backups\".<br /> schreiben Sie \"/backups/file.sql.gz\" (wobei \"file.sql.gz der Dateiname ist)."

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:66
msgid ""
"Please enter the path and the filename containing SQL data to be restored."
msgstr "Bitte tragen Sie hier den Pfad und den Dateinamen mit den SQL Daten ein die Wiederhergestellt werden soll."

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:67
msgid "Restore my database"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen der Datenbank"

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:67
msgid "Tip: you can restore a file directly in the File Browser"
msgstr "Tip: Du kannst eine Datei direkt im File-Browser zurück holen."

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:72
msgid "Please the complete path of the filename"
msgstr "Bitte geben sie den kompletten Pfad zu dem Dateinamen ein"

#: ../admin/sql_restore.php:81
msgid "Note: If the filename ends with .gz, it will be uncompressed before."
msgstr "Notiz: endet der Dateiname auf .gz , wird dieser zuvor enpackt."

#: ../admin/sql_users_add.php:41 ../admin/sql_users_list.php:79
msgid "Create a new MySQL user"
msgstr "Erstelle einen neuen MySQL User"

#: ../admin/sql_users_add.php:72
msgid "Create this new MySQL user"
msgstr "Erstelle diesen neuen MySQL User"

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:47
#, php-format
msgid "The user %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "Dieser User %s wurde erfolgreich gelöscht"

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:58
msgid "MySQL users"
msgstr "MySQL Users"

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:61
msgid "Confirm the deletion of the following MySQL users"
msgstr "Bestätigung zur Löschung der folgenden MySQL Users"

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:76
msgid "No, don't delete the MySQL user"
msgstr "Nein, lösche nicht den MySQL Benutzer"

#: ../admin/sql_users_del.php:76
msgid "Yes, delete the MySQL user"
msgstr "Ja, lösche den MySQL Benutzer"

#: ../admin/sql_users_dorights.php:54
msgid "The rights has been successfully applied to the user"
msgstr "Diese Vorgaben wurden erfolgreich zum User eingetragen."

#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:37 ../class/m_mysql.php:124
msgid "MySQL Users"
msgstr "MySQL Users"

#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:48
msgid "Rights"
msgstr "Vorgaben"

#: ../admin/sql_users_list.php:58
msgid "Manage the rights"
msgstr "Verwalten der Vorgaben"

#: ../admin/sql_users_password.php:68
msgid "Change user password"
msgstr "Ändern des User Passwort"

#: ../admin/sql_users_rights.php:38
#, php-format
msgid "MySQL Rights for %s"
msgstr "MySQL Vorgaben für %s"

#: ../admin/sql_users_rights.php:89
msgid "Reverse selection"
msgstr ""

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:32
msgid ""
"Image_Graph not installed. use 'aptitude install php-pear' then 'pear "
"install --alldeps Image_Graph-devel' to see the graph."
msgstr "image_graph ist nicht Installiert. Benutze 'aptitude install php-pear' dann dazu 'pear install --alldeps Image_Graph-devel' um die Grafiken zu sehen"

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:41
msgid "Account creation per month"
msgstr "Konto Erstellungen pro Monat"

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:54
msgid "before the month"
msgstr "vor diesem Monat"

#: ../admin/stats_members.php:56
msgid "during the month"
msgstr "während diesem Monat"

#: ../admin/vm.php:52 ../class/m_lxc.php:62
msgid "Console access"
msgstr "Konsolen Zugang"

#: ../admin/vm.php:69
msgid "You can start a virtual machine."
msgstr "Du kannst eine Virtual-Maschine starten."

#: ../admin/vm.php:72
msgid "Click here to start a virtual machine."
msgstr "Klick hier um die Virtual-Maschine zu starten."

#: ../admin/vm.php:78
msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Anfangszeit"

#: ../admin/vm.php:79
msgid "SSH Fingerprint"
msgstr "SSH Verschlüsselung"

#: ../admin/vm.php:80
msgid "Useful command"
msgstr "Benutzbare Kommandos"

#: ../admin/vm.php:86
msgid "You can stop your virtual machine."
msgstr "Du kannst Deine Virtual-Maschine stopen."

#: ../admin/vm.php:89
msgid "Click here to stop your running virtual machine."
msgstr "Klick hier um die Virtual-Maschine zu stopen."

#: ../admin/vm.php:99
msgid "Tips"
msgstr "Tips"

#: ../admin/vm.php:104
msgid "Available softwares"
msgstr "Vorhandene Software"

#: ../admin/vm.php:105
msgid "Remotely start/stop a VM"
msgstr "Ferngesteuertes start/stop einer VM"

#: ../admin/vm.php:110
msgid ""
"You can script the launch the console access in command line by using this "
msgstr "Du kannst eine über diese URL benutzen um den Konsolen Zugang zu starten:\n\n------- must be explain, in german no similar action existing----"

#: ../admin/vm.php:112
msgid "You can halt the vm by using:"
msgstr "Du kannst die VM anhalten mit der Benutzung von:"

#: ../admin/vm.php:114
msgid ""
"And you can see existing vm information (if the vm is running) by using:"
msgstr "Und Du kannst vorhandene VM Information sehen (wenn die VM läuft) und benutzt wird:"

#: ../admin/vm.php:116
msgid ""
"Warning: if you do not use HTTPS, your password will be transfered without "
"any protection"
msgstr "HINWEIS: wenn Sie kein HTTPS benutzen, ihr Passwort wird ohne Schutz übermittelt"

#: ../admin/vm.php:120
msgid "To access a remote console with SSH, you can use Putty."
msgstr "Für den Zugang der Konsole mit SSH, kann -Putty- benutzt werden."

#: ../admin/vm.php:122
msgid "To transfer files, you can use Filezilla in SFTP mode."
msgstr "Für die Übertragung der Dateien kann -FileZilla- im SFTP Modus benutzt werden."

#: ../class/class_system_bind.php:485
msgid "The zone file of this domain is locked. Contact your administrator."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/functions.php:400
msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Bytes"

#: ../class/functions.php:402
msgid "Byte"
msgstr "Byte"

#: ../class/functions.php:407
msgid "Kb"
msgstr "Kb"

#: ../class/functions.php:411
msgid "Mb"
msgstr "Mb"

#: ../class/functions.php:415
msgid "Gb"
msgstr "Gb"

#: ../class/functions.php:417
msgid "Tb"
msgstr "Tb"

#: ../class/functions.php:526
msgid "year"
msgstr "Jahr"

#: ../class/functions.php:526
msgid "years"
msgstr "Jahre"

#: ../class/functions.php:528
msgid "month"
msgstr "Monat"

#: ../class/functions.php:528
msgid "months"
msgstr "Monate"

#: ../class/functions.php:551
msgid "Not managed"
msgstr "Nicht Verwaltet"

#: ../class/functions.php:717 ../class/functions.php:719
msgid "Previous Page"
msgstr "Vorherige Seite"

#: ../class/functions.php:773 ../class/functions.php:775
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr "Nächste Seite"

#: ../class/functions.php:814
msgid "Clic here to generate a password"
msgstr "Klicke hier um ein Passwort zu generieren"

#: ../class/functions.php:856 ../class/functions.php:857
msgid "Choose a folder..."
msgstr "Wähle ein Verzeichnis"

#: ../class/m_action.php:214
msgid "Error setting actions"
msgstr "Fehler beim einstellen der Aktion"

#: ../class/m_action.php:234
msgid "Error selecting  old actions"
msgstr "Fehler bei der Auswahl der alten Aktionen"

#: ../class/m_action.php:256
msgid "Error purging old actions"
msgstr "Fehler beim bereinigen alter Aktionen"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:62
msgid "This TLD is forbidden"
msgstr "Diese TLD -Top  Level Domain- ist verboten"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:63
msgid "primary DNS is checked in WHOIS db"
msgstr "Primärer DNS wurde in der WHOIS Datenbank geprüft"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:64
msgid "primary & secondary DNS are checked in WHOIS db"
msgstr "Primärer und Sekundärer DNS wurden in der WHOIS Datenbank geprüft"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:65
msgid "Domain must exist, but don't do any DNS check"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:66
msgid "Domain can be installed, no check at all"
msgstr "Domain kann Installiert werden, es gibt keine Prüfung"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:67
msgid "Domain can be installed, force NO DNS hosting"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:84
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:92
msgid "Manage AlternC accounts"
msgstr "Verwalten der AlternC Konten"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:97
msgid "User Quotas"
msgstr "User Einschränkungen"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:113 ../class/m_mysql.php:130
msgid "PhpMyAdmin"
msgstr "PhpMyAdmin"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:120
msgid "Switch debug Off"
msgstr "Schaltet DEBUG aus"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:120
msgid "Switch debug On"
msgstr "Schaltet DEBUG ein"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:127
msgid "Applying..."
msgstr "Durchführen"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:128
msgid "Domain changes are already applying"
msgstr "Domain Änderungen werden gerade durchgeführt"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:134
msgid "Apply changes"
msgstr "Änderungen Übernehmen"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:137
msgid ""
"Server configuration changes are applied every 5 minutes. Do you want to do "
"it right now?"
msgstr "Server Konfiguration wird automatisch alle 5 Minuten Übernommen. Möchten Sie das direkt ausführen?"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:197 ../class/m_admin.php:253 ../class/m_admin.php:327
#: ../class/m_admin.php:416 ../class/m_admin.php:462 ../class/m_admin.php:498
#: ../class/m_admin.php:580 ../class/m_admin.php:759 ../class/m_admin.php:802
#: ../class/m_admin.php:831 ../class/m_admin.php:866
msgid "-- Only administrators can access this page! --"
msgstr "-- Nur Administratoren haben Zugang zu dieser Seite! --"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:368
msgid ""
"Invalid pattern type provided. Are you even performing a legitimate action?"
msgstr "Ungültige Eingabe. Bist Du selbst Berechtigt für diese Aktion?"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:424
msgid "Subject, message and sender are mandatory"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:429
msgid "Sender is syntaxically incorrect"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_admin.php:521
msgid "-- Only administrators can do that! --"
msgstr "-- Nur Administratoren können das ausführen! --"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:527
msgid "You don't seem to be allowed to delegate this domain"
msgstr "Sie sind nicht berechtigt die Domain zu übertragen"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:584
msgid "Missing db_server field"
msgstr "Fehlendes db_server Feld"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:588 ../class/m_admin.php:593
msgid "All fields are mandatory"
msgstr "Alle Felder sind Pflichtfelder"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:598
msgid "Please enter a valid email address"
msgstr "Bitte eine gültige eMail-Adresse eingeben"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:604
msgid "Login can only contains characters a-z and 0-9"
msgstr "Der Login kann nur folgende Zeichen enthalten a-Z und 0-9"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:611
msgid "The login is too long (14 chars max)"
msgstr "Der Login ist zu lang (14 Zeichen max)"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:616
msgid "Login can only contains characters a-z, 0-9 and -"
msgstr "Der Login kann nur folgende Zeichen enthalten a-Z 0-9 und -"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:662
msgid "This login already exists"
msgstr "Dieser Login ist schon vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:685
#, php-format
msgid "query failed: %s "
msgstr "Abfrage Fehler: %s"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:712
#, php-format
msgid "New account %s from %s on %s"
msgstr "Neues Konto %s von %s auf %s"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:717
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot send email to %s"
msgstr "Kann keine eMail senden an %s"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:721
#, php-format
msgid "Query failed: %s"
msgstr "Abfrage Fehlgeschlagen: %s"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1032
msgid "This account is ALREADY an administrator account"
msgstr "Dieses Konto ist schon ein Administrator Konto"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1056
msgid "This account is NOT an administrator account!"
msgstr "Dieses Konto ist kein Administrator Konto"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1215
#, php-format
msgid "Domain '%s' not found."
msgstr "DOMAIN \"%s\" nicht gefunden."

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1235 ../class/m_admin.php:1271
#: ../class/m_admin.php:1329
msgid "This TLD does not exist"
msgstr "Diese TLD ist nicht vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1296
msgid "The TLD name is mandatory"
msgstr "Dieser TLD Name ist Pflicht"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1303
msgid "This TLD already exist"
msgstr "Diese TLD existiert bereits"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1451
msgid "Please enter a login"
msgstr "Bitte Eingabe der Logindaten"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1461
msgid "-- Program error -- The requested password policy does not exist!"
msgstr "La politique de mot de passe demandée n'a pas été trouvée, Ce password est refusé (c'est une erreur de programmation ...)"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1469
msgid "The password length is too short according to the password policy"
msgstr "Le mot de passe est trop court selon votre politique de mot de passe, merci de vérifier"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1474
msgid "The password is too long according to the password policy"
msgstr "Le mot de passe est trop long selon votre politique de mot de passe, merci de vérifier"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1484
msgid ""
"The password policy prevents you to use your login name inside your password"
msgstr "Le mot de passe ne peut pas être le même que le nom d'utilisateur (ou quelque chose de similaire) selon votre politique de mot de passe, merci de vérifier"

#: ../class/m_admin.php:1508
msgid ""
"Your password contains not enough different classes of character, between "
"low-case, up-case, figures and special characters."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_authip.php:369
msgid "Object not available"
msgstr "Objekt ist nicht vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_authip.php:378
#, php-format
msgid "Can't identified class for the protocole %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:73
msgid "1 column, detailed"
msgstr "1 Spalte, detailliert"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:73
msgid "2 columns, short"
msgstr "2 Spalten, kurz"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:73
msgid "3 columns, short"
msgstr "3 Spalten, kurz"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:74
msgid "tar.Z (Unix)"
msgstr "tar.Z (Unix)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:74
msgid "tar.bz2 (Linux)"
msgstr "tar.bz2 (Linux)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:74
msgid "tgz (Linux)"
msgstr "tgz (Linux)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:74
msgid "zip (Windows/Dos)"
msgstr "zip (Windows/Dos)"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:76
msgid "Edit the newly created file"
msgstr "Neu angelegte Liste editieren"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:76
msgid "Go back to the file manager"
msgstr "Zurück zum Dateimanager"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:205
msgid "This directory do not exist"
msgstr "Dieses Verzeichnis ist nicht vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:398 ../class/m_bro.php:1161
msgid "Cannot create the requested directory. Please check the permissions"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:404 ../class/m_bro.php:425 ../class/m_bro.php:453
#: ../class/m_bro.php:479 ../class/m_bro.php:513 ../class/m_bro.php:523
#: ../class/m_bro.php:553 ../class/m_bro.php:596 ../class/m_bro.php:657
#: ../class/m_bro.php:701 ../class/m_bro.php:706 ../class/m_bro.php:803
#: ../class/m_bro.php:970 ../class/m_bro.php:1000
msgid "File or folder name is incorrect"
msgstr "Datei oder Verzeichnis Name ist nicht richtig"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:430 ../class/m_bro.php:608
msgid "Cannot create the requested file. Please check the permissions"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:527 ../class/m_bro.php:710
msgid "You cannot move or copy a file to the same folder"
msgstr "Sie könne keine Datei in das selbe Verzeichnis kopieren"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:616
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the max file size allowed"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:625
msgid "Undefined error "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:628
msgid "Error during the upload of the file: "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:680
#, php-format
msgid ""
"I cannot find a way to extract the file %s, it is an unsupported compressed "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:799
msgid "Cannot read the requested file. Please check the permissions"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_bro.php:877
msgid "File not in authorized directory"
msgstr "Datei ist nicht in einem authorisiertem Verzeichnis"

#: ../class/m_bro.php:995
msgid "Cannot edit the requested file. Please check the permissions"
msgstr "Bearbeiten der gewählten Datei nicht möglich- Bitte prüfen Sie die Berechtgungen"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:40
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Täglich"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:41
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Stunde"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:42
msgid "Half Hour"
msgstr "halbe Stunde"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:125
msgid "URL not valid"
msgstr "URL ist nicht richtig"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:135
msgid "Email address is not valid"
msgstr "eMail-Adresse ist nicht zulässig"

#: ../class/m_cron.php:144
msgid "You quota of cron entries is over. You cannot create more cron entries"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_cron.php:153
msgid "Identity problem"
msgstr "Identifikation Problem"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:203
msgid "Err: failed to prepare the zone"
msgstr "Fehler: Kann keine Zone bereitstellen"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:225
msgid "Missing domain name"
msgstr "Domain Name nicht vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:526
msgid "The name MUST contain only letter and digits"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:546 ../class/m_dom.php:1326
msgid ""
"The parameters for this subdomain and domain type are invalid. Please check "
"for subdomain entries incompatibility"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:661 ../class/m_dom.php:1086 ../class/m_dom.php:1154
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1297 ../class/m_dom.php:1386 ../class/m_dom.php:1430
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1761
msgid "--- Program error --- No lock on the domains!"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:668 ../class/m_dom.php:1091 ../class/m_dom.php:1321
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1455
msgid "The domain name is syntaxically incorrect"
msgstr "Der DOMAIN Name ist nicht korrekt angegeben"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:674 ../class/m_dom.php:715 ../class/m_dom.php:1534
msgid ""
"The requested domain is forbidden in this server, please contact the "
msgstr "Die Angefragte DOMAIN ist auf diesem Server gesperrt, bitte den Administrator Kontaktieren."

#: ../class/m_dom.php:678
msgid ""
"This domain is the server's domain! You cannot host it on your account!"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:683 ../class/m_dom.php:688
msgid "The domain already exist"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:695 ../class/m_dom.php:1437
msgid ""
"The last member of the domain name is incorrect or cannot be hosted in that "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:699 ../class/m_dom.php:703
msgid "The domain cannot be found in the whois database"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:722
msgid "Your domain quota is over, you cannot create more domain names"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:729
msgid "An unexpected error occured when creating the domain"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:738 ../class/m_dom.php:1098
#, php-format
msgid "Domain '%s' not found"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:852
msgid "Could not delete default type"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1004
msgid "The Whois database is unavailable, please try again later"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1011 ../class/m_dom.php:1441
msgid "The domain cannot be found in the Whois database"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1159 ../class/m_dom.php:1390
msgid "The sub-domain does not exist"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1190
msgid "invalid url"
msgstr "Ungültige URL"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1200
msgid "The folder you entered is incorrect or does not exist"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1209 ../class/m_dom.php:1217
msgid "The ip address is invalid"
msgstr "Diese IP-Adresse ist nicht ungültig."

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1225
msgid "The name you entered is incorrect"
msgstr "Der Eingegebene Name ist nicht richtig."

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1233
msgid "The TXT value you entered is incorrect"
msgstr "Die TXT Einträge sind nicht richtig eingetragen."

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1238
msgid "Invalid domain type selected, please check"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1309
msgid ""
"There is some forbidden characters in the sub domain (only A-Z 0-9 and - are"
" allowed)"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1348 ../class/m_dom.php:1359
msgid "Cannot write to the destination folder"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1445
msgid ""
"The DNS of this domain do not match the server's DNS. Please change your "
"domain's DNS before you install it again"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1460
#, php-format
msgid "The domain name %s does not exist"
msgstr "Der Domain Name %s existiert nicht"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1466
msgid "No change has been requested..."
msgstr "Es wurden keine Änderungen angefragt..."

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1474 ../class/m_dom.php:1479
msgid ""
"There is no MX record pointing to this server, and you are asking us to host"
" the mail here. Make sure to update your MX entries or no mail will be "
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1527 ../class/m_dom.php:1551
msgid "The IP address you entered is incorrect"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1639 ../class/m_dom.php:1645 ../class/m_dom.php:1663
#: ../class/m_dom.php:1669
msgid "This domain is not installed in your account"
msgstr "Diese Domain ist nicht auf ihrem Konto Installiert"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1711
msgid "The specified slave account already exists"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:1742
msgid "--- Program error --- Lock already obtained!"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2082
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Problem on %s: there is more than 1 web configuration going to be generated "
"for this sub-domain."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2091
#, php-format
msgid "Problem on %s: we do not know domain's type <b>%s</b>."
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2102
msgid "Locally hosted"
msgstr "Lokal gehostet"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2103
msgid "URL redirection"
msgstr "URL Umleitung"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2104
msgid "IPv4 redirect"
msgstr "IPv4 Umleitung"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2105
msgid "Webmail access"
msgstr "WebMail Zugang"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2106
msgid "Squirrelmail Webmail access"
msgstr "Squirrelmail WebMAil Zugang"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2107
msgid "Roundcube Webmail access"
msgstr "Roundcube WebMail Zugang"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2108
msgid "IPv6 redirect"
msgstr "IPv6 Umleitung"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2109
msgid "CNAME DNS entry"
msgstr "CNAME DNS Eintrag"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2110
msgid "TXT DNS entry"
msgstr "TXT DNS Eintrag"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2111
msgid "MX DNS entry"
msgstr "MX DNS Eintrag"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2112
msgid "secondary MX DNS entry"
msgstr "Zweiter MX DNS Eintrag"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2113
msgid "Default mail server"
msgstr "Vorgegebener Mail Server"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2114
msgid "Default backup mail server"
msgstr "Vorgegebener Backup-Mail-Server"

#: ../class/m_dom.php:2115
msgid "AlternC panel access"
msgstr "AlternC Panel Zugang"

#: ../class/m_err.php:66 ../class/m_err.php:98
msgid "err_"
msgstr "err_"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:56 ../class/m_ftp.php:442
msgid "FTP accounts"
msgstr "FTP-Kontos"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:105
msgid "This account do not exist or is not of this account"
msgstr "Dieser Account ist nicht vorhanden oder noch nicht Eingerichtet"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:117
msgid "Error during update"
msgstr "Fehler während der Aktualisierung"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:151
msgid "No FTP account found"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:187 ../class/m_ftp.php:262 ../class/m_ftp.php:321
msgid "This FTP account does not exist"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:217
#, php-format
msgid "FTP login is incorrect: too many '%s'"
msgstr "FTP Login ist nicht Korrekt: zu viele '%s'"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:224
msgid "FTP login is incorrect"
msgstr "FTP Login ist nicht Korrekt"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:271 ../class/m_ftp.php:350
msgid "The chosen prefix is not allowed"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:281 ../class/m_ftp.php:359
msgid "This FTP account already exists"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:289 ../class/m_ftp.php:369
msgid "The directory cannot be created"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:346
msgid "Password can't be empty"
msgstr "Passwort kann nicht leer sein"

#: ../class/m_ftp.php:385
msgid "Your FTP account quota is over. You cannot create more ftp accounts"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_hta.php:60
msgid "Protected folders"
msgstr "Geschützte Verzeichnisse"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:81 ../class/m_hta.php:291 ../class/m_hta.php:332
#, php-format
msgid "The folder '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis '%s' existiert nicht"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:89 ../class/m_hta.php:94 ../class/m_hta.php:104
#: ../class/m_hta.php:253 ../class/m_hta.php:298 ../class/m_hta.php:347
msgid "File already exist"
msgstr "Datei ist schon vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:98
msgid "Restricted area"
msgstr "Eingeschränkter Bereich"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:126
msgid "No protected folder"
msgstr "Kein geschütztes Verzeichnis"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:208
#, php-format
msgid "I cannot delete the file '%s/.htaccess'"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_hta.php:212
#, php-format
msgid "I cannot delete the file '%s/.htpasswd'"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_hta.php:230
msgid "Please enter a user"
msgstr "Bitte einen Kunden eintragen"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:261
#, php-format
msgid "The user '%s' already exist for this folder"
msgstr "Der Benutzer '%s' existiert bereits zu diesem Verzeichnis"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:273
msgid "Please enter a valid username"
msgstr "Bitte einen geprüften Benutzernamen eingeben"

#: ../class/m_hta.php:402
msgid "An incompatible .htaccess file exists in this folder"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_log.php:59
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Logs"

#: ../class/m_lxc.php:134
msgid "VM already started"
msgstr "VM ist schon gestartet"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:96
msgid "Email Addresses"
msgstr "Email Adressen"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:217
msgid "Email account password"
msgstr "Passwort für das eMail-Konto"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:307
msgid "No email found for this query"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:366
msgid "You cannot create email addresses: your quota is over"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:372
msgid "This email address already exists"
msgstr "Diese eMail existiert bereits"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:378
msgid "An unexpected error occured when creating the email"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:432
msgid "This email is not yours, you can't change anything on it"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:495
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s does not exist, it can't be deleted"
msgstr "Diese eMail %s existiert nicht mehr, ein löschen ist nicht möglich"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:499
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s is already marked for deletion, it can't be deleted"
msgstr "Diese eMail %s wurde schon zum Löschen markiert, ein direktes löschen nicht möglich"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:508
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s has been marked for deletion"
msgstr "Diese eMail %s wurde zum Löschen markiert"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:514
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "Diese eMail %s wurde erfolgreich gelöscht"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:546
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s does not exist, it can't be undeleted"
msgstr "Diese eMail %s existiert nicht mehr. Es kann nicht mehr angezeigt werden."

#: ../class/m_mail.php:550
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s is special, it can't be undeleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:554
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Sorry, deletion of email %s is already in progress, or not marked for "
"deletion, it can't be undeleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:563
#, php-format
msgid "The email %s has been undeleted"
msgstr "Diese eMail %s wurde zurückgeholt"

#: ../class/m_mail.php:566
#, php-format
msgid "-- Program Error -- The email %s can't be undeleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:647
msgid ""
"There is forbidden characters in your email address. You can't make it a "
"POP/IMAP account, you can only use it as redirection to other emails"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:667
msgid ""
"You set a quota smaller than the current mailbox size. Since it's not "
"allowed, we set the quota to the current mailbox size"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:853
msgid "The slave MX account was not found"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mail.php:902
msgid "Problem: can't create default bounce mail"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mem.php:95 ../class/m_mem.php:101 ../class/m_mem.php:168
#: ../class/m_mem.php:299
msgid "User or password incorrect"
msgstr "Benutzer oder Passwort nicht richtig"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:105 ../class/m_mem.php:483
msgid "This account is locked, contact the administrator"
msgstr "Dieses Konto wurde gesperrt, Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:112 ../class/m_mem.php:271
msgid ""
"This website is currently under maintenance, login is currently disabled."
msgstr "Die Webseite ist derzeit im Wartungsmodus. Der Loginist abgeschaltet,"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:127
msgid "Your IP isn't allowed to connect"
msgstr "Ihre IP ist nicht erlaubt zum Verbinden"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:243
msgid "Missing password"
msgstr "Fehlendes Passwort"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:252
msgid "Identity lost or unknown, please login"
msgstr "Zugang verloren oder Unbekannt, bitte erneut einloggen."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:258 ../class/m_mem.php:347
msgid "Session unknown, contact the administrator"
msgstr "Session unbekannt, bitte Administrator Kntaktieren"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:264 ../class/m_mem.php:352
msgid "IP address incorrect, please contact the administrator"
msgstr "IP Adresse ist nicht richtig, bitte den Administrator Kontaktieren"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:341
msgid "Cookie incorrect, please accept the session cookie"
msgstr "Cookie nicht richtig, bitte erlauben Sie -Session-Cookies- im Browser"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:388
msgid "You are not allowed to change your password."
msgstr "Sie sind nicht berechtigt das Passwort zu ändern."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:392
msgid "The old password is incorrect"
msgstr "Das alte Passwort ist nicht richtig"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:396 ../class/m_mem.php:445
msgid "The new passwords are differents, please retry"
msgstr "Das neue Passwort stimmt nicht überein, bitte erneut eingeben"

#: ../class/m_mem.php:420
msgid "You must be a system administrator to do this."
msgstr "Sie müssen ein System-Administrator sein um diese Aktion durch zu führen."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:440
msgid "This account is locked, contact the administrator."
msgstr "Dieses Konto ist geschlossen, Kontaktiere den Administrator."

#: ../class/m_mem.php:448
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You requested the modification of your password for your\n"
"account %s on %s\n"
"Here are your username and password to access the panel :\n"
"Username : %s\n"
"Password : %s\n"
"Note : if you didn't requested that modification, it means that\n"
"someone did it instead of you. You can choose to ignore this message.\n"
"If it happens again, please contact your server's Administrator. \n"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mem.php:493
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Someone (maybe you) requested an email's address modification of the account\n"
"%s on %s\n"
"To confirm your request, go to this url :\n"
"(Warning : if this address is displayed on 2 lines, don't forgot to\n"
"take it on one line).\n"
"The panel will ask you the key given when the email address\n"
"modification was requested.\n"
"If you didn't asked for this modification, it means that someone\n"
"did it instead of you. You can choose to ignore this message. If it happens\n"
"again, please contact your server's administrator.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mem.php:534
msgid "The information you entered is incorrect."
msgstr "Die eingegebenen Informationen sind nicht richtig."

#: ../class/m_menu.php:113
msgid "Home / Information"
msgstr "HOME / Information"

#: ../class/m_menu.php:120
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Auslogen"

#: ../class/m_menu.php:127
msgid "Online help"
msgstr "Online Hilfe"

#: ../class/m_menu.php:135
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Sprachen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:49
msgid ""
"There are no databases in db_servers for this user. Please contact your "
msgstr "Es sind keine Datenbanken für den db_user vorhanden. Bitte den Administrator Kontaktieren."

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:110
msgid "MySQL"
msgstr "MySQL"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:119
msgid "Databases"
msgstr "Datenbanken"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:178
msgid "Cannot connect to PhpMyAdmin"
msgstr "Kann nicht PhpMyAdmin aufrufen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:219 ../class/m_mysql.php:384
#, php-format
msgid "Database %s not found"
msgstr "Datenbankbereich %s nicht gefunden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:245
msgid "Your databases quota is over. You cannot create more databases"
msgstr "Ihre mögliche Datenbank Anzahl ist erreicht. Sie können keine weitere Datenbank erstellen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:256
msgid "Database can't have empty suffix"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:261 ../class/m_mysql.php:379 ../class/m_mysql.php:461
msgid "Database name can contain only letters and numbers"
msgstr "Datenbank Name kann nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen bestehen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:267
msgid "Database name cannot exceed 64 characters"
msgstr "Datenabank Name kann nicht länger als 64 Zeichen sein"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:272
#, php-format
msgid "Database %s already exists"
msgstr "Datenbank %s ist schon vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:290
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the special PhpMyAdmin user. Contact the "
msgstr "Es gibt ein Problem mit dem speziellen PhpMyAdmin Benutzer. Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:309
msgid "An error occured. The database could not be created"
msgstr "Eine Fehler vorhanden. Die Datenbank konnte nicht erstellt werden."

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:327
msgid "The database was not found. I can't delete it"
msgstr "Die Datenbank ist nicht vorhanden. Kann somit nicht gelöscht werden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:366
msgid "User aren't allowed to configure their backups"
msgstr "Benutzer habe keine Berechtigung ihre Backups zu Konfigurieren"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:397
msgid "You have to choose how many backups you want to keep"
msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie wie viel Backup-Dateien behalten werden sollen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:401
msgid "Directory does not exist"
msgstr "Verzeichnis nicht vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:419 ../class/m_mysql.php:464
msgid "Database not found"
msgstr "Datenbank nicht gefunden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:426 ../class/m_mysql.php:713
msgid "The password is mandatory"
msgstr "Das Passwort ist eine Pflichteingabe"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:431
msgid "MySQL password cannot exceed 16 characters"
msgstr "MySQL Passwort kann nicht länger als 16 Zeichen sein"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:471
msgid "Databases rights are not correct"
msgstr "Datenbank Berechtigung ist nicht richtig"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:476
msgid "The username can contain only letters and numbers."
msgstr "Der Benutzername kann nur aus Buchstaben und Nummern bestehen"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:482
msgid "Database user not found"
msgstr "Datenbank Benutzer nicht gefunden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:497
msgid "Could not grant rights"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:515
msgid "No file specified"
msgstr "Keine Dateien ausgewählt"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:522 ../class/m_mysql.php:526
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "Datei nicht gefunden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:709
msgid "The username is mandatory"
msgstr "Der Benutzername ist Pflicht"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:717 ../class/m_mysql.php:795
msgid "The username can contain only letters and numbers"
msgstr "Der Benutzername kann nur Buchstaben oder Zahlen enthalten"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:724
msgid "MySQL username cannot exceed 16 characters"
msgstr "MySQL Benutzername kann nicht länger als 16 Zeichen sein"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:729
msgid "The database user already exists"
msgstr "Dieser Datenbank Benutzer existiert bereits"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:733 ../class/m_mysql.php:767
msgid "The passwords do not match"
msgstr "Das Passwort stimmt nicht überein"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:805
msgid "The username was not found"
msgstr "Der Benutzername wurde nicht gefunden"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:834
msgid "This user does not exist in the MySQL/User database"
msgstr "Dieser Kunde ist nich tin der MySQL/Kunden Datenbank"

#: ../class/m_mysql.php:1109
msgid "The directory could not be created"
msgstr "Dieses Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:40
msgid "Piwik statistics"
msgstr "PIWIK Statistiken"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:45
msgid "Piwik Users"
msgstr "PIWIK Benutzer"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:46
msgid "Piwik Sites"
msgstr "PIWIK Seiten"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:81
msgid "Statistics through Piwik accounts"
msgstr "Statistiken über die PIWIK Kontos"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:196 ../class/m_piwik.php:318
msgid "You are not allowed to delete the statistics of this website"
msgstr "Sie sind nicht berechtigt die Statistiken dieser Seite zu löschen"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:372
msgid "Unable to reach the API"
msgstr "Keine Verbindung über die API möglich"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:378
msgid "Error while decoding response from the API"
msgstr "Fehler bei der Ausgabe der API Rückmeldung"

#: ../class/m_piwik.php:384
msgid "Other format than JSON is not implemented yet"
msgstr "Anderes Format als JSON ist derzeit nicht im System vorhanden"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:65
msgid "Show my quotas"
msgstr "Anzeige der Einschränkungen"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:78
#, php-format
msgid "%s%% of %s"
msgstr "%s%% von %s"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:78 ../class/m_quota.php:106 ../class/m_quota.php:197
msgid "quota_"
msgstr "quota_"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:237
msgid "Error writing the quota entry!"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_quota.php:538
msgid "B"
msgstr "Byte"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:538
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GByte"

#: ../class/m_quota.php:538
msgid "KB"
msgstr "KByte"

#: ../class/m_variables.php:259
msgid "Err: Missing strata when creating var"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_variables.php:306
msgid "Empty array"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_variables.php:351
msgid "Empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/m_variables.php:377
msgid "None defined"
msgstr ""

#: ../class/mime.php:135
msgid "CSS Stylesheet"
msgstr "CSS Stylesheet"

#: ../class/mime.php:136
msgid "Comma Separated Values data"
msgstr "Durch Komma getrennte Einträge"

#: ../class/mime.php:137
msgid "DIA Diagram"
msgstr "DIA Diagram"

#: ../class/mime.php:138
msgid "Word Document"
msgstr "WORD Dokument"

#: ../class/mime.php:139
msgid "Word Document Template"
msgstr "WORD Dokument Maske"

#: ../class/mime.php:140
msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
msgstr "Eingebettetes PostScript"

#: ../class/mime.php:141
msgid "GIF Image"
msgstr "GIF Bild"

#: ../class/mime.php:142
msgid "Macintosh Executable"
msgstr "Macintosh Executable"

#: ../class/mime.php:143 ../class/mime.php:144
msgid "HTML Document"
msgstr "HTML Dokument"

#: ../class/mime.php:145 ../class/mime.php:146
msgid "JPEG Image"
msgstr "JPEG Bild"

#: ../class/mime.php:147
msgid "Music Playlist"
msgstr "Musik Playliste"

#: ../class/mime.php:148
msgid "MP3 Music File"
msgstr "MP3 Musik Datei"

#: ../class/mime.php:149
msgid "Ogg Music File"
msgstr "Ogg Musik Datei"

#: ../class/mime.php:150
msgid "Acrobat PDF"
msgstr "Acrobat PDF"

#: ../class/mime.php:151
msgid "PHP Source"
msgstr "PHP Source"

#: ../class/mime.php:152
msgid "PNG Image"
msgstr "PNG Bild"

#: ../class/mime.php:153 ../class/mime.php:154
msgid "Powerpoint Slideshow"
msgstr "Powerpoint Vorführung"

#: ../class/mime.php:155
msgid "Postscript Document"
msgstr "Postscript Dokument"

#: ../class/mime.php:156
msgid "Photoshop Image"
msgstr "Photoshop Bild"

#: ../class/mime.php:157
msgid "Rar Compressed Files"
msgstr "RAR Komprimierte Datei"

#: ../class/mime.php:158
msgid "Rich Text Document"
msgstr "Rich-Text Dokument"

#: ../class/mime.php:159
msgid "OpenOffice Spreadsheet"
msgstr "OpenOffice Tabellen-Arbeitsblatt"

#: ../class/mime.php:160
msgid "OpenOffice Drawing"
msgstr "OpenOffice Zeichnung"

#: ../class/mime.php:161
msgid "OpenOffice Presentation"
msgstr "OpenOffice Präsentation"

#: ../class/mime.php:162
msgid "OpenOffice Writer"
msgstr "OpenOffice Writer (WORD)"

#: ../class/mime.php:163 ../class/mime.php:164
msgid "TIFF Image"
msgstr "TIFF Bild"

#: ../class/mime.php:165
msgid "Text Document"
msgstr "Text Dokument"

#: ../class/mime.php:166 ../class/mime.php:167
msgid "Virtual Card"
msgstr "Virtual Card"

#: ../class/mime.php:168
msgid "Gimp Image"
msgstr "Gimp Bild"

#: ../class/mime.php:169
msgid "Excel Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Excel Arbeitsblatt"

#: ../class/mime.php:170
msgid "Zip Compressed Files"
msgstr "ZIP Komprimierte Datei"

#: ../class/mime.php:171
msgid "Flash Animation"
msgstr "Flash Animation"

#: ../class/mime.php:172 ../class/mime.php:173 ../class/mime.php:174
msgid "Real Media File"
msgstr "Real-Media Datei"