#!/bin/bash # dns.sh next-gen by Fufroma # Init some vars . /etc/alternc/local.sh . /usr/lib/alternc/functions.sh # Init some other vars ZONE_TEMPLATE="/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/zone.template" NAMED_TEMPLATE="/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/named.template" NAMED_CONF="/var/lib/alternc/bind/automatic.conf" RNDC="/usr/sbin/rndc" dns_zone_file() { echo "/var/lib/alternc/bind/zones/$1" } dns_is_locked() { local domain=$1 if [ ! -r "$(dns_zone_file $domain)" ] ; then return 1 fi grep "LOCKED:YES" "$(dns_zone_file $domain)" return $? } dns_get_serial() { local domain=$1 local serial=$(( $(grep "; serial" $(dns_zone_file $domain) 2>/dev/null|awk '{ print $1;}') + 1 )) local serial2=$(date +%Y%m%d00) if [ $serial -gt $serial2 ] ; then echo $serial else echo $serial2 fi } dns_get_zonettl() { local domain=$1 local zonettl=$( $MYSQL_DO "SELECT zonettl FROM domaines d WHERE d.domaine='$domain';" ) # default value if [ "$zonettl" == "" ] ; then zonettl="86400" fi if [ "$zonettl" -eq "0" ] ; then zonettl="86400" fi echo $zonettl } dns_chmod() { local domain=$1 chgrp bind $(dns_zone_file $domain) chmod 640 $(dns_zone_file $domain) return 0 } dns_named_conf() { local domain=$1 if [ ! -f "$(dns_zone_file $domain)" ] ; then echo Error : no file $(dns_zone_file $domain) return 1 fi # Add the entry grep -q "\"$domain\"" "$NAMED_CONF" if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then local tempo=$(cat "$NAMED_TEMPLATE") tempo=${tempo/@@DOMAINE@@/$domain} tempo=${tempo/@@ZONE_FILE@@/$(dns_zone_file $domain)} echo $tempo >> "$NAMED_CONF" # Kindly ask Bind to reload its configuration # (the zone file is already created and populated) $RNDC reconfig # Hook it ! run-parts --arg=dns_reconfig /usr/lib/alternc/reload.d fi } dns_delete() { local domain=$1 # Delete the zone file if [ -w "$(dns_zone_file $domain)" ] ; then rm -f "$(dns_zone_file $domain)" fi # Remove from the named conf local file=$(cat "$NAMED_CONF") echo -e "$file" |grep -v "\"$domain\"" > "$NAMED_CONF" # Remove the conf from openDKIM rm -rf "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain" grep -v "^$domain\$" /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts >/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts.alternc-tmp && mv /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts.alternc-tmp /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts grep -v "^alternc._domainkey.$domain " /etc/opendkim/KeyTable >/etc/opendkim/KeyTable.alternc-tmp && mv /etc/opendkim/KeyTable.alternc-tmp /etc/opendkim/KeyTable grep -v "^$domain alternc._domainkey.$domain\$" /etc/opendkim/SigningTable >/etc/opendkim/SigningTable.alternc-tmp && mv /etc/opendkim/SigningTable.alternc-tmp /etc/opendkim/SigningTable # Ask the dns server for restart $RNDC reconfig # Hook it ! run-parts --arg=dns_reconfig /usr/lib/alternc/reload.d } # DNS regenerate dns_regenerate() { local domain=$1 local manual_tag=";;; END ALTERNC AUTOGENERATE CONFIGURATION" local zone_file=$(dns_zone_file $domain) # Check if locked dns_is_locked "$domain" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "DNS $domain LOCKED" return 1 fi # Get the serial number if there is one local serial=$(dns_get_serial "$domain") # Get the zone ttl local zonettl=$(dns_get_zonettl "$domain") # Generate the headers with the template local file=$(cat "$ZONE_TEMPLATE") # Add the entry file=$( echo -e "$file" $MYSQL_DO "select distinct replace(replace(dt.entry,'%TARGET%',sd.valeur), '%SUB%', if(length(sd.sub)>0,sd.sub,'@')) as entry from sub_domaines sd,domaines_type dt where sd.type=dt.name and sd.domaine='$domain' and sd.enable in ('ENABLE', 'ENABLED') order by entry ;" ) ##### Mail autodetect for thunderbird / outlook - START # If $file contain DEFAULT_MX if [ ! -z "$(echo -e "$file" |egrep 'DEFAULT_MX' )" ] ; then # If $file ! contain autoconfig -> add entry if [ -z "$(echo -e "$file" |egrep '^autoconfig' )" ] ; then file="$(echo -e "$file" ; echo -e "autoconfig IN CNAME $FQDN.\n")" fi # if $file ! contain autodiscover -> add entry if [ -z "$(echo -e "$file" |egrep '^autodiscover' )" ] ; then file="$(echo -e "$file" ; echo -e "autodiscover IN CNAME $FQDN.\n")" fi fi # End if containt DEFAULT_MX ##### Mail autodetect for thunderbird / outlook - END ##### OpenDKIM signature management - START # If $file contain DEFAULT_MX if [ ! -z "$(echo -e "$file" |egrep 'DEFAULT_MX' )" ] ; then # If necessary, we generate the key: if [ ! -d "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain" ] ; then mkdir -p "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain" pushd "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain" >/dev/null opendkim-genkey -r -d "$domain" -s "alternc" chown opendkim:opendkim alternc.private popd grep -q "^$domain\$" /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts || echo "$domain" >>/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts grep -q "^alternc._domainkey.$domain " /etc/opendkim/KeyTable || echo "alternc._domainkey.$domain $domain:alternc:/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.private" >> /etc/opendkim/KeyTable grep -q "^$domain alternc._domainkey.$domain\$" /etc/opendkim/SigningTable || echo "$domain alternc._domainkey.$domain" >> /etc/opendkim/SigningTable fi # we add alternc._domainkey with the proper key if [ -r "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.txt" ] ; then file="$(echo -e "$file" ; cat "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/alternc.txt")" fi fi ##### OpenDKIM signature management - END # Replace the vars by their values # Here we can add dynamic value for the default MX file=$( echo -e "$file" | sed -e " s/%%fqdn%%/$FQDN/g; s/%%ns1%%/$NS1_HOSTNAME/g; s/%%ns2%%/$NS2_HOSTNAME/g; s/%%DEFAULT_MX%%/$DEFAULT_MX/g; s/%%DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX%%/$DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX/g; s/@@fqdn@@/$FQDN/g; s/@@ns1@@/$NS1_HOSTNAME/g; s/@@ns2@@/$NS2_HOSTNAME/g; s/@@DEFAULT_MX@@/$DEFAULT_MX/g; s/@@DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX@@/$DEFAULT_SECONDARY_MX/g; s/@@DOMAINE@@/$domain/g; s/@@SERIAL@@/$serial/g; s/@@PUBLIC_IP@@/$PUBLIC_IP/g; s/@@ZONETTL@@/$zonettl/g; " ) # Add the manually entered resource records (after the special tag ;;; END ALTERNC AUTOGENERATE CONFIGURATION) if [ -r "$zone_file" ] ; then file=$( echo -e "$file" grep -A 10000 "$manual_tag" "$zone_file" ) fi # Add the special tag at the end of the zone, if it is not here yet: if ! echo -e "$file" | grep -q "$manual_tag" then file=$(echo -e "$file"; echo "$manual_tag") fi # Init the file echo -e "$file" > "$zone_file" # And set his rights dns_chmod $domain # Add it to named conf dns_named_conf $domain # Hook it ! run-parts --arg=dns_reload_zone --arg="$domain" /usr/lib/alternc/reload.d # ask bind to reload the zone $RNDC reload $domain }