enabled) { $msg->raise('Error', "admin", _("This page is restricted to authorized staff")); echo $msg->msg_html_all(); exit(); } $fields = array ( "edit" => array ("request", "string", ""), "doedit" => array ("post", "string", ""), "minsize" => array ("post", "integer", "0"), "maxsize" => array ("post", "integer", "64"), "classcount" => array ("post", "integer", "0"), "allowlogin" => array ("post", "integer", "0"), ); getFields($fields); include_once("head.php"); ?>

listPasswordPolicies(); if (isset($doedit) && $doedit) { if (!$c[$doedit]) { $msg->raise('Error', "admin", _("Policy not found")); } else { // Change it ;) if ($admin->editPolicy($doedit,$minsize,$maxsize,$classcount,$allowlogin)) { $msg->raise('Ok', "admin", _("Policy changed")); unset($edit); $c=$admin->listPasswordPolicies(); } else { $msg->raise('Error', "admin", _("Cannot edit the policy, an error occurred")); } } } echo $msg->msg_html_all("
  • ", true, true); if (!empty($edit)) { if (!$c[$edit]) { $msg->raise('Error', "admin", _("Policy not found")); echo $msg->msg_html_all(); } else { ?>

    />  /> 

    " />   " onclick="document.location='adm_passpolicy.php'" />

    1. Low-case letters (a-z)
    2. Upper-case letters (A-Z)
    3. Figures (0-9)
    4. Ascii symbols (!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`)
    5. Non-Ascii symbols (accents...)"); ?>