# English AlternC Translation
# Copyright (c) 2002 the AlternC Development Team
# <tech@alternc.org>
# $Id: admin.po,v 1.4 2006/02/09 20:12:23 benjamin Exp $
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: $Id: admin.po,v 1.4 2006/02/09 20:12:23 benjamin Exp $\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2002-06-12 19:00CEST\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-06-16 13:50CEST\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Sonntag <benjamin@alternc.org>\n"
"Language-Team: English <i18n@alternc.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Emacs 21\n"

msgid "err_admin_1"
msgstr "-- Only administrators can access this page !! --"

msgid "err_admin_2"
msgstr "Account not found"

msgid "err_admin_3"
msgstr "This login already exists"

msgid "err_admin_4"
msgstr "-- I cannot create this account --"

msgid "err_admin_5"
msgstr "Please enter a valid email address"

msgid "err_admin_6"
msgstr "All fields are mandatory"

msgid "err_admin_7"
msgstr "You can ask for your password only once a day !"

msgid "err_admin_8"
msgstr "This account is ALREADY an administrator account"

msgid "err_admin_9"
msgstr "This account is NOT an administrator account !"

msgid "err_admin_10"
msgstr "Login can only contains characters a-z, 0-9 and -"

msgid "err_admin_11"
msgstr "This TLD does not exist"

msgid "err_admin_12"
msgstr "This TLD already exists"

msgid "err_admin_13"
msgstr "The login is too long (16 chars max)"

msgid "This page is restricted to authorized staff"
msgstr "This page is restricted to authorized staff"

msgid "New member"
msgstr "New member"

msgid "Initial password"
msgstr "Initial password"

msgid "Surname"
msgstr "Surname"

msgid "First Name"
msgstr "First Name"

msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Email address"

msgid "Create a new member"
msgstr "Create a new member"

msgid "The new member has been successfully created"
msgstr "The new member has been successfully created"

msgid "Click here to continue"
msgstr "Click here to continue"

msgid "Member '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "Member '%s' does not exist"

msgid "Member %s successfully deleted"
msgstr "Member %s successfully deleted"

msgid "Member Edition"
msgstr "Member Edition"

msgid "The member has been successfully edited"
msgstr "The member has been successfully edited"

msgid "Account Enabled ?"
msgstr "Account Enabled ?"

msgid "Edit this account"
msgstr "Edit this account"

msgid "Member list"
msgstr "Member list"

msgid "Here is the list of hosted members"
msgstr "Here is the list of hosted members"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edit"

msgid "Quotas"
msgstr "Quotas"

msgid "Connect as"
msgstr "Connect as"

msgid "Delete checked accounts"
msgstr "Delete checked accounts"

msgid "Editing the quotas of a member"
msgstr "Editing the quotas of a member"

msgid "The quotas has been successfully edited"
msgstr "The quotas has been successfully edited"

msgid "Quota"
msgstr "Quota"

msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"

msgid "Used"
msgstr "Used"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"

msgid "Edit the quotas"
msgstr "Edit the quotas"

msgid "Recalculate the quotas of the account"
msgstr "Recalculate the quotas of the account"

msgid "The user has no database"
msgstr "The user has no database"

msgid "Enable the database"
msgstr "Enable the database"

msgid "The user has a MySQL database"
msgstr "The user has a MySQL database"

msgid "Disable the database"
msgstr "Disable the database"

msgid "There is only one administrator account, you cannot turn this account back to normal"
msgstr "There is only one administrator account, you cannot turn this account back to normal"

msgid "This account is a super-admin account"
msgstr "This account is a super-admin account"

msgid "Turn this account back to normal"
msgstr "Turn this account back to normal"

msgid "Make this account a super admin one"
msgstr "Make this account a super admin one"

msgid "Disk space (in KB)"
msgstr "Disk space (in KB)"

msgid "Number of email accounts"
msgstr "Number of email accounts"

msgid "Number of mailing-lists"
msgstr "Number of mailing-lists"

msgid "Number of domains"
msgstr "Number of domains"

msgid "Number of FTP accounts"
msgstr "Number of FTP accounts"

msgid "Number of web statistics"
msgstr "Number of web statistics"

msgid "Some TLD cannot be deleted..."
msgstr "Some TLD cannot be deleted..."

msgid "The requested TLD has been deleted"
msgstr "The requested TLD has been deleted"

msgid "Manage allowed domains (TLD)"
msgstr "Manage allowed domains (TLD)"

msgid "Here is the list of the TLD allowed on this server. Each TLD can be allowed or denied after some checks (whois, ns, domain exists...)"
msgstr "Here is the list of the TLD allowed on this server. Each TLD can be allowed or denied after some checks (whois, ns, domain exists...)"

msgid "TLD"
msgstr "TLD"

msgid "Allowed Mode"
msgstr "Allowed Mode"

msgid "Delete the checked TLD"
msgstr "Delete the checked TLD"

msgid "Add a new TLD"
msgstr "Add a new TLD"

msgid "The TLD has been successfully added"
msgstr "The TLD has been successfully added"

msgid "Enter the new TLD (without the first dot) and choose what check should be done."
msgstr "Enter the new TLD (without the first dot) and choose what check should be done."

msgid "Warning : only some final tld are known in the whois function of AlternC, please check m_domains.php accordingly."
msgstr "Warning : only some final tld are known in the whois function of AlternC, please check m_domains.php accordingly."

msgid "Edit a TLD"
msgstr "Edit a TLD"

msgid "Edit this TLD"
msgstr "Edit this TLD"

msgid "The TLD has been successfully edited"
msgstr "The TLD has been successfully edited"

msgid "Change the default quotas"
msgstr "Change the default quotas"

msgid "This TLD is forbidden"
msgstr "This TLD is forbidden"

msgid "primary DNS is checked in WHOIS db"
msgstr "primary DNS is checked in WHOIS db"

msgid "primary & secondary DNS are checked in WHOIS db"
msgstr "primary & secondary DNS are checked in WHOIS db"

msgid "Domain must exist, but don't do any DNS check"
msgstr "Domain must exist, but don't do any DNS check"

msgid "Domain can be installed, no check at all"
msgstr "Domain can be installed, no check at all"

msgid "Domain can be installed, force NO DNS hosting"
msgstr "Domain can be installed, force NO DNS hosting"

msgid "Manage the members"
msgstr "Manage the members"

msgid "Admin Control Panel"
msgstr "Admin Control Panel"

msgid "General SQL Admin"
msgstr "General SQL Admin"

msgid "Default quotas successfully changed"
msgstr "Default quotas successfully changed"

msgid "Can he change its password"
msgstr "Can he change its password"

msgid "Account created by %s"
msgstr "Account created by %s"

msgid "Locked Account"
msgstr "Locked Account"