Source: alternc
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Benjamin Sonntag <>
Build-Depends-Indep: perl
		   , help2man
                   , findutils (>= 4.1.7)
                   , gettext (>= 0.10.40-5)
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
             , po-debconf
Standards-Version: 3.9.8

Package: alternc
Architecture: all
Pre-depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0
           , bash (>= 4)
           , acl
Depends: debianutils (>= 1.13.1)
       , apache2-mpm-itk | libapache2-mpm-itk
       , libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache2-mod-php7.0
       , php5-mysql | php7.0-mysql
       , php-curl | php5-curl | php7.0-curl
       , phpmyadmin
       , ssl-cert
       , libjs-prettify
       , libjs-jquery
       , libjs-jquery-tablesorter       
       , libjs-jquery-ui
       , libjs-jquery-ui-theme-redmond
       , postfix
       , proftpd-mod-mysql
       , proftpd-basic
       , bind9
       , wget
       , rsync
       , ca-certificates
       , locales
       , perl-suid | perl
       , postfix-mysql
       , wwwconfig-common
       , sasl2-bin
       , libsasl2-modules
       , php-cli
       , lockfile-progs (>= 0.1.9)
       , gettext (>= 0.10.40-5)
       , sudo
       , adduser
       , dnsutils
       , dovecot-core (>=1:2.1.7)
       , dovecot-imapd (>=1:2.1.7)
       , dovecot-pop3d (>=1:2.1.7)
       , dovecot-mysql
       , vlogger
       , mailutils | mailx
       , zip
       , incron
       , cron
       , opendkim
       , opendkim-tools
       , dovecot-sieve
       , dovecot-managesieved
       , default-mysql-client
       , php5-curl | php7.0-curl
       , quota
       , pwgen
       , ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: default-mysql-server
          , ntp
          , unzip
          , bzip2
	  , alternc-certificate-provider-letsencrypt
Conflicts: alternc-admintools
        , alternc-awstats (<< 1.0)
        , alternc-webalizer (<= 0.9.4)
        , alternc-mailman (<< 2.0)
        , courier-authlib
        , alternc-ssl
Provides: alternc-admintools
        , alternc-ssl
Replaces: alternc-admintools
        , alternc-ssl
Suggests: alternc-awstats
       , alternc-mailman
       , alternc-changepass
       , amavisd-new
       , clamav-daemon
       , spamassassin
       , pop-before-smtp
       , magpierss
       , ncompress
       , alternc-squirrelmail
       , alternc-roundcube
Description: Hosting software management suite for Debian
 AlternC is a mutualized hosting software manager for Linux.
 It allows you to manage your websites, domains, ftp, emails, aliases,
 web statistics, mailing-lists, jabber accounts, etc.
 AlternC is mainly a PHP based administration interface and some conf files
 for the software used by it. 
 More information at

Package: alternc-slave
Architecture: all
Pre-depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0, acl
Depends: debianutils (>= 1.13.1)
         , apache2-mpm-itk | libapache2-mpm-itk
         , libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache2-mod-php7.0
         , php5-mysql | php7.0-mysql
         , php-curl | php5-curl | php7.0-curl
         , phpmyadmin
         , ssl-cert
         , libjs-prettify
         , libjs-jquery
         , libjs-jquery-tablesorter       
         , libjs-jquery-ui
         , libjs-jquery-ui-theme-redmond
         , postfix
         , proftpd-mod-mysql
         , proftpd-basic
         , postfix-tls
         , bind9
         , wget
         , rsync
         , ca-certificates
         , locales
         , perl-suid
         , perl
         , postfix-mysql
         , wwwconfig-common
         , sasl2-bin
         , libsasl2-modules
         , php-cli
         , lockfile-progs (>= 0.1.9)
         , gettext (>= 0.10.40-5)
         , adduser
         , sudo
         , dovecot-core (>=1:2.1.7)
         , dovecot-imapd (>=1:2.1.7)
         , dovecot-pop3d (>=1:2.1.7)
         , dovecot-mysql
         , vlogger
         , mailutils | mailx
         , incron
         , cron
         , opendkim
         , opendkim-tools
         , dovecot-sieve
         , dovecot-managesieved
         , default-mysql-client
         , php5-curl
         , ${misc:Depends}
	  , alternc-certificate-provider-letsencrypt
Conflicts: alternc-admintools
         , alternc-awstats (<= 0.3.2)
         , alternc-webalizer (<= 0.9.4)
         , alternc
Provides: alternc
Replaces: alternc
Suggests: alternc-awstats
         , alternc-mailman
         , alternc-changepass
         , amavisd-new
         , clamav-daemon
         , spamassassin
         , pop-before-smtp
         , magpierss
         , zip
         , ncompress
         , bzip2
Description: Hosting software management suite for Debian
 AlternC is a mutualized hosting software manager for Linux.
 It allows you to manage your websites, domains, ftp, emails, aliases,
 web statistics, mailing-lists, jabber accounts, etc.
 AlternC is mainly a PHP based administration interface and some conf files
 for the software used by it. 
 This package is designed for frontend nodes in a load balancing setup, where
 the AlternC directory is not touched and managed over NFS.
 More information at

Package: alternc-squirrelmail
Architecture: all
Pre-depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0
Depends: debianutils (>= 1.13.1)
       , alternc (>= 3.0~rc1)
       , squirrelmail
       , squirrelmail-locales
       , avelsieve
       , ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: alternc (<= 1.0.3)
       , alternc-changepass
Provides: alternc-webmail
Description: Squirrelmail-Webmail plugin and configuration for AlternC
 AlternC is a mutualized hosting software manager for Linux.
 It allows you to manage your websites, domains, ftp, emails, aliases,
 web statistics, mailing-lists, jabber accounts, etc.
 This extension to AlternC is installing and configuring properly the
 Squirrelmail Webmail. It also configure Avelsieve to allow server-side
 filtering, the password changing through MySQL, and the automatic
 creation of proper profile with the right address and language.
 More information at

Package: alternc-roundcube
Architecture: all
Pre-depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0
Depends: debianutils (>= 1.13.1)
       , alternc (>= 3.0~rc1)
       , roundcube (>= 0.7.1)
       , roundcube-mysql (>= 0.7.1)
       , roundcube-plugins (>= 0.7.1)
       , imagemagick
       , ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: alternc (<< 1.1)
Provides: alternc-webmail
Description: Roundcube-Webmail plugin and configuration for AlternC
 AlternC is a mutualized hosting software manager for Linux.
 It allows you to manage your websites, domains, ftp, emails, aliases,
 web statistics, mailing-lists, jabber accounts, etc.
 This extension to AlternC is installing and configuring properly the
 Roundcube Webmail. It also configure sieve to allow server-side
 filtering, the password changing through MySQL, and the automatic
 creation of proper profile with the right address and language.
 More information at

Package: alternc-awstats
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Architecture: all
Pre-depends: debconf
Depends: alternc (>= 3.0~rc1)
       , awstats (>=6.1-1)
       , php-cli
       , ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: apachemerge
Description: Awstats statistics module for AlternC
 AlternC is a mutualized hosting software manager for Linux.
 It allows you to manage your websites,   domains, ftp, emails, aliases,
 web statistics, mailing-lists, jabber accounts, etc.
 This package is an optional module that adds awstats statistics
 to the virtual desktop.
 More information on

Package: alternc-api
Architecture: all
Pre-depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0
Depends: debianutils (>= 1.13.1)
       , alternc (>= 3.0)
       , ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: alternc (<< 3.0)
Description: Rest or get/post API for AlternC
 AlternC is a mutualized hosting software manager for Linux.
 It allows you to manage your websites, domains, ftp, emails, aliases,
 web statistics, mailing-lists, jabber accounts, etc.
 This extension to AlternC is installing and configuring properly the
 GET/POST/REST API. You can then use https://yourpanel/api/ as an endpoint
 to launch remotely any functions of the hosting control panel.
 More information at