
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 Original Author of file: Lerider Steven
 Purpose of file: Manage generic actions.
* This class manage actions to be performed on the file system on behalf of alternc Classes
* It primary use is to store the actions to be performed ( creating file or folder, deleting, setting permissions etc..) in the action sql table. 
* The script /usr/lib/alternc/do_actions.php handled by cron and incron is then used to perform those actions.
* Copyleft {@link http://alternc.org/ AlternC Team}
* @copyright    AlternC-Team 2013-8-13 http://alternc.org/
class m_action {
  /** Constructor
  function m_action() {

  * function to set the cration of a file 
  function do_action(){
    global $err, $L_INOTIFY_DO_ACTION;

  function create_file($file,$content="",$user="root") {
    return $this->set('create_file',$user, array('file'=>$file,'content'=>$content));

  * function to set the cration of a file 
  function create_dir($dir,$user="root") {
    return $this->set('create_dir',$user, array('dir'=>$dir));

  * function to set the perms upon user creation
  function fix_user($uid,$user="root") {
    return $this->set('fix_user',$user, array('uid'=>$uid));
  * function to set the cration of a file 
  function fix_dir($dir,$user="root") {
    return $this->set('fix_dir',$user, array('dir'=>$dir));

  * function to set the cration of a file 
  function fix_file($file,$user="root") {
    return $this->set('fix_file',$user, array('file'=>$file));

  * function to delete file / folder
  function del($dir,$user="root") {
    return $this->set('delete',$user, array('dir'=>$dir));

  * function returning the first not locked line of the action table 
  function move($src,$dst,$user="root") {
    return $this->set('move',$user, array('src'=>$src, 'dst'=>$dst));

  * function archiving a directory ( upon account deletion )
  * @param: $archive : directory to archive within the archive_del_data folder if set in variable sql table.
  * If archive_del_data is not set we delete the folder.
  * @param: $dir : sub_directory of the archive directory
  function archive($archive,$dir="html") {
    global $cuid,$db,$err;

    if(empty($arch)) {
      return true; 
    $db->query("select login from membres where uid=$cuid;");    
    if (!$db->Record["login"]) {
      $err->raise("action",_("Login corresponding to $cuid not found"));
      return false;

    //The path will look like /<archive_del_data>/YYYY-MM/<uid>-<login>/<folder>
    return true;

  *function inserting the action in the sql table 
  function set($type,$user,$parameters) {
    global $db,$err;
    case 'create_file':
      $query="insert into actions values ('','CREATE_FILE','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; 
    case 'create_dir':
      $query="insert into actions values ('','CREATE_DIR','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; 
    case 'move':
      $query="insert into actions values ('','MOVE','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; 
    case 'fix_user':
      $query="insert into actions values ('','FIX_USER','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; 
    case 'fix_file':
      $query="insert into actions values ('','FIX_FILE','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; 
    case 'fix_dir':
      $query="insert into actions values ('','FIX_DIR','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; 
    case 'delete':
      $query="insert into actions values ('','DELETE','$serialized',now(),'','','$user','');"; 
      return false;
      $err->raise("action",_("Error setting actions"));
      return false;
    return true;
  function get_old($all= null){
    global $err,$db;

    $purge="select * from actions where TO_DAYS(curdate()) - TO_DAYS(creation) > 2;";
      $err->raise("action",_("Error selecting  old actions"));
			return false;

  function purge($all=null){
    global $err,$db;
      $purge="delete from actions where TO_DAYS(curdate()) - TO_DAYS(creation) > 2 and status = 0;";
      $purge="delete from actions where TO_DAYS(curdate()) - TO_DAYS(creation) > 2;";
      $err->raise("action",_("Error purging old actions"));
			return false;

  * function returning the first not locked line of the action table 
  function get_action() {
    global $db,$err;

    $db->query('select * from actions where end =0 and begin = 0 order by id limit 1;');
    if ($db->next_record()){
      return $tab;
      return false;

  * function locking an entry while it is being executed by the action script
  function begin($id) {
    global $db,$err;
    if(!$db->query("update actions set begin=now() where id=$id ;")){
      $err->raise("action",_("Error locking the action : $id"));
      return false;
    return true;

  * function locking an entry while it is being executed by the action script
  function finish($id,$return=0) {
    global $db,$err;
    if(!$db->query("update actions set end=now(),status='$return' where id=$id ;")){
      $err->raise("action",_("Error unlocking the action : $id"));
      return false;
    return true;

  function reset_job($id) {
    global $db,$err;
    if(!$db->query("update actions set end=0,begin=0,status='' where id=$id ;")){
      $err->raise("action",_("Error unlocking the action : $id"));
      return false;
    return true;

  function get_job() {
    global $db,$err;
    $db->query("Select * from actions where begin !=0 and end = 0 ;");
    if ($db->next_record()){
      return $tab;
      return false;

  * function locking an entry while it is being executed by the action script
  function cancel($id) {
    global $db;
    $this->finish($id, 666);
    return true;

} /* Class action */
