/* This notice must be untouched at all times. wz_dragdrop.js v. 4.53 The latest version is available at http://www.walterzorn.com or http://www.devira.com or http://www.walterzorn.de Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved. Created 26. 8. 2002 by Walter Zorn (Web: http://www.walterzorn.com ) Last modified: 23. 4. 2004 This DHTML & Drag&Drop Library adds Drag&Drop functionality to the following types of html-elements: - images, even if not positioned via layers, nor via stylesheets or any other kind of "hard-coding" - relatively and absolutely positioned layers (DIV elements). Moreover, it provides extended DHTML abilities. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details. */ // PATH TO THE TRANSPARENT 1*1 PX IMAGE (required by NS 4 as spacer) var spacer = 'transparentpixel.gif'; //window.onerror = new Function('return true;'); // Optional commands passed to SET_DHTML() on the html-page (g: may be applied globally, i: individually) var CLONE = 'C10nE'; // i img clone image var COPY = 'C0pY'; // i img create copies var DETACH_CHILDREN = 'd37aCH'; // i lyr detach images var HORIZONTAL = 'H0r1Z'; // i img,lyr horizontally draggable only var MAXHEIGHT = 'm7x8I'; // i img,lyr maximum height limit, " var MAXOFFBOTTOM = 'm7xd0wN'; // i img,lyr downward offset limit var MAXOFFLEFT = 'm7x23Ft'; // i img,lyr leftward offset limit var MAXOFFRIGHT = 'm7x0Ff8'; // i img,lyr rightward offset limit var MAXOFFTOP = 'm7xu9'; // i img,lyr upward offset limit var MAXWIDTH = 'm7xW1'; // i img,lyr maximum width limit, use with resizable or scalable var MINWIDTH = 'm1nw1'; // i img,lyr minimum width limit, " var MINHEIGHT = 'm1n8I'; // i img,lyr minimum height limit, " var NO_ALT = 'no81T'; // gi img disable alt and title attributes var NO_DRAG = 'N0d4Ag'; // i img,lyr disable draggability var RESET_Z = 'r35E7z'; // gi img,lyr reset z-index when dropped var RESIZABLE = 'r5IZbl'; // gi img,lyr resizable if <ctrl> or <shift> pressed var SCALABLE = 'SCLbl'; // gi img,lyr scalable " var SCROLL = 'sC8lL'; // gi img,lyr enable auto scroll functionality var VERTICAL = 'V3Rt1C'; // i img,lyr vertically draggable only var dd_cursors = new Array( 'c:default', 'c:crosshair', 'c:e-resize', 'c:hand', 'c:help', 'c:move', 'c:n-resize', 'c:ne-resize', 'c:nw-resize', 'c:s-resize', 'c:se-resize', 'c:sw-resize', 'c:text', 'c:w-resize', 'c:wait' ); var dd_i = dd_cursors.length; while(dd_i--) eval('var CURSOR_' + (dd_cursors[dd_i].substring(2).toUpperCase().replace('-', '_')) + ' = "' + dd_cursors[dd_i] + '";'); function WZDD() { this.n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.db = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.toLowerCase() != "backcompat")? document.documentElement : (document.body || null); this.op = !!(window.opera && document.getElementById); this.op6 = !!(this.op && !(this.db && this.db.innerHTML)); if (this.op && !this.op6) document.onmousedown = new Function('e', 'if (((e = e || window.event).target || e.srcElement).tagName == "IMAGE") return false;' ); this.ie = !!(this.n.indexOf("msie") >= 0 && document.all && this.db && !this.op); this.iemac = !!(this.ie && this.n.indexOf("mac") >= 0); this.ie4 = !!(this.ie && !document.getElementById); this.n4 = !!(document.layers && typeof document.classes != "undefined"); this.n6 = !!(typeof window.getComputedStyle != "undefined" && typeof document.createRange != "undefined"); this.w3c = !!(!this.op && !this.ie && !this.n6 && document.getElementById); this.ce = !!(document.captureEvents && document.releaseEvents); this.px = (this.n4 || this.op6)? '' : 'px'; } var dd = new WZDD(); dd.Int = function(d_x, d_y) { return isNaN(d_y = parseInt(d_x))? 0 : d_y; }; dd.getWndW = function() { return dd.Int( (dd.db && !dd.op && dd.db.clientWidth)? dd.db.clientWidth : (window.innerWidth || 0) ); }; dd.getWndH = function() { return dd.Int( (dd.db && !dd.op && dd.db.clientHeight)? dd.db.clientHeight : (window.innerHeight || 0) ); }; dd.getScrollX = function() { return dd.Int(window.pageXOffset || (dd.db? dd.db.scrollLeft : 0)); }; dd.getScrollY = function() { return dd.Int(window.pageYOffset || (dd.db? dd.db.scrollTop : 0)); }; dd.getPageXY = function(d_o) { if (dd.n4 && d_o) { dd.x = d_o.pageX || 0; dd.y = d_o.pageY || 0; } else { dd.x = dd.y = 0; //global helper vars while (d_o) { dd.x += dd.Int(d_o.offsetLeft); dd.y += dd.Int(d_o.offsetTop); d_o = d_o.offsetParent || null; } } }; dd.getCssXY = function(d_o) { if (d_o.div) { if (dd.n4) { d_o.cssx = d_o.div.x; d_o.cssy = d_o.div.y; } else if (dd.ie4) { d_o.cssx = d_o.css.pixelLeft; d_o.cssy = d_o.css.pixelTop; } else { d_o.css.left = d_o.css.top = 0 + dd.px; dd.getPageXY(d_o.div); d_o.cssx = d_o.x - dd.x; d_o.cssy = d_o.y - dd.y; d_o.css.left = d_o.cssx + dd.px; d_o.css.top = d_o.cssy + dd.px; } } else { d_o.cssx = 0; d_o.cssy = 0; } }; dd.getImgW = function(d_o) { return d_o? dd.Int(d_o.width) : 0; }; dd.getImgH = function(d_o) { return d_o? dd.Int(d_o.height) : 0; }; dd.getDivW = function(d_o) { return dd.Int( dd.n4? (d_o.div? d_o.div.clip.width : 0) : d_o.div? (d_o.div.offsetWidth || d_o.css.pixelWidth || d_o.css.width || 0) : 0 ); }; dd.getDivH = function(d_o) { return dd.Int( dd.n4? (d_o.div? d_o.div.clip.height : 0) : d_o.div? (d_o.div.offsetHeight || d_o.css.pixelHeight || d_o.css.height || 0) : 0 ); }; dd.getWH = function(d_o) { d_o.w = dd.getDivW(d_o); d_o.h = dd.getDivH(d_o); if (d_o.css) { d_o.css.width = d_o.w + dd.px; d_o.css.height = d_o.h + dd.px; d_o.dw = dd.getDivW(d_o)-d_o.w; d_o.dh = dd.getDivH(d_o)-d_o.h; d_o.css.width = (d_o.w-d_o.dw) + dd.px; d_o.css.height = (d_o.h-d_o.dh) + dd.px; } else d_o.dw = d_o.dh = 0; }; dd.getCssProp = function(d_o, d_pn6, d_pstyle, d_pn4) { if (d_o && dd.n6) return ''+window.getComputedStyle(d_o, null).getPropertyValue(d_pn6); if (d_o && d_o.currentStyle) return ''+eval('d_o.currentStyle.'+d_pstyle); if (d_o && d_o.style) return ''+eval('d_o.style.'+d_pstyle); if (d_o && dd.n4) return ''+eval('d_o.'+d_pn4); return ''; }; dd.getDiv = function(d_x, d_d) { d_d = d_d || document; if (dd.n4) { if (d_d.layers[d_x]) return d_d.layers[d_x]; for (var d_i = d_d.layers.length; d_i--;) { var d_y = dd.getDiv(d_x, d_d.layers[d_i].document); if (d_y) return d_y; } } if (dd.ie) return d_d.all[d_x] || null; if (d_d.getElementById) return d_d.getElementById(d_x) || null; return null; }; dd.getImg = function(d_o, d_nm, d_xy, d_w) { d_w = d_w || window; var d_img; if ((d_img = d_w.document.images[d_nm]) && d_img.name == d_nm) { if (d_xy) { if (dd.n4) { dd.getPageXY(d_w); d_o.defx = d_img.x + dd.x; d_o.defy = d_img.y + dd.y; } else { dd.getPageXY(d_img); d_o.defx = dd.x; d_o.defy = dd.y; } } return d_img; } if (dd.n4) for (var d_i = d_w.document.layers.length; d_i--;) { var d_y = dd.getImg(d_o, d_nm, d_xy, d_w.document.layers[d_i]); if (d_y) return d_y; } return null; }; dd.getParent = function(d_o) { if (dd.n4) { for (var d_p, d_i = dd.elements.length; d_i--;) { if (!((d_p = dd.elements[d_i]).is_image) && d_p.div && (d_p.div.document.layers[d_o.name] || d_o.oimg && d_p.div.document.images[d_o.oimg.name])) d_p.addChild(d_o, d_p.detach, 1); } } else { var d_p = d_o.is_image? dd.getImg(d_o, d_o.oimg.name) : (d_o.div || null); while (d_p && !!(d_p = d_p.offsetParent || d_p.parentNode || null)) { if (d_p.ddObj) { d_p.ddObj.addChild(d_o, d_p.ddObj.detach, 1); break; } } } }; dd.getCmd = function(d_o, d_cmd, d_cmdStr) { var d_i = d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd), d_j, d_y = (d_i >= 0)*1; if (d_y) { d_j = d_i+d_cmd.length; if (d_cmdStr) d_o.cmd += d_o.id.substring(d_i, d_j); d_o.id = d_o.id.substring(0, d_i) + d_o.id.substring(d_j); } return d_y; }; dd.getCmdVal = function(d_o, d_cmd, d_cmdStr, int0) { var d_i = d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd), d_j, d_y = (d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd) >= 0)? dd.Int(d_o.id.substring(d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd)+d_cmd.length)) : int0? -1 : 0; if (!int0 && d_y || int0 && d_y >= 0) { d_j = d_i+d_cmd.length+d_y.toString().length; if (d_cmdStr) d_o.cmd += d_o.id.substring(d_i, d_j); d_o.id = d_o.id.substring(0, d_i) + d_o.id.substring(d_j); } return d_y; }; dd.addElt = function(d_o, d_p) { dd.elements[dd.elements.length] = dd.elements[d_o.name] = d_o; if (d_p) d_p.copies[d_p.copies.length] = d_p.copies[d_o.name] = d_o; }; dd.mkWzDom = function() { var d_i = dd.elements.length; while(d_i--) dd.getParent(dd.elements[d_i]); d_i = dd.elements.length; while(d_i--) d_o = dd.elements[d_i]; if (d_o.children && !d_o.parent) { var d_j = d_o.children.length; while(d_j--) d_o.children[d_j].setZ(d_o.z+d_o.children[d_j].z, 1); } }; dd.addProps = function(d_o) { var d_i, d_c; if (d_o.is_image) { d_o.div = dd.getDiv(d_o.id); if (d_o.div && typeof d_o.div.style != "undefined") d_o.css = d_o.div.style; d_o.nimg = (dd.n4 && d_o.div)? d_o.div.document.images[0] : (document.images[d_o.id+'NImG'] || null); if (!d_o.noalt && !dd.noalt && d_o.nimg && d_o.oimg) { d_o.nimg.alt = d_o.oimg.alt || ''; if (d_o.oimg.title) d_o.nimg.title = d_o.oimg.title; } d_o.bgColor = ''; } else { d_o.bgColor = dd.getCssProp(d_o.div, 'background-color','backgroundColor','bgColor').toLowerCase(); if (dd.n6 && d_o.div) { if ((d_c = d_o.bgColor).indexOf('rgb') >= 0) { d_c = d_c.substring(4, d_c.length-1).split(','); d_o.bgColor = '#'; for (var d_i = 0; d_i < d_c.length; d_i++) d_o.bgColor += parseInt(d_c[d_i]).toString(0x10); } else d_o.bgColor = d_c; } } if (dd.scalable) d_o.scalable = d_o.resizable^1; else if (dd.resizable) d_o.resizable = d_o.scalable^1; d_o.setZ(d_o.defz); d_o.cursor = d_o.cursor || dd.cursor || 'auto'; d_o._setCrs(d_o.nodrag? 'auto' : d_o.cursor); d_o.visible = true; }; dd.init = function() { if (!(dd && (dd.n4 || dd.n6 || dd.ie || dd.op || dd.w3c))) return; if (dd.op6) WINSZ(2); else if (dd.n6 || dd.ie || dd.op && !dd.op6 || dd.w3c) dd.recalc(1); var d_drag = (document.onmousemove == DRAG), d_resize = (document.onmousemove == RESIZE); if (dd.loadFunc) dd.loadFunc(); if (d_drag && document.onmousemove != DRAG) dd.setEvtHdl(1, DRAG); else if (d_resize && document.onmousemove != RESIZE) dd.setEvtHdl(1, RESIZE); if ((d_drag || d_resize) && document.onmouseup != DROP) dd.setEvtHdl(2, DROP); dd.setEvtHdl(0, PICK); }; dd.finlz = function() { if (dd.ie && dd.elements) { var d_i = dd.elements.length; while (d_i--) dd.elements[d_i].del(); } }; dd.setEvtHdl = function(d_typ, d_func) { if (!d_typ) { if (document.onmousedown != d_func) dd.downFunc = document.onmousedown || null; document.onmousedown = d_func; } else if (d_typ&1) { if (document.onmousemove != d_func) dd.moveFunc = document.onmousemove || null; document.onmousemove = d_func; } else { if (document.onmouseup != d_func) dd.upFunc = document.onmouseup || null; document.onmouseup = d_func; } if (dd.ce) { var d_e = (!d_typ)? Event.MOUSEDOWN : (d_typ&1)? Event.MOUSEMOVE : Event.MOUSEUP; d_func? document.captureEvents(d_e) : document.releaseEvents(d_e); } }; dd.evt = function(d_e) { this.but = (this.e = d_e || window.event).which || this.e.button || 0; this.button = (this.e.type == 'mousedown')? this.but : (dd.e && dd.e.button)? dd.e.button : 0; this.src = this.e.target || this.e.srcElement || null; this.src.tag = (this.src.tagName || this.src).toString().toLowerCase(); this.x = dd.Int(this.e.pageX || this.e.clientX || 0); this.y = dd.Int(this.e.pageY || this.e.clientY || 0); if (dd.ie) { this.x += dd.getScrollX() - (dd.ie && !dd.iemac)*1; this.y += dd.getScrollY() - (dd.ie && !dd.iemac)*1; } this.modifKey = this.e.modifiers? (this.e.modifiers&Event.SHIFT_MASK || this.e.modifiers&Event.CONTROL_MASK) : (this.e.shiftKey || this.e.ctrlKey || false); }; dd.recalc = function(d_x) { if (dd.elements) { var d_o, d_i = dd.elements.length; while(d_i--) { if (!(d_o = dd.elements[d_i]).is_image && d_o.div) { dd.getWH(d_o); if (d_o.div.pos_rel) { dd.getPageXY(d_o.div); var d_dx = dd.x - d_o.x, d_dy = dd.y - d_o.y; d_o.defx += d_dx; d_o.x += d_dx; d_o.defy += d_dy; d_o.y += d_dy; var d_p, d_j = d_o.children.length; while(d_j--) { if (!(d_p = d_o.children[d_j]).detached && (d_o != d_p.defparent || !(d_p.is_image && dd.getImg(d_p, d_p.oimg.name, 1)))) { d_p.defx += d_dx; d_p.defy += d_dy; d_p.moveBy(d_dx, d_dy); } } } } else if (d_o.is_image && !dd.op6 && !dd.n4) { if (dd.n6 && d_x && !d_o.defw) d_o.resizeTo(d_o.defw = dd.getImgW(d_o.oimg), d_o.defh = dd.getImgH(d_o.oimg)); var d_defx = d_o.defx, d_defy = d_o.defy; if (!(d_o.parent && d_o.parent != d_o.defparent) && (d_x || !d_o.detached || d_o.horizontal || d_o.vertical) && dd.getImg(d_o, d_o.oimg.name, 1)) d_o.moveBy(d_o.defx-d_defx, d_o.defy-d_defy); } } } }; function WINSZ(d_x) { if (d_x) { if (dd.n4 || dd.op6 && d_x&2) { dd.iW = innerWidth; dd.iH = innerHeight; if (dd.op6) setTimeout("WINSZ()", 0x1ff); } window.onresize = new Function('WINSZ();'); } else if ((dd.n4 || dd.op6) && (innerWidth != dd.iW || innerHeight != dd.iH)) location.reload(); else if (dd.op6) setTimeout("WINSZ()", 0x1ff); else if (!dd.n4) setTimeout('dd.recalc()', 0xa); } WINSZ(1); function DDObj(d_o, d_i) { this.id = d_o; this.cmd = ''; this.cpy_n = dd.getCmdVal(this, COPY); this.maxoffb = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFBOTTOM, 0, 1); this.maxoffl = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFLEFT, 0, 1); this.maxoffr = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFRIGHT, 0, 1); this.maxofft = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFTOP, 0, 1); var d_j = dd_cursors.length; while(d_j--) if (dd.getCmd(this, dd_cursors[d_j], 1)) this.cursor = dd_cursors[d_j].substring(2); this.clone = dd.getCmd(this, CLONE, 1); this.detach = dd.getCmd(this, DETACH_CHILDREN); this.scalable = dd.getCmd(this, SCALABLE, 1); this.horizontal = dd.getCmd(this, HORIZONTAL); this.noalt = dd.getCmd(this, NO_ALT, 1); this.nodrag = dd.getCmd(this, NO_DRAG); this.scroll = dd.getCmd(this, SCROLL, 1); this.resizable = dd.getCmd(this, RESIZABLE, 1); this.re_z = dd.getCmd(this, RESET_Z, 1); this.vertical = dd.getCmd(this, VERTICAL); this.maxw = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXWIDTH, 1, 1); this.minw = Math.abs(dd.getCmdVal(this, MINWIDTH, 1, 1)); this.maxh = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXHEIGHT, 1, 1); this.minh = Math.abs(dd.getCmdVal(this, MINHEIGHT, 1, 1)); this.name = this.id + (d_i || ''); this.oimg = dd.getImg(this, this.id, 1); this.is_image = !!this.oimg; this.copies = new Array(); this.children = new Array(); this.parent = this.original = null; if (this.oimg) { this.id += 'div' + (d_i || ''); this.w = dd.getImgW(this.oimg); this.h = dd.getImgH(this.oimg); this.dw = this.dh = 0; this.defz = dd.Int(dd.getCssProp(this.oimg, 'z-index','zIndex','zIndex')) || 1; this.defsrc = this.src = this.oimg.src; this.htm = '<img name="' + this.id + 'NImG"'+ ' src="' + this.oimg.src + '" '+ 'width="' + this.w + '" height="' + this.h + '">'; this.t_htm = '<div id="' + this.id + '" style="position:absolute;'+ 'left:' + (this.cssx = this.x = this.defx) + 'px;'+ 'top:' + (this.cssy = this.y = this.defy) + 'px;'+ 'width:' + this.w + 'px;'+ 'height:' + this.h + 'px;">'+ this.htm + '<\/div>'; } else { if (!!(this.div = dd.getDiv(this.id)) && typeof this.div.style != "undefined") this.css = this.div.style; dd.getWH(this); if (this.div) { this.div.ddObj = this; this.div.pos_rel = ((this.div.parentNode? this.div.parentNode.tagName : this.div.parentElement? this.div.parentElement.tagName : '').toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('body') < 0); } dd.getPageXY(this.div); this.defx = this.x = dd.x; this.defy = this.y = dd.y; dd.getCssXY(this); this.defz = dd.Int(dd.getCssProp(this.div, 'z-index','zIndex','zIndex')); } this.defw = this.w || 0; this.defh = this.h || 0; } DDObj.prototype.moveBy = function(d_x, d_y, d_kds, d_o) { if (!this.div) return; this.x += (d_x = dd.Int(d_x)); this.y += (d_y = dd.Int(d_y)); if (!d_kds || this.is_image || this.parent != this.defparent) { (d_o = this.css || this.div).left = (this.cssx += d_x) + dd.px; d_o.top = (this.cssy += d_y) + dd.px; } var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--) { if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.moveBy(d_x, d_y, 1); d_o.defx += d_x; d_o.defy += d_y; } }; DDObj.prototype.moveTo = function(d_x, d_y) { this.moveBy(dd.Int(d_x)-this.x, dd.Int(d_y)-this.y); }; DDObj.prototype.hide = function(d_o) { if (this.div) (this.css || this.div).visibility = "hidden"; this.visible = false; var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--) if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.hide(); }; DDObj.prototype.show = function() { if (this.div) (this.css || this.div).visibility = "visible"; this.visible = true; var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--) if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.show(); }; DDObj.prototype.resizeTo = function(d_w, d_h, d_o) { if (!this.div) return; d_w = (this.w = dd.Int(d_w))-this.dw; d_h = (this.h = dd.Int(d_h))-this.dh; if (dd.n4) { this.div.resizeTo(d_w, d_h); if (this.is_image) { this.write('<img src="' + this.src + '" width="' + d_w + '" height="' + d_h + '">'); (this.nimg = this.div.document.images[0]).src = this.src; } } else if (typeof this.css.pixelWidth != "undefined") { this.css.pixelWidth = d_w; this.css.pixelHeight = d_h; if (this.is_image) { (d_o = this.nimg.style).pixelWidth = d_w; d_o.pixelHeight = d_h; } } else { this.css.width = d_w + dd.px; this.css.height = d_h + dd.px; if (this.is_image) { (d_o = this.nimg).width = d_w; d_o.height = d_h; if (!d_o.complete) d_o.src = this.src; } } }; DDObj.prototype.resizeBy = function(d_dw, d_dh) { this.resizeTo(this.w+dd.Int(d_dw), this.h+dd.Int(d_dh)); }; DDObj.prototype.swapImage = function(d_x, d_cp) { if (!this.is_image || !this.nimg) return; this.nimg.src = d_x; this.src = this.nimg.src; if (d_cp) { var d_i = this.copies.length; while (d_i--) this.copies[d_i].src = this.copies[d_i].nimg.src = this.nimg.src; } }; DDObj.prototype.setBgColor = function(d_x, d_o) { if (dd.n4 && this.div) this.div.bgColor = d_x; else if (this.css) this.css.background = d_x; this.bgColor = d_x; }; DDObj.prototype.write = function(d_x, d_o) { if (!this.div) return; if (dd.n4) { (d_o = this.div.document).open(); d_o.write(d_x); d_o.close(); dd.getWH(this); } else if (!dd.op6) { this.css.height = 'auto'; this.div.innerHTML = d_x; if (!dd.ie4) dd.recalc(); if (dd.ie4 || dd.n6) setTimeout('dd.recalc();', 0); // n6.0: recalc twice } }; DDObj.prototype.copy = function(d_n, d_p) { if (!this.oimg) return; d_n = d_n || 1; while (d_n--) { var d_l = this.copies.length, d_o = new DDObj(this.name+this.cmd, d_l+1); if (dd.n4) { d_o.id = (d_p = new Layer(d_o.w)).name; d_p.clip.height = d_o.h; d_p.visibility = 'show'; (d_p = d_p.document).open(); d_p.write(d_o.htm); d_p.close(); } else if (dd.db.insertAdjacentHTML) dd.db.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin", d_o.t_htm); else if (document.createElement && dd.db && dd.db.appendChild) { dd.db.appendChild(d_p = document.createElement('div')); d_p.innerHTML = d_o.htm; d_p.id = d_o.id; d_p.style.position = 'absolute'; d_p.style.width = d_o.w + 'px'; d_p.style.height = d_o.h + 'px'; } else if (dd.db && dd.db.innerHTML) dd.db.innerHTML += d_o.t_htm; d_o.defz = this.defz+1+d_l; dd.addProps(d_o); d_o.original = this; dd.addElt(d_o, this); if (this.parent) { this.parent.addChild(d_o, this.detached); d_o.defparent = this.defparent; } d_o.moveTo(d_o.defx = this.defx, d_o.defy = this.defy); if (dd.n4) d_o.defsrc = d_o.src = this.defsrc; d_o.swapImage(this.src); } }; DDObj.prototype.addChild = function(d_kd, detach, defp) { if (typeof d_kd != "object") d_kd = dd.elements[d_kd]; if (d_kd.parent && d_kd.parent == this || d_kd == this || !d_kd.is_image && d_kd.defparent && !defp) return; this.children[this.children.length] = this.children[d_kd.name] = d_kd; d_kd.detached = detach || 0; if (defp) d_kd.defparent = this; else if (this == d_kd.defparent && d_kd.is_image) dd.getImg(this, d_kd.oimg.name, 1); if (!d_kd.defparent || this != d_kd.defparent) { d_kd.defx = d_kd.x; d_kd.defy = d_kd.y; } if (!detach) { d_kd.defz = d_kd.defz+this.defz-(d_kd.parent? d_kd.parent.defz : 0)+(!d_kd.is_image*1); d_kd.setZ(d_kd.z+this.z-(d_kd.parent? d_kd.parent.z : 0)+(!d_kd.is_image*1), 1); } if (d_kd.parent) d_kd.parent._removeChild(d_kd, 1); d_kd.parent = this; }; DDObj.prototype._removeChild = function(d_kd, d_newp) { if (typeof d_kd != "object") d_kd = this.children[d_kd]; var d_oc = this.children, d_nc = new Array(); for (var d_i = 0; d_i < d_oc.length; d_i++) if (d_oc[d_i] != d_kd) d_nc[d_nc.length] = d_oc[d_i]; this.children = d_nc; d_kd.parent = null; if (!d_newp) { d_kd.detached = d_kd.defp = 0; if (d_kd.is_image) dd.getImg(d_kd, d_kd.oimg.name, 1); } }; DDObj.prototype.attachChild = function(d_kd) { (d_kd = (typeof d_kd != "object")? this.children[d_kd]: d_kd).detached = 0; d_kd.setZ(d_kd.defz + this.z-this.defz, 1); }; DDObj.prototype.detachChild = function(d_kd) { (d_kd = (typeof d_kd != "object")? this.children[d_kd]: d_kd).detached = 1; }; DDObj.prototype.setZ = function(d_x, d_kds) { if (d_kds) { var d_dz = d_x-this.z, d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--) if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.setZ(d_o.z+d_dz, 1); } dd.z = Math.max(dd.z, this.z = this.div? ((this.css || this.div).zIndex = d_x) : 0); }; DDObj.prototype.maximizeZ = function() { this.setZ(dd.z+1, 1); }; DDObj.prototype._resetZ = function(d_o) { if (this.re_z || dd.re_z) { this.setZ(this.defz); var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--) if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.setZ(d_o.defz); } }; DDObj.prototype.setCursor = function(d_x) { this._setCrs(this.cursor = (d_x.indexOf('c:')+1)? d_x.substring(2) : d_x); }; DDObj.prototype._setCrs = function(d_x) { if (this.css) this.css.cursor = ((!dd.ie || dd.iemac) && d_x == 'hand')? 'pointer' : d_x; }; DDObj.prototype.setDraggable = function(d_x) { this.nodrag = !d_x*1; this._setCrs(d_x? this.cursor : 'auto'); }; DDObj.prototype.setResizable = function(d_x) { this.resizable = d_x*1; if (d_x) this.scalable = 0; }; DDObj.prototype.setScalable = function(d_x) { this.scalable = d_x*1; if (d_x) this.resizable = 0; }; DDObj.prototype.del = function(d_os, d_o) { if (this.parent && this.parent._removeChild) this.parent._removeChild(this); if (this.original) { this.hide(); if (this.original.copies) { d_os = new Array(); for (var d_i = 0; d_i < this.original.copies.length; d_i++) if ((d_o = this.original.copies[d_i]) != this) d_os[d_os.length] = d_os[d_o.name] = d_o; this.original.copies = d_os; } } else if (this.is_image) { this.hide(); if (dd.n4 && this.oimg) this.oimg.src = this.defsrc; else if (this.oimg && this.oimg.style) this.oimg.style.visibility = 'visible'; } else if (this.moveTo) { if (this.css) this.css.cursor = 'default'; this.moveTo(this.defx, this.defy); this.resizeTo(this.defw, this.defh); } d_os = new Array(); for (var d_i = 0; d_i < dd.elements.length; d_i++) { if ((d_o = dd.elements[d_i]) != this) d_os[d_os.length] = d_os[d_o.name] = d_o; else d_o._free(); } dd.elements = d_os; if (!dd.op6 && !dd.n4) dd.recalc(); }; DDObj.prototype._free = function() { for (var d_i in this) this[d_i] = null; dd.elements[this.name] = null; }; dd.n4RectVis = function(vis) { for (var d_i = 4; d_i--;) { dd.rectI[d_i].visibility = dd.rectA[d_i].visibility = vis? 'show' : 'hide'; if (vis) dd.rectI[d_i].zIndex = dd.rectA[d_i].zIndex = dd.z+2; } }; dd.n4RectPos = function(d_o, d_x, d_y, d_w, d_h) { d_o.x = d_x; d_o.y = d_y; d_o.clip.width = d_w; d_o.clip.height = d_h; }; // NN4: draw img resize rectangle dd.n4Rect = function(d_w, d_h) { if (!dd.rectI) { dd.rectI = new Array(); dd.rectA = new Array(); } if (!dd.rectI[0]) { for (var d_i = 4; d_i--;) { (dd.rectI[d_i] = new Layer(1)).bgColor = '#000000'; (dd.rectA[d_i] = new Layer(1)).bgColor = '#ffffff'; } } if (!dd.rectI[0].visibility || dd.rectI[0].visibility == 'hide') dd.n4RectVis(1); dd.obj.w = d_w; dd.obj.h = d_h; for (var d_i = 4; d_i--;) { dd.n4RectPos(dd.rectI[d_i], dd.obj.x + (!(d_i-1)? (dd.obj.w-1) : 0), dd.obj.y + (!(d_i-2)? (dd.obj.h-1) : 0), d_i&1 || dd.obj.w, !(d_i&1) || dd.obj.h); dd.n4RectPos(dd.rectA[d_i], !(d_i-1)? dd.rectI[1].x+1 : (dd.obj.x-1), !(d_i-2)? dd.rectI[2].y+1 : (dd.obj.y-1), d_i&1 || dd.obj.w+2, !(d_i&1) || dd.obj.h+2); } }; dd.reszTo = function(d_w, d_h) { if (dd.n4 && dd.obj.is_image) dd.n4Rect(d_w, d_h); else dd.obj.resizeTo(d_w, d_h); }; dd.embedVis = function(d_vis) { var d_o = new Array('iframe', 'applet', 'embed', 'object'); var d_i = d_o.length; while (d_i--) { var d_p = dd.ie? document.all.tags(d_o[d_i]) : document.getElementsByTagName? document.getElementsByTagName(d_o[d_i]) : null; if (d_p) { var d_j = d_p.length; while (d_j--) { var d_q = d_p[d_j]; while (d_q.offsetParent || d_q.parentNode) { if ((d_q = d_q.parentNode || d_q.offsetParent || null) == dd.obj.div) { d_p[d_j].style.visibility = d_vis; break; } } } } } }; dd.maxOffX = function(d_x, d_y) { return ( (dd.obj.maxoffl+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defx-dd.obj.maxoffl)-d_x > 0 || dd.obj.maxoffr+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defx+dd.obj.maxoffr)-d_x < 0)? d_y : d_x ); }; dd.maxOffY = function(d_x, d_y) { return ( (dd.obj.maxofft+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defy-dd.obj.maxofft)-d_x > 0 || dd.obj.maxoffb+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defy+dd.obj.maxoffb)-d_x < 0)? d_y : d_x ); }; dd.inWndW = function(d_x, d_y) { var d_wx = dd.getScrollX(), d_ww = dd.getWndW(); return ( ((d_y = d_wx+2)-d_x > 0) || ((d_y = d_wx+d_ww+dd.obj.w-2)-d_x < 0)? d_y : d_x ); }; dd.inWndH = function(d_x, d_y) { var d_wy = dd.getScrollY(), d_wh = dd.getWndH(); return ( ((d_y = d_wy+2)-d_x > 0) || ((d_y = d_wy+d_wh+dd.obj.h-2)-d_x < 0)? d_y : d_x ); }; // These two funcs limit the size of element when mouseresized. // Implemented 22.5.2003 by Gregor L�tolf <gregor@milou.ch>, modified by Walter Zorn dd.limW = function(d_w) { return ( (dd.obj.minw-d_w > 0)? dd.obj.minw : (dd.obj.maxw > 0 && dd.obj.maxw-d_w < 0)? dd.obj.maxw : d_w ); }; dd.limH = function(d_h) { return ( (dd.obj.minh-d_h > 0)? dd.obj.minh : (dd.obj.maxh > 0 && dd.obj.maxh-d_h < 0)? dd.obj.maxh : d_h ); }; // Optional autoscroll-page functionality. Courtesy Cedric Savarese. // Implemented by Walter Zorn function DDScroll() { if (!dd.obj || !dd.obj.scroll && !dd.scroll || dd.op || dd.ie4 || dd.whratio) { dd.scrx = dd.scry = 0; return; } var d_bnd = 0x1c, d_wx = dd.getScrollX(), d_wy = dd.getScrollY(); if (dd.msmoved) { var d_ww = dd.getWndW(), d_wh = dd.getWndH(), d_y; dd.scrx = ((d_y = dd.e.x-d_ww-d_wx+d_bnd) > 0)? (d_y>>=2)*d_y : ((d_y = d_wx+d_bnd-dd.e.x) > 0)? -(d_y>>=2)*d_y : 0; dd.scry = ((d_y = dd.e.y-d_wh-d_wy+d_bnd) > 0)? (d_y>>=2)*d_y : ((d_y = d_wy+d_bnd-dd.e.y) > 0)? -(d_y>>=2)*d_y : 0; } if (dd.scrx || dd.scry) { window.scrollTo( d_wx + (dd.scrx = dd.obj.is_resized? dd.limW(dd.obj.w+dd.scrx)-dd.obj.w : dd.obj.vertical? 0 : (dd.maxOffX(dd.obj.x+dd.scrx)-dd.obj.x)), d_wy + (dd.scry = dd.obj.is_resized? dd.limH(dd.obj.h+dd.scry)-dd.obj.h : dd.obj.horizontal? 0 : (dd.maxOffY(dd.obj.y+dd.scry)-dd.obj.y)) ); dd.obj.is_dragged? dd.obj.moveTo(dd.obj.x+dd.getScrollX()-d_wx, dd.obj.y+dd.getScrollY()-d_wy) : dd.reszTo(dd.obj.w+dd.getScrollX()-d_wx, dd.obj.h+dd.getScrollY()-d_wy); } dd.msmoved = 0; window.setTimeout('DDScroll()', 0x33); } function PICK(d_ev) { dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev); if (dd.e.x >= dd.getWndW()+dd.getScrollX() || dd.e.y >= dd.getWndH()+dd.getScrollY()) return true; // on scrollbar var d_o, d_cmp = -1, d_i = dd.elements.length; while (d_i--) { d_o = dd.elements[d_i]; if (dd.n4 && dd.e.but > 1 && dd.e.src == d_o.oimg && !d_o.clone) return false; if (d_o.visible && dd.e.but <= 1 && !d_o.nodrag && dd.e.x >= d_o.x && dd.e.x <= d_o.x+d_o.w && dd.e.y >= d_o.y && dd.e.y <= d_o.y+d_o.h) { if (d_o.z > d_cmp && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('input') < 0 && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('textarea') < 0 && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('select') < 0 && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('option') < 0) { d_cmp = d_o.z; dd.obj = d_o; } } } if (dd.obj) { dd.e.e.cancelBubble = true; var d_rsz = dd.e.modifKey && (dd.obj.resizable || dd.obj.scalable); if (dd.op && !dd.op6) { (d_o = document.getElementById('OpBlUr')).style.pixelLeft = dd.e.x; d_o.style.pixelTop = dd.e.y; (d_o = d_o.children[0].children[0]).focus(); d_o.blur(); } else if (dd.ie && !dd.ie4) { if (document.selection && document.selection.empty) document.selection.empty(); dd.db.onselectstart = function() { event.returnValue = false; }; } if (d_rsz) { dd.obj._setCrs('se-resize'); dd.obj.is_resized = 1; dd.whratio = dd.obj.scalable? dd.obj.defw/dd.obj.defh : 0; if (dd.ie) { if (dd.ie4) { window.dd_x = dd.getScrollX(); window.dd_y = dd.getScrollY(); } setTimeout( 'if (dd.obj && document.selection && document.selection.empty)'+ '{'+ 'document.selection.empty();'+ 'if (dd.ie4) window.scrollTo(window.dd_x, window.dd_y);'+ '}' ,0); } dd.setEvtHdl(1, RESIZE); dd.reszTo(dd.obj.w, dd.obj.h); } else if (!dd.obj.nodrag) { dd.obj.is_dragged = 1; dd.setEvtHdl(1, DRAG); } dd.setEvtHdl(2, DROP); dd.embedVis('hidden'); dd.obj.maximizeZ(); dd.ofx = dd.obj.x+dd.obj.w-dd.e.x; dd.ofy = dd.obj.y+dd.obj.h-dd.e.y; if (window.my_PickFunc) my_PickFunc(); DDScroll(); return !( dd.obj.is_resized || dd.n4 && dd.obj.is_image || dd.n6 || dd.w3c ); } if (dd.downFunc) return dd.downFunc(d_ev); return true; } function DRAG(d_ev) { if (!dd.obj || !dd.obj.visible) return true; if (dd.ie4 || dd.w3c || dd.n6 || dd.obj.children.length > 0xf) { if (dd.wait) return false; dd.wait = 1; setTimeout('dd.wait = 0;', 5); } dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev); if (dd.ie && !dd.e.but) { DROP(d_ev); return true; } dd.msmoved = 1; dd.obj.moveTo( dd.obj.vertical? dd.obj.x : dd.maxOffX(dd.inWndW(dd.ofx+dd.e.x)-dd.obj.w), dd.obj.horizontal? dd.obj.y : dd.maxOffY(dd.inWndH(dd.ofy+dd.e.y)-dd.obj.h) ); if (window.my_DragFunc) my_DragFunc(); return false; } function RESIZE(d_ev) { if (!dd.obj || !dd.obj.visible) return true; if (dd.wait) return false; dd.wait = 1; setTimeout('dd.wait = 0;', 5); dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev); if (dd.ie && !dd.e.but) { DROP(d_ev); return true; } dd.msmoved = 1; var d_w = dd.limW(dd.inWndW(dd.ofx+dd.e.x)-dd.obj.x); if (!dd.whratio) var d_h = dd.limH(dd.inWndH(dd.ofy+dd.e.y)-dd.obj.y); else { var d_h = dd.limH(dd.inWndH(Math.round(d_w/dd.whratio)+dd.obj.y)-dd.obj.y); d_w = Math.round(d_h*dd.whratio); } dd.reszTo(d_w, d_h); if (window.my_ResizeFunc) my_ResizeFunc(); return false; } function DROP(d_ev) { if (dd.obj) { if (dd.obj.is_dragged) { if (!dd.obj.is_image) dd.getWH(dd.obj); } else if (dd.n4) { if (dd.obj.is_image) { dd.n4RectVis(0); dd.obj.resizeTo(dd.obj.w, dd.obj.h); } } if (!dd.n4 && !dd.op6 || !dd.obj.is_image) dd.recalc(); dd.setEvtHdl(1, dd.moveFunc); dd.setEvtHdl(2, dd.upFunc); if (dd.db) dd.db.onselectstart = null; dd.obj._setCrs(dd.obj.cursor); dd.embedVis('visible'); dd.obj._resetZ(); if (window.my_DropFunc) { dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev); my_DropFunc(); } dd.msmoved = dd.obj.is_dragged = dd.obj.is_resized = dd.whratio = 0; dd.obj = null; } dd.setEvtHdl(0, PICK); } function SET_DHTML() { dd.elements = new Array(); var d_a = SET_DHTML.arguments, d_ai, d_htm = '', d_o, d_i = d_a.length; while (d_i--) { if (dd.op6) { var d_t0 = (new Date()).getTime(); while ((new Date()).getTime()-d_t0 < 0x99); } if (!(d_ai = d_a[d_i]).indexOf('c:')) dd.cursor = d_ai.substring(2); else if (d_ai == NO_ALT) dd.noalt = 1; else if (d_ai == SCROLL) dd.scroll = 1; else if (d_ai == RESET_Z) dd.re_z = 1; else if (d_ai == RESIZABLE) dd.resizable = 1; else if (d_ai == SCALABLE) dd.scalable = 1; else { d_o = new DDObj(d_ai); dd.addElt(d_o); d_htm += d_o.t_htm || ''; if (d_o.oimg && d_o.cpy_n) { var d_j = 0; while (d_j < d_o.cpy_n) { var d_p = new DDObj(d_o.name+d_o.cmd, ++d_j); dd.addElt(d_p, d_o); d_p.defz = d_o.defz+d_j; d_p.original = d_o; d_htm += d_p.t_htm; } } } } if (dd.n4 || dd.n6 || dd.ie || dd.op || dd.w3c) document.write( (dd.n4? '<div style="position:absolute;"><\/div>\n' : (dd.op && !dd.op6)? '<div id="OpBlUr" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;"><form><input type="text" style="width:0px;height:0px;"><\/form><\/div>' : '') + d_htm ); dd.z = 0x33; d_i = dd.elements.length; while (d_i--) { dd.addProps(d_o = dd.elements[d_i]); if (d_o.is_image && !d_o.original && !d_o.clone) dd.n4? d_o.oimg.src = spacer : d_o.oimg.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } dd.mkWzDom(); if (window.onload) dd.loadFunc = window.onload; window.onload = dd.init; window.onunload = dd.finlz; dd.setEvtHdl(0, PICK); } function ADD_DHTML(d_o) // layers only! { d_o = new DDObj(d_o); dd.addElt(d_o); dd.addProps(d_o); dd.mkWzDom(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If not needed, all code below this line may be removed // For backward compatibility dd.d = document; // < v. 2.72 var RESET_ZINDEX = RESET_Z; // < 3.44 var KEYDOWN_RESIZE = RESIZABLE; // < 4.43 var CURSOR_POINTER = CURSOR_HAND; // < 4.44 var NO_SCROLL = ''; // < v. 4.49 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS FOR EXTENDED SCRIPTING // Use these for your own extensions, // or to call functions defined elsewhere /* my_PickFunc IS AUTOMATICALLY CALLED WHEN AN ITEM STARTS TO BE DRAGGED. The following objects/properties are accessible from here: - dd.e: current mouse event - dd.e.property: access to a property of the current mouse event. Mostly requested properties: - dd.e.x: document-related x co-ordinate - dd.e.y: document-related y co-ord - dd.e.src: target of mouse event (not identical with the drag drop object itself). - dd.e.button: currently pressed mouse button. Left button: dd.e.button <= 1 - dd.obj: reference to currently dragged item. - dd.obj.property: access to any property of that item. - dd.obj.method(): for example dd.obj.resizeTo() or dd.obj.swapImage() . Mostly requested properties: - dd.obj.name: image name or layer ID passed to SET_DHTML(); - dd.obj.x and dd.obj.y: co-ordinates; - dd.obj.w and dd.obj.h: size; - dd.obj.is_dragged: 1 while item is dragged, else 0; - dd.obj.is_resized: 1 while item is resized, i.e. if <ctrl> or <shift> is pressed, else 0 For more properties and details, visit the API documentation at http://www.walterzorn.com/dragdrop/api_e.htm (english) or http://www.walterzorn.de/dragdrop/api.htm (german) */ function my_PickFunc() { } /* my_DragFunc IS CALLED WHILE AN ITEM IS DRAGGED See the description of my_PickFunc above for what's accessible from here. */ function my_DragFunc() { //window.status = 'dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.x = ' + dd.obj.x + ' dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.y = ' + dd.obj.y; } /* my_ResizeFunc IS CALLED WHILE AN ITEM IS RESIZED See the description of my_PickFunc above for what's accessible from here. */ function my_ResizeFunc() { //window.status = 'dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.w = ' + dd.obj.w + ' dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.h = ' + dd.obj.h; } /* THIS ONE IS CALLED ONCE AN ITEM IS DROPPED See the description of my_PickFunc for what's accessible from here. Here may be investigated, for example, what's the name (dd.obj.name) of the dropped item, and where (dd.obj.x, dd.obj.y) it has been dropped... */ function my_DropFunc() { }