
# Function to create/edit subdomain
# Take the values of the subdomain in arguments

function sub_domains_edit($domain, $sub_domain_id=false) {
  global $admin, $err, $oldid, $isedit;

$dom=new m_dom();
if (!$r=$dom->get_domain_all($domain)) {
if (! empty($sub)) {
   if (!$sd=$dom->get_sub_domain_all($domain,$sub,$type,$value)) {



<form action="dom_subdoedit.php" method="post" name="main" id="main">
   <?php csrf_get(); ?>
    <table border="0">
            <input type="hidden" name="domain" value="<?php ehe($domain) ?>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="sub_domain_id" value="<?php ehe($sub_domain_id); ?>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add" />
   if ($isedit) {
     __("Edit a subdomain:"); 
   } else {
     __("Create a subdomain:"); 
   <input type="text" class="int" name="sub" style="text-align:right" value="<?php ehe($sub); ?>" size="22" id="sub" /><span class="int" id="newsubname">.<?php ehe($domain); ?></span></td>
      foreach($dom->domains_type_lst() as $dt) { 
        // If this type is disabled AND it's not the type in use here, continue
        if ( $dt['enable'] == 'NONE' && strtoupper($type)!=strtoupper($dt['name'])) continue ;
        // If this type is only for ADMIN and i'm not an admin, continue (oldid is to check if we are an admin who take user identity)
        if (( $dt['enable'] == 'ADMIN') && (! $admin->enabled and ! intval($oldid))) continue;

        if ( (! $r['dns'] ) and ($dt['need_dns']) ) continue;

        if ($dt['advanced']) {
          if ($first_advanced) {
            echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"advdom\"></td></tr>";
            echo "<tr id='domtype_show' onClick=\"domtype_advanced_show();\"><td colspan='2'><a href=\"javascript:domtype_advanced_show();\"><b>+ "; __("Show advanced options"); echo "</b></a></td></tr>";
            echo "<tr id='domtype_hide' onClick=\"domtype_advanced_hide();\" style='display:none'><td colspan='2'><a href=\"javascript:domtype_advanced_hide();\"><b>- "; __("Hide advanced options"); echo "</b></a></td></tr>";
            echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"advdom\"></td></tr>";
    <tr id="tr_<?php echo $dt['name']; ?>">
        <input type="radio" id="r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" class="inc" name="type" value="<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" <?php cbox(strtoupper($type)==strtoupper($dt['name'])); ?> OnClick="getElementById('t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>').focus();"/>
        <label for="r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>"><?php __($dt['description']); ?></label>

        switch ($dt['target']) {
          case "DIRECTORY": ?>
            <input type="text" class="int" name="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" id="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" value="<?php ehe($targval); ?>" size="28" onKeyPress="getElementById('r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>').checked=true;" />
            <?php display_browser( $targval , "t_".$dt['name'] ); 
          case "URL": ?>
              <input type="text" class="int" name="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" id="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" value="<?php ehe( (empty($targval)?'http://':$targval) ); ?>" size="50" onKeyPress="getElementById('r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>').checked=true;" />
              <small><?php __("(enter an URL here)"); ?></small><?php
          case 'IP':?>
              <input type="text" class="int" name="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" id="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>"  value="<?php ehe($targval); ?>" size="16" onKeyPress="getElementById('r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>').checked=true;" />
            <small><?php __("(enter an IPv4 address, for example"); ?></small><?php
          case 'IPV6':?>
            <input type="text" class="int" name="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" id="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" value="<?php ehe($targval); ?>" size="32" onKeyPress="getElementById('r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>').checked=true;" /> 
            <small><?php __("(enter an IPv6 address, for example 2001:0910::0)"); ?></small><?php
          case 'TXT':?>
              <input type="text" class="int" name="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" id="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" value="<?php ehe($targval);?>" size="32" onKeyPress="getElementById('r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>').checked=true;" />
            <small><?php __("(enter a TXT content for this domain)"); ?></small><?php
          case 'DOMAIN':?>
              <input type="text" class="int" name="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" id="t_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>" value="<?php ehe($targval);?>" size="32" onKeyPress="getElementById('r_<?php ehe($dt['name']); ?>').checked=true;" /> 
            <small><?php __("(enter a domain name or subdomain)"); ?></small><?php
          case "NONE":
        } // switch ?>
    <?php } // foreach ?>

        <tr class="trbtn">
            <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" class="inb ok" name="add" onclick='return check_type_selected();' value="<?php
   if ($isedit) {
 __("Edit this subdomain");
} else {
 __("Add this subdomain");
?>" /></td>

<script type="text/javascript">

function check_type_selected() {
  if ( $('input[name=type]:radio:checked').val() ) {
    // there is a value
    var ll = $('input[name=type]:radio:checked').val();
    var tt = $('#t_'+ll);
    if ( tt.length == 0 ) {
      // this element do not exist, so OK
      return true;
    if ( tt.val() == '' ) {
      alert("<?php __("Missing value for this sub-domain"); ?>");
      return false;
    return true;
  alert("<?php __("Please select a type for this sub-domain"); ?>");
  return false;

function domtype_advanced_hide() { 
  <?php foreach ($lst_advanced as $adv) echo "$(\"#tr_$adv\").hide();\n"?>
function domtype_advanced_show() { 
  <?php foreach ($lst_advanced as $adv) echo "$(\"#tr_$adv\").show();\n"?>

<?php if (isset($type) && in_array($type, $lst_advanced) ) { // if it's an edit of an advanced option, we need to show the advanced options ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } // if advanced ?>

} // sub_domains_edit