array('post', 'string', $dom->type_local), ); getFields($fields); $fields = array(); foreach ($hooks->invoke('hook_dom_subdoedit_fields', array($type)) as $module => $extra_fields) { $fields = array_merge($fields, $extra_fields); } $dynamicvar="t_$type"; $httpsvar="https_$type"; $default_fields = array ( "domain" => array ("post", "string", ""), "sub" => array ("post", "string", ""), "sub_domain_id" => array ("post", "integer", 0), "$dynamicvar" => array ("post", "string", ""), "$httpsvar" => array ("post", "string", ""), ); $fields = array_merge($fields, $default_fields); getFields($fields); // here we get a dynamic-named value $value=$$dynamicvar; $https=$$httpsvar; // The dynamic value is now in $value $dom->lock(); $dt=$dom->domains_type_lst(); if ( (!isset($isinvited) || !$isinvited) && $dt[strtolower($type)]["enable"] != "ALL" ) { $msg->raise("ERROR", "dom", _("This page is restricted to authorized staff")); include("dom_edit.php"); exit(); } if (empty($sub_domain_id)) $sub_domain_id=null; $r=$dom->set_sub_domain($domain, $sub, $type, $value, $sub_domain_id, $https); $dom->unlock(); if (!$r) { if ($sub_domain_id!=0) { $noread=true; include("dom_subedit.php"); } else { // it was a creation, not an edit include("dom_edit.php"); } exit(); } else { $db->query('SELECT id from sub_domaines where domaine = ? ORDER BY id DESC;', array($domain)); $db->next_record(); $new_subdomain_id = $db->f('id'); $context = array(); foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { $context[$k] = $$k; } $context['sub_domain_id'] = $new_subdomain_id; $context['type'] = $type; $hooks->invoke('hook_dom_subdoedit_set', array($context)); $t = time(); // TODO: we assume the cron job is at every 5 minutes $noread=false; $msg->raise("INFO", "dom", _("The modifications will take effect at %s. Server time is %s."), array(date('H:i:s', ($t-($t%300)+300)), date('H:i:s', $t))); foreach($fields as $k=>$v) unset($$k); } include("dom_edit.php"); exit; ?>