log("upnp","get_forward_list"); $db->query("SELECT * FROM upnp"); $res=array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $res[]=$db->Record; } return $res; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** enable a upnp port in the upnp table * @param integer the id of the port to enable * @return boolean TRUE if the port has been properly forwarded * FALSE if an error occurred */ function enable_port($id) { global $db,$err; $id=intval($id); $err->log("upnp","enable_port($id)"); $db->query("SELECT enabled FROM upnp WHERE id=$id;"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("upnp",_("The required port is not currently defined")); return false; } if (!$db->f("enabled")) { $db->query("UPDATE upnp SET enabled=1 WHERE id=$id;"); $err->raise("upnp",_("The specified upnp port is now enabled")); return true; } $err->raise("upnp",_("The specified upnp port is already enabled")); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** disable a upnp port in the upnp table * @param integer the id of the port to disable * @return boolean TRUE if the port has been properly forwarded * FALSE if an error occurred */ function disable_port($id) { global $db,$err; $id=intval($id); $err->log("upnp","disable_port($id)"); $db->query("SELECT enabled,mandatory FROM upnp WHERE id=$id;"); if (!$db->next_record()) { $err->raise("upnp",_("The required port is not currently defined")); return false; } if ($db->f("mandatory")) { $err->raise("upnp",_("You can't disable that mandatory port forward")); return false; } if ($db->f("enabled")) { $db->query("UPDATE upnp SET enabled=0 WHERE id=$id;"); $err->raise("upnp",_("The specified upnp port is now disabled")); return true; } $err->raise("upnp",_("The specified upnp port is already disabled")); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** cron launched every minute to check the status of UPnP forwarding */ function cron() { global $hooks; // if we check anything less than 5 minutes ago, or if the upnp table is empty, let's make a check... $db->query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastcheck) AS lc, * FROM upnp ORDER BY lastcheck ASC;"); $forwards=array(); $bigcheck=false; if (!$db->next_record()) { $bigcheck=true; } else { if ($db->f("lc")+600Record["found"]=false; $forwards[]=$db->Record; } while ($db->next_record()); } if ($bigcheck) { // Do the check first by calling the hooks & comparing the arrays $res=$hooks->invoke("hooks_upnp_list"); foreach($res as $c=>$tmp) { foreach($tmp as $name=>$v) { // We compare the hook array with the forwards array $found=false; for($i=0;$iquery("INSERT INTO upnp SET mandatory='".addslashes($v["mandatory"])."', protocol='".addslashes($v["protocol"])."', port='".addslashes($v["port"])."', name='".addslashes($name)."', action='CREATE'"); $id=$db->last_id(); $forwards[]=array("id"=>$id, "mandatory" => intval($v["mandatory"]), "protocol" => $v["protocol"], "port" => intval($v["port"]), "name" => $name, "action" => "CREATE"); } } // for each port forward in that class } // for each hooked class // We search the "not found" and remove them from the array for($i=0;$iquery("UPDATE upnp SET action='DELETING' WHERE id=".$forwards[$i]["id"].";"); } } } // bigcheck ? } } /* Class UPnP */