#!/usr/bin/php -q query("select count(*) as c from sub_domaines where web_action != 'OK';"); if (! $db->next_record()) $nb_todo = 0; $nb_todo = $db->f('c'); // But, we may have forced it if ( ! in_array('force', $argv) && $nb_todo < 1) { die('0'); } $todo = $dom->generation_todo(); $parameters = $dom->generation_parameters(); // Generate apache conf $conf = $dom->generate_apacheconf(); if (! $conf) { die("Error: generate empty configuration\n"); } // Add some headers $conf2 = "###BEGIN OF ALTERNC AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY### # Generation: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ## LogFormat informations Include \"/etc/alternc/apache_logformat.conf\""; // Do we need to include manual configuration ? if ( is_dir( ALTERNC_VHOST_MANUALCONF ) ) { $conf2.="\n## Manual VHOST\nInclude ".ALTERNC_VHOST_MANUALCONF."\n" ; } else { $conf2.="\n## Manual VHOST directory missing (".ALTERNC_VHOST_MANUALCONF.")\n" ; } $conf2.="\n$conf\n\n###END OF ALTERNC AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY###\n"; // Write the conf ! if (! file_put_contents(ALTERNC_VHOST_FILE, $conf2) ) { die("Error: writing content\n"); } // Update the database to inform that we did the job foreach ( $todo as $taction=>$tlist){ foreach ($tlist as $ttype) { foreach($ttype as $tid) { $dom->subdomain_modif_are_done($tid, $taction); } } } // Hooks ! foreach (array('DELETE', 'CREATE', 'UPDATE', 'ENABLE', 'DISABLE') as $y) { if (!isset($todo[$y]) || empty($todo[$y])) continue; $dom->generate_conf_oldhook($y, $todo); // old hooks for compatibility $hooks->invoke("hook_genconf", array($y, $todo[$y], $parameters)); // modern hooks } echo $nb_todo;