enabled) { __("This page is restricted to authorized staff"); exit(); } $fields = array ( "uid" => array ("request", "integer", 0), ); getFields($fields); $subadmin=variable_get("subadmin_restriction"); if ($subadmin==0 && !$admin->checkcreator($uid)) { __("This page is restricted to authorized staff"); exit(); } if (!$r=$admin->get($uid)) { $error=$err->errstr(); } ?>
user["uid"]==2000 && $r["uid"]!=2000) { // Only ADMIN (2000) can change the admin status of accounts
if ($r["su"]) {
onesu()) {
__("There is only one administrator account, you cannot turn this account back to normal");
} else {
get($r["creator"])) { printf(_("Account created by %s"),$c["login"]); } ?>