Refait la presentation de l'aide à la conf mail.

This commit is contained in:
Alan Garcia 2012-10-15 13:03:03 +00:00
parent c823c37fde
commit f2585792c6
2 changed files with 108 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -40,11 +40,14 @@ if (isset($error) && $error) {
echo "<p class=\"error\">$error</p>";
if(!$list || empty($list['dir'])){
echo "<p class=\"error\">"._("You have no sql logs to list a the moment.")."</p>";
echo "<p class=\"error\">"._("You have no web logs to list a the moment.")."</p>";
<?php __("Here are web logs of your account.<br/>You can download them to do specific extract and statistics.");?>
<table class="tlist">
<tr><th><?php __("Name");?></th><th align=center><?php __("Creation Date"); ?></th><th><?php __("Size"); ?></th><th><?php __("Download link");?></th></tr>

View File

@ -71,7 +71,11 @@ if ($quota->cancreate("mail")) {
if (!empty($mails_list)) {
if (empty($mails_list)) {
echo "<p><i>";
__("No mails for this domain.");
echo "</i></p>";
} else {
<br />
<hr id="topbar"/>
@ -152,14 +156,104 @@ if (date("Y-m-d")==substr($val["lastlogin"],0,10)) echo substr($val["lastlogin"]
<p><input type="submit" class="inb" name="submit" value="<?php __("Delete the checked email addresses"); ?>" /></p>
<p><h5><?php __("Mail client configuration : "); ?></h5></p>
<p><?php __("The account name to use is the mail address you want to use."); ?></p>
<p><h5><?php __("Outgoing Mail"); ?></h5></p>
<p><?php __("The SMTP server is $L_DEFAULT_MX. The default port to use is 25. or 587 if the port 25 is blocked. ( Common ISP practice.)"); ?>
<br><?php __("The SMTP authentification parameters are the mail address you use and its associated password."); ?></p>
<p><h5><?php __("Incomming Mail"); ?></h5></p>
<p><?php __("The Incomming mail server is $L_DEFAULT_MX with port 110 if you want to use POP3 and 143 if you want to use the IMAP protocol."); ?>
<br><?php __("to use the more secure capabilities of the mail protocol, it is advised to activate TLS / SSL in your mail client. In which case the POP3s port is 995 and the IMAPs port is 993."); ?></p>
} } // end if no mail for this domain
include_once("foot.php"); ?>
<h3><?php __("Mails configuration informations");?></h3>
<?php __("Here are some configuration informations you'll need to configure your mail application.");?>
<li><b><?php __("Outgoing mail (SMTP)"); ?></b> :
<li><b><a href="javascript:;" onClick="$('#cfg-submission').toggle();"><?php __("Submission");?></a></b>
<ul id='cfg-submission'>
<li><b><?php __("Server name: ");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Username: ");?></b> <?php __("The mail address you want to access <i>(example : myuser@example.tld)</i>");?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Port: ");?></b> 587</li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication: ");?></b><?php __("Yes")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication method: ");?></b><?php __("Normal password")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Connection security:");?></b> STARTTLS</li>
<li><b><a href="javascript:;" onClick="$('#cfg-smtp').toggle();"><?php __("SMTP");?></a></b>
<ul id='cfg-smtp'>
<li><b><?php __("Server name: ");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Username: ");?></b> <?php __("The mail address you want to access <i>(example : myuser@example.tld)</i>");?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Port: ");?></b> 25</li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication: ");?></b><?php __("FIXME")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication method: ");?></b><?php __("FIXME")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Connection security:");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><a href="javascript:;" onClick="$('#cfg-smtps').toggle();"><?php __("SMTPS");?></a></b>
<ul id='cfg-smtps'>
<li><b><?php __("Server name: ");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Username: ");?></b> <?php __("The mail address you want to access <i>(example : myuser@example.tld)</i>");?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Port: ");?></b> 465</li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication: ");?></b><?php __("FIXME")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication method: ");?></b><?php __("FIXME")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Connection security:");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Incoming mails"); ?></b> :
<li><b><a href="javascript:;" onClick="$('#cfg-imap').toggle();"><?php __("IMAP");?></a></b>
<ul id='cfg-imap'>
<li><b><?php __("Server name: ");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Port: ");?></b> 143</li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication: ");?></b><?php __("Yes")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication method: ");?></b><?php __("Normal password")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Connection security:");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><a href="javascript:;" onClick="$('#cfg-imaps').toggle();"><?php __("IMAPS");?></a></b>
<ul id='cfg-imaps'>
<li><b><?php __("Server name: ");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Port: ");?></b> 993</li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication: ");?></b><?php __("Yes")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication method: ")?></b><?php __("Normal password")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Connection security:");?></b> STARTTLS</li>
<li><b><a href="javascript:;" onClick="$('#cfg-pop3').toggle();"><?php __("POP3");?></a></b>
<ul id='cfg-pop3'>
<li><b><?php __("Server name: ");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Port: ");?></b> 110</li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication: ");?></b><?php __("Yes")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication method: ");?></b><?php __("Normal password")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Connection security:");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><a href="javascript:;" onClick="$('#cfg-pop3s').toggle();"><?php __("POP3S");?></a></b>
<ul id='cfg-pop3s'>
<li><b><?php __("Server name: ");?></b> FIXME</li>
<li><b><?php __("Port: ");?></b> 995</li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication: ");?></b><?php __("Yes")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Authentication method: ");?></b><?php __("Normal password")?></li>
<li><b><?php __("Connection security:");?></b> FIXME</li>
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php include_once("foot.php"); ?>