Merge pull request #307 from Koumbit/102-password_recovery

Issue #102: Add password reset via one-time login link
This commit is contained in:
Km 2023-08-30 12:15:45 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit c80814c4eb
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 368 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ if ( empty($logo) || ! $logo ) {
<div class="block_login_page">
<a href="request_reset.php"><?php echo _('Request new password'); ?></a>
<br />
<?php __("You must accept the session cookie to log-in"); ?>
<br />
<?php echo _("If you want to use a different language, choose it in the list below"); ?>

View File

@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ echo "<p>";
<input type="password" style="display: none" id="fakePassword" name="fakePassword" value="" />
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tedit" >
<tr><th><?php __("Old password"); ?></th><td><input type="password" class="int" name="oldpass" value="<?php isset($oldpass) ? : $oldpass=""; ehe($oldpass); ?>" size="20" maxlength="128" /></td></tr>
<?php if ($mem->requires_old_password_for_change()): ?>
<tr><th><?php __("Old password"); ?></th><td><input type="password" class="int" name="oldpass" value="<?php isset($oldpass) ? : $oldpass=""; ehe($oldpass); ?>" size="20" maxlength="128" /></td></tr>
<?php endif; ?>
<tr><th><?php __("New password"); ?> (1)</th><td><input type="password" class="int" autocomplete="off" id="newpass" name="newpass" value="<?php isset($newpass) ? : $newpass=""; ehe($newpass); ?>" size="20" maxlength="60" /><?php display_div_generate_password(DEFAULT_PASS_SIZE,"#newpass","#newpass2",$passwd_classcount); ?></td></tr>
<tr><th><?php __("New password"); ?> (2)</th><td><input type="password" class="int" autocomplete="off" id="newpass2" name="newpass2" value="<?php isset($newpass2) ? : $newpass2=""; ehe($newpass2);?>" size="20" maxlength="61" /></td></tr>
<tr class="trbtn"><td colspan="3"><input type="submit" class="inb ok" name="submit" value="<?php __("Change my password"); ?>" /></td></tr>
@ -134,8 +136,13 @@ if ($mem->user["su"]) {
</div> <!-- tabsmem -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {$( "#tabsmem" ).tabs();});
if (document.forms['main'].getElementsByClassName("oldpass").length > 0) {
else {
$(function() {$( "#tabsmem" ).tabs();});
<?php include_once("foot.php"); ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
$request = FALSE;
$valid_request = TRUE;
if (isset($_REQUEST['name_or_email'])) {
$request = TRUE;
// Inserted into the global namespace by config.php
$valid_request = !$fatalcsrf;
if ($fatalcsrf) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', _('Failed to validate CSRF token'));
// Show the form if nothing was submitted, or if what was submitted is not
// a valid request (eg. doesn't pass CSRF).
$show_form = !$request || ($request && !$valid_request);
if ($request && $valid_request) {
if (!isset($charset) || ! $charset) {
@header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset");
<body class="login_page">
<div id="global">
<div id="content">
// Getting logo. C.f. admin/index.php
$logo = variable_get('logo_login', '' ,'You can specify a logo for the login page, example /images/my_logo.png .', array('desc'=>'URL','type'=>'string'));
if ( empty($logo) || ! $logo ) {
$logo = 'images/logo.png';
<p id='logo'> <img src="<?php echo $logo; ?>" border="0" height="100px" alt="<?php __("Web Hosting Control Panel"); ?>" title="<?php __("Web Hosting Control Panel"); ?>" />
<?php echo $msg->msg_html_all(); ?>
<div class="block_list">
<?php if ($show_form): ?>
<div class="block_login_page">
<div class="menu-box">
<div class="menu-title"><?php echo _('Password reset'); ?></div>
<form action="request_reset.php" method="post" name="passwordreset">
<?php csrf_get(); ?>
<label for="name_or_email"><?php echo _('Username or e-mail'); ?></label>
<input type="text" class="int" name="name_or_email">
<div class="submit"><input type="submit" class="inb" name="submit"></div>
<div class="block_list">
<p><?php echo _('An e-mail with instructions will be sent'); ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
<div><p><a href="index.php"><?php __('Return to login page'); ?></a></p></div>
<?php endif; ?>

bureau/admin/reset.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
if (isset($_GET['uid']) && isset($_GET['token']) && isset($_GET['timestamp'])) {
// We may have received a one-time use link.
$logged_in = $mem->temporary_login($_GET['uid'], $_GET['timestamp'],
if ($logged_in) {
$msg->raise('INFO', 'admin/reset', _('Please change your password'));
header("Location: /mem_param.php");
header("Location: /index.php");

View File

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ class m_mem {
var $local;
* Password kind used in this class (hook for admin class)
@ -401,10 +400,14 @@ class m_mem {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "mem", _("You are not allowed to change your password."));
return false;
if (!password_verify($oldpass, $this->user['pass'])) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "mem", _("The old password is incorrect"));
return false;
if ($this->requires_old_password_for_change()) {
if (!password_verify($oldpass, $this->user['pass'])) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "mem", _("The old password is incorrect"));
return false;
if ($newpass != $newpass2) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "mem", _("The new passwords are differents, please retry"));
return false;
@ -418,11 +421,12 @@ class m_mem {
$newpass = password_hash($newpass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
$db->query("UPDATE membres SET pass= ? WHERE uid= ?;", array($newpass, $cuid));
setcookie('require_old_password', '', 1);
return true;
* Change the administrator preferences of an admin account
* @param integer $admlist visualisation mode of the account list (0=large 1=short)
* @return boolean TRUE if the preferences has been changed, FALSE if not.
@ -678,4 +682,264 @@ Cordially.
return true;
* Sends a password-reset URL.
public function send_reset_url($email_or_login) {
global $msg, $L_FQDN, $L_HOSTING, $db;
// Look up user by email_or_login.
$db->query("SELECT * FROM membres WHERE login = ? OR mail = ? ;", array($email_or_login, $email_or_login));
$msg->log('mem', 'send_reset_url', 'Password reset requested for: ' . $email_or_login);
// Give user feedback, even if we don't have an account stored.
$msg->raise('INFO', 'mem', _('An e-mail with information on how to connect has been sent to the owner of the account if one exists'));
// It is possible here that a user could have multiple accounts for a
// single e-mail since 'mail' is not a uniqe key in the membres table.
// For the moment we'll just take the first account.
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$msg->log('mem', 'send_reset_url', 'No member found with login or mail ' . $email_or_login);
return FALSE;
if ($db->num_rows()) {
// Get a reset URL for the current timestamp.
$url = $this->generate_reset_url($db->f('uid'));
$mail = $db->f('mail');
if (!$url || !$mail) {
return FALSE;
$duration = variable_get('password_reset_expiration', 86400, 'The number of seconds for which a password reset link is valid');
$duration_hours = ($duration / 3600.0) . ' ' . _('hours');
$message = sprintf(_('
someone requested a password reset for your account at %s (%s).
You may connect to your account and change your account by clicking on the following URL or copying it into your browser :
This link may only be used once. You should change your password in your account settings once connected. This link will only be valid for %s, and no changes will be made if it is not used.
'), $L_HOSTING, $L_FQDN, $url, $duration_hours);
mail($mail, "Password reset request on {$L_HOSTING}", $message, "From: postmaster@{$L_FQDN}\nReply-to: postmaster@{$L_FQDN}");
$msg->log('mem', 'send_reset_url', "Password reset e-mail sent for account {$uid} at {$mail}");
* Generate a reset URL for an account given it's e-mail or login.
* @param $email_or_login
* A string with the email or login.
* @returns string|boolean
* A reset URL or FALSE in case of error.
function generate_reset_url($uid) {
global $db;
$db->query("SELECT * FROM membres WHERE uid = ? ;", array($uid));
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
return FALSE;
if ($db->num_rows()) {
// Get a reset URL for the current timestamp.
return $this->_get_reset_url(time(), $db->f('uid'), $db->f('login'), $db->f('pass'));
return FALSE;
* Builds a full reset URL from the uid, login, password and timestamp.
* @returns string
* A full URL.
function _get_reset_url($timestamp, $uid, $login, $password) {
global $db, $L_FQDN;
$salt = variable_get('salt_password_reset', base64_encode(random_bytes(128)), 'The salt used when hasing password resets - change to invalidate all existing reset tokens') . $password;
$data = $timestamp . $uid . $login;
$token = hash_hmac('sha512', $data, $salt);
// @TODO: Not sure where the bureau's preferred protocol is stored, but
// since 3.5.0 https seems to be the default.
return 'https://' . $L_FQDN . '/reset.php?' . http_build_query(array(
'uid' => $uid,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
'token' => $token,
* Logs a user in from a one-time login link.
function temporary_login($uid, $timestamp, $token, $restrictip = 0, $authip_token = false) {
global $db, $msg, $cuid, $authip;
if (!$this->validate_reset_url($uid, $timestamp, $token)) {
return FALSE;
$msg->log("mem", "temporary_login", $username);
if ($msg->has_msgs("ERROR")) {
return FALSE;
$db->query("select * from membres where uid= ? ;", array($uid));
if ($db->num_rows() == 0) {
return FALSE;
// No password verification for temporary logins, the validation
// is in validate_reset_url instead.
if (!$db->f("enabled")) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "mem", _("This account is locked, contact the administrator."));
return FALSE;
$this->user = $db->Record;
$cuid = $db->f("uid");
if (panel_islocked() && $cuid != 2000) {
$msg->raise("ALERT", "mem", _("This website is currently under maintenance, login is currently disabled."));
return FALSE;
// AuthIP
$allowed_ip = FALSE;
if ($authip_token) {
$allowed_ip = $this->authip_tokencheck($authip_token);
$aga = $authip->get_allowed('panel');
foreach ($aga as $k => $v) {
if ($authip->is_in_subnet(get_remote_ip(), $v['ip'], $v['subnet'])) {
$allowed = TRUE;
// Error if there is rules, the IP is not allowed and it's not in the whitelisted IP
if (sizeof($aga) > 1 && !$allowed_ip && !$authip->is_wl(get_remote_ip())) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "mem", _("Your IP isn't allowed to connect"));
return FALSE;
// End AuthIP
if ($restrictip) {
$ip = get_remote_ip();
} else {
$ip = "";
// Close sessions that are more than 2 days old.
$db->query("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE DATE_ADD(ts,INTERVAL 2 DAY)<NOW();");
// Delete old impersonations.
if (isset($_COOKIE["oldid"])) {
setcookie('oldid', '', 0, '/');
// Open the session
$sess = md5(mt_rand().mt_rand().mt_rand());
$_REQUEST["session"] = $sess;
$db->query("insert into sessions (sid,ip,uid) values (?, ?, ?);", array($sess, $ip, $cuid));
setcookie("session", $sess, 0, "/");
// Fill in $local.
$db->query("SELECT * FROM local WHERE uid= ? ;", array($cuid));
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$this->local = $db->Record;
// Set a cookie parameter to allow password change without requiring
// previous one.
$db->query('select lastlogin, pass from membres where uid = ?;', array($uid));
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$cookie_data = $cuid . $db->f('lastlogin');
$salt = variable_get('salt_password_reset', base64_encode(random_bytes(128))) . $db->f('pass');
$c = setcookie('require_old_password', hash_hmac('sha512', $cookie_data, $salt), 0, '/');
if (!$c) {
$msg->log('mem', 'temporary_login', 'Failed to set cookie require_old_password');
return TRUE;
function requires_old_password_for_change() {
global $cuid, $db;
$cookie = $_COOKIE['require_old_password'];
if (!$cookie) {
return TRUE;
$db->query('select lastlogin, pass from membres where uid = ?;', array($cuid));
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$cookie_data = $cuid . $db->f('lastlogin');
$salt = variable_get('salt_password_reset', base64_encode(random_bytes(128))) . $db->f('pass');
if ($cookie == hash_hmac('sha512', $cookie_data, $salt)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Validates a reset URL that has been received.
function validate_reset_url($uid, $timestamp, $token) {
global $cuid, $db, $msg;
// Do not log a person in if they are logged in already.
if ($this->checkid(false)) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'mem', _('You are already logged in, you may not use a one-time login link'));
$msg->log('mem', 'validate_reset_url', 'Refused one-time log-in since the user is already connected');
return FALSE;
// The timestamp is older than the age limit - invalid.
$fail_message = _('The login-link has already been used or is expired');
$duration = variable_get('password_reset_expiration', 86400, 'The number of seconds for which a password reset link is valid');
if (time() - $timestamp >= $duration) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'mem', $fail_message);
$msg->log('mem', 'validate_reset_url', 'Refused one-time log-in since the time elapsed is greater than limit of ' . $duration);
return FALSE;
$db->query("SELECT * FROM membres WHERE uid = ? ;", array($uid));
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'mem', $fail_message);
$msg->log('mem', 'validate_reset_url', 'Refused one-time log-in since a user with ID ' . $uid. ' does not exist');
return FALSE;
$last_login = strtotime($db->f('lastlogin'));
// The timestamp is older than the most recent login - invalid.
if ($last_login >= time() || $last_login >= $timestamp) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'mem', $fail_message);
$msg->log('mem', 'validate_reset_url', "Refused one-time log-in since the most recent login was more recent than the timestamp in the log-in link. Last: {$last_login}, Timestamp: {$timestamp}");
return FALSE;
// The account is locked or cannot change pass - invalid.
if (!$db->f('enabled') || !$db->f('canpass')) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'mem', $fail_message);
$msg->log('mem', 'validate_reset_url', 'Refused one-time log-in since the user account is disabled or cannot change it\'s password.');
return FALSE;
// Using the current user info and timestamp the tokens generated
// do not match - invalid. (Eg. user password changed, salt changed).
$salt = variable_get('salt_password_reset', base64_encode(random_bytes(128))) . $db->f('pass');
$data = $timestamp . $uid . $db->f('login');
$ref_token = hash_hmac('sha512', $data, $salt);
if ($token != $ref_token) {
$msg->raise('ERROR', 'mem', $fail_message);
return FALSE;
$msg->raise('INFO', 'mem', _('You have used a one-time login link. Please set a new password now.'));
return TRUE;
} /* Class m_mem */