From b777f982e5125c9c9f115f13f71ba4a289308826 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Sonntag
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2017 12:00:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [doc] switching comments to english for quenenni patches
bureau/class/m_messages.php | 261 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 128 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bureau/class/m_messages.php b/bureau/class/m_messages.php
index 6c8acd9b..2b770306 100644
--- a/bureau/class/m_messages.php
+++ b/bureau/class/m_messages.php
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Cette classe gère les messages qui peuvent apparaitre lors d'appels
- * à l'API d'AlternC. Ces msgs sont stockées sous la forme d'1 nombre
- * (Classe ID) ainsi que du msg en associé.
- * Des messages localisés sont aussi disponibles.
- * Cette classe se charge aussi d'insérer les appels à l'API d'AlternC
- * dans les logs du système dans /var/log/alternc/bureau.log
+ *
This class handles messages appearing while calling API functions of AlternC
+ * Those messages are stored as a number (class-id) and a message
+ * localized messages are available
+ * This class also handle inserting those messages into the logging
+ * system in /var/log/alternc/bureau.log
- * Copyleft {@link AlternC Team}
- * @copyright AlternC-Team 2002-11-01
+ * @copyright AlternC-Team
class m_messages {
- /** Tableau qui va contenir les messages et leur id */
+ /** Contains the messages and their ID */
var $arrMessages = array();
- /** Emplacement du fichier de logs d'AlternC */
var $logfile = "/var/log/alternc/bureau.log";
- /** Liste of possible type */
+ /** List of possible message types */
var $ARRTYPES = array("ERROR", "ALERT", "INFO", "OK");
- /** Associate css classes */
+ /** CSS classes for each type */
var $ARRCSS = array(
- "ERROR" => "alert-danger",
- "ALERT" => "alert-warning",
- "INFO" => "alert-info",
- "OK" => "alert-success"
+ "ERROR" => "alert-danger",
+ "ALERT" => "alert-warning",
+ "INFO" => "alert-info",
+ "OK" => "alert-success"
public function __construct() {
- $this->init_msgs();
+ $this->init_msgs();
- * Enregistre un message, signale celle-ci dans les logs
+ * Record a message, insert it into the logfile.
- * Cette fonction enregistre un message, l'ajoute dans les logs d'AlternC,
- * et la met à disposition pour le bureau virtuel pour affichage ultérieur.
+ * This function records a message, add it to the logfile,
+ * and make it available for the web panel to print it later.
* @param string $cat The category of the msg array to work with
- * @param integer $clsid Classe qui lève le message
- * @param mixed $msg Message
- * @param string $param Paramètre chaine associé au message (facultatif)
- * @return boolean TRUE si le msg est enregistré, FALSE sinon.
+ * @param integer $clsid Which class raises this message
+ * @param mixed $msg The message
+ * @param string $param Non-mandatory string parameter for this message
+ * @return boolean TRUE if the message got recorded, FALSE if not.
function raise($cat = "Error", $clsid, $msg, $param = "") {
- $arrInfos = array();
+ $arrInfos = array();
- $type = strtoupper($cat);
- if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
- return false;
- }
+ $type = strtoupper($cat);
+ if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- $arrInfos['clsid'] = $clsid;
- $arrInfos['msg'] = $msg;
- $arrInfos['param'] = is_array($param)?$param:(empty($param)?"":array($param));
+ $arrInfos['clsid'] = $clsid;
+ $arrInfos['msg'] = $msg;
+ $arrInfos['param'] = is_array($param)?$param:(empty($param)?"":array($param));
- $this->arrMessages[$type][] = $arrInfos;
+ $this->arrMessages[$type][] = $arrInfos;
return true;
+ /**
+ * Reset the stored messages array
+ */
function init_msgs() {
- // Initialisation du tableau des message
- foreach ($this->ARRTYPES as $v) {
- $this->arrMessages[$v] = array();
- }
+ foreach ($this->ARRTYPES as $v) {
+ $this->arrMessages[$v] = array();
+ }
- * Indique s'il y a ds msgs enregistrés pour une catégorie si le param $cat contient une catégorie
- * ou pour toutesl es catégories si $cat est vide
+ * Tell if there are stored messages for a specific level
+ * or for all levels (if level is empty)
- * @param string $cat The category of the msg array to work with
- * @return boolean True if there is/are msg recorded.
+ * @param string $cat The level of the msg array to work with
+ * @return boolean TRUE if there is/are msg recorded.
function has_msgs($cat) {
- $type = strtoupper($cat);
- if (in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
- return (count($this->arrMessages[$type]) > 0);
- } else {
- foreach ($this->arrMessages as $v) {
- if (count($v) > 0)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
+ $type = strtoupper($cat);
+ if (in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
+ return (count($this->arrMessages[$type]) > 0);
+ } else {
+ foreach ($this->arrMessages as $v) {
+ if (count($v) > 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
- * Retourne la chaine de message concaténés de l'ensemble des msgs enregistrés
- * ou du dernièr message rencontré
+ * Return a string of concateneted messages of all recorded messages
+ * or only the last message
- * @param string $cat The category of the msg array to work with
+ * @param string $cat The level of the msg array to work with
* @param string $sep The separator used to concatenate msgs
* @param boolean $all show all the messages or only the last one
@@ -129,78 +125,78 @@ class m_messages {
function msg_str($cat = "Error", $sep = "", $all = true) {
- $str = "";
+ $str = "";
- $type = strtoupper($cat);
- if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
- return false;
- }
+ $type = strtoupper($cat);
+ if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if (! $this->has_msgs($cat))
- return "";
+ if (! $this->has_msgs($cat))
+ return "";
- if ($all) {
- foreach ($this->arrMessages[$type] as $k => $arrMsg) {
- $args = $arrMsg['param'];
+ if ($all) {
+ foreach ($this->arrMessages[$type] as $k => $arrMsg) {
+ $args = $arrMsg['param'];
- if (is_array($args) && count($args) > 0) {
- array_unshift($args, $arrMsg['msg']);
- if ($sep == "")
- $str .= "" . call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args) . "";
- else
- $str .= call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args) . $sep;
- } else
- if ($sep == "")
- $str .= "" . $arrMsg['msg'] . "";
- else
- $str .= $arrMsg['msg'] . $sep;
+ if (is_array($args) && count($args) > 0) {
+ array_unshift($args, $arrMsg['msg']);
+ if ($sep == "")
+ $str .= "" . call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args) . "";
+ else
+ $str .= call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args) . $sep;
+ } else
+ if ($sep == "")
+ $str .= "" . $arrMsg['msg'] . "";
+ else
+ $str .= $arrMsg['msg'] . $sep;
- if ($sep == "")
- $str = "";
+ if ($sep == "")
+ $str = "";
- } else {
- $i = count($this->arrMessages[$type]) - 1;
- if ($i > 0) {
- $arr_msg=$this->arrMessages[$type][$i];
- $args = $arr_msg['param'];
- if (is_array($args) && count($args) > 0) {
- array_unshift($args, $arr_msg['msg']);
- $str = call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args);
- } else
- $str = $arr_msg['msgId'];
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ $i = count($this->arrMessages[$type]) - 1;
+ if ($i > 0) {
+ $arr_msg=$this->arrMessages[$type][$i];
+ $args = $arr_msg['param'];
+ if (is_array($args) && count($args) > 0) {
+ array_unshift($args, $arr_msg['msg']);
+ $str = call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args);
+ } else
+ $str = $arr_msg['msgId'];
+ }
+ }
- return $str;
+ return $str;
- * Retourn le message au format Html avec la class Css associée
+ * Return a message in HTML form with associated CSS
- * @param string $cat The category of the msg array to work with
+ * @param string $cat The level of the msg array to work with
* @param string $sep The separator used to concatenate msgs
* @param boolean $all show all the messages or only the last one
* @return string HTML message
function msg_html($cat = "Error", $sep = "", $all = true) {
- $type = strtoupper($cat);
- if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
- return false;
- }
+ $type = strtoupper($cat);
+ if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if (count($this->arrMessages[$type]) == 0)
- return "";
+ if (count($this->arrMessages[$type]) == 0)
+ return "";
- $str = $this->msg_str($cat, $sep, $all);
- $str = "" . $str . "
+ $str = $this->msg_str($cat, $sep, $all);
+ $str = "" . $str . "
- return $str;
+ return $str;
- * Retourn le message de toutes les catégories au format Html avec la class Css associée
+ * Return all the messages of all levels in HTML form with associated CSS
* @param string $sep The separator used to concatenate msgs
* @param boolean $all show all the messages or only the last one
@@ -208,48 +204,47 @@ class m_messages {
* @return string HTML message
function msg_html_all($sep = "", $all = true, $init = false) {
- $msg="";
+ $msg="";
- $msg.=$this->msg_html("Error", $sep, $all);
- $msg.=$this->msg_html("Ok", $sep, $all);
- $msg.=$this->msg_html("Info", $sep, $all);
- $msg.=$this->msg_html("Alert", $sep, $all);
+ $msg.=$this->msg_html("Error", $sep, $all);
+ $msg.=$this->msg_html("Ok", $sep, $all);
+ $msg.=$this->msg_html("Info", $sep, $all);
+ $msg.=$this->msg_html("Alert", $sep, $all);
- if ($init)
- $this->init_msgs();
+ if ($init)
+ $this->init_msgs();
- return $msg;
+ return $msg;
- * Envoi un log dans /var/log/alternc/bureau.log
- *
- * Cette fonction Loggue le dernier msg dans /var/log sur la machine,
- * permettant ainsi aux admins de savoir ce qu'il se passe...
- * Elle est appelée automatiquement par error
+ * Log a message into /var/log/alternc/bureau.log
+ *
+ * This function logs the last message in the /var/log/alternc folder
+ * allowing sysadmins to know what's happened.
+ * automatically called by raise()
* @access private
function logAlternC($cat = "Error") {
global $mem;
- $type = strtoupper($cat);
- if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
- return false;
- }
+ $type = strtoupper($cat);
+ if (! in_array($type, $this->ARRTYPES)) {
+ return false;
+ }
@file_put_contents($this->logfile, date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . " - " . get_remote_ip() . " - $type - " . $mem->user["login"] . " - " . $this->msg_str($cat, "", false), FILE_APPEND);
- * Envoi un log d'appel d'API dans /var/log/alternc/bureau.log
+ * Log an API function call into /var/log/alternc/bureau.log
- * Cette fonction loggue dans /var/log l'appel à la fonction de l'API
- * d'AlternC.
+ * This function logs in /var/log/alternc an API function call of AlternC
- * @param integer $clsid Numéro de la classe dont on a appelé une fonction
- * @param string $function Nom de la fonction appelée
- * @param string $param Paramètre (facultatif) passés à la fonction de l'API.
- * @return boolean TRUE si le log a été ajouté, FALSE sinon
+ * @param integer $clsid Number of the class doing the call
+ * @param string $function Name of the called function
+ * @param string $param non-mandatory parameters of the API call
+ * @return boolean TRUE if the log where successfull, FALSE if not
function log($clsid, $function, $param = "") {
@@ -259,4 +254,4 @@ class m_messages {
-/* Classe m_messages */
+/* Class m_messages */