From b0a5e23299aa5fb38f74ef57bad8407aaf569a64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Sonntag <>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 17:06:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fixing Dovecot Quotas computing + removing duplicate code

 src/fix_dovecot_quota.php | 99 ---------------------------------------
 src/  | 14 +++---
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 src/fix_dovecot_quota.php

diff --git a/src/fix_dovecot_quota.php b/src/fix_dovecot_quota.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9095e8c5..00000000
--- a/src/fix_dovecot_quota.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * @param string $msg
- */
-function usage($msg=null) {
-    if ($msg) {
-      echo "Error:\n$msg";
-    }
-    echo "usage : script -[m|l|d]\n";
-#arguments can be a mailbox or a domain     or a login
-$options = getopt('m:l:d:');
-#parser les arguments correctement.
-#We check that only one type of option is specified
-if ( $nb != 1 ){
-    usage();
-    exit(1);
-#we check that  for that type only one option is specified
-# FIXME je doute que ca fasse un truc pertinent ce morceau
-foreach($options as $opt => $val){
-    $nb2=count($options[$opt]);
-if ( $nb2 != 1 ){
-    usage();
-    exit(1);
-#function taking a query used to select the mailbox(es) root and updating their quotas into the mailbox table
-function FixQuotaDovecot($conditions){
-    global $db;
-    $db2=new DB_System();
-    $query="SELECT,concat(path, '/Maildir/') as dir 
-            FROM 
-              mailbox 
-              join address on = mailbox.address_id 
-              join domaines on = address.domain_id
-              $conditions ;";
-    if(!$db->query($query)){
-        usage("failed"); // FIXME real error
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    while ($db->next_record()) {
-        $dir=$db->f("dir");
-        $id=$db->f("id");
-        $size = exec ( "/usr/bin/du -sb $dir|cut -f1" ); // FIXME check return value
-        if(!$db2->query("UPDATE mailbox set bytes=".intval($size)." where id=".intval($id).";")){
-            echo "Fail updating quota for mailbox : $id\n";
-        }
-    }
-#We construct a sql query to get the mailbox root based on the option.
-// FIXME where does $opt come from ??
-    case "m":
-        if (!filter_var($val,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
-            usage("The email you entered is syntaxically incorrect");
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        $cond = "WHERE concat(address.address,'@',domaines.domaine) ='".$val."'" ;
-        break;
-    case "l":
-        $login=strtolower($val);
-        if (!preg_match("#^[a-z0-9]+$#",$login)) { //FIXME use an alternc function for that
-          usage("the login you entered is syntaxically incorrect");
-          exit(1);
-        }
-        $cond = "join membres on domaines.compte = membres.uid WHERE membres.login = '".mysql_real_escape_string($login)."'";
-        break;
-    case "d":
-        if(checkfqdn($val) != 0){
-            usage("The domain you entered is syntaxically incorrect");
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        $cond = "WHERE domaines.domaine = '".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'" ;
-        break;
-    default:
-        usage();
-        exit(1);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 14d484d7..c774119c 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -9,21 +9,21 @@ function showhelp() {
+# FIXME: storing THAT amount of data in MAILDIRS (on BIG install like may crash the shell?
 # Generate the $maildirs list based on the arguments
-while getopts "a:m:d:c:" optname
+while getopts "am:d:c:" optname
   case "$optname" in
     # All mails
-    # FIXME replace it by a select in da DB
-    maildirs=`find "$ALTERNC_MAIL/" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d`
+    maildirs=$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view order by 1")  
     # An email
     if [[ "$OPTARG" =~ ^[^\@]*@[^\@]*$ ]] ; then
       if [[ "$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view where user = '$OPTARG'")" ]]; then
-        maildirs=$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view where user = '$OPTARG'")
+        maildirs=$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view where user = '$OPTARG' order by 1")
         echo "Bad mail provided"
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ do
-    maildirs=$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view where user like '%@$OPTARG'")
+    maildirs=$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view where user like '%@$OPTARG' order by 1")
     # An account
     if [[ "$OPTARG" =~ ^[a-z]*$ ]] ; then
       if [[ "$(mysql_query "select domaine from domaines where domaine = '$1'")" ]]; then
-          maildirs=$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view where userdb_uid = $OPTARG")
+          maildirs=$(mysql_query "select userdb_home from dovecot_view where userdb_uid = $OPTARG order by 1")
         echo "Bad account provided"
@@ -112,3 +112,5 @@ for i in $maildirs ; do
 	mysql_query "UPDATE mailbox SET messages=$mail_count WHERE path='$i' ; " 
+# may cause a problem, let's fix this here :) 
+mysql_query "UPDATE mailbox SET quota=0 WHERE quota IS NULL;"