adding sort in quotas_users + update changelog

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Sonntag 2015-07-31 15:47:51 +02:00
parent 985b23339d
commit a0575e0481
2 changed files with 123 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ $fields = array (
"mode" => array ("get", "integer" ,0),
"sd" => array ("get", "integer" ,0),
"usr" => array ("get", "integer" ,0),
"order" => array ("get", "integer" ,0),
@ -160,27 +161,41 @@ echo "<br /><br />"; printf(_("If you want to manage them, go to")."&nbsp;<a hre
<?php } elseif ($usr==0) {
// Mode : affichage de tous les comptes
function sortlink($txt,$asc,$desc) {
global $order,$mode,$sd,$usr;
if ($order==$asc) $neworder=$desc; else $neworder=$asc;
echo "<a href=\"quotas_users.php?order=".$neworder."&mode=".$mode."&sd=".$sd."&usr=".$usr."\">";
echo $txt;
echo "</a>";
echo " &nbsp; &nbsp; ";
if ($order==$asc) echo "<img src=\"icon/sort0.png\" alt=\"sorted up\" title=\"sorted up\" />";
if ($order==$desc) echo "<img src=\"icon/sort1.png\" alt=\"sorted down\" title=\"sorted down\" />";
<table class="tedit" width="100%">
<tr><th rowspan="2"><?php __("Account"); ?></th><th colspan="3"><?php __("Count"); ?></th><th colspan="5"><?php __("Space"); ?></th></tr>
<tr><th rowspan="2"><?php sortlink(_("Account"),0,1); ?></th><th colspan="3"><?php __("Count"); ?></th><th colspan="5"><?php __("Space"); ?></th></tr>
<th><?php __("Dom"); ?></th>
<th><?php __("Mails"); ?></th>
<th><?php __("Lists"); ?></th>
<th><?php __("Web"); ?></th>
<th><?php __("Mails"); ?></th>
<th><?php __("Lists"); ?></th>
<th><?php __("DB"); ?></th>
<th><?php __("Total"); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("Dom"),2,3); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("Mails"),4,5); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("Lists"),6,7); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("Web"),8,9); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("Mails"),10,11); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("Lists"),12,13); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("DB"),14,15); ?></th>
<th><?php sortlink(_("Total"),16,17); ?></th>
if ($cuid != 2000)
$mList = array();
@ -240,7 +255,84 @@ if ($cuid != 2000) {
$membres_list = $admin->get_list(1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
foreach ($membres_list as $c) {
// On affiche le compte et ses domaines :
$domaines_list = $dom->enum_domains($c["uid"]);
$dc=0; // Domain Count
$ms=0; // Mail Space
foreach ($domaines_list as $d) {
$mstmp = $quota->get_size_mail_sum_domain($d);
$mlstmp = $quota->get_size_mailman_sum_domain($d);
// Mail Count
$maildomains_list = $mail->enum_domains($c["uid"]);
$mc = 0;
foreach ($maildomains_list as $md) {
$mc += $md['nb_mail'];
// Mailman List Count
if (isset($mailman)) {
$mlc = $mailman->count_ml_user($c["uid"]);
// Espace WEB
$ws = $quota->get_size_web_sum_user($c["uid"]);
// Espace Mail :
// Espace DB :
$ds = $quota->get_size_db_sum_user($c["login"]);
$ts=$ds/1024+$ws+$ms/1024+$mls; // In KB
// SORT this $all array
function mysort($a,$b) {
global $fie,$asc;
if ($asc) {
if ($a[$fie]<$b[$fie]) return -1;
if ($a[$fie]>$b[$fie]) return 1;
return 0;
} else {
if ($a[$fie]<$b[$fie]) return 1;
if ($a[$fie]>$b[$fie]) return -1;
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
foreach ($all as $c) {
echo "<tr><td>";
@ -250,47 +342,32 @@ foreach ($membres_list as $c) {
$dc=0; // Domain Count
$ms=0; // Mail Space
foreach ($domaines_list as $d) {
foreach ($c["domains"] as $d) {
if ($sd) echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;{$d}<br />\n";
$mstmp = $quota->get_size_mail_sum_domain($d);
$mlstmp = $quota->get_size_mailman_sum_domain($d);
if($mls != 0)
$mailmansize=$quota->get_size_unit($quota->get_size_mailman_sum_user($c["uid"]) * 1024);
// Mail Count
$maildomains_list = $mail->enum_domains($c["uid"]);
$mc = 0;
foreach ($maildomains_list as $md) {
$mc += $md['nb_mail'];
// Mailman List Count
if (isset($mailman)) {
$mlc = $mailman->count_ml_user($c["uid"]);
echo "</td><td>$dc</td><td>$mc</td><td>$mlc</td><td";
if ($mode!=2) echo " style=\"text-align: right\"";
echo ">";
// Espace WEB
$ws = $quota->get_size_web_sum_user($c["uid"]);
$ws = $c["websize"];
$webspace=$quota->get_size_unit($ws * 1024);
if (isset($totalweb) && $totalweb){
if (isset($totalweb) && $totalweb){
} else {
echo "</td><td>$dc</td><td>$mc</td><td>$mlc</td><td";
if ($mode!=2) echo " style=\"text-align: right\"";
echo ">";
if ($mode==0) {
echo sprintf("%.1f", $webspace['size'])."&nbsp;".$webspace['unit'];
} elseif ($mode==1) {
@ -343,7 +420,7 @@ if ($mode!=2) echo " style=\"text-align: right\"";
echo ">";
// Espace DB :
$ds = $quota->get_size_db_sum_user($c["login"]);
$ds = $c["dbsize"];
if ($totaldb)
@ -364,7 +441,7 @@ echo "</td><td";
if ($mode!=2) echo " style=\"text-align: right\"";
echo ">";
$ts=$ds/1024+$ws+$ms/1024+$mls; // In KB
$totalsize=$quota->get_size_unit($ts * 1024);
if ($mode==0) {
echo sprintf("%.1f", $totalsize['size'])."&nbsp;".$totalsize['unit'];

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ alternc (3.1.7) oldoldstable; urgency=low
* fix permission in browser not working
* fix FTP access security UX
* enh add DMARC and SPF management for gesmx & gesdns domains through variables
* fix error message '1' for locked domains
* enh sort added to quotas_users
-- Benjamin Sonntag <> Thu, 16 Jun 2015 16:10:12 +0200