Added mail data migration.
This commit is contained in:
@ -255,3 +255,231 @@ INSERT INTO `default_subdomains` (`sub`, `domain_type`, `domain_type_parameter`,
('', 'URL', '%%TARGETDOM%%', 'SLAVE');
('', 'URL', '%%TARGETDOM%%', 'SLAVE');
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- Update domaines table.
alter table domaines
drop primary key;
alter table domaines
add column id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT primary key;
alter table domaines
add unique key(domaine);
-- End of update domaines table.
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- Add column to follow the migration process and detect unmigrated entries
alter table mail_domain
add column migration_state enum ('UNMIGRATED', 'WONT BE MIGRATED', 'DB MIGRATED', 'FS MIGRATED') not null default 'UNMIGRATED';
alter table mail_users
add column migration_state enum ('UNMIGRATED', 'WONT BE MIGRATED', 'DB MIGRATED', 'FS MIGRATED') not null default 'UNMIGRATED';
alter table mail_alias
add column migration_state enum ('UNMIGRATED', 'WONT BE MIGRATED', 'DB MIGRATED', 'FS MIGRATED') not null default 'UNMIGRATED';
-- Tag mail_domain addresses without @ to not migrated.
update mail_domain
set mail_domain.migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED'
where locate('@', mail_domain.mail) = 0;
-- Tag mail_domain addresses with no corresponding domain in domaines to not migrate
update mail_domain
set mail_domain.migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED'
where locate('@', mail_domain.mail) > 0
and substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1) not in (select domaines.domaine from domaines);
-- Tag mail_domain addresses with two @
update mail_domain
set mail_domain.migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED'
where locate('@', mail_domain.mail) > 0
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%@%';
-- Tag mail
update mail_users
set mail_users.migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED'
where alias in (select replace(mail_domain.mail, '@', '_')
from mail_domain
where mail_domain.migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED');
update mail_users
set mail_users.migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED'
where alias in (select mail_domain.mail
from mail_domain
where mail_domain.migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED');
-- update mail_domain, domaines
-- set migration_state='WONT BE MIGRATED'
-- where mail = domaines.domaine;
-- End of add column to follow the migration process and detect unmigrated entries
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- Insert data into new model from old model.
-- Insert local managed mailboxes
insert into address (domain_id, address, type, password)
select as domain_id,
substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', 1) as address,
'' as type,
from domaines
join mail_domain
on domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
join mail_users
on locate(concat(trim(mail_users.alias), ' '), concat(trim(replace(mail_domain.alias, '\n', ' ')), ' ')) = 1
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 1;
insert into mailbox (address_id, path, delivery, lastlogin)
'dovecot' as delivery,
0 as last_login
from address
join domaines
on = address.domain_id
join mail_domain
on mail_domain.mail = concat(address.address, '@', domaines.domaine)
join mail_users
on locate(concat(trim(mail_users.alias), ' '), concat(trim(replace(mail_domain.alias, '\n', ' ')), ' ')) = 1
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 1;
insert into recipient (address_id, recipients)
select as address_id,
from address
join domaines
on = address.domain_id
join (select
mail_domain.mail as mail,
trim(both '\n' from trim(replace(mail_domain.alias, replace(mail_domain.mail, '@', '_'), ''))) as recipients
from mail_domain
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 1) as recipients
on recipients.recipients != ''
and recipients.mail = concat(address.address, '@', domaines.domaine);
update mail_domain, domaines, mail_users
set mail_domain.migration_state = 'DB MIGRATED',
mail_users.migration_state = 'DB MIGRATED'
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
and locate(concat(trim(mail_users.alias), ' '), concat(trim(replace(mail_domain.alias, '\n', ' ')), ' ')) = 1
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 1;
update mail_domain, domaines, mail_users
set mail_users.migration_state = 'DB MIGRATED'
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
and mail_users.alias = mail_domain.mail
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 1;
-- Here we should have inserted all local managed mailboxes and their aliases.
-- Insert alias only adresses.
insert into address (domain_id, address, type, password)
select as domain_id,
substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', 1) as address,
'' as type,
'' as password
from domaines
join mail_domain
on domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
where mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 0;
insert into recipient (address_id, recipients)
select as address_id,
trim(both '\n' from recipients.recipients)
from address
join domaines
on = address.domain_id
join (select
mail_domain.mail as mail,
mail_domain.alias as recipients
from mail_domain
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 0) as recipients
on recipients.recipients != ''
and recipients.mail = concat(address.address, '@', domaines.domaine);
update mail_domain, domaines
set mail_domain.migration_state = 'DB MIGRATED'
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
and mail_domain.mail like '%@%'
and mail_domain.type = 0
and mail_domain.pop = 0;
-- Insert procmail managed addresses.
-- Note: those addresses should be treated as local managed adresses.
-- Insert mailman list addresses
insert into address (domain_id, address, type, password)
select as domain_id,
substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', 1) as address,
'mailman' as type,
'' as password
from domaines
join mail_domain
on domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
join mail_alias
on mail_alias.mail = mail_domain.alias
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and mail_domain.type = 1
and mail_domain.pop = 0
and mail_alias.alias like '"| /var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman %';
update mail_domain, domaines, mail_alias
set mail_domain.migration_state = 'DB MIGRATED'
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
and mail_alias.mail = mail_domain.alias
and mail_domain.type = 1
and mail_alias.alias like '"| /var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman %';
-- Insert sympa list addresses
insert into address (domain_id, address, type, password)
select as domain_id,
substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', 1) as address,
'sympa' as type,
'' as password
from domaines
join mail_domain
on domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
join mail_alias
on mail_alias.mail = mail_domain.alias
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and mail_domain.type = 1
and mail_domain.pop = 0
and mail_alias.alias like '"|/usr/lib/sympa/bin/bouncequeue %';
update mail_domain, domaines, mail_alias
set mail_domain.migration_state = 'DB MIGRATED'
where mail_domain.migration_state='UNMIGRATED'
and domaines.domaine = substring_index(mail_domain.mail, '@', -1)
and mail_alias.mail = mail_domain.alias
and mail_domain.type = 1
and mail_alias.alias like '"|/usr/lib/sympa/bin/bouncequeue %';
-- End of insert data into new model from old model.
-- -------------------------------------------------
Reference in New Issue