diff --git a/bureau/class/m_mysql.php b/bureau/class/m_mysql.php index 31d85362..b117995a 100644 --- a/bureau/class/m_mysql.php +++ b/bureau/class/m_mysql.php @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class DB_users extends DB_Sql { // c'est pas étanche : $db se retrouve avec Database de $sql->dbu . Danger, faut comprendre pourquoi // Si on veux que ca marche, il faut Database=alternc. //$this->Database = "mysql"; - $this->Database = "mysql_schema"; #if dbus is on a different host the alternc database will not be there and trying to use it might cause an error + $this->Database = "information_schema"; #if dbus is on a different host the alternc database will not be there and trying to use it might cause an error $this->HumanHostname = $human_hostname; }