Calcul des tailles des données utilisateurs après debianisation et separation des BDD alternc / BDD users

Première ébauche, idéalement il faudrait tout réécrire proprement (voir ticket #1487)
This commit is contained in:
Axel ROGER 2013-04-18 13:09:08 +00:00
parent 8e5205e46e
commit 31d077e328
2 changed files with 95 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -42,8 +42,24 @@ class DB_users extends DB_Sql {
function DB_users() {
global $cuid, $db, $err;
$db->query("select db_servers.* from db_servers, membres where membres.uid=$cuid and;");
// Check if function got args
switch($num) {
case 5 :
# Create the object
$this->HumanHostname = func_get_arg(0);
$this->Host = func_get_arg(1);
$this->User = func_get_arg(2);
$this->Password = func_get_arg(3);
$this->Client = func_get_arg(4);
$this->Database = "mysql"; # We have to define a dabatase when we connect, and the database must exists.
default :
$db->query("select db_servers.* from db_servers, membres where membres.uid=$cuid and;");
if (!$db->next_record()) {
$err->raise('db_user', _("There are no databases in db_servers for this user. Please contact your administrator."));
@ -57,10 +73,12 @@ class DB_users extends DB_Sql {
$this->Client = $db->f('client');
$this->Database = "mysql"; # We have to define a dabatase when we connect, and the database must exist.
class m_mysql {
var $dbus;
@ -1079,6 +1097,34 @@ class m_mysql {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Return the size of each databases in a SQL Host given in parameter
* @param $db_name the human name of the host
* @param $db_host the host hosting the SQL databases
* @param $db_login the login to access the SQL db
* @param $db_password the password to access the SQL db
* @param $db_client the client to access the SQL db
* @return an array associating the name of the databases to their sizes : array(dbname=>size)
function get_dbus_size($db_name,$db_host,$db_login,$db_password,$db_client) {
global $db,$err;
$this->dbus=new DB_users($db_name,$db_host,$db_login,$db_password,$db_client);
$this->dbus->query("show databases;");
while($this->dbus->next_record()) {
$c=mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $dbname;");
while ($d=mysql_fetch_array($c)) {
return $res;
} /* Class m_mysql */

View File

@ -5,42 +5,50 @@ require_once("/usr/share/alternc/panel/class/config_nochk.php");
// On déverrouile le bureau AlternC :)
echo "---------------------------\n Generating size-cache for web accounts\n\n";
global $db;
echo "\n---------------------------\n Generating size-cache for web accounts\n\n";
$r=mysql_query("SELECT uid,login FROM membres;");
while ($c=mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
echo $c["login"]; flush();
$size=exec("sudo /usr/lib/alternc/ ".ALTERNC_HTML."/".substr($c["login"],0,1)."/".$c["login"]);
mysql_query("REPLACE INTO size_web SET uid='".$c["uid"]."',size='$size';");
$db->query("REPLACE INTO size_web SET uid='".$c["uid"]."',size='$size';");
echo " done ($size KB) \n"; flush();
echo "---------------------------\n Generating size-cache for MySQL databases\n\n";
$r=mysql_query("SELECT uid,db FROM db;");
echo "\n---------------------------\n Generating size-cache for MySQL databases\n\n";
// We get all hosts on which sql users' DB are
$r=mysql_query("select * from db_servers;");
while ($c=mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
echo $c["uid"]."/".$c["db"]; flush();
$s=mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `'.$c["db"].'`');
while ($d=mysql_fetch_array($s)) {
echo "++ Processing ".$c["name"]." ++\n";
foreach ($tab as $dbname=>$size) {
$db->query("REPLACE INTO size_db SET db='".$dbname."',size='$size';");
echo " $dbname done ($size B) \n"; flush();
// $size/=1024;
mysql_query("REPLACE INTO size_db SET db='".$c["db"]."',size='$size';");
echo " done ($size B) \n"; flush();
echo "\n";
echo "---------------------------\n Generating size-cache for web accounts\n\n";
$r=@mysql_query("SELECT uid, name FROM mailman;");
if ($r) {
while ($c=mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
echo "---------------------------\n Generating size-cache for mailman\n\n";
if ($db->query("SELECT uid, name FROM mailman;")) {
while ($db->next_record()) {
$cc[]=array("uid" => $db->f("uid"), "name" => $db->f("name"));
foreach ($cc as $c){
echo $c["uid"]."/".$c["name"]; flush();
$size1=exec("sudo /usr/lib/alternc/ /var/lib/mailman/lists/".$c["name"]);
$size2=exec("sudo /usr/lib/alternc/ /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/".$c["name"]);
$size3=exec("sudo /usr/lib/alternc/ /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/".$c["name"].".mbox");
mysql_query("REPLACE INTO size_mailman SET uid='".$c["uid"]."',list='".$c["name"]."', size='$size';");
$db->query("REPLACE INTO size_mailman SET uid='".$c["uid"]."',list='".$c["name"]."', size='$size';");
echo " done ($size KB) \n"; flush();
// On relocke le bureau pour éviter un msg d'erreur.
@sem_acquire( $alternc_sem );