ajout classe m_export + script export_account afin de générer un export de compte. Correction de bugs divers.

This commit is contained in:
Steven Mondji-Lerider 2012-02-28 14:48:45 +00:00
parent 7c7f808972
commit 20103063b3
20 changed files with 402 additions and 157 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ bureau/class/m_authip.php -text
bureau/class/m_bro.php -text
bureau/class/m_dom.php -text
bureau/class/m_err.php -text
bureau/class/m_export.php -text
bureau/class/m_ftp.php -text
bureau/class/m_hooks.php -text
bureau/class/m_hta.php -text
@ -465,6 +466,7 @@ src/alternc-dboptimize -text
src/alternc-passwd -text
src/alternc_reload -text
src/du.pl -text
src/export_account.php -text
src/fixperms.sh -text
src/functions.sh -text
src/functions_dns.sh -text

View File

@ -329,8 +329,9 @@ class m_bro {
global $db,$cuid,$err;
if ($absolute && !file_exists($absolute)) {
if (!@mkdir($absolute,00777)) {
echo "$absolute";
if ($absolute && (!file_exists($absolute))) {
if (!mkdir($absolute,00777)) {
return false;
@ -357,6 +358,7 @@ class m_bro {
return false;
if (!file_exists($absolute)) {
if (!@touch($absolute)) {
@ -918,29 +920,56 @@ class m_bro {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Exporte toutes les informations ftp du compte AlternC
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
/** Function d'exportation de configuration appelé par la classe m_export via un hooks
*Produit en sorti un tableau formatté ( pour le moment) en HTML
function alternc_export() {
function alternc_export_conf() {
global $db,$err;
$str="<table border=\"1\"><caption> Browser </caption>\n";
foreach ($pref as $k=>$v) {
$str.=" <pref>\n";
$str.=" <".$k.">".xml_entities($v)."</".$k.">\n";
$str.=" </pref>\n";
if (($i % 2)==0){
$str.=" <tr>\n";
$str.=" <td>".$k."</td><td>".$v."</td>\n";
$str.=" </tr>\n";
return $str;
/** Function d'exportation des données appelé par la classe m_export via un hooks
*@param : le chemin destination du tarball produit.
function alternc_export_data($dir){
global $mem,$L_ALTERNC_LOC,$err;
if(exec("/bin/tar cvf - ".$L_ALTERNC_LOC."/html/".substr($mem->user['login'],0,1)."/".$mem->user['login']."/ | gzip -9c > ".$dir."/".$mem->user['login']."_html_".$timestamp.".tar.gz")){
} /* Classe BROUTEUR */

View File

@ -1279,36 +1279,51 @@ class m_dom {
} else return false;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Exporte toutes les informations domaine du compte.
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export() {
* Returns the global domain(s) configuration(s) of a particular user
* No parameters needed
function alternc_export_conf() {
global $db,$err;
$str="<table border=\"1\"><caption>Domaines</caption><tr><th>Domaine</th><th>DNS</th><th>MX</th><th>mail</th></tr> \n";
foreach ($this->domains as $d) {
$str.=" <domain>\n <name>".xml_entities($d)."</name>\n";
$str.=" <hasdns>".xml_entities($s[dns])."</hasdns>\n";
$str.=" <hasmx>".xml_entities($s[mx])."</hasmx>\n";
$str.=" <mx>".xml_entities($s[mail])."</mx>\n";
$str.=" <td>".$s[dns]."</td>\n";
if (is_array($s[sub])) {
$str.="<table border=\"1\"><th>nom sous domaine</th><th>destination</th><th>type</th><tr>";
foreach ($s[sub] as $sub) {
$str.=" <subdomain>";
$str.="<tr><td>".$sub["enable"]." </td>";
$str.="<td>".$sub["dest"]." </td>";
$str.="<td>".$sub["type"]." </td></tr>";
$str.=" </domain>\n";
return $str;

bureau/class/m_export.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
/** Constructor
Classe d'export de compte Alternc.
Cette classe ce contente d'invoquer les fonctions d'exportation de configuration et de données d'un compte,
presentes dans les classes concernées.
Class m_export {
function m_export() {
function export_conf(){
global $hooks;
$conf = array();
return $conf;
/** le repertoire de base est passé en paramettre puis en construit une arborescence de la forme
<dir>/<user>/<timestamp/ qui contiendra les dossier de dump html et sql
function export_data($dir){
global $hooks, $mem;
$hooks->invoke('alternc_export_data', Array($dir));
}// export Class end

View File

@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ class m_ftp {
return $r;
@ -378,19 +379,20 @@ class m_ftp {
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export() {
function alternc_export_conf() {
global $db,$err;
foreach ($f as $d) {
$str.=" <account>\n";
$str.=" <login>".xml_entities($s[login])."</login>\n";
$str.=" <pass>".xml_entities($s[pass])."</pass>\n";
$str.=" <dir>".xml_entities($s[dir])."</dir>\n";
$str.=" </account>\n";
$str="<table border=\"1\"><caption> FTP </caption>\n";
foreach ($f as $d=>$v) {
$str.=" <tr>\n";
$str.=" <td>".$v["id"]."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($v["encrypted_password"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($v["login"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($v["dir"])."<td>\n";
$str.=" </tr>\n";
return $str;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ class m_hooks {
* run_hook()
* invoke() permet de lancer une fonction donné en parametre dans toute les classes
* connues de alternc, avec les parametres donnés.
* $hname nom de la fonction "hooks" que l'on cherche dans les classes
* $hparam tableau contenant les parametres
* $hclass tableau contenant les classes spécifique qu'on veux appeler (si on veux pas TOUTE les appeler)

View File

@ -751,24 +751,25 @@ class m_mail {
global $db,$err;
$str="<table border=\"1\"><caption> Mail</caption>\n";
foreach ($domain as $d) {
$str.=" <domain>\n <name>".xml_entities($d)."</name>\n";
$str.=" <tr>\n <td>".($d)."</td>\n";
if (count($s)) {
foreach($s as $e) {
$str.=" <address>\n";
$str.=" <mail>".xml_entities($e["mail"])."</mail>\n";
$str.=" <ispop>".xml_entities($e["pop"])."</ispop>\n";
$str.=" <table><tr>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($e["mail"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($e["pop"])."</td>\n";
foreach($acc as $f) {
if ($f) {
$str.=" <alias>".xml_entities($f)."</alias>\n";
$str.=" <li>".($f)."</li>\n</ul>";
if ($e["pop"]) {
@ -778,17 +779,17 @@ class m_mail {
$str.=" </address>\n";
$str.=" </tr>\n";
$str.=" </domain>\n";
$str.=" </tr>\n";
if ($onepop) {
/*if ($onepop) {
// Now do the tarball of all pop accounts :
exec("/bin/tar -czf ".escapeshellarg($tmpdir."/mail.tar.gz")." -T ".escapeshellarg($tmpfile));
return $str;

View File

@ -550,17 +550,23 @@ Cordialement.
* Exports all the personnal user related information for an account.
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export($tmpdir) {
function alternc_export_conf() {
global $db,$err;
foreach ($this->user as $k=>$v) {
$str.=" <$k>".xml_entities($v)."</$k>\n";
$str="<table border=\"1\"><caption > Member </caption>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["uid"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["login"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["enabled"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["su"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["pass"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["mail"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["created"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["lastip"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["lastlogin"]."</td></tr>\n";
$str.=" <tr> <td>".$users["lastfail"]."</td></tr>\n";
return $str;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
class DB_users extends DB_Sql {
var $Host,$HumanHostname,$User,$Password;
var $Host,$HumanHostname,$User,$Password,$client;
* Creator
@ -81,15 +81,16 @@ class DB_users extends DB_Sql {
# Create the object
$this->Host = $host;
$this->client = $GLOBALS['L_MYSQL_CLIENT'];
$this->User = $user;
$this->Password = $password;
// c'est pas étanche : $db se retrouve avec Database de $sql->dbu . Danger, faut comprendre pourquoi
// Si on veux que ca marche, il faut Database=alternc.
$this->Database = "mysql";
//$this->Database = "mysql";
$this->Database = "alternc";
$this->HumanHostname = $human_hostname;
@ -219,13 +220,15 @@ class m_mysql {
if ($this->dbus->query("CREATE DATABASE `$dbname`;")) {
// Ok, database does not exist, quota is ok and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed
$db->query("INSERT INTO db (uid,login,pass,db,bck_mode) VALUES ('$cuid','$lo','$pa','$dbname',0);");
// give everything but GRANT on db.*
// we assume there's already a user
$this->dbus->query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `".$dbname."`.* TO '".$lo."'@'$this->client'");
$this->dbus->query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `".$dbname."`.* TO '".$lo."'@'$this->dbus->client'");
return true;
} else {
return false;
@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ class m_mysql {
$this->dbus->query("DROP DATABASE `$dbname`;");
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid';");
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `".$dbname."`.* FROM '".$login."'@'$this->client'");
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `".$dbname."`.* FROM '".$login."'@".$this->dbus->client."");
if ($this->dbus->f("cnt")==0) {
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='".$login."';");
$this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;");
@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ class m_mysql {
// Update all the "pass" fields for this user :
$db->query("UPDATE db SET pass='$password' WHERE uid='$cuid';");
$this->dbus->query("SET PASSWORD FOR '$login'@'$this->client' = PASSWORD('$password')");
$this->dbus->query("SET PASSWORD FOR '$login'@'$this->dbus->client' = PASSWORD('$password')");
return true;
@ -389,7 +392,7 @@ class m_mysql {
// OK, creation now...
$db->query("INSERT INTO db (uid,login,pass,db) VALUES ('$cuid','".$login."','$password','".$dbname."');");
// give everything but GRANT on $user.*
$this->dbus->query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `".$dbname."`.* TO '".$login."'@'$this->client' IDENTIFIED BY '".addslashes($password)."'");
$this->dbus->query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `".$dbname."`.* TO '".$login."'@".$this->dbus->client." IDENTIFIED BY '".addslashes($password)."'");
$this->dbus->query("CREATE DATABASE `".$dbname."`;");
return true;
@ -532,7 +535,7 @@ class m_mysql {
// We create the user account (the "file" right is the only one we need globally to be able to use load data into outfile)
$this->dbus->query("GRANT file ON *.* TO '$user'@'$this->client' IDENTIFIED BY '$pass';");
$this->dbus->query("GRANT file ON *.* TO '$user'@".$this->dbus->client." IDENTIFIED BY '$pass';");
// We add him to the user table
$db->query("INSERT INTO dbusers (uid,name) VALUES($cuid,'$user');");
return true;
@ -564,8 +567,7 @@ class m_mysql {
return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy()
$this->dbus->query("SET PASSWORD FOR '$user'@'$this->client' = PASSWORD('$pass')");
$this->dbus->query("SET PASSWORD FOR ".$user."@".$this->dbus->client." = PASSWORD(".$pass.")");
return true;
@ -593,9 +595,9 @@ class m_mysql {
// Ok, database exists and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM '".$mem->user["login"]."_$user'@'$this->client';");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$mem->user["login"]."_$user' AND Host='$this->client';");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='".$mem->user["login"]."_$user' AND Host='$this->client';");
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM '".$mem->user["login"]."_$user'@".$this->dbus->client.";");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$mem->user["login"]."_$user' AND Host=".$this->dbus->client.";");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='".$mem->user["login"]."_$user' AND Host=".$this->dbus->client.";");
$this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM dbusers WHERE uid='$cuid' AND name='".$mem->user["login"]."_$user';");
return true;
@ -616,7 +618,7 @@ class m_mysql {
for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($dblist) ; $i++ ) {
$this->dbus->query("SELECT Db, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$mem->user["login"].($user?"_":"").$user."' AND Host='$this->client' AND Db='".$dblist[$i]["db"]."';");
$this->dbus->query("SELECT Db, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$mem->user["login"].($user?"_":"").$user."' AND Host=".$this->dbus->client." AND Db='".$dblist[$i]["db"]."';");
if ($this->dbus->next_record())
$r[]=array("db"=>$dblist[$i]["name"], "select"=>$this->dbus->f("Select_priv"), "insert"=>$this->dbus->f("Insert_priv"), "update"=>$this->dbus->f("Update_priv"), "delete"=>$this->dbus->f("Delete_priv"), "create"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_priv"), "drop"=>$this->dbus->f("Drop_priv"), "references"=>$this->dbus->f("References_priv"), "index"=>$this->dbus->f("Index_priv"), "alter"=>$this->dbus->f("Alter_priv"), "create_tmp"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_tmp_table_priv"), "lock"=>$this->dbus->f("Lock_tables_priv"));
@ -682,10 +684,10 @@ class m_mysql {
// We reset all user rights on this DB :
$this->dbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE User = '$usern' AND Db = '$dbname';");
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '$usern'@'$this->client';");
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '$usern'@'".$this->dbus->client."';");
if( $strrights ){
$this->dbus->query("GRANT $strrights ON $dbname.* TO '$usern'@'$this->client';");
$this->dbus->query("GRANT $strrights ON $dbname.* TO '$usern'@'".$this->dbus->client."';");
$this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
return TRUE;
@ -761,36 +763,62 @@ class m_mysql {
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export($tmpdir) {
function alternc_export_conf() {
//TODO don't work with separated sql server for dbusers
global $db,$err,$cuid;
$db->query("SELECT login, pass, db, bck_mode, bck_dir, bck_history, bck_gzip FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid';");
$str.="<table border=\"1\"><caption>MyQSL</caption><th>login</th><th>pass</th>";
if ($db->next_record()) {
$str.=" <login>".xml_entities($db->Record["login"])."</login>";
$str.=" <pass>".xml_entities($db->Record["pass"])."</pass>";
$str.=" <td>".$db->Record["login"]."</td>";
$str.=" <td>".$db->Record["pass"]."</td>";
do {
// Do the dump :
exec("/usr/bin/mysqldump --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -Q -f -q -a -e -u".escapeshellarg($db->Record["login"])." -p".escapeshellarg($db->Record["pass"])." ".escapeshellarg($db->Record["db"])." |/bin/gzip >".escapeshellarg($filename));
$str.=" <db>\n";
$str.=" <name>".xml_entities($db->Record["db"])."</name>\n";
$str.=" <tr>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($db->Record["db"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($db->Record["pass"])."</td>\n";
if ($s["bck_mode"]!=0) {
$str.=" <backup>\n";
$str.=" <mode>".xml_entities($db->Record["bck_mode"])."</mode>\n";
$str.=" <dir>".xml_entities($db->Record["bck_dir"])."</dir>\n";
$str.=" <history>".xml_entities($db->Record["bck_history"])."</history>\n";
$str.=" <gzip>".xml_entities($db->Record["bck_gzip"])."</gzip>\n";
$str.=" </backup>\n";
$str.=" <table>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($db->Record["bck_mode"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($db->Record["bck_dir"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($db->Record["bck_history"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($db->Record["bck_gzip"])."</td>\n";
$str.=" </table>\n";
$str.=" </db>\n";
$str.=" </tr>\n";
} while ($db->next_record());
return $str;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Exporte all the mysql databases a of give account to $dir directory
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export_data ($dir){
global $db, $err, $cuid,$mem;
$db->query("SELECT db.login, db.pass, db.db, dbusers.name FROM db,dbusers WHERE db.uid='$cuid' AND dbusers.uid=db.uid;");
// on exporte toutes les bases utilisateur.
exec ("/usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -Q -f -q -a -e ".escapeshellarg($db->Record["db"])." |/bin/gzip >".escapeshellarg($filename));
} /* Class m_mysql */

View File

@ -176,8 +176,11 @@ class m_quota {
if (isset($this->disk[$ressource])) {
// It's a disk resource, update it with shell command
exec("/usr/lib/alternc/quota_edit $cuid $size");
echo "quota set :::::ciud: $cuid :::: size: $size :::: \n ";
// Now we check that the value has been written properly :
exec("/usr/lib/alternc/quota_get ".$cuid,$a);
echo "quota get :::::ciud: $cuid :::: size: $size :::: a?: $a ";
if ($size!=$a[1]) {
return false;
@ -362,17 +365,18 @@ class m_quota {
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export($tmpdir) {
function alternc_export_conf($tmpdir) {
global $db,$err;
$str="<table border=\"1\" ><caption>QUOTA</caption>\n";
foreach ($q as $k=>$v) {
$str.=" <service>\n <name>".xml_entities($k)."</name>\n";
$str.=" <total>".xml_entities($v)."</total>\n </service>\n";
$str.=" <tr>\n <td>".($k)."</td>\n";
$str.=" <td>".($v[u])."</td>\n \n";
$str.=" <td>".($v[t])."</td>\n </tr>\n";
return $str;

View File

@ -290,15 +290,15 @@ class m_sta2 {
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export($tmpdir) {
function alternc_export_conf() {
global $db,$err;
foreach ($f as $d) {
$str.=" <stats>\n";
$str.=" <hostname>".xml_entities($s[hostname])."</hostname>\n";
$str.=" <folder>".xml_entities($s[folder])."</folder>\n";
$str.=" <hostname>".($s[hostname])."</hostname>\n";
$str.=" <folder>".($s[folder])."</folder>\n";
$str.=" </stats>\n";

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
alternc (1.1+nmu1) stable; urgency=low
* Dev in progres.
* New class: m_export allowing account exporting given it's iud and a path : http://www.alternc.org/wiki/AlterncExport
* Adding script export_account.php usind the above class to export an account.
* Bugfixes: quota's scripts udpated ( mostly concerning LVM partitions), and lots of others (permissions, browser ...)
-- Lerider Steven <squidly@nnx.com> Tue, 28 Feb 2012 14:57:48 +0100
alternc (1.1) stable; urgency=low
* Dev in progress
* New class : access security. Allow to restrict some function to specific IP or subnet
* Access security management on the ftp account.
-- Alan Garcia <fufroma@mailfr.com> Wed, 25 May 2011 09:24:30 +0200
-- Alan Garcia (nickname) <fufroma@mailfr.com> Wed, 25 May 2011 09:24:30 +0200
alternc (1.0.3) stable; urgency=high
* Bugfix : the 'connect' button in the list of installed domains didn't work, make it work

debian/po/fr.po vendored
View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: AlternC 0.9.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: alternc@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-04 11:00+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-07 17:23+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-26 11:16+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Sonntag <benjamin@sonntag.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: Team AlternC <team@alternc.org>\n"
@ -33,10 +33,16 @@ msgstr "Etes-vous CERTAIN de vouloir installer AlternC sur cet ordinateur ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "You are currently trying to install AlternC on your computer. Be aware "
#| "that this package will overwrite critical system files, including but not "
#| "limited to the config files of bind, postfix, courier, squirrelmail and "
#| "proftpd."
msgid ""
"You are currently trying to install AlternC on your computer. Be aware that "
"this package will overwrite critical system files, including but not limited "
"to the config files of bind, postfix, courier, squirrelmail and proftpd."
"to the config files of bind, postfix, dovecot, squirrelmail and proftpd."
msgstr ""
"Vous tes en train d'installer AlternC sur cet ordinateur. Comprenez que ce "
"paquetage va craser plusieurs fichiers de configuration critiques, incluant, "

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: alternc@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-04 11:00+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-07 17:23+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You are currently trying to install AlternC on your computer. Be aware that "
"this package will overwrite critical system files, including but not limited "
"to the config files of bind, postfix, courier, squirrelmail and proftpd."
"to the config files of bind, postfix, dovecot, squirrelmail and proftpd."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SETUID=mail_add mail_del quota_edit quota_get mem_add mem_del
SCRIPTS=sqlbackup.sh rawstat.daily quota_init quota_delete update_domains.sh slave_dns sendmail spoolsize.php fixperms.sh alternc-dboptimize
SCRIPTS=sqlbackup.sh rawstat.daily quota_init quota_delete update_domains.sh slave_dns sendmail spoolsize.php fixperms.sh alternc-dboptimize export_account.php
LIBS=functions.sh functions_hosting.sh functions_dns.sh

src/export_account.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#!/usr/bin/php -q
* Script permettant d'exporter la configuration d'un compte Alternc ainsi que les données associé
* A lancer par exemple avant une suppression de compte.
* Les seuls arguments necessaires sont l'iud du compte à exporter, ainsi que le repertoire ou le dump sera effectué.
* l'export ce fait sous l'arborescence <dir>/<login>/date/ ou les dumps de configuration sont déposées.
* Deux sous dossier sont ensuite crée : html ( dump des fichiers web et de la configuration du compte )
* et un dossier sql contenant toutes les bases de données de l'utilisateur.
global $L_VERSION;
if($argc != 3 ){
echo "usage : export.php <uid> <directory>\n";
exit (1);
# TODO here test $my_id is numeric
if((intval($my_id))==0 || (intval($myid)==1)){
echo "bad argument: expecting a 4 digit IUD";
exit (1);
echo "\n === Export of account $my_id === to $dir\n\n";
# Connect in this user
echo "creating dir : ".$dir." failed";
echo "creating dir : ".$dir." failed";
echo "creating dir : ".$dir." failed";
# Get the conf
echo $file_conf;
fputs($file,"dump of ::".$mem->user["login"]."\n");
fputs($file,"alternc version:".$L_VERSION."\n\n");
foreach($conf_user as $string){
# Get the data

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
# $Id: fixperms.sh,v 1.1 2005/08/29 19:21:31 benjamin Exp $
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -97,8 +96,8 @@ doone() {
# Delete existings ACL
# Set the defaults acl on all the files
setfacl -b -k -m d:g:alterncpanel:rw- -m d:u:$GID:rw- -m d:g:$GID:rw- \
-m g:alterncpanel:rw- -m u:$GID:rw- -m g:$GID:rw- \
setfacl -b -k -m d:g:alterncpanel:rwx -m d:u:$GID:rw- -m d:g:$GID:rw- \
-m g:alterncpanel:rwx -m u:$GID:rw- -m g:$GID:rw- \
-R "$REP"

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
. /etc/alternc/local.sh
# Set disk quota to an user
# Won't work over NFS
if [ $# -ne 2 ] || [[ ! "$MID" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ ! "$SIZE" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "Usage: quota_edit <uid> <size>"
echo "Edit the quota of the AlternC account having uid <uid> the the available space to <size>"
exit 1
DATA_PART=`$DF "${ALTERNC_LOC}/html" 2>/dev/null | $AWK 'NR==2 { print $1 }'`
/usr/sbin/setquota -r -g $MID $SIZE $SIZE 0 0 $DATA_PART 2>/dev/null || echo "Group quota are not enabled on /var/alternc." >&2
DATA_PART=`df "${ALTERNC_LOC}/html" 2>/dev/null | $AWK 'NR==2 { print $1; }'`
`sudo $QUOTA -r -g $MID $SIZE $SIZE 0 0 $DATA_PART 2>/dev/null || echo "Group quota are not enabled on /var/alternc." >&2`

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
. /etc/alternc/local.sh
@ -8,7 +7,7 @@ MOUNT=/bin/mount
if [ "x$MID" == "x" ] ; then
@ -21,22 +20,36 @@ fi
# We look precisely on the HTML directory. Why ? because it's surely
# the bigger one, and if someone separate it we need to look this one
# particulary. It should be interesting to cumulate quota of all mounted directory.
DATA_PART=`$DF "${ALTERNC_LOC}/html" 2>/dev/null | $AWK 'NR==2 { print $1 }'`
# quota will give over NFS will print the partition using the full NFS name
# (e.g. so we need to lookup first with mount
# to convert DATA_PART if needed.
QUOTA_PART=`$MOUNT | $SED -n -e "s,\([^ ]*\) on ${DATA_PART} type nfs.*,\1,p"`
if [ -z "$QUOTA_PART" ]; then
#if the partition is an LVM one we need to adress the partition by its UUID
UUID=$( $BLKID | grep "$QUOTA_PART" | cut -f2 -s -d" " | sed 's/\(UUID="\)\(.*\)\(\"$\)/\2/')
# Now we get the quota
val=$(quota -A -wg "$MID" |grep "$QUOTA_PART" | awk '{ print $2 "\n" $3; }')
#first by testing if the partition is referenced by UUID
val=$(sudo quota -A -wg "$MID" |grep "$UUID" | awk '{ print $2 "\n" $3; }')
if [ -z "$val" ] ; then
val=$(sudo quota -A -wg "$MID" |grep "$QUOTA_PART" | awk '{ print $2 "\n" $3; }')
# If the quota aren't activated, I return something anyway
if [ -z "$val" ] ; then
echo -e "0\n0"
echo -e "0\n0"
echo -e "$val"