2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
# dns.sh next-gen by Fufroma
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
# Init some vars
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
. /etc/alternc/local.sh
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
. /usr/lib/alternc/functions.sh
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
# Init some other vars
ZONE_TEMPLATE = "/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/zone.template"
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
NAMED_TEMPLATE = "/etc/alternc/templates/bind/templates/named.template"
NAMED_CONF = "/var/alternc/bind/automatic.conf"
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
dns_zone_file( ) {
echo " $ALTERNC_LOC /bind/zones/ $1 "
dns_is_locked( ) {
local domain = $1
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
if [ ! -r " $( dns_zone_file $domain ) " ] ; then
return 1
grep "LOCKED:YES" " $( dns_zone_file $domain ) "
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
return $?
dns_get_serial( ) {
local domain = $1
local serial = $(( $( grep "; serial" $( dns_zone_file $domain ) 2>/dev/null| awk '{ print $1;}' ) + 1 ))
local serial2 = $( date +%Y%m%d00)
if [ $serial -gt $serial2 ] ; then
echo $serial
echo $serial2
dns_chmod( ) {
local domain = $1
chgrp bind $( dns_zone_file $domain )
chmod 640 $( dns_zone_file $domain )
return 0
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
dns_named_conf( ) {
local domain = $1
if [ ! -f " $( dns_zone_file $domain ) " ] ; then
echo Error : no file $( dns_zone_file $domain )
return 1
grep -q " $domain " " $NAMED_CONF "
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
local tempo = $( cat " $NAMED_TEMPLATE " )
tempo = ${ tempo /@@DOMAINE@@/ $domain }
tempo = ${ tempo /@@ZONE_FILE@@/ $( dns_zone_file $domain ) }
echo $tempo >> " $NAMED_CONF "
dns_delete( ) {
local domain = $1
# Delete the zone file
if [ -w $( dns_zone_file $domain ) ] ; then
rm -f $( dns_zone_file $domain )
# Remove from the named conf
local file = $( cat " $NAMED_CONF " )
echo -e " $file " | grep -v " \" $domain \" " > " $NAMED_CONF "
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
# DNS regenerate
dns_regenerate( ) {
local domain = $1
local zone_file = $( dns_zone_file $domain )
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
# Check if locked
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
dns_is_locked " $domain "
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo " DNS $domain LOCKED "
return 1
# Get the serial number if there is one
local serial = $( dns_get_serial " $domain " )
# Generate the headers with the template
local file = $( cat " $ZONE_TEMPLATE " )
# Add the entry
file = $(
echo -e " $file "
2011-01-29 17:58:19 +00:00
$MYSQL_DO " select distinct replace(replace(dt.entry,'%TARGET%',sd.valeur), '%SUB%', if(length(sd.sub)>0,sd.sub,'@')) as entry from sub_domaines sd,domaines_type dt where sd.type=dt.name and sd.domaine=' $domain ' and sd.enable in ('ENABLE', 'ENABLED') order by entry ; "
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
# Get some usefull vars
2011-01-29 15:12:26 +00:00
local mx = $( $MYSQL_DO " select mx from domaines where domaine=' $domain ' limit 1; " )
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
# Replace the vars by their values
# Here we can add dynamic value for the default MX
file = $( echo -e " $file " | sed -e "
s/%%fqdn%%/$FQDN /g;
s/%%ns1%%/$NS1_HOSTNAME /g;
s/%%ns2%%/$NS2_HOSTNAME /g;
s/%%mx%%/$mx /g;
s/@@DOMAINE@@/$domain /g;
s/@@SERIAL@@/$serial /g;
s/@@PUBLIC_IP@@/$PUBLIC_IP /g" )
# Add the manual lines
if [ -r " $zone_file " ] ; then
file = $(
echo -e " $file "
grep -A 10000 " $manual_tag " " $zone_file "
file = $( echo -e " $file " ; echo " $manual_tag " )
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
# Init the file
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
echo -e " $file " > " $zone_file "
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00
# And set his rights
dns_chmod $domain
2011-01-28 15:55:26 +00:00
# Add it to named conf
dns_named_conf $domain
2011-01-26 17:18:56 +00:00