2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
< ? php
$Id : bro_main . php , v 1.11 2004 / 09 / 06 18 : 14 : 36 anonymous Exp $
AlternC - Web Hosting System
Copyright ( C ) 2002 by the AlternC Development Team .
http :// alternc . org /
Based on :
Valentin Lacambre ' s web hosting softwares : http :// altern . org /
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ( GPL )
as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
To read the license please visit http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html
Original Author of file : Benjamin Sonntag , Remi
Purpose of file : Online file Browser of AlternC
require_once ( " ../class/config.php " );
$p = $bro -> GetPrefs ();
if ( ! $R && $p [ " golastdir " ]) {
$R = $p [ " lastdir " ];
$R = $bro -> convertabsolute ( $R , 1 );
// on fait ?
if ( $formu ) {
switch ( $formu ) {
case 1 : // Cr<43> er le r<> pertoire $R.$nomfich
2006-11-27 22:18:57 +00:00
if ( $bro -> CreateDir ( $R , $nomfich )) {
print $err -> errstr ();
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
$p = $bro -> GetPrefs ();
break ;
case 6 : // Cr<43> er le fichier $R.$nomfich
2006-11-27 22:18:57 +00:00
if ( ! $bro -> CreateFile ( $R , $nomfich )) {
print $err -> errstr ();
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
$p = $bro -> GetPrefs ();
if ( $p [ " createfile " ] == 1 ) {
$file = $nomfich ;
include ( " bro_editor.php " );
exit ();
break ;
case 2 : // act vaut Supprimer Copier ou Renommer.
if ( $actdel ) {
2007-08-23 05:52:35 +00:00
if ( $del_confirm != " " ) {
2006-11-27 22:18:57 +00:00
if ( ! $bro -> DeleteFile ( $d , $R )) {
print $err -> errstr ();
2007-08-23 06:20:13 +00:00
} elseif ( ! $cancel && is_array ( $d )) {
2006-07-08 09:39:24 +00:00
include ( " head.php " );
</ head >
< body >
< h3 >< ? php printf ( _ ( " Deleting files and/or directories " )); ?> : </h3>
< form action = " bro_main.php " method = " post " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " formu " value = " 2 " />
2006-12-24 04:45:57 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " actdel " value = " 1 " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " R " value = " <?php echo $R ?> " />
2007-08-23 05:52:35 +00:00
< p class = " error " >< ? php __ ( " WARNING: Confirm the deletion of this files " ); ?> </p>
2006-07-08 09:39:24 +00:00
< ? php foreach ( $d as $file ){ ?>
2006-07-09 14:33:40 +00:00
< p >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $file ); ?> </p>
< input type = " hidden " name = " d[] " value = " <?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes( $file )); ?> " />
2006-07-08 09:39:24 +00:00
< ? php } ?>
< blockquote >
2006-12-24 04:45:57 +00:00
< input type = " submit " class = " inb " name = " del_confirm " value = " <?php __( " Yes " ); ?> " />& nbsp ; & nbsp ;
2007-08-23 06:21:06 +00:00
< input type = " submit " class = " inb " name = " cancel " value = " <?php __( " No " ); ?> " />
2006-07-08 09:39:24 +00:00
</ blockquote >
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >
< ? php
2007-08-23 05:52:35 +00:00
exit ();
2006-07-08 09:39:24 +00:00
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
if ( $actmove ) {
2006-11-27 22:18:57 +00:00
if ( ! $bro -> MoveFile ( $d , $R , $actmoveto )) {
print $err -> errstr ();
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
break ;
case 4 : // Renommage Effectif...
2006-11-27 22:18:57 +00:00
if ( ! $bro -> RenameFile ( $R , $o , $d )) { // Rename $R (directory) $o (old) $d (new) names
print $err -> errstr ();
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
break ;
case 3 : // Upload de fichier...
2006-11-27 22:18:57 +00:00
if ( ! $bro -> UploadFile ( $R )) {
print $err -> errstr ();
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
break ;
/* Creation de la liste des fichiers courants */
$c = $bro -> filelist ( $R );
if ( $c === false ) $error = $err -> errstr ();
include ( " head.php " );
</ head >
< body >
< table border = " 0 " width = " 100% " cellspacing = " 0 " >
< tr >< td >
< hr />
< table width = " 100% " >< tr >< td valign = " top " >
< a href = " bro_main.php?R=/ " >< ? php echo $mem -> user [ " login " ]; ?> </a> / <?php echo $bro->PathList($R,"bro_main.php") ?><br />
< small >
< ? php if ( $error ) echo " <font color= \" red \" > $error </font> " ; ?>
</ td >< td valign = " top " align = " right " >
< h3 >< ? php __ ( " File browser " ); ?> </h3>
< form action = " bro_main.php " method = " post " name = " nn " id = " nn " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " R " value = " <?php echo $R ; ?> " />
< table >< tr >
< td >< input type = " text " class = " int " name = " nomfich " size = " 22 " maxlength = " 255 " /></ td >
< td >< input type = " submit " class = " inb " value = " <?php __( " Create " ); ?> " /></ td >
</ tr >< tr >< td >
< input type = " radio " class = " inc " id = " nfile " onclick = " document.nn.nomfich.focus(); " name = " formu " value = " 6 " < ? php if ( ! $p [ " crff " ]) echo " checked= \" checked \" " ; ?> /><label for="nfile"> <?php __("File"); ?></label>
< input type = " radio " class = " inc " id = " nfold " onclick = " document.nn.nomfich.focus(); " name = " formu " value = " 1 " < ? php if ( $p [ " crff " ]) echo " checked= \" checked \" " ; ?> /><label for="nfold"> <?php __("Folder"); ?></label>
</ td >< td ></ td ></ tr ></ table >
</ form >
</ td ></ tr >
</ table >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td valign = " t op " >
< ? php
/* Renommer / Copier / D<> placer les fichiers : */
if ( $formu == 2 && $actrename && count ( $d )) {
echo " <form action= \" bro_main.php \" method= \" post \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" R \" value= \" $R\ " /> \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" formu \" value= \" 4 \" /> \n " ;
2007-08-23 06:20:13 +00:00
echo " <p> " . _ ( " Rename " ) . " </p> " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $d ); $i ++ ) {
$d [ $i ] = ssla ( $d [ $i ]);
2007-08-26 19:50:34 +00:00
echo " <table> " ;
echo " <tr><td> " . _ ( " Old Name: " ) . " </td><td><input type= \" hidden \" name= \" o[ $i ] \" value= \" " . $d [ $i ] . " \" /> " . $d [ $i ] . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td> " . _ ( " New Name: " ) . " </td><td><input type= \" text \" class= \" int \" style= \" width: 350px \" name= \" d[ $i ] \" value= \" " . $d [ $i ] . " \" /></td></tr> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
2007-08-23 06:20:13 +00:00
echo " <p><input type= \" submit \" class= \" inb \" name= \" submit \" value= \" " . _ ( " Rename " ) . " \" /></p> " ;
echo " </form> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <hr /> \n " ;
/* We draw the file list and button bar only if there is files here ! */
if ( count ( $c )) {
< form action = " bro_main.php " method = " post " name = " main " id = " main " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " R " value = " <?php echo $R ; ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " formu " value = " 2 " />
< hr />
< script type = " text/javascript " >
document . write ( " <input type= \" button \" value= \" <?php __( " all / none " ); ?> \" class= \" inb \" onclick= \" CheckAll(); \" /> " );
// -->
</ script >
< input type = " submit " class = " inb " name = " actdel " value = " <?php __( " Delete " ); ?> " />
< input type = " submit " class = " inb " name = " actrename " value = " <?php __( " Rename " ); ?> " />
& nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ;
2007-08-23 05:59:46 +00:00
< input type = " submit " class = " inb " name = " actmove " value = " <?php __( " Move to " ); ?> " />& nbsp ; :& nbsp ; < input type = " text " class = " int " name = " actmoveto " value = " " />
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
< script type = " text/javascript " >
document . write ( " <input type= \" button \" name= \" bff \" onclick= \" browseforfolder('main.actmoveto'); \" value= \" ... \" class= \" inb \" /> " );
// -->
</ script >
< hr />
< ? php
switch ( $p [ " listmode " ]) {
case 0 :
reset ( $c );
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" style= \" border: 0px \" cellpadding= \" 0 \" cellspacing= \" 0 \" > " ;
$col = 1 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $c ); $i ++ ) {
$col = 3 - $col ;
echo " <tr class= \" lst $col\ " > \n " ;
if ( $c [ $i ][ " type " ]) {
2006-07-09 14:33:40 +00:00
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input type= \" checkbox \" class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " \" /></td> " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
if ( $p [ " showicons " ]) {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><img src= \" icon/ " . $bro -> icon ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " \" width= \" 16 \" height= \" 16 \" alt= \" \" /></td> " ;
echo " <td><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_editor.php?file= " . urlencode ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " &R= " . urlencode ( $R );
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " </a></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td> " ;
echo " <td> " . format_date ( '%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d' , date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , $c [ $i ][ " date " ])) . " <br /></td> " ;
if ( $p [ " showtype " ]) {
echo " <td> " . $bro -> mime ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " </td> " ;
$vu = $bro -> viewurl ( $R , $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
if ( $vu ) {
echo " <td><a href= \" $vu\ " > " ._( " View " ). " </ a > " ;
} else {
echo " <td> " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
} else { // DOSSIER :
2006-07-09 14:33:40 +00:00
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input type= \" checkbox \" class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " \" /></td> " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
if ( $p [ " showicons " ]) {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><img src= \" icon/folder.png \" width= \" 16 \" height= \" 16 \" alt= \" \" /></td> " ;
echo " <td><b><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_main.php?R= " . urlencode ( $R . " / " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " /</a></b></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td> " ;
echo " <td> " . format_date ( '%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d' , date ( " Y-m-d h:i:s " , $c [ $i ][ " date " ])) . " <br /></td> " ;
if ( $p [ " showtype " ]) {
echo " <td>Dossier</td> " ;
echo " <td> " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> " ;
break ;
case 1 :
reset ( $c );
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
echo " <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 50% \" > " ;
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
$col = 1 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < round ( count ( $c ) / 2 ); $i ++ ) {
$col = 3 - $col ;
echo " <tr class= \" lst $col\ " > \n " ;
if ( $c [ $i ][ " type " ]) {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input type= \" checkbox \" class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" /></td><td><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_editor.php?file= " . urlencode ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " &R= " . urlencode ( $R );
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " </a></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
$vu = $bro -> viewurl ( $R , $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
if ( $vu ) {
echo " <td><a href= \" $vu\ " > " ._( " V " ). " </ a > " ;
} else {
echo " <td> " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
} else {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><b><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_main.php?R= " . urlencode ( $R . " / " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " /</a></b></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
echo " " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " </td><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 50% \" > " ;
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
$col = 1 ;
for ( $i = round ( count ( $c ) / 2 ); $i < count ( $c ); $i ++ ) {
$col = 3 - $col ;
echo " <tr class= \" lst $col\ " > \n " ;
if ( $c [ $i ][ " type " ]) {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_editor.php?file= " . urlencode ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " &R= " . urlencode ( $R );
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " </a></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
$vu = $bro -> viewurl ( $R , $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
if ( $vu ) {
echo " <td><a href= \" $vu\ " > " ._( " V " ). " </ a > " ;
} else {
echo " <td> " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
} else {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><b><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_main.php?R= " . urlencode ( $R . " / " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " /</a></b></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
echo " " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " </td></tr> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
break ;
case 2 :
reset ( $c );
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
echo " <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 33% \" > " ;
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
$col = 1 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < round ( count ( $c ) / 3 ); $i ++ ) {
$col = 3 - $col ;
echo " <tr class= \" lst $col\ " > \n " ;
if ( $c [ $i ][ " type " ]) {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_editor.php?file= " . urlencode ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " &R= " . urlencode ( $R );
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " </a></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
$vu = $bro -> viewurl ( $R , $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
if ( $vu ) {
echo " <td><a href= \" $vu\ " > " ._( " V " ). " </ a > " ;
} else {
echo " <td> " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
} else {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><b><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_main.php?R= " . urlencode ( $R . " / " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " /</a></b></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
echo " " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " </td><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 33% \" > " ;
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
$col = 1 ;
for ( $i = round ( count ( $c ) / 3 ); $i < round ( 2 * count ( $c ) / 3 ); $i ++ ) {
$col = 3 - $col ;
echo " <tr class= \" lst $col\ " > \n " ;
if ( $c [ $i ][ " type " ]) {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_editor.php?file= " . urlencode ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " &R= " . urlencode ( $R );
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " </a></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
$vu = $bro -> viewurl ( $R , $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
if ( $vu ) {
echo " <td><a href= \" $vu\ " > " ._( " V " ). " </ a > " ;
} else {
echo " <td> " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
} else {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><b><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_main.php?R= " . urlencode ( $R . " / " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " /</a></b></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
echo " " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " </td><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 33% \" > " ;
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
$col = 1 ;
for ( $i = round ( 2 * count ( $c ) / 3 ); $i < count ( $c ); $i ++ ) {
$col = 3 - $col ;
echo " <tr class= \" lst $col\ " > \n " ;
if ( $c [ $i ][ " type " ]) {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_editor.php?file= " . urlencode ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " &R= " . urlencode ( $R );
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " </a></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
$vu = $bro -> viewurl ( $R , $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
if ( $vu ) {
echo " <td><a href= \" $vu\ " > " ._( " View " ). " </ a > " ;
} else {
echo " <td> " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
} else {
echo " <td width= \" 28 \" ><input TYPE=checkbox class= \" inc \" name= \" d[] \" value= \" " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ] . " \" ></td><td><b><a href= \" " ;
echo " bro_main.php?R= " . urlencode ( $R . " / " . $c [ $i ][ " name " ]);
2006-11-27 18:58:53 +00:00
echo " \" > " . htmlentities ( $c [ $i ][ " name " ]) . " /</a></b></td> \n " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
echo " <td> " . format_size ( $c [ $i ][ " size " ]) . " </td><td> " ;
echo " " ;
echo " </td> \n " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " </td></tr> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
break ;
</ form >
< ? php
} // is there any files here ?
else {
echo " <p class= \" error \" > " . _ ( " No files in this folder " ) . " </p> " ;
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td colspan = " 2 " >
< form action = " bro_main.php " enctype = " multipart/form-data " method = " post " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " R " value = " <?php echo $R ; ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " formu " value = " 3 " />
< hr />
< ? php __ ( " Import this file " ); ?> <input class="int" name="userfile" type="file" />
< input type = " hidden " name = " MAX_FILE_SIZE " value = " 10000000 " />
< input type = " submit " class = " inb " value = " <?php __( " Send " ); ?> " />
< hr />
</ form >
< p >& nbsp ; </ p >
< ? php
if ( $id = $ftp -> is_ftp ( $R )) {
echo _ ( " There is an ftp account in this folder " ) . " <a href= \" ftp_edit?id= " . urlencode ( $id ) . " \" > " . _ ( " Click here to edit this ftp account. " ) . " </a><br /> " ;
else {
echo " <a href= \" ftp_add.php?dir= " . urlencode ( $R ) . " \" > " . _ ( " Click here to create an ftp account in this folder. " ) . " </a><br /> " ;
if ( $hta -> is_protected ( $R )) {
2007-10-18 22:52:15 +00:00
echo " <a href= \" hta_edit.php?dir= $R\ " > " ._( " This folder has restricted access " ). " </ a >< br /> " ;
2006-04-26 12:28:53 +00:00
else {
echo " <a href= \" hta_add.php?value= $R\ " > " ._( " Click here to protect this folder with login / password " ). " </ a >< br /> " ;
< br />
< a href = " bro_tgzdown.php?dir=<?php echo $R ; ?> " >< ? php __ ( " Download " ); ?> </a> <?php __("this folder and its subfolders as a compressed file"); ?> (<?php echo $bro->l_tgz[$p["downfmt"]]; ?>)<br />
< a href = " bro_pref.php " >< ? php __ ( " Configure the file browser " ); ?> </a><br />
</ td ></ tr ></ table >
</ body >
</ html >