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AlternC - Web Hosting System
Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by the AlternC Development Team.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
To read the license please visit
Purpose of file: Manage FTP accounts
* FTP account management class
class m_ftp {
var $srv_name;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
2011-05-03 07:25:51 +00:00
* Constructeur
function m_ftp() {
global $L_FQDN;
$this->srv_name = variable_get('ftp_human_name', $L_FQDN, 'Human name for FTP server', array('desc' => 'Name', 'type' => 'string'));
2013-01-29 09:13:34 +00:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Password kind used in this class (hook for admin class)
function alternc_password_policy() {
return array("ftp" => "FTP accounts");
function hook_menu() {
global $quota;
$q = $quota->getquota("ftp");
$obj = array(
'title' => _("FTP accounts"),
'ico' => 'images/ftp.png',
'link' => 'toggle',
'pos' => 100,
'links' => array(),
if ($quota->cancreate("ftp")) {
$obj['links'][] = array(
'ico' => 'images/new.png',
'txt' => _("Create a new ftp account"),
'url' => "ftp_edit.php?create=1",
'class' => '',
if ($q['u'] > 0) { // if there are some FTP accounts
$obj['links'][] = array(
'txt' => _("FTP accounts list"),
'url' => "ftp_list.php"
return $obj;
2014-03-26 13:31:06 +00:00
// Return the values needed to activate security access. See get_auth_class()
// in authip for more informations
function authip_class() {
$c = Array();
$c['name'] = "FTP";
$c['protocol'] = "ftp";
$c['values'] = Array();
$tt = $this->get_list();
if (empty($tt) || !is_array($tt)) {
return $c;
foreach ($this->get_list() as $v) {
$c['values'][$v['id']] = $v['login'];
return $c;
// Switch enabled status of an account
function switch_enabled($id, $status = null) {
global $cuid, $db, $msg;
if (!$jj = $this->get_ftp_details($id)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", 'ftp', _("This account do not exist or is not of this account"));
return false;
if ($status == null) {
if ($jj[0]['enabled'] == true) {
$status = 0;
} else {
$status = 1;
// Be sure what is in $status, in case of it was a parameter
$status = ($status ? 1 : 0);
if (!$db->query("UPDATE ftpusers SET enabled = ? WHERE uid = ? AND id = ? ;", array($status, $cuid, $id))) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", 'ftp', _("Error during update"));
return false;
} else {
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Retourne la liste des comptes FTP du compte h<EFBFBD>berg<EFBFBD>
* Retourne la liste des comptes FTP sous forme de tableau index<EFBFBD> de
* tableaus associatifs comme suit :
* $a["id"]= ID du compte ftp
* $a["login"]= Nom de login du compte
* $a["dir"]= Dossier relatif <EFBFBD> la racine du compte de l'utilisateur
* @return array Retourne le tableau des comptes
function get_list() {
global $db, $msg, $cuid;
$msg->log("ftp", "get_list");
$r = array();
$db->query("SELECT id, name, homedir, enabled FROM ftpusers WHERE uid= ? ORDER BY name;", array($cuid));
if ($db->num_rows()) {
while ($db->next_record()) {
$r[] = array(
"id" => $db->f("id"),
"login" => $db->f("name"),
"enabled" => $db->f("enabled"),
"dir" => $db->f("homedir")
return $r;
} else {
$msg->raise("INFO", "ftp", _("No FTP account found"));
return array();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Retourne les details d'un compte FTP (voir get_list)
* Le tableau est celui du compte d'id specifie
* @param integer $id Numero du compte dont on souhaite obtenir les d<EFBFBD>tails
* @return array Tableau associatif contenant les infos du comptes ftp
function get_ftp_details($id) {
global $db, $msg, $cuid;
$msg->log("ftp", "get_ftp_details", $id);
$r = array();
$db->query("SELECT id, name, homedir, enabled FROM ftpusers WHERE uid= ? AND id= ?;", array($cuid, $id));
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$regexp = "/^" . preg_quote(getuserpath(), "/") . "\/(.*)$/";
$match = array();
preg_match($regexp, $db->f("homedir"), $match);
$lg = explode("_", $db->f("name"));
if ((!is_array($lg)) || (count($lg) != 2)) {
$lg[0] = $db->f("name");
$lg[1] = "";
$r[] = array(
"id" => $db->f("id"),
"prefixe" => $lg[0],
"login" => $lg[1],
"dir" => $match[1],
"enabled" => $db->f("enabled")
return $r;
} else {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("This FTP account does not exist"));
return false;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Retourne la liste des prefixes utilisables par le compte courant
* @return array tableau contenant la liste des prefixes (domaines + login)
* du compte actuel.
function prefix_list() {
global $db, $mem, $cuid;
$r = array();
$r[] = $mem->user["login"];
$db->query("SELECT domaine FROM domaines WHERE compte= ? ORDER BY domaine;", array($cuid));
while ($db->next_record()) {
$r[] = $db->f("domaine");
return $r;
* Check if the login is fine (syntax)
* @param string $l
function check_login($l) {
global $msg;
// special chars and the max numbers of them allowed
// to be able to give a specific error
$vv = array('_' => '1', ' ' => 0);
foreach ($vv as $k => $n) {
if (substr_count($l, $k) > $n) { // if there is more than $n $k
$msg->raise("ERROR", 'ftp', sprintf(_("FTP login is incorrect: too many '%s'"), $k));
return false;
// Explicitly look for only allowed chars
if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9_\.\-]*$/", $l)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", 'ftp', _("FTP login is incorrect"));
return false;
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Affiche (ECHO) la liste des prefixes disponibles sous forme de champs d'option
* Les champs sont affich<EFBFBD>s sous la forme <option>prefixe</option>...
* La valeur $current se voit affubl<EFBFBD>e de la balise SELECTED.
* @param string $current Prefixe s<EFBFBD>lectionn<EFBFBD> par d<EFBFBD>faut
* @return boolean TRUE.
function select_prefix_list($current) {
$r = $this->prefix_list();
while (list($key, $val) = each($r)) {
if ($current == $val) {
$c = " selected=\"selected\"";
} else {
$c = "";
echo "<option$c>$val</option>";
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Modifie les param<EFBFBD>tres du comptes FTP $id.
* @param integer $id Num<EFBFBD>ro du compte dont on veut modifier les param<EFBFBD>tres
* @param string $prefixe Prefixe du compte FTP
* @param string $login login ajout<EFBFBD> au pr<EFBFBD>fixe ($prefixe_$login)
* @param string $pass mot de passe
* @param string $dir R<EFBFBD>pertoire racine du compte
* @return boolean TRUE si le compte a <EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD> modifi<EFBFBD>, FALSE si une erreur est survenue.
function put_ftp_details($id, $prefixe, $login, $pass, $dir) {
global $db, $msg, $bro, $cuid, $admin;
$msg->log("ftp", "put_ftp_details", $id);
$db->query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM ftpusers WHERE id= ? and uid= ?;", array($id, $cuid));
if (!$db->f("cnt")) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("This FTP account does not exist"));
return false;
$dir = $bro->convertabsolute($dir);
if (substr($dir, 0, 1) == "/") {
$dir = substr($dir, 1);
$r = $this->prefix_list();
if (!in_array($prefixe, $r)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("The chosen prefix is not allowed"));
return false;
$full_login = $prefixe;
if ($login) {
$full_login.="_" . $login;
if (!$this->check_login($full_login)) {
return false;
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ftpusers WHERE id!= ? AND name= ?;", array($id, $full_login));
if ($db->f("cnt")) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("This FTP account already exists"));
return false;
$absolute = getuserpath() . "/$dir";
if (!file_exists($absolute)) {
system("/bin/mkdir -p $absolute");
if (!is_dir($absolute)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("The directory cannot be created"));
return false;
if (trim($pass)) {
// Check this password against the password policy using common API :
if (is_callable(array($admin, "checkPolicy"))) {
if (!$admin->checkPolicy("ftp", $full_login, $pass)) {
return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy()
$encrypted_password = _md5cr($pass, strrev(microtime(true)));
$db->query("UPDATE ftpusers SET name= ? , password='', encrypted_password= ?, homedir= ?, uid= ? WHERE id= ?;", array($full_login, $encrypted_password, $absolute, $cuid, $id));
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE ftpusers SET name= ? , homedir= ? , uid= ? WHERE id= ? ;", array($full_login, $absolute, $cuid, $id));
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Efface le compte ftp specifie
* @param integer $id Numero du compte FTP a supprimer.
* @return boolean TRUE si le compte a ete efface, FALSE sinon.
function delete_ftp($id) {
global $db, $msg, $cuid;
$msg->log("ftp", "delete_ftp", $id);
$db->query("SELECT name FROM ftpusers WHERE id= ? and uid= ? ;", array($id, $cuid));
$name = $db->f("name");
if (!$name) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("This FTP account does not exist"));
return false;
$db->query("DELETE FROM ftpusers WHERE id= ? ;", array($id));
return $name;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Cree un nouveau compte FTP.
* @param string $prefixe Prefixe au login
* @param string $login Login ftp (login=prefixe_login)
* @param string $pass Mot de passe FTP
* @param string $dir Repertoire racine du compte relatif à la racine du membre
* @return boolean TRUE si le compte a ete cree, FALSE sinon.
function add_ftp($prefixe, $login, $pass, $dir) {
global $db, $msg, $quota, $bro, $cuid, $admin;
$msg->log("ftp", "add_ftp", $prefixe . "_" . $login);
$dir = $bro->convertabsolute($dir);
if (substr($dir, 0, 1) == "/") {
$dir = substr($dir, 1);
$r = $this->prefix_list();
if (empty($pass)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("Password can't be empty"));
return false;
if (!in_array($prefixe, $r) || $prefixe == "") {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("The chosen prefix is not allowed"));
return false;
$full_login = $prefixe;
if ($login) {
$full_login.="_" . $login;
if (!$this->check_login($full_login)) {
return false;
$db->query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM ftpusers WHERE name= ? ;", array($full_login));
if ($db->f("cnt")) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("This FTP account already exists"));
return false;
$db->query("SELECT login FROM membres WHERE uid= ? ;", array($cuid));
$absolute = getuserpath() . "/$dir";
if (!file_exists($absolute)) {
system("/bin/mkdir -p $absolute"); // FIXME replace with action
if (!is_dir($absolute)) {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("The directory cannot be created"));
return false;
// Check this password against the password policy using common API :
if (is_callable(array($admin, "checkPolicy"))) {
if (!$admin->checkPolicy("ftp", $full_login, $pass)) {
return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy()
if ($quota->cancreate("ftp")) {
$encrypted_password = _md5cr($pass, strrev(microtime(true)));
$db->query("INSERT INTO ftpusers (name,password, encrypted_password,homedir,uid) VALUES ( ?, '', ?, ?, ?)", array($full_login, $encrypted_password, $absolute, $cuid));
return true;
} else {
$msg->raise("ERROR", "ftp", _("Your FTP account quota is over. You cannot create more ftp accounts"));
return false;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Retourne TRUE si $dir possee un compte FTP
* @param string $dir Dossier a tester, relatif a la racine du compte courant
* @return boolean retourne TRUE si $dir a un compte FTP, FALSE sinon.
function is_ftp($dir) {
global $db, $msg;
$msg->log("ftp", "is_ftp", $dir);
if (substr($dir, 0, 1) == "/") {
$dir = substr($dir, 1);
$db->query("SELECT id FROM ftpusers WHERE homedir= ? ;", array( getuserpath() . "/" .$dir ));
if ($db->num_rows()) {
return $db->f("id");
} else {
return false;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Fonction appellee par domains quand un domaine est supprime pour le membre
* @param string $dom Domaine à detruire.
* @access private
function alternc_del_domain($dom) {
global $db, $msg, $cuid;
$msg->log("ftp", "alternc_del_domain", $dom);
$db->query("DELETE FROM ftpusers WHERE uid= ? AND ( name LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?) ", array($cuid, $dom."\_%", $dom));
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Fonction appellee par membres quand un membre est efface
* @access private
function alternc_del_member() {
global $db, $msg, $cuid;
$msg->log("ftp", "alternc_del_member");
$db->query("DELETE FROM ftpusers WHERE uid= ?", array($cuid));
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Returns the used quota for the $name service for the current user.
* @param $name string name of the quota
* @return integer the number of service used or false if an error occured
* @access private
function hook_quota_get() {
global $db, $msg, $cuid;
$msg->log("ftp", "getquota");
$q = Array("name" => "ftp", "description" => _("FTP accounts"), "used" => 0);
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ftpusers WHERE uid= ? ", array($cuid));
if ($db->next_record()) {
$q['used'] = $db->f("cnt");
return $q;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Exporte toutes les informations ftp du compte AlternC
* @access private
* EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
function alternc_export_conf() {
global $db, $msg;
$msg->log("ftp", "export");
$f = $this->get_list();
$str = " <ftp>";
foreach ($f as $d => $v) {
$str.=" <login>" . ($v["login"]) . "</login>\n";
$str.=" <password>" . ($v["encrypted_password"]) . "</password>\n";
$str.=" <directory>" . ($v["dir"]) . "<directory>\n";
$str.=" </ftp>\n";
return $str;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** hook function called by AlternC-upnp to know which open
* tcp or udp ports this class requires or suggests
* @return array a key => value list of port protocol name mandatory values
* @access private
function hook_upnp_list() {
return array(
"ftp" => array("port" => 21, "protocol" => "tcp", "mandatory" => 1),
/* Class m_ftp */