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$Id: m_mail_localbox.php author: squidly
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
Original Author of file: Benjamin Sonntag, Franck Missoum
Purpose of file: Manage Email accounts and aliases.
* This class handle emails local mailboxes
* Copyleft {@link http://alternc.net/ AlternC Team}
* @copyright AlternC-Team 2002-11-01 http://alternc.net/
Class m_mail_localbox{
var $enabled;
var $advanced;
* Function used to set the "visibility" of the property: meaning wheter the option is enabled (hence visible) and if it is part of the advanced options.
function m_mail_localbox(){
if (is_null($this->enabled)) { // if not configuration var, setup one (with a default value)
variable_set('mail_localbox_enabled',true,'To enable or disable the alias module in the mail edit page');
if (is_null($this->advanced)) { // if not configuration var, setup one (with a default value)
variable_set('mail_localbox_advanced',false,'To place the alias option in the advanced area');
* Set a localbox
* @param integer $mail_id
function set_localbox($mail_id){
global $db, $err;
//if(!$db->query("select distinct left(ad.address,1) as letter,d.domaine from address ad,where ad.id = $mail_id ;"));
if(!$db->query("select distinct left(ad.address,1) as letter,ad.address ,d.domaine from address ad, domaines d where ad.domain_id = d.id and ad.id = $mail_id order by letter;"));
if(! $db->next_record()){
return null;
//FIXME faire un touch de la maildir si dovecot ne sait pas le faire.
if(!$db->query("INSERT into mailbox (address_id,path) values ($mail_id,'$path');"));
* Set a localbox
* @param integer $mail_id
function unset_localbox($mail_id){
global $db, $err;
if(!$db->query("DELETE from mailbox where address_id=$mail_id;"));
hooks called by the mail class, it is used to verify that a given mail is not already in the adress table
in wich case we can create it so the
@param: dom_id=domain in use, mail_arg= mail address waiting to be created
@result: an hashtable contening the state ( success /failure, un case of success) the id of the created mail, and an error message if something went wrong.
function hooks_mail_cancreate($dom_id, $mail_arg){
global $db, $err, $cuid;
$return = array (
"state" => true,
"mail_id" => null,
"error" => "");
return $return;
function form($mail_id) {
global $mail, $err;
/* hooks called to list a given mail properties
* @param: the id of the mail being processed
* @return: an hashtable of every information usefull to edit the mail if it is part of the class
* including a url to the edition page of the propertie in question ( here local hosting of a mail)
* if the mail cannot be a localbox because of some of it's properties the return is NULL, thus not displayed in the properties listing page.
function hooks_mail_properties_list($mail_id){
global $db, $err;
$return = array (
"label" => "localbox",
"short_desc" => _("Local mailbox"),
"human_desc" => _("Actually disabled.<br/>To have your mail stored on the server.<br/><i>You can access them remotely with the webmail, IMAP or POP</i>"),
"url" => "mail_localbox_edit.php",
"form_param" => Array($mail_id),
"class" => 'mail_localbox',
"pass_required" => true,
"advanced" => $this->advanced
// on recherche si la boite est deja presente en tant que boite locale
$db->query("select address_id from mailbox where address_id=$mail_id;");
// Si pas d'entrée dans mailbox, on retourne directement le Array
if(! $db->next_record()){
$return['url'] .= "?mail_id=$mail_id";
return $return;
// Sinon, on le met à jour avant
$return["is_local"]= true;
$return["object_id"]= $db->f('address_id');
$return["human_desc"] = _("Actually enabled.<br/>Your mails are stored on the server.<br/><i>You can access them remotely with the webmail, IMAP or POP</i>");
// On met à jour l'URL
$return['url'] .= "?mail_id=$mail_id";
return $return;
/* Function testing if a given mail id is hosted as a localbox on the domain or not
* @param: mail_id
* @return: an indexed array of localbox usefull informations
function details($mail_id){
global $db,$err;
$mail_local = array (
"path" => "",
"quota" => null,
"delivery" => "");
$db->query("select path, quota, delivery from mailbox where address_id=$mail_id;");
if (! $db->next_record()) return false;
return $mail_local;