<inputtype="checkbox"name="dns"class="inc"value="1"id="yndns"<?phpif($dns=="1")echo"checked=\"checked\"";?> /> <label for="yndns"><?php __("host my dns here"); ?></label>
<?php__("Do you want to point this domain to another domain already installed in your account?");?>
<inputtype="radio"id="newisslave0"name="newisslave"value="0"checked="checked"/><labelfor="newisslave0"><?php__("No: This domain will have its own folder.");?></label>
<inputtype="radio"id="newisslave1"name="newisslave"value="1"/><labelfor="newisslave1"><?php__("Yes, redirect this new domain to this one: ");?></label> <select name="slavedom" id="slavedom" class="inl">
<optionvalue=""><?php__("-- Choose a domain --");?></option>
<?php__("If you don't want to host in our server the DNS of your domain, don't check the box 'host my dns here'. If you don't know what it mean, leave it checked.");?></small></p>
echo"<br />"._("Whois result on the domain")." : <pre>";