2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
# English AlternC Translation
# Copyright (c) 2002 the AlternC Development Team
# <tech@alternc.org>
# $Id: admin.po,v 1.4 2006/02/09 20:12:23 benjamin Exp $
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: $Id: admin.po,v 1.4 2006/02/09 20:12:23 benjamin Exp $\n"
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: i18n@alternc.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-05-24 19:34+0200\n"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-06-16 13:50CEST\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Sonntag <benjamin@alternc.org>\n"
"Language-Team: English <i18n@alternc.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Emacs 21\n"
msgid "err_admin_1"
msgstr "-- Only administrators can access this page !! --"
msgid "err_admin_2"
msgstr "Account not found"
msgid "err_admin_3"
msgstr "This login already exists"
msgid "err_admin_4"
msgstr "-- I cannot create this account --"
msgid "err_admin_5"
msgstr "Please enter a valid email address"
msgid "err_admin_6"
msgstr "All fields are mandatory"
msgid "err_admin_7"
msgstr "You can ask for your password only once a day !"
msgid "err_admin_8"
msgstr "This account is ALREADY an administrator account"
msgid "err_admin_9"
msgstr "This account is NOT an administrator account !"
msgid "err_admin_10"
msgstr "Login can only contains characters a-z, 0-9 and -"
msgid "err_admin_11"
msgstr "This TLD does not exist"
msgid "err_admin_12"
msgstr "This TLD already exists"
msgid "err_admin_13"
msgstr "The login is too long (16 chars max)"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
msgid "Number of mailing-lists"
msgstr "Number of mailing-lists"
msgid "Number of domains"
msgstr "Number of domains"
msgid "Number of FTP accounts"
msgstr "Number of FTP accounts"
msgid "Number of web statistics"
msgstr "Number of web statistics"
msgid "quota_dom"
msgstr "Domain names"
msgid "err_dom_1"
msgstr "Domain '%s' not found."
msgid "err_dom_2"
msgstr "The domaine '%s' does not belong to you."
msgid "err_dom_3"
msgstr "--- Programm error --- No lock on the domains !"
msgid "err_dom_4"
msgstr "The domain name is too long."
msgid "err_dom_5"
msgstr "One of the domain name member is too long."
msgid "err_dom_6"
msgstr ""
"There is some forbidden characters in the domain name (only A-Z 0-9 and - "
"are allowed)."
msgid "err_dom_7"
msgstr ""
"The last member of the domain name is incorrect or cannot be hosted in that "
msgid "err_dom_8"
msgstr "The domain already exists."
msgid "err_dom_9"
msgstr ""
"The domain has been deleted less than 5 minutes ago, please try again later."
msgid "err_dom_10"
msgstr "Your domain quota is over, you cannot create more domain names."
msgid "err_dom_11"
msgstr "The Whois database is unavailable, please try again later."
msgid "err_dom_12"
msgstr "The domain cannot be found in the whois database."
msgid "err_dom_13"
msgstr ""
"The domain has been changed less than 5 minutes ago. Please try again in a "
"few minutes."
msgid "err_dom_14"
msgstr "The sub-domain does not exist."
msgid "err_dom_15"
msgstr "No change has been requested..."
msgid "err_dom_16"
msgstr "The sub-domain already exists."
msgid "err_dom_17"
msgstr "--- Programm error --- Lock already obtained !"
msgid "err_dom_18"
msgstr ""
"This domain is the server's domain !!! You cannot host it on your account !"
msgid "err_dom_19"
msgstr "The IP address you entered is incorrect."
msgid "err_dom_20"
msgstr "The URL you entered is incorrect."
msgid "err_dom_21"
msgstr "The folder you entered is incorrect or does not exist."
msgid "err_dom_22"
msgstr ""
"The requested domain is forbidden in this server, please contact the "
msgid "err_dom_23"
msgstr ""
"The DNS of this domain do not match the server's DNS. Please change your "
"domain's DNS (and eventually wait 1 day) before you install it again."
msgid "err_dom_24"
msgstr ""
"There is some forbidden characters in the sub domain (only A-Z 0-9 and - are "
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
msgid "Editing subdomain %s"
msgstr "Editing subdomain %s"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
msgid "hlp_add_domain"
msgstr ""
"- Entrez le nom du domaine que vous souhaitez h<>berger. Le nom de domaine "
"doit <20>tre complet, mais <b>sans le www.</b><br /> IMPORTANT : Si vous voulez "
"un h<>bergement r<>el de domaine, il faut que les DNS de votre domaine "
"pointent vers nos serveurs DNS. Contacter votre h<>bergeur pour plus "
"d'information.<br /> Exemples : globenet.org / demo.com / test.eu.org etc."
"<br />Plus d'info sur la gestion des domaines dans l'aide en ligne "
"HELPID_200<br />"
msgid "hlp_add_domain_2"
msgstr ""
"Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous pourrez ensuite acc<63>der aux parem<65>tres "
"du domaine dans le menu <20> gauche.2 liens vont apparaitre : <br />- un "
"premier pour modifier les param<61>tres d'h<>bergement du domaine (sous-"
"domaines, redirections, h<>bergement mails ...) <br />- un second pour g<>rer "
"les comptes emails du domaine (si vous souhaitez cr<63>er des boites aux "
"lettres).<br />Plus d'info sur la gestion des domaines dans l'aide en ligne "
"HELPID_200<br />"
msgid "hlp_del_domain"
msgstr ""
"Le domaine a <20>t<EFBFBD> effac<61>, mais les fichiers de votre site n'ont pas <20>t<EFBFBD> "
"d<>truits.<br />Si vous souhaitez d<>truire les fichiers du site web, utilisez "
"le Gestionnaire de Fichier<br />Plus d'info sur la gestion des domaines dans "
"l'aide en ligne HELPID_200<br />"
msgid "hlp_edit_domain"
msgstr ""
"Cette zone vous permet de modifier les param<61>tres de votre domaine, ainsi "
"que des sous-domaines install<6C>s<br />Vous pouvez cr<63>er un nouveau sous-"
"domaine et choisir, soit de le rediriger vers votre espace disque, vers une "
"autre adresse Internet, ou vers une adresse IP (utilisateurs avanc<6E>s)<br /"
">Plus d'info sur la gestion des domaines dans l'aide en ligne HELPID_200<br /"
msgid "quota_ftp"
msgstr "FTP Accounts"
msgid "err_ftp_1"
msgstr "No ftp account found"
msgid "err_ftp_2"
msgstr "This ftp account does not exist"
msgid "err_ftp_3"
msgstr "The chosen prefix is not allowed"
msgid "err_ftp_4"
msgstr "This ftp account already exists"
msgid "err_ftp_5"
msgstr "Your ftp account quota is over. You cannot create more ftp accounts."
msgid "err_ftp_6"
msgstr "The directory cannot be created."
msgid "hlp_ftp_list"
msgstr ""
"Voici la liste des comptes ftp ayant acc<63>s <20> votre compte. Cliquez sur "
"'Modifier' pour changer le nom d'utilisateur, le mot de passe, ou le dossier "
"racine.<br /> Pour supprimer un compte, cochez la case correspondante et "
"cliquez sur le bouton 'Supprimer les comptes coch<63>s'<br />Pour pouvoir "
"acc<63>der <20> vos fichiers avec un logiciel de ftp, vous devez cr<63>er au moins un "
"compte. Chaque compte est associ<63> <20> un dossier, et n'aura donc acc<63>s qu'aux "
"fichiers situ<74>s dans ce dossier ou en dessous. <br />Plus d'info sur le FTP "
"dans l'aide en ligne HELPID_100<br />"
msgid "hlp_ftp_list_no"
msgstr ""
"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun Compte FTP de disponible. Cliquez sur "
"'Cr<43>ation d'un compte ftp' pour en cr<63>er un.<br />Pour pouvoir acc<63>der <20> vos "
"fichiers avec un logiciel de ftp, vous devez cr<63>er au moins un compte. "
"Chaque compte est associ<63> <20> un dossier, et n'aura donc acc<63>s qu'aux fichiers "
"situ<74>s dans ce dossier ou en dessous. <br />Plus d'info sur le FTP dans "
"l'aide en ligne HELPID_100<br />"
msgid "hlp_ftp_add"
msgstr ""
"Pour ajouter un compte ftp, vous devez choisir un Nom d'utilisateur, un mot "
"de passe, et un r<>pertoire racine<br />Le nom d'utilisateur commence "
"toujours par votre nom de login ou le nom d'un de vos domaines.<br />Le "
"r<>pertoire racine, s'il n'existe pas, sera cr<63><72> automatiquement.<br />Note : "
"Le compte que vous cr<63>ez ainsi aura acc<63>s en lecture et en <20>criture aux "
"fichiers situ<74>s dans le r<>pertoire et tous ses sous-r<>pertoires.<br />Plus "
"d'info sur le FTP dans l'aide en ligne HELPID_100<br />"
msgid "err_hta_1"
msgstr "An incompatible .htaccess file exists in this folder."
msgid "err_hta_2"
msgstr ""
".htaccess parsed and syntaxically correct, a .htpassword file has been "
msgid "err_hta_3"
msgstr ".htaccess parsed and syntaxically correct, a .htpasswd already exist."
msgid "err_hta_4"
msgstr "No protected folder"
msgid "err_hta_5"
msgstr "I cannot delete the file '%s'/.htaccess"
msgid "err_hta_6"
msgstr "I cannot delete the file '%s'/.htpasswd"
msgid "err_hta_7"
msgstr "The file .htaccess does not exist"
msgid "err_hta_8"
msgstr "The folder '%s' does not exist"
msgid "err_hta_9"
msgstr "The file '%s' is not correct"
msgid "err_hta_10"
msgstr "The user '%s' already exist for this folder"
msgid "err_hta_11"
msgstr "Please enter a valid username"
msgid "quota_mail"
msgstr "Email Accounts"
msgid "err_mail_1"
msgstr "ldap connexion impossible, please try again later."
msgid "err_mail_2"
msgstr "No email on domain '%s'"
msgid "err_mail_3"
msgstr "The email '%s' does not exist"
msgid "err_mail_4"
msgstr ""
"Please check 'pop account' and choose a password pop, or enter some "
"redirections, or both"
msgid "err_mail_5"
msgstr "-- Server error --- Parameter is incorrect (%s)"
msgid "err_mail_6"
msgstr "The domain '%s' does not exist."
msgid "err_mail_7"
msgstr "The email '%s' already exists."
msgid "err_mail_8"
msgstr ""
"Your mail account quota is over. You cannot create more email accounts."
msgid "err_mail_9"
msgstr "The domain '%s' does not exist."
msgid "err_mail_10"
msgstr "-- Programm error -- Mail quota does not exist"
msgid "err_mail_11"
msgstr "Please enter an Email address"
msgid "err_mail_12"
msgstr "Please enter a pop password"
msgid "err_mail_13"
msgstr "Please enter a valid email"
msgid "err_mail_14"
msgstr "One or more email redirection are invalid"
msgid "err_mail_15"
msgstr ""
"This mail is not a pop account. It's impossible to change the password !"
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
msgid "err_err_0"
msgstr "OK"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
msgid "err_err_1"
msgstr "The error message does not exists (%s)"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
msgid "the %3$d-%2$d-%1$d at %4$d:%5$d"
msgstr "%3$d/%1$d/%2$d, at %6$d:%5$d %7$s"
msgid "err_mem_1"
msgstr "User or password incorrect"
msgid "err_mem_2"
msgstr "This account is locked, contact the administrator"
msgid "err_mem_3"
msgstr "Cookie incorrect, please accept the session cookie"
msgid "err_mem_4"
msgstr "Session unknown, contact the administrator"
msgid "err_mem_5"
msgstr "IP address incorrect, please contact the administrator"
# PROBLEME : il y avait 2 fois le 5, les autres messages doivent surement etre d<>cal<61>s (TODO)
msgid "err_mem_6"
msgstr "The old password is incorrect"
msgid "err_mem_7"
msgstr "The new passwords are differents, please retry"
msgid "err_mem_8"
msgstr "A password must be at least 3 characters long."
msgid "err_mem_9"
msgstr "The information you entered is incorrect"
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mem_11"
msgstr "User or password incorrect"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mem_12"
msgstr "This account is locked, contact the administrator"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
# Please do NOT translate those strings to each language. Use the country language instead
msgid "fr_FR"
msgstr "Fran<61>ais (France)"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
msgid "fr_CA"
msgstr "Fran<61>ais (Canada)"
msgid "en_US"
msgstr "English (United States)"
msgid "en_UK"
msgstr "English (United Kingdom)"
msgid "de_DE"
msgstr "Deutsch (Germany)"
msgid "es_ES"
msgstr "Espanol"
msgid "es_VE"
msgstr "Espanol"
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_quota_0"
msgstr "The user '%s' already exist for this folder"
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_quota_1"
msgstr "An incompatible .htaccess file exists in this folder."
msgid "quota_mysql"
msgstr "MySQL Databases"
#, fuzzy
msgid "quota_mysql_users"
msgstr "MySQL Databases"
msgid "err_mysql_2"
msgstr ""
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
"Data base name can contain only digits or lowercase alphabetic characters"
msgid "err_mysql_3"
msgstr "The database does not exist, you'll get an access by creating it."
msgid "err_mysql_4"
msgstr "This database already exists!"
msgid "err_mysql_5"
msgstr "Your backup number is incorrect."
msgid "err_mysql_6"
msgstr "The folder is incorrect!"
msgid "err_mysql_7"
msgstr "The file name you chose does not exist or is incorrect."
msgid "err_mysql_8"
msgstr "The password is too long (16 chars max)"
msgid "err_mysql_9"
msgstr "The file is incorrect or does not exist."
msgid "err_mysql_10"
msgstr "Your cannot create your main database : you still have other dbs !"
msgid "err_mysql_11"
msgstr "You have no database, click on 'Databases' to create the first one"
msgid "err_mysql_12"
msgstr "The data base name is too long (64 chars max)"
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mysql_13"
msgstr "You have no database available."
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mysql_14"
msgstr "You have no database available."
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mysql_15"
msgstr "You have no database available."
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mysql_16"
msgstr "You have no database available."
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mysql_17"
msgstr "You have no database available."
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mysql_18"
msgstr "You have no database available."
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_mysql_19"
msgstr "You have no database available."
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
msgid "hlp_sql_bck"
msgstr ""
"Your MySQL backups are stored in the chosen folder from <code>db.sql.1</"
"code> to <code>db.sql.19</code><br />your database name replaces 'db'.<br /"
">WARNING: If you modify backup settings (backups, compression...) previous "
"backups may remain in the backup folder. Go to the file manager to delete "
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "quota_sta2"
msgstr "Web Statistics"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_sta2_1"
msgstr "No statistic set found."
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_sta2_2"
msgstr "This statistic set does not exist."
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgid "err_sta2_3"
msgstr "The chosen prefix is not allowed here"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-13 22:35:30 +00:00
#~ msgid "Number of email accounts"
#~ msgstr "Number of email accounts"
#~ msgid "This TLD is forbidden"
#~ msgstr "This TLD is forbidden"
#~ msgid "primary DNS is checked in WHOIS db"
#~ msgstr "primary DNS is checked in WHOIS db"
#~ msgid "primary & secondary DNS are checked in WHOIS db"
#~ msgstr "primary & secondary DNS are checked in WHOIS db"
#~ msgid "Domain must exist, but don't do any DNS check"
#~ msgstr "Domain must exist, but don't do any DNS check"
#~ msgid "Domain can be installed, no check at all"
#~ msgstr "Domain can be installed, no check at all"
#~ msgid "Domain can be installed, force NO DNS hosting"
#~ msgstr "Domain can be installed, force NO DNS hosting"
#~ msgid "The user has no database"
#~ msgstr "The user has no database"
#~ msgid "Enable the database"
#~ msgstr "Enable the database"
#~ msgid "The user has a MySQL database"
#~ msgstr "The user has a MySQL database"
#~ msgid "Disable the database"
#~ msgstr "Disable the database"
#~ msgid "Disk space (in KB)"
#~ msgstr "Disk space (in KB)"
2006-05-13 22:30:43 +00:00
#~ msgid "Delete my SQL database"
#~ msgstr "Delete my SQL database"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-13 22:30:43 +00:00
#~ msgid "Manage the SQL backup"
#~ msgstr "Manage SQL backups"
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
2006-05-13 22:30:43 +00:00
#~ msgid "Destroy my database"
#~ msgstr "Destroy my database"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-13 22:29:24 +00:00
#~ msgid "Click here to continue"
#~ msgstr "Click here to continue"
#~ msgid "Yes"
#~ msgstr "Yes"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "No"
#~ msgid "General SQL Admin"
#~ msgstr "General SQL Admin"
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "This page is restricted to authorized staff"
#~ msgstr "This page is restricted to authorized staff"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "New member"
#~ msgstr "New member"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Initial password"
#~ msgstr "Initial password"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Surname"
#~ msgstr "Surname"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "First Name"
#~ msgstr "First Name"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Email address"
#~ msgstr "Email address"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Create a new member"
#~ msgstr "Create a new member"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "The new member has been successfully created"
#~ msgstr "The new member has been successfully created"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Member '%s' does not exist"
#~ msgstr "Member '%s' does not exist"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Member %s successfully deleted"
#~ msgstr "Member %s successfully deleted"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Member Edition"
#~ msgstr "Member Edition"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "The member has been successfully edited"
#~ msgstr "The member has been successfully edited"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Account Enabled ?"
#~ msgstr "Account Enabled ?"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Edit this account"
#~ msgstr "Edit this account"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Member list"
#~ msgstr "Member list"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Here is the list of hosted members"
#~ msgstr "Here is the list of hosted members"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Edit"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Quotas"
#~ msgstr "Quotas"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Connect as"
#~ msgstr "Connect as"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Delete checked accounts"
#~ msgstr "Delete checked accounts"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Editing the quotas of a member"
#~ msgstr "Editing the quotas of a member"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "The quotas has been successfully edited"
#~ msgstr "The quotas has been successfully edited"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Quota"
#~ msgstr "Quota"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Total"
#~ msgstr "Total"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Used"
#~ msgstr "Used"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Edit the quotas"
#~ msgstr "Edit the quotas"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Recalculate the quotas of the account"
#~ msgstr "Recalculate the quotas of the account"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There is only one administrator account, you cannot turn this account "
#~ "back to normal"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "There is only one administrator account, you cannot turn this account "
#~ "back to normal"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "This account is a super-admin account"
#~ msgstr "This account is a super-admin account"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Turn this account back to normal"
#~ msgstr "Turn this account back to normal"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Make this account a super admin one"
#~ msgstr "Make this account a super admin one"
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "Some TLD cannot be deleted..."
#~ msgstr "Some TLD cannot be deleted..."
2006-05-09 16:04:11 +00:00
2006-05-09 16:12:09 +00:00
#~ msgid "The requested TLD has been deleted"
#~ msgstr "The requested TLD has been deleted"
#~ msgid "Manage allowed domains (TLD)"
#~ msgstr "Manage allowed domains (TLD)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here is the list of the TLD allowed on this server. Each TLD can be "
#~ "allowed or denied after some checks (whois, ns, domain exists...)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Here is the list of the TLD allowed on this server. Each TLD can be "
#~ "allowed or denied after some checks (whois, ns, domain exists...)"
#~ msgid "TLD"
#~ msgstr "TLD"
#~ msgid "Allowed Mode"
#~ msgstr "Allowed Mode"
#~ msgid "Delete the checked TLD"
#~ msgstr "Delete the checked TLD"
#~ msgid "Add a new TLD"
#~ msgstr "Add a new TLD"
#~ msgid "The TLD has been successfully added"
#~ msgstr "The TLD has been successfully added"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the new TLD (without the first dot) and choose what check should be "
#~ "done."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Enter the new TLD (without the first dot) and choose what check should be "
#~ "done."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Warning : only some final tld are known in the whois function of AlternC, "
#~ "please check m_domains.php accordingly."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Warning : only some final tld are known in the whois function of AlternC, "
#~ "please check m_domains.php accordingly."
#~ msgid "Edit a TLD"
#~ msgstr "Edit a TLD"
#~ msgid "Edit this TLD"
#~ msgstr "Edit this TLD"
#~ msgid "The TLD has been successfully edited"
#~ msgstr "The TLD has been successfully edited"
#~ msgid "Change the default quotas"
#~ msgstr "Change the default quotas"
#~ msgid "Manage the members"
#~ msgstr "Manage the members"
#~ msgid "Admin Control Panel"
#~ msgstr "Admin Control Panel"
#~ msgid "Default quotas successfully changed"
#~ msgstr "Default quotas successfully changed"
#~ msgid "Can he change its password"
#~ msgstr "Can he change its password"
#~ msgid "Account created by %s"
#~ msgstr "Account created by %s"
#~ msgid "Locked Account"
#~ msgstr "Locked Account"
#~ msgid "%3$d-%2$d-%1$d %4$d:%5$d"
#~ msgstr "%3$d/%1$d/%2$d %6$d:%5$d %7$s"
#~ msgid "Your file %s has been saved"
#~ msgstr "Your file %s has been saved"
#~ msgid "Back to the file browser"
#~ msgstr "Back to the file browser"
#~ msgid "File editing"
#~ msgstr "File editing"
#~ msgid "File browser"
#~ msgstr "File browser"
#~ msgid "Rename"
#~ msgstr "Rename"
#~ msgid "Delete"
#~ msgstr "Delete"
#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Copy"
#~ msgid "Move"
#~ msgstr "Move"
#~ msgid "Create"
#~ msgstr "Create"
#~ msgid "File"
#~ msgstr "File"
#~ msgid "Folder"
#~ msgstr "Folder"
#~ msgid "Import this file"
#~ msgstr "Import this file"
#~ msgid "Send"
#~ msgstr "Send"
#~ msgid "There is an ftp account in this folder"
#~ msgstr "There is an ftp account in this folder"
#~ msgid "click here to edit this ftp account"
#~ msgstr "click here to edit this ftp account"
#~ msgid "click here to create an ftp account in this folder"
#~ msgstr "click here to create an ftp account in this folder"
#~ msgid "This folder has restricted access"
#~ msgstr "This folder has restricted access"
#~ msgid "Click here to protect this folder with login/password"
#~ msgstr "Click here to protect this folder with login/password"
#~ msgid "Download"
#~ msgstr "Download"
#~ msgid "this folder and its subfolders as a compressed file"
#~ msgstr "this folder and its subfolders as a compressed file"
#~ msgid "Configure the file browser"
#~ msgstr "Configure the file browser"
#~ msgid "Your preferences have been updated."
#~ msgstr "Your preferences have been updated."
#~ msgid "File editor preferences"
#~ msgstr "File editor preferences"
#~ msgid "File browser preferences"
#~ msgstr "File browser preferences"
#~ msgid "File editor font name"
#~ msgstr "File editor font name"
#~ msgid "File editor font size"
#~ msgstr "File editor font size"
#~ msgid "Horizontal window size"
#~ msgstr "Horizontal window size"
#~ msgid "Vertical window size"
#~ msgstr "Vertical window size"
#~ msgid "File list view"
#~ msgstr "File list view"
#~ msgid "Downloading file format"
#~ msgstr "Downloading file format"
#~ msgid "What to do after creating a file"
#~ msgstr "What to do after creating a file"
#~ msgid "Show icons?"
#~ msgstr "Show icons?"
#~ msgid "Show file types?"
#~ msgstr "Show file types?"
#~ msgid "Change my settings"
#~ msgstr "Change my settings"
#~ msgid "1 column, detailed"
#~ msgstr "1 column, detailed"
#~ msgid "2 columns, short"
#~ msgstr "2 columns, short"
#~ msgid "3 columns, short"
#~ msgstr "3 columns, short"
#~ msgid "Go back to the file manager"
#~ msgstr "Go back to the file manager"
#~ msgid "Edit the newly created file"
#~ msgstr "Edit the newly created file"
#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "View"
#~ msgid "V"
#~ msgstr "V"
#~ msgid "Remember last visited directory?"
#~ msgstr "Remember last visited directory?"
#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Save"
#~ msgid "Save & Quit"
#~ msgstr "Save & Quit"
#~ msgid "Quit"
#~ msgstr "Quit"
#~ msgid "all/none"
#~ msgstr "all/none"
#~ msgid "err_bro_1"
#~ msgstr "File or folder name is incorrect"
#~ msgid "err_bro_2"
#~ msgstr "You cannot move or copy a file to the same folder"
#~ msgid "No files in this folder"
#~ msgstr "No files in this folder"
#~ msgid "help_dns_mx %s %s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "If we manage your DNS <br />You can manage your mails elsewhere if you "
#~ "want (MX field).<br />Write <b><code>%s</code></b> in this field if your "
#~ "mail must be managed by %s<br />or put the IP address or name of the mail "
#~ "server used to manage your mails.<small>Warning : if you put nothing in "
#~ "this field, your mails will be unavailable</small>"
#~ msgid "help_dns_mail"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "If we don't manage the DNS for this domain <br />do we manage your mails?"
#~ msgid "help_domain_del %s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "If you want to delete the domain %s, click the button below.Warning : "
#~ "this delete all the ftp, mails, mailing-lists ... associated with "
#~ "thisdomain and all its subdomains!"
#~ msgid "Domain hosting"
#~ msgstr "Domain hosting"
#~ msgid "You cannot add any new domain, your quota is over."
#~ msgstr "You cannot add any new domain, your quota is over."
#~ msgid "Contact your administrator for more information."
#~ msgstr "Contact your administrator for more information."
#~ msgid "Domain name"
#~ msgstr "Domain name"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you don't want to host in our server the DNS of your domain, don't "
#~ "check the box 'host my dns here'. If you don't know what it mean, leave "
#~ "it checked."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "If you don't want to host in our server the DNS of your domain, don't "
#~ "check the box 'host my dns here'. If you don't know what it mean, leave "
#~ "it checked."
#~ msgid "host my dns here"
#~ msgstr "host my dns here"
#~ msgid "Add a domain"
#~ msgstr "Add a domain"
#~ msgid "Add this domain"
#~ msgstr "Add this domain"
#~ msgid "Your new domain %s has been successfully installed"
#~ msgstr "Your new domain %s has been successfully installed"
#~ msgid "Whois result on the domain"
#~ msgstr "Whois result on the domain"
#~ msgid "Confirm the deletion of domain %s"
#~ msgstr "Confirm the deletion of domain %s"
#~ msgid "This will delete the related sub-domains too."
#~ msgstr "This will delete the related sub-domains too."
#~ msgid "Domain %s deleted"
#~ msgstr "Domain %s deleted"
#~ msgid "The domain %s has been successfully deleted."
#~ msgstr "The domain %s has been successfully deleted."
#~ msgid "Editing domain %s"
#~ msgstr "Editing domain %s"
#~ msgid "Subdomains"
#~ msgstr "Subdomains"
#~ msgid "Domains"
#~ msgstr "Domains"
#~ msgid "Add a subdomain"
#~ msgstr "Add a subdomain"
#~ msgid "Locally managed"
#~ msgstr "Locally managed"
#~ msgid "URL redirection"
#~ msgstr "URL redirection"
#~ msgid "IP redirection"
#~ msgstr "IP redirection"
#~ msgid "Webmail access"
#~ msgstr "Webmail access"
#~ msgid "DNS parameters"
#~ msgstr "DNS parameters"
#~ msgid "Manage the DNS on the server ?"
#~ msgstr "Manage the DNS on the server ?"
#~ msgid "MX Field"
#~ msgstr "MX Field"
#~ msgid "Submit the changes"
#~ msgstr "Submit the changes"
#~ msgid "Delete %s"
#~ msgstr "Delete %s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The domain %s has been changed. The modifications will take effect in 5 "
#~ "minutes."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "The domain %s has been changed. The modifications will take effect in 5 "
#~ "minutes."
#~ msgid "Deleting subdomain %s"
#~ msgstr "Deleting subdomain %s"
#~ msgid "WARNING : Confirm the deletion of the subdomain"
#~ msgstr "WARNING : Confirm the deletion of the subdomain"
#~ msgid "The modifications will take effect in 5 minutes."
#~ msgstr "The modifications will take effect in 5 minutes."
#~ msgid "You cannot add any new ftp account, your quota is over."
#~ msgstr "You cannot add any new ftp account, your quota is over."
#~ msgid "Create a new ftp account"
#~ msgstr "Create a new ftp account"
#~ msgid "Create this new FTP account."
#~ msgstr "Create this new FTP account."
#~ msgid "The ftp account %s has been successfully deleted"
#~ msgstr "The ftp account %s has been successfully deleted"
#~ msgid "Deleting an FTP account"
#~ msgstr "Deleting an FTP account"
#~ msgid "The FTP account has been successfully created"
#~ msgstr "The FTP account has been successfully created"
#~ msgid "No account selected!"
#~ msgstr "No account selected!"
#~ msgid "The ftp account has been successfully changed"
#~ msgstr "The ftp account has been successfully changed"
#~ msgid "Editing an FTP account"
#~ msgstr "Editing an FTP account"
#~ msgid "Change this FTP account"
#~ msgstr "Change this FTP account"
#~ msgid "FTP accounts list"
#~ msgstr "FTP accounts list"
#~ msgid "<-No Password->"
#~ msgstr "<-No Password->"
#~ msgid "FTP accounts"
#~ msgstr "FTP accounts"
#~ msgid "Protect a folder"
#~ msgstr "Protect a folder"
#~ msgid "The folder must exists."
#~ msgstr "The folder must exists."
#~ msgid "Protect this folder"
#~ msgstr "Protect this folder"
#~ msgid "Adding a username in %s"
#~ msgstr "Adding a username in %s"
#~ msgid "Add this user"
#~ msgstr "Add this user"
#~ msgid "The protected folder %s has been successfully unprotected"
#~ msgstr "The protected folder %s has been successfully unprotected"
#~ msgid "Delete a protected folder"
#~ msgstr "Delete a protected folder"
#~ msgid "Please enter a password"
#~ msgstr "Please enter a password"
#~ msgid "Change the user %s in the protected folder %s"
#~ msgstr "Change the user %s in the protected folder %s"
#~ msgid "The password of the user %s has been successfully changed"
#~ msgstr "The password of the user %s has been successfully changed"
#~ msgid "No folder selected!"
#~ msgstr "No folder selected!"
#~ msgid "List of authorized user in folder %s"
#~ msgstr "List of authorized user in folder %s"
#~ msgid "No authorized user in %s"
#~ msgstr "No authorized user in %s"
#~ msgid "Add a username"
#~ msgstr "Add a username"
#~ msgid "Delete the checked users"
#~ msgstr "Delete the checked users"
#~ msgid "Editing user %s in the protected folder %s"
#~ msgstr "Editing user %s in the protected folder %s"
#~ msgid "New password"
#~ msgstr "New password"
#~ msgid "Change the password"
#~ msgstr "Change the password"
#~ msgid "Protected folders list"
#~ msgstr "Protected folders list"
#~ msgid "Unprotect the checked folders"
#~ msgstr "Unprotect the checked folders"
#~ msgid "Protected folders"
#~ msgstr "Protected folders"
#~ msgid "Add a mail to the domain %s"
#~ msgstr "Add a mail to the domain %s"
#~ msgid "Create this mailbox"
#~ msgstr "Create this mailbox"
#~ msgid "Is it a POP account?"
#~ msgstr "Is it a POP account?"
#~ msgid "POP password"
#~ msgstr "POP password"
#~ msgid "Other recipients"
#~ msgstr "Other recipients"
#~ msgid "One email per line"
#~ msgstr "One email per line"
#~ msgid "The mailbox <b>%s</b> has been successfully created"
#~ msgstr "The mailbox <b>%s</b> has been successfully created"
#~ msgid "The mailbox <b>%s</b> does not exist!"
#~ msgstr "The mailbox <b>%s</b> does not exist!"
#~ msgid "The mailbox <b>%s</b> has been successfully changed"
#~ msgstr "The mailbox <b>%s</b> has been successfully changed"
#~ msgid "Edit a mailbox of the domain %s"
#~ msgstr "Edit a mailbox of the domain %s"
#~ msgid "Edit the mailbox %s"
#~ msgstr "Edit the mailbox %s"
#~ msgid "Change this mailbox"
#~ msgstr "Change this mailbox"
#~ msgid "The mailbox %s has been successfully changed"
#~ msgstr "The mailbox %s has been successfully changed"
#~ msgid "Mailbox list of the domain %s"
#~ msgstr "Mailbox list of the domain %s"
#~ msgid "Action"
#~ msgstr "Action"
#~ msgid "Size"
#~ msgstr "Size"
#~ msgid "Delete the selected mailboxes"
#~ msgstr "Delete the selected mailboxes"
#~ msgid "Add a mailbox on <b>%s</b>"
#~ msgstr "Add a mailbox on <b>%s</b>"
#~ msgid "Mailboxes"
#~ msgstr "Mailboxes"
#~ msgid "quota_web"
#~ msgstr "Disk space"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter your username and your password to connect to the virtual desktop "
#~ "interface"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Enter your username and your password to connect to the virtual desktop "
#~ "interface"
#~ msgid "You must accept the session cookie to log-in"
#~ msgstr "You must accept the session cookie to log-in"
#~ msgid "If you want to use a different language, click on the flag below"
#~ msgstr "If you want to use a different language, click on the flag below"
#~ msgid "Username"
#~ msgstr "Username"
#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Password"
#~ msgid "You cannot change your password"
#~ msgstr "You cannot change your password"
#~ msgid "Administration of"
#~ msgstr "Administration of"
#~ msgid "AlternC Desktop"
#~ msgstr "AlternC Desktop"
#~ msgid "Last Login: "
#~ msgstr "Last Login: "
#~ msgid "%1$d login failed since last login"
#~ msgstr "%1$d login failed since last login"
#~ msgid "from: <code> %1$s </code>"
#~ msgstr "from: <code> %1$s </code>"
#~ msgid "Online help"
#~ msgstr "Online help"
#~ msgid "Change the email of the account"
#~ msgstr "Change the email of the account"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Help"
#~ msgid "help_sql_list_ok"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "You can create various databases<br />Click on 'SQL Admin' in the menu to "
#~ "manage them<br />or use the table below to backup, retrieve or delete "
#~ "them:"
#~ msgid "help_sql_list_no"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Your haven't created your main database yet, please enter a password to "
#~ "create it."
#~ msgid "MySQL Databases"
#~ msgstr "MySQL Databases"
#~ msgid "SQL Server"
#~ msgstr "SQL Server"
#~ msgid "Database"
#~ msgstr "Database"
#~ msgid "Delete the checked databases"
#~ msgstr "Delete the chosen databases"
#~ msgid "Get the current SQL parameters"
#~ msgstr "Get the current SQL settings"
#~ msgid "Confirm the deletion of the following SQL databases"
#~ msgstr "Confirm the deletion of the following SQL databases"
#~ msgid "This will delete all the tables currently in those db."
#~ msgstr "This will delete all the tables in the database."
#~ msgid "The database %s has been successfully deleted"
#~ msgstr "The database '%s' has been successfully deleted"
#~ msgid "You currently have no database defined"
#~ msgstr "Your don't have a database yet"
#~ msgid "Restore a SQL backup"
#~ msgstr "Restore a SQL backup"
#~ msgid "Please enter the filename containing SQL data to be restored."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Please enter the filename containing the SQL data that need restoring."
#~ msgid "Note: If the filename ends with .gz, it will be uncompressed before."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Note: If the filename ends up with .gz, it will be uncompressed first."
#~ msgid "Restore my database"
#~ msgstr "Restore a database"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your database has been restored, check out the previous text for error "
#~ "messages."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Your database has been restored, check the previous text for error "
#~ "messages."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the new password of your SQL database and click 'change the "
#~ "password' to change it"
#~ msgstr "Enter your new password to your SQL database"
#~ msgid "No backup"
#~ msgstr "No backup"
#~ msgid "Weekly backup"
#~ msgstr "Weekly backup"
#~ msgid "Daily backup"
#~ msgstr "Daily backup"
#~ msgid "Change the SQL password"
#~ msgstr "Change your SQL password"
#~ msgid "Do sql backup?"
#~ msgstr "Backup frequency:"
#~ msgid "Change the SQL backup parameters"
#~ msgstr "Modify SQL backup settings"
#~ msgid "How many backup should be kept?"
#~ msgstr "How long do you want to keep them (days/weeks)?"
#~ msgid "Compress the backups? (gzip)"
#~ msgstr "Do you want to compress the backups? (gzip)"
#~ msgid "In which folder do you want to store the backups?"
#~ msgstr "Which folder do you want to store the backups in?"
#~ msgid "Your current settings are"
#~ msgstr "Your current settings are:"
#~ msgid "Create my main database"
#~ msgstr "Create my main database"
#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Databases"
#~ msgid "SQL Admin"
#~ msgstr "SQL Admin"
#~ msgid "Create a new database"
#~ msgstr "Create a database"
#~ msgid "Create this new database."
#~ msgstr "Create the database."
#~ msgid "Backup"
#~ msgstr "Backup"
#~ msgid "Restore"
#~ msgstr "Restore"
#~ msgid "err_stats_4"
#~ msgstr "This statistic set already exists !"
#~ msgid "err_stats_5"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Your statistic set quota is over. You cannot create more statistic sets."
#~ msgid "err_stats_6"
#~ msgstr "This language is not supported."
#~ msgid "err_stats_7"
#~ msgstr "Aucune jeu de statistiques brutes"
#~ msgid "Web Statistics"
#~ msgstr "Web Statistics"
#~ msgid "You cannot add any new statistics, your quota is over."
#~ msgstr "You cannot add any new statistics, your quota is over."
#~ msgid "Your backup parameters has been successfully changed."
#~ msgstr "Your backup parameters has been successfully changed."
#~ msgid "New Statistics"
#~ msgstr "New Statistics"
#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "Language"
#~ msgid "Create those statistics"
#~ msgstr "Create those statistics"
#~ msgid "WARNING"
#~ msgstr "WARNING"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The statistics %s has been successfully deleted (the stats files must be "
#~ "manually deleted)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "The statistics %s has been successfully deleted (the stats files must be "
#~ "manually deleted)"
#~ msgid "Delete statistics"
#~ msgstr "Delete statistics"
#~ msgid "The statistics has been successfully created"
#~ msgstr "The statistics has been successfully created"
#~ msgid "No Statistics selected!"
#~ msgstr "No Statistics selected!"
#~ msgid "The Statistics has been successfully changed"
#~ msgstr "The Statistics has been successfully changed"
#~ msgid "Change the Statistics"
#~ msgstr "Change the Statistics"
#~ msgid "Change those Statistics."
#~ msgstr "Change those Statistics."
#~ msgid "Statistics List"
#~ msgstr "Statistics List"
#~ msgid "Create new Statistics"
#~ msgstr "Create new Statistics"
#~ msgid "Delete the checked Statistics"
#~ msgstr "Delete the checked Statistics"
#~ msgid "Byte"
#~ msgstr "Byte"
#~ msgid "Create new Raw Statistics (apache)"
#~ msgstr "Create new Raw Statistics (apache)"
#~ msgid "Create those raw statistics"
#~ msgstr "Create those raw statistics"
#~ msgid "New Raw Statistics (apache)"
#~ msgstr "New Raw Statistics (apache)"