# Don't change these messages, change the .po file instead.
USAGE=$($gettext -e "Usage: top_http_users [ options ] number\n\ntop_http_users is a program that gives brief statistics\non apache usage by parsing the apache logs.\n\nOptions:\n -h, --help This help text.\n -v, --version Show version.\n -z, --use-gz-logs Parse gzipped and .1, ...n apache logs instead of just parsing the current log.\n -s, --ssl Parse the apache-ssl logs instead of parsing the non-ssl apache logs.\n -n, --number=NUMBER parse the NUMBER last lines of the current log.\n This option is not compatible with the --use-gz-logs option.\nSee the top_http_users(8) manual page for more information.")
NOT_FOUND_MSG=$($gettext "does not exist.")
NON_NUM_MSG=$($gettext "The \"number\" argument must be a number.")
NON_COMPATIBLE_MSG=$($gettext "The -n and -z options are not compatible.")
NON_NUM_MSG_FOR_N=$($gettext "The -n option requieres a number as argument.")
LOCKFILE_CREATION_FAILED=`$printf "$($gettext "%s is allready beeing executed.")" $PROG_NAME`
NON_ROOT_MSG=$($gettext "You have to be root (uid 0) to execute this program.")
MISSING_PROG=$($gettext "Unable to execute")
HIT_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s domains served by apache, sorted by number of lines in log (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")`
SIZE_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s domains served by apache, sorted by size (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")`
TIME_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s domains served by apache, sorted by execution time in seconds (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")`
ACCOUNT_HIT_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s AlternC accounts served by apache, sorted by number of lines in logs (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")`
ACCOUNT_SIZE_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s AlternC accounts served by apache, sorted by size (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")`
ACCOUNT_TIME_RES_MSG=`$printf "$($gettext "Top %s AlternC accounts served by apache, sorted by execution time in seconds (using gzipped logs: %s):")" $NB_USERS $($gettext "$USE_GZ_LOGS")`
DEBUG_1_MSG=$($gettext "Parsing")
DEBUG_2_MSG=$($gettext "Getting account for each domain")
DEBUG_3_MSG=$($gettext "Printing results")
MISSING_CONF_FILE=`$printf "$($gettext "Can't find %s. Are you sure AlterncC is properly installed?")" $ALTERNC_CONF_FILE`
MYSQL_UNREACHABLE_DATABASE=`$printf "$($gettext "Cannot access accounts database. Please check either %s or Mysql state.")" $ALTERNC_CONF_FILE`
SQL_ERROR_MSG=$($gettext -e "Sorry, an sql error appeared. The error message is:\n%s")
ACCOUNT=`$mysql "select a.login, a.mail from membres a, sub_domaines b where a.uid = b.compte and concat(if(sub=\"\", \"\", concat(sub, \".\")), domaine) = \"${DOMAIN}\";" 2>&1`