2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/php -q
< ? php
$Id : diagnostic . php 2014 / 05 / 19 alban Exp $
AlternC - Web Hosting System
Copyright ( C ) 2002 by the AlternC Development Team .
http :// alternc . org /
Based on :
Valentin Lacambre ' s web hosting softwares : http :// altern . org /
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ( GPL )
as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
To read the license please visit http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html
Original Author of file : alban
Purpose of file : Provide a diagnostic of the server state
Handles diagnostics of an alternc server .
The diagnostic files are located by default in / var / lib / alternc / diagnostics
2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
//include "Console.php";
2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
function __autoload ( $class_name )
// Contains (Namespace) => directory
static $srcPathList = array ();
static $init ;
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// Attempts to set include path and directories once
if ( is_null ( $init )){
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// Sets init flag
$init = true ;
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2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
// Sets a contextual directory
$srcPathList [ " standard " ] = __DIR__ . " /../lib " ;
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// Updates include_path according to this list
$includePathList = explode ( PATH_SEPARATOR , get_include_path ());
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foreach ( $srcPathList as $path ){
if ( ! in_array ( $path , $includePathList )){
$includePathList [] = $path ;
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// Reverses the path for search efficiency
$finalIncludePathList = array_reverse ( $includePathList );
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// Sets the updated include_path
set_include_path ( implode ( PATH_SEPARATOR , $finalIncludePathList ));
2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
// Accepts old Foo_Bar namespacing
if ( preg_match ( " /_/ " , $class_name )){
$file_name = str_replace ( '_' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $class_name ) . '.php' ;
2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
// Accepts 5.3 Foo\Bar PSR-0 namespacing
} else if ( preg_match ( " / \\ / " , $class_name )){
$file_name = str_replace ( '\\' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , ltrim ( $class_name , '\\' )) . '.php' ;
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// Accepts non namespaced classes
} else {
$file_name = $class_name . '.php' ;
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// Attempts to find file in namespace
foreach ( $srcPathList as $namespace => $path ){
$file_path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name ;
if ( is_file ( $file_path ) && is_readable ( $file_path )){
require $file_path ;
return true ;
2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
// Failed to find file
return false ;
2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
// ==================================================================
// ==================================================================
// Console parser configuration
// ==================================================================
// ==================================================================
$consoleParser = new Alternc_Diagnostic_Console ( array (
'description' => " Handles diagnostics of an alternc server. " ,
'version' => '0.0.1' ,
$createCommmand = $consoleParser -> addCommand ( 'create' , array ( 'multiple' => true , " alias " => " c " , " description " => " Creates a new diagnostic " ));
$createCommmand -> addOption ( 'services' , array (
'short_name' => '-s' ,
'long_name' => '--services' ,
'action' => 'StoreString' ,
2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
'default' => 'apache2,dns,email,system,mailman,mysql,panel,ftp' ,
2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
'description' => ' Sets the services to use for diagnostics separated by comma
2014-06-29 15:15:38 +00:00
ex : - d apache2 , dns , email ' ,
2014-06-28 22:22:59 +00:00
'help_name' => 'services'
$createCommmand -> addOption ( 'format' , array (
'short_name' => '-f' ,
'long_name' => '--format' ,
'action' => 'StoreString' ,
'default' => 'json' ,
'description' => 'Sets the format of the diagnostic file : json (default)' ,
'help_name' => 'format'
$indexCommmand = $consoleParser -> addCommand ( 'index' , array ( 'multiple' => false , " alias " => " i " , " description " => " Shows all available diagnostics " ));
$compareCommmand = $consoleParser -> addCommand ( 'compare' , array ( 'multiple' => false , " alias " => " x " , " description " => " Removes one or more diagnotics " ));
$compareCommmand = $consoleParser -> addCommand ( 'show' , array ( 'multiple' => false , " alias " => " s " , " description " => " Prints a diagnotic content " ));
$deleteCommmand = $consoleParser -> addCommand ( 'delete' , array ( 'multiple' => false , " alias " => " d " , " description " => " Deletes diagnostic files " ));
$directoryInstance = new Alternc_Diagnostic_Directory ( " /tmp/diagnostic " );
$diagnosticManager = new Alternc_Diagnostic_Manager ( array (
" directoryInstance " => $directoryInstance ,
" formatInstance " => new Alternc_Diagnostic_Format_Json ( $directoryInstance )
require_once ( " ../bureau/class/config_nochk.php " );
try {
$result = $consoleParser -> parse ();
if ( $result -> command_name ){
$command_name = $result -> command_name ;
$command = $result -> command ;
} else {
throw new \Exception ( " Command missing, use -h to learn about available commands. " );
if ( ! method_exists ( $diagnosticManager , $command_name )){
throw new \Exception ( " Invalid command : $command " );
$diagnosticManager -> $command_name ( $command );
} catch ( \Exception $exc ) {
$consoleParser -> displayError ( $exc -> getMessage ());
// Put this var to 1 if you want to enable debug prints
$admin -> stop_if_jobs_locked ();
$LOCK_FIL E = '/var/run/alternc/do_actions_cron.lock' ;
$SCRIP T = '/usr/bin/php do_actions.php' ;
$MY_PI D = getmypid ();
$FIXPER M = '/usr/lib/alternc/fixperms.sh' ;
// Check if script isn't already running
if ( file_exists ( $LOCK_FILE ) !== false ){
d ( " Lock file already exists. " );
// Check if file is in process list
$PI D = file_get_contents ( $LOCK_FILE );
d ( " My PID is $MY_PID , PID in the lock file is $PID " );
if ( $PID == exec ( " pidof $SCRIPT | tr ' ' ' \n ' | grep -v $MY_PID " )){
// Previous cron is not finished yet, just exit
d ( " Previous cron is already running, we just exit and let it finish :-) " );
exit ( 0 );
} else {
// Previous cron failed!
$error_raise .= " Lock file already exists. No process with PID $PID found! Previous cron failed... \n " ;
d ( " Removing lock file and trying to process the failed action... " );
// Delete the lock and continue to the next action
unlink ( $LOCK_FILE );
// Lock with the current script's PID
if ( file_put_contents ( $LOCK_FILE , $MY_PID ) === false ){
$error_raise .= " Cannot open/write $LOCK_FILE\n " ;
mail_it ();
exit ( 1 );
// Get the action(s) that was processing when previous script failed
// (Normally, there will be at most 1 job pending... but who know?)
while ( $cc = $action -> get_job ()){
$ c = $cc [ 0 ];
$param s = unserialize ( $c [ " parameters " ]);
// We can resume these types of action, so we reset the job to process it later
d ( " Previous job was the n° " . $c [ " id " ] . " : ' " . $c [ " type " ] . " ' " );
if ( $c [ " type " ] == " CREATE_FILE " && is_dir ( dirname ( $params [ " file " ])) || $c [ " type " ] == " CREATE_DIR " || $c [ " type " ] == " DELETE " || $c [ " type " ] == " FIXDIR " || $c [ " type " ] == " FIXFILE " ){
d ( " Reset of the job! So it will be resumed... " );
$action -> reset_job ( $c [ " id " ]);
} else {
// We can't resume the others types, notify the fail and finish this action
$error_raise .= " Can't resume the job n° " . $c [ " id " ] . " action ' " . $c [ " type " ] . " ', finishing it with a fail status. \n " ;
if ( ! $action -> finish ( $c [ " id " ], " Fail: Previous script crashed while processing this action, cannot resume it. " )){
$error_raise .= " Cannot finish the action! Error while inserting the error value in the DB for action n° " . $c [ " id " ] . " : action ' " . $c [ " type " ] . " ' \n " ;
break ; // Else we go into an infinite loop... AAAAHHHHHH
} else {
// Lock with the current script's PID
if ( file_put_contents ( $LOCK_FILE , $MY_PID ) === false ){
$error_raise .= " Cannot open/write $LOCK_FILE\n " ;
mail_it ();
exit ( 1 );
//We get the next action to do
while ( $rr = $action -> get_action ()){
$ r = $rr [ 0 ];
$retur n = " OK " ;
// Do we have to do this action with a specific user?
if ( $r [ " user " ] != " root " )
$S U = " su " . $r [ " user " ] . " 2>&1 ; " ;
$S U = " " ;
unset ( $output );
// We lock the action
d ( " ----------- \n Beginning action n° " . $r [ " id " ]);
$action -> begin ( $r [ " id " ]);
// We process it
$param s = @ unserialize ( $r [ " parameters " ]);
// We exec with the specified user
d ( " Executing action ' " . $r [ " type " ] . " ' with user ' " . $r [ " user " ] . " ' " );
switch ( $r [ " type " ]){
case " FIX_USER " :
// Create the directory and make parent directories as needed
@ exec ( " $FIXPERM -u " . $params [ " uid " ] . " 2>&1 " , $trash , $code );
break ;
case " CREATE_FILE " :
if ( ! file_exists ( $params [ " file " ]))
@ exec ( " $SU touch " . $params [ " file " ] . " 2>&1 ; echo ' " . $params [ " content " ] . " ' > ' " . $params [ " file " ] . " ' 2>&1 " , $output );
$outpu t = array ( " Fail: file already exists " );
break ;
case " CREATE_DIR " :
// Create the directory and make parent directories as needed
@ exec ( " $SU mkdir -p " . $params [ " dir " ] . " 2>&1 " , $output );
break ;
case " DELETE " :
// Delete file/directory and its contents recursively
@ exec ( " $SU rm -rf " . $params [ " dir " ] . " 2>&1 " , $output );
break ;
case " MOVE " :
// If destination dir does not exists, create it
if ( ! is_dir ( $params [ " dst " ]))
@ exec ( " $SU mkdir -p " . $params [ " dst " ] . " 2>&1 " , $output );
if ( ! isset ( $output [ 0 ]))
@ exec ( " $SU mv -f " . $params [ " src " ] . " " . $params [ " dst " ] . " 2>&1 " , $output );
break ;
case " FIXDIR " :
@ exec ( " $FIXPERM -d " . $params [ " dir " ] . " 2>&1 " , $trash , $code );
if ( $code != 0 )
$output [ 0 ] = " Fixperms.sh failed, returned error code : $code " ;
break ;
case " FIXFILE " :
@ exec ( " $FIXPERM -f " . $params [ " file " ] . " 2>&1 " , $trash , $code );
if ( $code != 0 )
$output [ 0 ] = " Fixperms.sh failed, returned error code : $code " ;
break ;
default :
$outpu t = array ( " Fail: Sorry dude, i do not know this type of action " );
break ;
// Get the error (if exists).
if ( isset ( $output [ 0 ])){
$retur n = $output [ 0 ];
$error_raise .= " Action n° " . $r [ " id " ] . " ' " . $r [ " type " ] . " ' failed! With user: " . $r [ " user " ] . " \n Here is the complete output: \n " . print_r ( $output );
// We finished the action, notify the DB.
d ( " Finishing... return value is : $return\n " );
if ( ! $action -> finish ( $r [ " id " ], addslashes ( $return ))){
$error_raise .= " Cannot finish the action! Error while inserting the error value in the DB for action n° " . $c [ " id " ] . " : action ' " . $c [ " type " ] . " ' \n Return value: " . addslashes ( $return ) . " \n " ;
break ; // Else we go into an infinite loop... AAAAHHHHHH
// If something have failed, notify it to the admin
if ( $error_raise !== '' )
mail_it ();
// Unlock the script
unlink ( $LOCK_FILE );
// Exit this script
exit ( 0 );