2018-07-08 11:01:35 +00:00
< ? php
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* Manages APACHE 2.4 + vhosts templates in AlternC 3.5 +
* @ copyright AlternC - Team 2000 - 2018 https :// alternc . com /
class m_apache {
var $shouldreload ;
// only values allowed for https in subdomaines table.
var $httpsmodes = array ( " http " , " https " , " both " );
// Slave AlternC instances can know the last reload time thanks to this
var $reloadfile = " /run/alternc/apache-reload " ;
// Where do we find apache template files ?
var $templatedir = " /etc/alternc/templates/apache2 " ;
// Where do we store all Apache vhosts ?
var $vhostroot = " /var/lib/alternc/apache-vhost/ " ;
// launched before any action by updatedomains
function hook_updatedomains_web_pre () {
$this -> shouldreload = false ;
// launched for each FQDN for which we want a new vhost template
function hook_updatedomains_web_add ( $subdomid ) {
2018-07-17 14:59:54 +00:00
global $msg , $db , $ssl , $L_FQDN ;
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$db -> query ( " SELECT sd.*, dt.only_dns, dt.has_https_option, m.login FROM domaines_type dt, sub_domaines sd LEFT JOIN membres m ON m.uid=sd.compte WHERE dt.name=sd.type AND sd.web_action!='OK' AND id=?; " , array ( $subdomid ));
$db -> next_record ();
$subdom = $db -> Record ;
// security : only AlternC account's UIDs
if ( $subdom [ " compte " ] < 1999 ) {
$msg -> raise ( " ERROR " , " apache " , " Subdom " . $subdom [ " id " ] . " for domain " . $subdom [ " sub " ] . " . " . $subdom [ " domaine " ] . " has id " . $subdom [ " compte " ] . " . Skipped " );
return 1 ;
// search for the template file:
$template = $this -> templatedir . " / " . strtolower ( $subdom [ " type " ]);
if ( $subdom [ " has_https_option " ] && in_array ( $subdom [ " https " ], $this -> httpsmodes )) {
$template .= " - " . $subdom [ " https " ];
$template .= " .conf " ;
if ( ! is_file ( $template )) {
$msg -> raise ( " ERROR " , " apache " , " Template $template not found for subdom " . $subdom [ " id " ] . " for domain " . $subdom [ " sub " ] . " . " . $subdom [ " domaine " ] . " . Skipped " );
return 1 ;
$subdom [ " fqdn " ] = $subdom [ " sub " ] . (( $subdom [ " sub " ]) ? " . " : " " ) . $subdom [ " domaine " ];
// SSL information $subdom["certificate_id"] may be ZERO => it means "take id 0 which is snakeoil cert"
$cert = $ssl -> get_certificate_path ( $subdom [ " certificate_id " ]);
if ( $cert [ " chain " ]) {
$chainline = " SSLCertificateChainFile " . $cert [ " chain " ];
} else {
$chainline = " " ;
// Replace needed vars in template file
$tpl = file_get_contents ( $template );
$tpl = strtr ( $tpl , array (
" %%LOGIN%% " => $subdom [ 'login' ],
" %%fqdn%% " => $subdom [ 'fqdn' ],
" %%document_root%% " => getuserpath ( $subdom [ 'login' ]) . $subdom [ 'valeur' ],
" %%account_root%% " => getuserpath ( $subdom [ 'login' ]),
" %%redirect%% " => $subdom [ 'valeur' ],
" %%UID%% " => $subdom [ 'compte' ],
" %%GID%% " => $subdom [ 'compte' ],
2018-07-17 14:59:54 +00:00
" %%mail_account%% " => $subdom [ 'login' ] . " @ " . $L_FQDN ,
2018-07-08 11:01:35 +00:00
" %%user%% " => " FIXME " ,
" %%CRT%% " => $cert [ " cert " ],
" %%KEY%% " => $cert [ " key " ],
" %%CHAINLINE%% " => $chainline ,
// and write the template
$confdir = $this -> vhostroot . " / " . substr ( $subdom [ " compte " ], - 1 ) . " / " . $subdom [ " compte " ];
@ mkdir ( $confdir , 0755 , true );
2018-07-17 14:59:54 +00:00
file_put_contents ( $confdir . " / " . $subdom [ " fqdn " ] . " .conf " , $tpl );
2018-07-08 11:01:35 +00:00
$this -> shouldreload = true ;
return 0 ; // shell meaning => OK ;)
} // hook_updatedomains_web_add
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* launched for each FQDN for which we want to delete a vhost template
2018-07-17 14:07:48 +00:00
function hook_updatedomains_web_del ( $subdomid ) {
2018-10-23 17:02:15 +00:00
global $db , $msg ;
2018-07-17 14:07:48 +00:00
$db -> query ( " SELECT sd.*, dt.only_dns, dt.has_https_option, m.login FROM domaines_type dt, sub_domaines sd LEFT JOIN membres m ON m.uid=sd.compte WHERE dt.name=sd.type AND sd.web_action!='OK' AND id=?; " , array ( $subdomid ));
$db -> next_record ();
$subdom = $db -> Record ;
2018-07-08 11:01:35 +00:00
$confdir = $this -> vhostroot . " / " . substr ( $subdom [ " compte " ], - 1 ) . " / " . $subdom [ " compte " ];
2018-10-23 17:02:15 +00:00
$deleteme = $subdom [ " sub " ] . (( $subdom [ " sub " ]) ? " . " : " " ) . $subdom [ " domaine " ] . " .conf " ;
@ unlink ( $confdir . " / " . $deleteme );
2018-07-08 11:01:35 +00:00
$this -> shouldreload = true ;
2020-07-22 15:47:39 +00:00
return 0 ;
2018-07-08 11:01:35 +00:00
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* launched at the very end of updatedomains
function hook_updatedomains_web_post () {
global $msg ;
if ( $this -> shouldreload ) {
// concatenate all files into one
$this -> concat ();
// reload apache
$ret = 0 ;
exec ( " apache2ctl graceful 2>&1 " , $out , $ret );
touch ( $this -> reloadfile );
if ( $ret != 0 ) {
$msg -> raise ( " ERROR " , " apache " , " Error while reloading apache, error code is $ret\n " . implode ( " \n " , $out ));
} else {
$msg -> raise ( " INFO " , " apache " , " Apache reloaded " );
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* Concatenate all files under $this -> vhostroot
* into one ( mindepth = 2 though ),
* this function is faster than any shell stuff : D
private function concat () {
global $msg ;
$d = opendir ( $this -> vhostroot );
$f = fopen ( $this -> vhostroot . " /vhosts_all.conf.new " , " wb " );
if ( ! $f ) {
$msg -> raise ( " FATAL " , " apache " , " Can't write vhosts_all file " );
return false ;
while (( $c = readdir ( $d )) !== false ) {
if ( substr ( $c , 0 , 1 ) != " . " && is_dir ( $this -> vhostroot . " / " . $c )) {
$this -> subconcat ( $f , $this -> vhostroot . " / " . $c );
closedir ( $d );
fclose ( $f );
2018-07-17 15:11:15 +00:00
rename ( $this -> vhostroot . " /vhosts_all.conf.new " , $this -> vhostroot . " /vhosts_all.conf " );
2018-07-08 11:01:35 +00:00
private function subconcat ( $f , $root ) {
// recursive cat :)
$d = opendir ( $root );
while (( $c = readdir ( $d )) !== false ) {
if ( substr ( $c , 0 , 1 ) != " . " ) {
if ( is_dir ( $root . " / " . $c )) {
$this -> subconcat ( $f , $root . " / " . $c ); // RECURSIVE CALL
if ( is_file ( $root . " / " . $c )) {
fputs ( $f , file_get_contents ( $root . " / " . $c ) . " \n " );
closedir ( $d );
} // m_apache