2007-05-23 01:35:34 +00:00
< ? php
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ( GPL )
as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
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2017-10-08 17:53:03 +00:00
* Show the statistics of all members .
* @ copyright AlternC - Team 2000 - 2017 https :// alternc . com /
2007-08-26 20:03:46 +00:00
@ require_once ( " ../class/config.php " );
if (( @ include_once 'Image/Graph.php' ) === FALSE ) {
2013-10-18 09:59:03 +00:00
echo " <p class= \" alert alert-warning \" > " . _ ( " Image_Graph not installed. use 'aptitude install php-pear' then 'pear install --alldeps Image_Graph-devel' to see the graph. " ) . " </p> " ;
2007-05-23 01:35:34 +00:00
exit ( 0 );
$db -> query ( " SELECT COUNT(login) AS count,date_format(created, '%Y-%m') as month FROM `membres` where created is NOT null GROUP BY month ORDER BY month ASC " );
$Graph =& Image_Graph :: factory ( 'graph' , array ( 800 , 600 ));
$Graph -> add (
Image_Graph :: vertical (
Image_Graph :: factory ( 'title' , array ( _ ( 'Account creation per month' ), 12 )),
Image_Graph :: vertical (
$Plotarea = Image_Graph :: factory ( 'plotarea' ),
$Legend = Image_Graph :: factory ( 'legend' ),
$ Legend -> setPlotarea ( $Plotarea );
$total =& Image_Graph :: factory ( 'Image_Graph_Dataset_Trivial' );
$total -> setName ( _ ( 'before the month' ));
$units =& Image_Graph :: factory ( 'Image_Graph_Dataset_Trivial' );
$units -> setName ( _ ( 'during the month' ));
$i = 0 ;
while ( $db -> next_record ()) {
$units -> addPoint ( $db -> f ( 'month' ), $db -> f ( 'count' ));
$total -> addPoint ( $db -> f ( 'month' ), $i );
$i += $db -> f ( 'count' );
$Datasets [] = $total ;
$Datasets [] = $units ;
$Plot =& $Plotarea -> addNew ( 'bar' , array ( $Datasets , 'stacked' ));
$AxisX =& $Plotarea -> getAxis ( IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X );
$AxisX -> setLabelOption ( 'showoffset' , 1 );
$AxisX -> setLabelInterval ( 2 );
// set a line color
$Plot -> setLineColor ( 'gray' );
// create a fill array
$FillArray =& Image_Graph :: factory ( 'Image_Graph_Fill_Array' );
$FillArray -> addColor ( 'blue@0.2' );
$FillArray -> addColor ( 'yellow@0.2' );
$FillArray -> addColor ( 'green@0.2' );
// set a standard fill style
$Plot -> setFillStyle ( $FillArray );
// create a Y data value marker
$Marker =& $Plot -> addNew ( 'Image_Graph_Marker_Value' , IMAGE_GRAPH_VALUE_Y );
// and use the marker on the 1st plot
$Plot -> setMarker ( $Marker );
$Plot -> setDataSelector ( Image_Graph :: factory ( 'Image_Graph_DataSelector_NoZeros' ));
$Graph -> Done ();